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Che Sttkeen River Journal



'ijrustce. throne” will recognize this unmistake-
able evidence of our common choice
elair, Eugene Haw, John Frey, Albert
Orlorn, M. McAmi, Patrick Loftus,
for Trustee, because we think the peo- Geo. M. Weigel, Bruno Greif, James
A fortnight ago wj nominated Mr.
ple here are the best judges as to the Gleason, Edward Lewdeeker, Richard
John L. Homer for Townsite Trustee.
fittest man to pass upon their several Lentre, E. UeGaunay, W. J. Sully,

Hudsons Bay
We did it without his knowledge, be-
cause we know Mr. Homer is too proud

a man to be a seif-seeker.
known him many years.
We have

Wrangel, Alaska, Dec. 14, 18118.

At our first, To The Hon. Seo’y of the Interior
G. K. Glover, <'. W. Feickert,L. Coigd-
arripe, B. W. Kiblor, I. Frohman,
Paul W. Stoltz, C. L. Hamilton, John
E. Sales, T. J. Case, Dr. K N. Mo-
meeting he was in charge of the Ana- Washington, D. C:
Alpin, S. L. Adams.

cortes townsite, in the state of Wash- The undersigned residents and pro-
ington, as the land agent of the Ore- perty holders in Wrangle, Alaska, Kind Words.
gon Improvement Company. He went hereby recommend for the position of
into a forest and in eighteen months Trustee of the Townsite of Wrangel, T. G. Wilson, formerly a prominent
(INCORPORATED 1*570.) (INCORPORATED 1*570.) had sold $3,000,000 of property and es- one of our fellow citizens, Mr. John L. business man of this city and who
tablished a city of the third class, with Homer, for the following reasons, viz: founded the Tacoma Globe in 1885, is
STEAMERS a population of over 5,000 people; seven

ocean docks; a system of water works;

He is not a land owner.
He has had long experience as the
now business manager of the Stikeen

Hiver Journal, Fort Wrangel, Alaska.

electric lights: miles of electric street land agent of large corporations and is —Blade, Whatcom, Wash.
STRATHCONA AND CALEDONIA railway; thirty miles of railway through familiar with the land laws, the sur-
the Skagit to Hamilton; and the veying of land, land records and con-
One of the best indications
seen of the success of the
terminus of a transcontinental railway veyancing.
Running Regularly, During Season of Navigation, from with the same rates enjoyed by San He is a man of independent charac- country came to hand this week in the

ter and cannot be swerved from a just form of a bright, well-printed news-
Francisco, Portland, Seattle and Ta-
and impartial determination.'' paper called the Stikeen Hiver Journal,
It was tlie most successful boom

Wrangel to ever inaugurated and carried to a eon-

sumation in the Pacific north west.

Wo have therefore the best of reasons
He is not a practicing Attorney, but,
a competent man of business, who
would not countenance needless delays,
published at Fort Wrangel.
the hands of a syndicate and an old
It is in

Lindsay boy is its business manager.

Carryiug Her Majesty’s Mails. For Freight anil Passenger nor dishonest interventions: The aforesaid boy is T. G. Wilson,
rates apply to the Company's Agent ....
for recognizing his signal ability as a
who used to come to meals at the sound
man of method, practical in all matters Duncan McKinnon, Rufus Sylvester,
of “Tug.” Mr. Wilson learned how to
Duncan McKinnon relating to land. No man claiming his
residence here is more highly respect-
Robert Reid, C. P. Lynch, C. P. Jones,
H. I. Sawyer, Roy Cole, William M.
act in a printing office from Mr. Barr
and Mr. Cooper in the palmy days of
Store at Glenora anil Teslin Lake Carry a full Stoek of ed than he, for his adrainistrational Taylor, L. M. Churchill, S. II. McGee,
the Post and Watchman. The Journal
Ability and sound judgment, knowledge L. C. Karrick, W. F. Woodbridge,
is not a very large paper but it gets
Pro visions, Groceries of men and universal approachableness.
That we made no mistake in our
Edwin Hofsted, Chas Deppe, A. Vil-
lots of advertising and the subscription
arett, Leo. C. Patenaude. F. E. Cagle,
price is ■$.'! per year in advance for ap-
Dry Goods opinion of him, the following recom-
modation signed by 1)0 per cent of our
H. C. Strong. West Bros., J. T. Wat-
ers, W. J. Broderick, Felix Gendza-
pearing once a week. If the hustling
business manager can keep that com-
Wines, Liquors and Cigars representative citizens affords positive vill, Albert Lee, Wakefield & Young,
Paul W. Law, M. N. Hirsch, Mrs.
bination in existance, this Wrangel
Mr. F. U. Whitney took the paper Emma Case, Chas. Hoppe, by agent T. paper is an assured success. We hope

Wholesale and Retail- around and says lie was astonished at J. Case, L. Berg, Paul Bergiield, John so.—Watchman, Lindsay, Canada.
the universal willingness of the people Stedman, G. C. McHugh, P. C. Mc-

Honest Goods at he waited upon to testify their appre-

ciation of Mr. Homer's iitness for the
Cormack, Thos. A. Willson, T. H. S. Regular Church Services—Presby-
Miller, V. Cleveland, Sam. Sylvester, terian Church.
position. per R. S., A. T. Bennett, W. J. Gillis,
Honest Prices Mr. Homer has expressed himself in
Services for Natives, 11 a. in., and 4
II. C. Tait, Chas. E. Ingcrsoll, F. J. p. in. Sunday and 4 p. m. Wednesday.
his off-hand way, that he would rather Hunt, ('has. Cagle, Jim Skookum, J. Sunday school, 2:i!0 p. in.
Christian Endeavor, 7 p. m.
keep the paper and let the position go, F. Hamilton, Harry Day, T. II. Need-
Song service 8 p. m.
if he could do it consistently. ham, Dr. W. N. Lapsley, E. K. Stanly, Prayer meeting, Friday, 8 p. in.
We hope the “power behind the Harry Jolneun, T, G. Wilson, D. Sin- All are cordially invited. Seats free.

St. Michael’s Trading Company.


Everybody is
thinking of what to give, to whom, and how best to do it. Our
the Gift Times,
surprising display of Toys, Dolls, Games, &c., is answering just such
qusetions aptly and satisfactorily to the many hundreds who have made early selections. Making their gifts doubly prized, Its wise to buy early.


French and German Jointed All wool mixed Cheviot,
We can furnish you with all the
Dolls, Fine French Bagaderes,
delicacies of the season. A Christ-
Bisque Head Dolls, Tweeds, neat combinations.
Moving Eyes Dolls, All wool Diagonals, inas Hill of Fare at your command:
Silk and Satin Dressed Dolls, 4ti-ineh Henriettas,
Fresh Eastern Oysters.
Little Folks Zoo. 45-inch Plaids,
China Cup and Saucer, 29-inch Plumetis. Celery. Olives.
Soldier Tents and Drill, Cranberries.
Artist Drawing Slates,
Wooden Engines, LIINEIN Sweet Potatoes.

Wood Trains, Stjimsh.

72-inch bleached Damask,
Performing Elephant, 02-inch unbleached Damask, Turnips.
Performing Camel, 58-inch Turkey Red, ('urrot s.
Performing Lion, i and f Dinner Napkins,
Performing Joe Joe,
Turkish Towels.
Performing Lady and Music,
Linen Huck Towels, Bananas. liaison.
Satin Damask Towels,
GAMES. Almonds.
The Klondike, Silkoline Comforts,
Pot of Gold, New Orleans Molasses.
Down Cotton Comforts,
Quoits, Cretone Comforts, t ‘offee.
A Christmas Dinner, Sateen Comforts, < ’hoeolate.
Alphabet Game, 10-4, 12-4 Blankets,
11-4 and
Crossing the Ocean, Domet Blankets, Test.
Three Barrs. Shaker Blankets. <
'andy, &e.


Send in Your Orders and They Shall Have Our Special Attention.

St. flichael’s Trading Company,

THE STIKEEN RIVER JOURNAL seek to restrain the murder-
pie want from each person leaving <!. W. IILOOMHARDT. r, K. HAIR.
hand of the hunter, from no
specimens, an open and honest
humanitarian motives hut to save statement of everything relating
the game from extermination to the location which will give WRANGEL DRUG CO.
which would kill the sport. an intelligent conception of it.

.1 K MrKKANI). KMTOK We need here a stringent re- If the property is for sale we
Wholesale and Retail Druggists, Assayers and Analytical
’IV ll. WILSON. HPSINF.SS MAN All KK. straint upon the wasteful killing will try to sell it for a fair com-
of deer and salmon. They con- mission. If capital is needed to Front Stiikkt. Chemists, Fort WRANtjKU.
Published every Saturday by tin* Journal
stitute a very important element aid in developement, we will en-
Publishing Company. at the MoKinnon blook.
from an industrial view, and as deavour to supply it.
I-'r*»nl street. W runnel. Alaska.

Ono Year
#8 00
resources should
be properly
Every year when
Our paper is growing in cir-
culation and influence and we Alaska Hardware Co.
1 50
the snow line creeps to tide will be pleased to give the widest -jf--
Six Months
Thrt»o Months ... 75 water the deer come down to the circulation to its mining depart-
single t'opies 10
shore. They come in herds to
Foreign Postal** must bo Prepaid.
food upon the salt kelp. The na-
ment. We hope the business
men of the town will see the
Miners’, Sportsmen’s
RATES OP A1 >VERTISINt!. tive behind a rock pumps lead possible advantages to be deriv-
one Inch.

Quarter Column.
by the Month into them, strips the pelts and es! from this effort, and that they and Steamboat Supplies.
•• •• leaves the carcasses to rot un- will do what they can to create
The most complete stock in Alaska and our prices will compare favorably
1H.OO less near
enough to a settlement
Pull a splendid exhibit for the infor- with those of I’upfet Sound and British Columbia Merchants. Canadians
to sell them for small money. mation of those who will in the
Ten cents per line for first insertion, nonpareil etc. much lower than in their own cities.
measure, ami four cents for each insertion after-
The skins when dried and ac- future visit us with a view ot Wo also have FAINTS, SASH and BOOKS and the best TIN SIIOI’ in Alaska,
cuminulated bring from 1<* to where we do
PROFESSIONAL CARDS. to purchasing or developing mining
Twelve lines ami under, per month $-.00 cents a piece. property.
It is true the waters of
All Kinds of Metal Work.
'Twelve lines and under, tlrst insertion $1.00
Each subsequent insertion 50 Alaska teem with salmon.
Summons for Publication.
LOCAt, AND SI-I'.CIAl. NOTICKS. It is a wonder it is so, when
In the United States ('oiiiiniwsioner's ('ourt. for
Xhos. A. Willson Rufus Sylvester.
Ten cents per line for tlrst insertion, live we
rents per line for each additional insertion.
study the fish. The mother, the District of Alaska, at \Vrunnel.

full of spawn, struggles up the The Seattle Hardware Company, plaintiff,

HlaeU lim* locals from 50 cents to $1 per line.

Willson &

No local to he less than $1 unless by special rivers to their very head and de-
a rranyement.

The number of lines to be

posits her eggs. From the in-
reckoned by the
The Kxplorers and Travelers
In the name of the
President of the

United Sylvester.
-pace occupied, measured by a scale of solid stant they are dropped they are To the explorers and Travelers Company, de-

nonpareil. (LMlnes make one inch).
Advertisements without written instructions
attacked. She fights to protect
them in a feeble way and then
You are hereby commanded to ho and appear
before the undersigned Cnited States Commis- WrangeI Mills
will be inserted until forbidden, and charged sioner. for the District of Alaska, at his
office in Wrunnel, on Monday the Pth day of
accordingly. floats down to die. As the
January, IHdd. at Id o.clock in tin* forenoon, to
answer tin- above named plaintiff
Orders fordiscont inning advertisements must
spawn develops and go down in a civil
action. And you will take notice that If you MANUFACTURERS
be delivered at the office the morning previous
fail to so appear and answer, for want thereof,
to publication. through swarms of hungry fish the plaintiff will take judgment against you for
All advertisements from non-resident per- it seems incredible how many of the sum of together with the cost s and dis- of
■ hursinents of this action.
sons or strangers. must be paid for in advance, Given under my hand and seal at VVrantrel.
them escape to the sea. Here All Kinds Of
or a sufficient deposit made to secure the office ! Alaska, this 18th day of November. 18PH.
against loss. the fisher finds him. Thousands FKKD. PAGK-TUSTIN.

Entered at the Postoffiee at Port

of toothsome fish go intothecur-
Seal U. S. Commissioner for the
District of Alaska, at Wrant/el.
— —

Date of 1st publication Nov. Id. I8d8. ?t

Yellow Cedar & Red Cedar
Alaska, as second-class mail matter. rents of commerce. The wastes
in this transformation are com- I)r. K. X. McALPlX, Spruce Lumber
SATURDAY. DEC’. 17, 1898. paratively small. But there is
another industry which lias aris- DENTIST,
en upon the fad of some
A beneficent Creator not only gour- CEILING, RUSTIC, etc.
made the earth beautiful in it's mand who discovered the pecul- McKinnon Block, over Journal Olllco.
iar excellence of the salmon's Kort
physical aspects and clothed it Wranyrol, Alaska Dealers in Doors. Windows, and Shingles.
with rich colors and covered it belly. Now to satisfy this fad,
with a changing mantle upon thousands of salmon are netted, FORT WRANGEL, ALASKA
which the sun laughs and the their bellies cut out, and the car- N. B. Whitfield,
casses left for tin1 vultures to
pale moon sheds her lambent
fatten on. We need a law to
Civil Engineer
flame, but he has garnered in the
earth inexliaustable treasures
and fructifies the yielding soil
stop this industry. The sort of

restrictive legislation needed for 438 Front Street. Fort Wranffel, Alaska
from which we gather the edible Alaska, is not so much against
things to sustain our lives and bringing in intoxicants as it is to FRED. PAGE-TUSTUS,
make them a joy forever. He stop greedy avarice from de- ATTORNEY-AT-LAW.
General Merchants
created the human amoyg the stroying utterly the natural Will Practice in the District Court.

great family of living things.

wealth of the country. The
Wran^el. Alaska
Man, denominate him, has seals are gone. The salmon,
as we
the deer, the elk, the moose, and
arrogated to himself upon an as-
sumed hypothesis that all creat- the mountain sheep, like the buffa- CLARK & INGERSOLL, Warehousing.
lo which less than alt years ago *?o-O o^w
ed things in the heavens above
and the place beneath were covered a thousand hills, will all
WAREHOUSES at (Jlenora. Telegraph Creek. Teslin Lake. Dease Creek and
Another half century and 417 Front Strkkt, Mi*Dame's Creek.
made simply for his use and de- go
Fort Wranjjel, Alaska. STORES Telegraph Creek, Dense. MeDame's. and agents for Wrij/ht & Call-
our children's children will look
lectation. It is perfectly natur- breath, General Merchants. Teslin Lake.
Mininjr Properties, City Heal Kstate.
al therefore for him to take for upon the relics of these extin-
granted that the slaughter of guished species at the museums;
and view the pictures of them in M. J. COCHRAN,
beasts and birds is part of the di-
their physical geographies with When Traveling Take..
vine entondment tjiat he should
no realization of the fact that
Attorney <£ Counselor ..

eat to satiety and be merry with- AT LAW.
millions upon millions of God's
out considerations or limitations. JACKSON BLOCK The Northern Pacific Railway
Man's cruelty to man? The
harmless creatures about which Wrannel. Alaska. |
earth groans with the weight of have clustered associations full RUNS
of the romance of the forest and
it. How hapless the lot of any
the plain have been utterly blot- Pullman Sleeping Cars
living thing that man's appetite
ted out and left not a trace be-
seizes upon. It seems to be a Elegant Dining Cars The only lino ruimiiur through line lieiwee::

naturarirresistable law govern hind. In the great economy of the Atlantie and Pacific.
Upholstered Tourist
ing all sorts of life, that eternal the universe how stands the ac- Wrangel Dairy
devouring of one creature by an- count with our imperdible father Sleeping Cars Tickets on sale to all
other. With such example it who notes the sparrow's fall and H. C. TAIT. Manager.
ST. PAIL Hastefn and European Points.
it may be safe to think we are who has said thou shall not kill. MINNEAPOLIS

justified in seeking the rich juic- TO DULUTH

es and savory flavors which come TO THE PUBLIC. STRICTLY PURE MILK, AND
Daily First ('lass Sleeper anti
from eating the flesh of beasts Tourist Sleeping ( ar Service.
and birds. The thought of such The Journal, fully impressed Fort Wrangel. Alaska.
a license ought to sober us to be with the importance of Wrangel HELENA
content to take as much as satis- BUTTE Shortest and most Direct Route to
as a prospective mining centre,
fies us without wanton killing. SPOKANE WIN XIPER,
and of the great advantages to
These thoughts, not to carry And all other points in the United St. PARE,
accrue to the business interests
States and Canada.
them further, are a preamble to of the town by encouraging men WEST BROS. ( Tilt At It).
a discussion as to improvident MONTREAL,
to prospect in good faith, has es- Wholesale and Retail CHICAGO
destruction, indulged NEW YORK,
every- tablished a mining feature to it's PHILADELPHIA

where, but particularly in our office. WASHINGTON and a.l Eastern Points.

unsettled and wild countries, We will arrange to exhibit BUTCHERS NEW YORK
Tourist Sleeping ('ars from ('oast

prolific in animal life. The mere specimens of rock in one of our

Supplying Ships, Hotels and And all points East and South,
Every Day to ST. PARE.

plentifulness of it seems to apol- large office windows, and invite
also to China and Japan via The Sundays
a Specialty.
ogize for indiscriminate destruc- claim owners to leave their Northern Pacific S. S. Co. Wednesdays to .MONTREAL
-100 Front Street, Wrangel. Alaska
tion. How long will the native specimens with us for For full information, rates, routes, maps. etc. and BOSTON.
inspection apply to
Alaskan exist when he, himself, by the public. We will receive I. A. NADEAU, Gen'lAgent. Seattle.
for a few dollars slaughters
the such specimens upon the follow- Washington.
A. TINLING, Gen'l Agent, Tacoma, For full particulars as to rates, time,
deer which has been and is his ing conditions only:
Washington. etc., apply to

staple food? When they are ex- The owner must state the name K. K. BLACKWOOD, Agt N. P. It. R.
terminated then the Indian will of the location; date and Victoria, B. ('.

W. K. THOMSON. Seattle.
cease from troubling and be at of location; if A. I). CHARLTON,
assays are had, a
Asst. Gen'l Pass. Agt.. ()r to
rest. This instinct to kill has copy of the assay, giving name
RESTAURANT, Portland, Oregon
been curbed by laws from time of assayer; the amount of work 304 Front Street, Wrangel. Alaska. <'HAS. S. FEE, E. J. COYLE.
General Pass. Agt..
immemorial and all civilized peo- done upon the claim; in short we FKLIX 1'IIOR District Passenger Agent.. Vancouver
GKNDZWILL, j St Paul, Minn
The Royal la the highest grade bakiag powder
k bow it. Actual tests show it goes one-
Secretary Bliss Would Tux Sal- third farther than any other brand.
mon Fanners and License WOODBINE The Y. /V\. C. A.
Saloons -A Fub’c
Secretary Bliss, summing up the re-
port oftlov. Brady, of Alaska. calls

tention to tlie dillieulty of preventing

pom Is tho Coziest Place
The best brands of wet poods
and cipars always on hand.
in Town.

the smuggling of liquor into Alaska, it

The Latest Magazines and Newspapers, both Secular and
heing impossible to enforce the pre- Religious, kept on File,
sent regulations without a Meet of rev-
enue cutters and steam launches to pa-
trol the tortuous channels of Southeast-
&AKIN0 COAL COAL Citizens and
ern Alaskan waters. Smuggling pre- The famous Strangers are Cordially Invited to Visit the Reading Room
vails and saloons are open in all the POWDER and Enjoy its Privileges without Charge,
Wellington Goal
towns and mining camps. The govern- Absolutely Pure
or reports a consensus of opinion in fav-
or of stringent high license law.
Now on sale at tho lowest market rates A II Men and Christian Endeavors are Requested
which would tend to stamp out smuggl-
ing and liquor selling to the natives.
The application

Alaska of the li- tion and is the lirst to welcome new-


Office on the Davidgk Wharf.

I I Ul 111 to call and Register names and addresses.

quor laws in force the District of comers.

in Vet, in spite of these bone-
Columbia, w ith several minor moditiea- tits, some people say the home paper is Steamers coaled at any hour. Hooks may Ik: taken out any evening between H and !l
t ions is urged as meaning a majority ap- not half as good as the city paper that
U. A. McCOLLOCH, o'clock, upon making a deposit with the Librarian.
proval. The governor Itelieves that lias no interest in their business or suc-
Alaska should and can pay revenue in- cess. The home paper, like the home A pent for Ft. Dunsmuir & Sons
to the United States treasury. Under church, is too often neglected by those
a high license law he estimates that the

liquor traffle would yield an annual re-

who arc henetited by it."
Reading Room Open Daily Until 10 O’clock P. M.
venue of not less than $200,000 dollars:
a tax of a few cents per case on salmon
Many, far to many, arc in arrears to
for subscription and job work.
FredW, Carlyon
would produce from $115,000 to $50,000: PRESIDENT. SECRETARY.
Those wlio are indebted w ill confer a
ten cents a ton on wharfage, collected
favor by settling their indebtedness at
during the past year would have yield- an early date. We regret to say that Jeweler.* Photographer.
ed $100,000.
a great many act as though they
He recommends, however, that any 30$
a printing office can lie manag-
system of taxation for the terrritory l>e ed and a All Kinds of Indian Jewelry and Curios,
newspaper published on mere
deferred until land laws shall have been also
promises to pay, w hich we can assure
provided. Many sections of Alaska,
is shown, are suitable for agricultural
any who have such an idea that it is er- A Complete Line of Alaska Views
Eureka Brewing Co.
roneous. Any to whom the forgoing
With care, cattle Sitka to Telegraph Creek.
purposes. proper
remarks apply will confer a favor by 432 FRONT STREET,
can be raised in the middle districts, Views from 25 to 50 cents
settling their indebtedness at an early f Postage paid.
it cannot bo doubted that in the course
date. 212 Front Street,
Fort Wrangel, Alaska.
of time the herds of reindeer will cover Fort Wrangel,.Alaska
the plains of Northern Alaska, and a
A nice cozy place to spend an afternoon or evening.
few thousands of dollars spent now in All that a follow has to do to run a
Best Refreshments in the City.
helping the Ksquimaux to obtain herds newspaper, says Kditor Wing, of the THE
will save the expenditure of many Southern Ulster, is to-be able to write
thousands in the future. a poetn, report a wedding, saw wood, McKinnon Wharf
The fur seals, he says, are doomed to beat a lawyer, describe a tire so that the
extinction unless all pelagic sealing can readers will shed their wraps, make a
be stopped. The of female dollar do the work of ten, shine at a
church social, abuse the liquor habit,
Forwarding Co, Patronize the
seals has proved a success. The brands
render the pelts useless and show that test whiskey, subscribe to charity, go
the United States has property right to without meals, attack free silver, sneer OF
the animal. The raising of blue foxes at snobbery, wear diamonds, invent ad- FORT WRANGEL, TC Wrangel Billiard Parlor X
is becoming an important industry. vertisements, overlook seandel, praise
The hunting of the sea otter has beenthe disgruntled, light to a finish, set
so unremitting that very few are now type, mold opinions, sweep
the office,
left. The governor recommends that speak at prayer meeting and stand in
the killing of them be prohibited for a with everything and everybody. An Their Wharf and PROPRIETORS
time. editor hasn't much to do, has he? Warehouse Ready for
Representation in Congress for the Vessels to Land Local and A
citizens of Alaska is strongly urged. Business Men.
Bonded Goods. Resort
Attention is called to the fact that
the rapid increase of the number of ves- facilities
Apply to
for the
The Journal has all for
sels plying Alaskan waters necessitates < ’ornpsinv's Agents on Wharf-
turning out work at short notice. Try
the erection of many lighthouses. Oth-
Fort Wrangel. Alaska.
us for your next •‘rush’’ order in bill
er recommendations include a lengthy
mail service between Sitka and Unalas* heads, envelopes, or any kind of office For Further Particulars,
ka: cable connections between the Unit- stationery. Low prices, high satisfac-
ed States and Alaska: enlargement of tion and prompt delivery make a strong
Cigars and Refreshments
administrative authority and extension .1. MOSCOW IT/, Agent,
trio. Front Street, Wrangel, Alaska
of the land laws to at least the settled Victoria, M. C.

A Friend of Alaska.
(’or. K. K. Avenue and Main street. Rooms
line to 75c. Special rates by the week. A “AS OTHERS SEE US."
strictly respectable family hotel. Fire
The follow ing is an extract from proof brick ami electric lights in every •'Nothin}'richer has ever been
personal letter from Congressman Cush- SEATTLE WASHINGTON duced by any railroad.”
of the State of Washington, which St. Paul Pioneer Press.
1896, gs
is so appropos of the endeavors of the
Alaska Chamber of Commerce as well CANADIAN > "The iiest thinir the railroad world
as the entire population of Alaska, can prod nee."
that we take the liberty to publish it,
as it shows that Alaska has one repre- PACIFIC Ry. St. Paul Dispatch. Fort Wrangel Brewery
sentative that will stand by us. "Prominent and discriminatin'' peo-
"Now then, it is my purpose while in ple marvel at the creation of elegance
'ongress to do everything I can to aid SOO PACIFIC LINE and comfort wrought by modern ear
the people of Alaska. I shall do this builde rs." BRUINO GRIEF, Proprietor,
for two reasons. Oneunselfish and The only line running through lines between
is Minneapolis Tribune.
the other is selfish. The unselfish rea- the Atlantic and Pacific. vVishes to announce to the that lie is
"The Pioneer Limited stands today public
son is because they deserve
great cred- furnish
it for going into the frozen north to op-
perfect in construction, oorosous in

prepared to
finish and the acme of Juxury and com- THE —

en uii that country and I shall do all I Tickets on salt* to all

can to aid them for their own sake. Kastri n and European Points. BUST OI ALITY OF
The second reason is that anything that
Minneapolis .lournal.
“The Pioneer Limited," tlie only
helps Alaska helps the State of Wash-
ington. You will always have my ear Daily First ( lass Sleeper and
Perfect Train in the World is now 3 BEER £
in anything that you desire to suggest. runninj' daily between St. Paul and
Tourist Sleeping ('ar Sorvio*. ( 'hicaj'o. on tlicf 'IIICAGO, MILWAUKEE /Wade in Alaska.
It has oceured to me that if some one
A St. Paul Railway.
could l)c at Washington during the ses-
sion it might be of great aid to me. I Take "Tin: Pioneer Limited" for
had hoped to get up to Alaska and fam- Shortest ami most Direct Route to all points in the 1'nited States and Can-
iliarize myself with the conditions but WINNl PER. ada. All agents sell tickets.
I fear 1 cannot at this time. .1. W. < AKl.Y. ('. J. KDDY,
feel free to write me or call on me for
any thing beneficial to yourself or Alas-
< 'Hit'AGO.

Trav. Pass. A"t.
General Agt.
Pacific Coast Steamship Company,
Yours sincerely, NEW YORK, This Company's New. Large, Fast
Summons for Publication.
Francis W. Cushman. and a.l Eastern Points.
Tourist Sleeping Cars from < 'oast
In the United Stales Commissioner's Court, for
the District of Alaska, at Wrangel.
Elegant Steamers,
Delinquent subscribers will please Every Day to St. PAUL. ; The Seattle Hardware Company, plaintiff,
read this opinion of a man who knows The Explorers and Travelers Company, defend- NORTH BOUNDSOUTH BOUND
what he is talking about:— "Your pap- Sundays
to TORONTO. ! ant.
Leave I Leave Arrive Leave j Due Leave j Leave Due Due
In the name of the President of the United
er tells you when to go to church," Wednesdays to MONTREAL States:
I San I Puget ! DyeaJfc Puget San
Francisco Sound j Wrangel Skaguay Sitka Sitka Wrangel Sound Francisco
says an eminent divine, "and when to and ROSTON. !I To the Explorers and Traveler* Company, de-
send your children to school.
fendant : Nov. 5! Nov ti Nov. 10 Nov. 13 Nov. 55 Nov. 55 Nov. 5 Nov. 3 Nov. 3
It tells You are hereby commanded to In* and appear 71 11
14 17! 15 s s
•• •• ••
trt 19[ 51; 17 ••
you who is dead, who is married, who is before the undersigned United State* Cornmis- N
*’ *•

sioner. for the District of Alaska, at his 17

51 55; 58 51 18 IS
siek, who is born and many other things For full particulars as to rates, time, office in Wrangel. on Monday the 9th day of 55
•20 591 Dec. 51 3o 53
57 Dec. I Dec. 1 0 Dec. t 57 58
you would like to know. It calls atten- etc., apply to January. 1H99. at 10 o.clock in the forenoon, to ••

answer the above named plaintiff in a civil Dec. 5‘ 0, to 13 Dec. 7 Dec. 7 ••

9 Dee. 3 Dec. 3

tion to public enterprise and advocates action. And you will take notice that if you 7 **
II H 17 15 7 S
H. W. GOWlt, JAS. SCI.ATKS. fail to so appear and answer, for want thereof, 15 10,
19 51! 19
12 ••
tlie best of schools, of law and order in Victoria. Vancouver. the plaintiff will take judgment against you for 17 ••
51 55 j 58 ••
51 18 18

the sum of trjo together with the costs and dis- 55 *•

50 30 Jan. 5 ••
55 55 30 22 ••
town. It records the marriage of your W. K. THOMSON. Seattle.
bursments of this action. 57
”_311 Jan. 31 ••_ 5! Jan. 1 57
daughter, the death of your son and the Or to Oiven under my hand and seal at Wrangel. >
The above dates are only approximate. For further information obtain Folder. The Com-
Alaska, this 1sth day of November. 1898.
illness of your wife, free of charge. It pany reserves the right to change, without previous notice. Steamer's sailing dates, atid hour of
sets forth the advantages and attrac-
E. J. COYLE. Seal

U. S.
Commissioner for the Kn. DkOkokk: Skaguay. F. A. Twitch ell. Supt. for Alaska. H. F. KOHINSON. Juneau: N.
— —
District of Alaska, at Wrangel. Postkn. Portland. Or. J. F. Tiu>wiiRll)tiE. P. S. Supt. Seattle. Wash.
tions of your town, invites immigra- District Passenger Agent.. Vancouver Date of 1st publication Nov. 19. 1898. Tt ; PERKINS & CO. (JKN'L. ACTS.. San Francisco. Cal.
There Tall,
I.OCAI. NEWS. Weigel makes the best I’ies, Cakes, was a younj* fellow named
Who dined with his jrirl at 8:8.
anil bread in town.
Hut I cannot relate
\V. I!. Colp, accompanied by l)r. What this chappie named Tail.
Subscribe for the Journal.
Fresh 1 tread at Weigels Bakery.
11 tinttiroeery Co.. .'122 Front street.
Beach, of the Sherwood party, has gone
on a hunting trip of a week or two. lie
And Ids tete-a-tete ate at 8:8.
London Truth. AJ NOTICE X,
left The ladies say Tait is 2:2,
on Tuesday. We desire to announce to the
Highest price paid for furs. Case A For his milk it never Is blue. general (»n 1»1 ift that we have
for sale, at .McKinnon's wharf, a few Hut I never can think on hand a complete line of
Wilson. Half llbls. of choice salt Herring What he managed to drink,
The place to hay your groceries. (’use
caught at the Narrows. They are ex- On a 2:2 bad ‘-’t

A Wilson.
ceptionally large and fat. I’rice $4.00.
With a Kiri 2:2:2 at 2:2.
Dave Blake, of Skagwuy, called on us
Kxeeptiotially high tides are prevail-
last Sunday. ing these last few days, and along Christinas Celebration. Merchandise
All kinds of location blanks for sale front St. looks damp, very damp, and of Groceries and Provisions, Clothing,
As Christmas day comes this year on Consisting Hoots
at this otliee. everything, from your last stick of fire- Sunday, a part of the celebration of and Shoes, Rubber Goods, Mackinaws, and
wood to the front verandah Hunts away this most
Weigel makes a specialty of line important holiday will lie de- a Full Line of
toward the deep sea terred until the day following. There
pastry to order. will lie abundance of good cheer for all
,1. ('. Smith, of Vaneouver, w ho lias
Have you subscribed for the Journal?
It not? why not.
just returned from Skagwuy, in an
classes, citizens and strangers, whites
in- and natives,
young ami old. The fes-
terview with the Vancouver World, tivities will in reality occupy three days
Miners’ Suppies
in Fort Wraugcl.
Anice Xmas present the Stikeen says: “At Skagwav things are very
Christinas Fve w ill lie observed as us-
lournal for a year. dull, and 1 expect that they w ill be all

Reid & Sylvester

ual by social gatherings in family cir-
Cider made from pure apples. Most through the winter." cles. mysterious preparations for the
in town. At Hunt's <iroeery. An open meeting will he held by the coming of Santa ( Ians, the hanging up
of stockings, decorating of trees, re-
Mr. ('rose, a resident of Juneau, call- Literary Society on the 17th and a pro- hersial of carols and other exercises for
ed on his way up from the Sound. gram is being worked up that is hoped the public entertainment, and in pleas-
The Pioneer Merchants,
will equal the last one. It will be held ant pastime at the fireside. FORT WHANG EL, A LASKA
I’atronize the hook exchange at ,‘122
in the X. .M. C. A. rooms in tin- Se- The great day will probably be an- A. ^
Front street. Cheapest evening past- nounced by the ringing of church bells,
ward Bldg. Come one, come all.
time. singing by the carolers and a general
There was not a very large attend- demonstration of good will by all who
Forlirst-elass shave, hair cut or
in "the land of nod.”
ance at the X. M. C. A. social Thurs- arc not far away
shampoo, patronize the (>. K. Tonsor- those attend
The surprises which await the little
ial parlors, day evening, but who did
ones on Christmas morning can better
appeared to lie enjoying themselves, be imagined than described.
.lust received by the Hunt (I roeery services
judging by the merriment afloat. The usual Sunday School
( ompany, fresh Fruits, Vegetables,
When last seen they were drawn up in will be held by the two schools separ-
((roeeries. etc.
(>nr merchants' store windows are lill-
a family circle and in the throes of a ately
at the usual hours, but in the ev-
ening a union service of both schools
Duncan flcKinnon
game which allowed no talking or will lie held in the church at 7..‘10
ed with attractive holiday goods and all laughing. I’nder those ciremstanees o'clock. Songs, scripture readings, an-
report a

brisk trade. every body appeared
invited to attend the ally painful was it when a hit was made,
to sutler, thems and responsive readings are in
evening of
which promise a delightful
worship and rejoicing.
✓General Merchandiser
('hristmas tree entertainment tit the fverybody doubled up and subdued Some presents and rewards of merit
church on Monday evening December sniekery lie-lie's arose from the struggl- will be given to the pupils by their
Jtlth. ing diaphragms. teachers, and an offering for Sunday
School work will be made by all. The
,T. F. Monkman was a passenger on The < 'liicf of Police lias been warned committee of the school in charge of

the Rosalie on her up trip. He is go- from Seattle to be on the look out for
ing into Atlin where ho has some line I Jim Hollins who had been up to some
the Sunday evening program are, Mrs.
\V. d. Hroderie. Mrs. C. Thwing, Miss
Nellie Creen and the superintendant of
claims. of his old tricks there, and had taken the school Miss Adah A. Sparhawk.
That good natured hook keeper at passage for the north on the City of To- A delightful Christmas entertain-
Reid and Sylvester's. F. \V. Whitney, peka. The vessel does not come here, ment will be given Monday evening ut The most complete Outfitting
the church, under the auspices of the
paid us to put his name on oursubserip- but even if she did Hollins is very apt Ladies' Aid Society. First of all there House in Alaska, We sell at
tion book. / to keep out of sight at any time that lie will be a Christinas tree illuminated prices that defy competition.
The gdnial (Jus Millar, proprietor of is near Vancouver. The letter con- and loaded with precious gifts for the
more precious children. There w ill lie
the Occidental hotel at Skagway. has el titles with the wordsf'He is a bunco
look out for him." World, something nice for every chi hi in Wran-
gone to Whatcom to spend Xmas with steerer, gel and it is imped every child in Wran-
his family. Vancouver. He is the same Hollins gel will be there with theirparentsand Front Street,
who lived for a short time, during the friends, who no doubt will be glad at FORT WRANOKL, ALASKA
Do not forget there is nothing nicer
boom, in Wrungel. He was on the To- the sight of so many happy faces.
than a photograph to send to your There will be instrumental and vocal
and landed here with a "sucker."
friends, and the Wrangel Studio is the peka music, club swinging and a number of
As soon as he landed he gave his vic-
place to get it. acceptable things done to add to the
tim the slip and has not been seen since. pleasures of the meeting. Kverybody
1’atronlze the Post-office News stand is invited. Tile Committee request
when you want stationary, candy,cigars Mr. E. D. St rut fortl, of Hosebtirg. Or- those with presents for particular chil-
and tobacco. All tlie leading papers egon and Mr. II. K. (loldtliwaite, of Io-
and magazines always on hand.. * wa. Examiners of surveys in the Com-
missioner's office of the Land office at
dren to send them in in good season,
with the name marked plainly and se-
curely upon the article so it will not
Sam Matheson. who is on ills way to fail to reach the intended reepient. Carry a complete line of
In vc been here for the
Dawson, took in the sights of our city Washington.
while Rosalie past few weeks to determine the exter-
General Merchandise.
by gas light the was dis-
ior Iwutuleries of the proposed tow n- The Ladies' Aid Society
charging her freight for this point.
site of V rutigel and to set apart the
\Y. F. Smith, of Ilwaco, Wash., evi-
military, church and school reserva- Tin' r,allies Aid Society will meet at
dently appreciates a good thing and tions. which duty they have already
tlm cluircti on next Thursday after-
writes as follows: "Kudosed lind 41.oil
for six months subscript ion to the Jour-
practically performed with rare tact
and discretion. Having avoided seri-
noon to begin decorations for Christ-
Highest Market Prices Paid For Furs.
mas. All the ladies are requested to be
nal." oils friction which would have greatly
For a first class hair cut. shampoo or delayed progress. They are. waiting present.
now for a town plat from Sitka when! Mrs. Roundtree, Secretary. Distributing Aernts for the
shave try the Burlier Shop iti Court-
they will be prepared to wait .'ll.) days |
house lot near the postolfiee. Fifteen longer, as the law prescribes, to hear STANDARD OIL COMPANY.
years experience, Try us for your next testimony from adverse claimants, it There will lie a gospel meeting on
shave. * there should beany, which for the pres-1
cut outlook is unlikely. We congratu- Sunday evening at T.-'ln p. m., in the
Remember the Wrangel Drug Co. is late the gentlemen upon the successful room used as a private school for Indi- Sole Agents tor Dr. Whitehall's Rheumatic and Gout Cure,
headquarters for line candies. A large termination of their work and assure ans, next door to the Herman restau-
them the many friends they have made Money Kcfumled for a Trial Box. if not Satisfactory.
supply of nice fresh chocolates from the rant on front street. Mrs. Culvert,
Sweet1 'andy Co., of Portland. Oregon, during their brief sojourn here will
wish them both any amount of gaind for-
the gifted singer, will assist in the ser-

just arrived for the holiday trade. fortune. vices. There will be a biblu class at
Judge Willoughby (.’lark the indefa- In the dead of one dark and blustery
the same place on Sunday morning at
tigable attorney from Wrangel received 11 o'clock. You are cordially invited
night this week, the citizens in one
many congratulations upon his winning
the hotly contested rase of the United
part of our usually ifitiet and peaceful
burg, were startled from their sleep by !
to attend both meetings. David Adler & Son’s
sounds that stood their hair on end and It is unnecessary to call your atten-
States vs. Oogings. Mining Record, caused the soft and significant goose j tion to the St. Michael's ad v. It speaks j Tailor Made Suits.
.1 uneau.
pimples to start from the llesli as at a fur itself, and is proof that this enter-
The Best Clothing Utilise in America. Try ns for your next Suit and he Convinc* d
call. Screams, yells, cries, i
(leo. T. Ulmer, one of the best known trumpet prising tirm believe in Printers ink.
groans and finally, a faint expiring'I
newspaper men in Alaska, has assumed moan reached the ears of a number of i John llardt. ('has. Huzinan and .1. 1 >.

the management of the Alaska Mining citizens who had rushed out without
Record, (leo. w ill change the st j le to much more on than shot gums tint! re- j
j Capp arrived on the Homer last Tues- ~vo
E1 1
velvet's with which they were about to day to transact some mining business.
a live column quarto and in many ways
make a di sperate at tempt, to rescue t he They left last evening for Portland.

w ill improve the paper.
perishing, when they were startled, Ore., where they will spend the holi-
T. R. Needham, the well know n Alas- stopped, and calmed, and. wiser, they
days and will return to \Vranged in the
ka journalist, arrived on Friday last sheepishly turned and silently stole
early spring.
from Ketchikan, where he is interested away, cursing
tlie ill-wind that brought i
them out in the rain in an abbreviated who left here last
Sample Room
in some mines, which lie thinks are (!eo. McKenzie:
night shirt. For. know ye, the sound
spring to prospect on Prince of Wales
quite valuble.. and for the sale of which that s milled the wrath of the avenging
Island returned yesterday. Heo. is
Mining Record. Ju- neighbors was but the bleat of an old
he is negotiating.
neau. lie-goat that the candidates for the much pleased with his summer's work 11 '**' Refreshments
Haehelors Club can tell more about and is very enthusiastic about South- OF THE CHOICEST
A gentleman directly from tho sunk- than we can.
en steamer Brixhtun reports iter as
eastern Alaska, lie is on his way to Refreshments
All Indian dit'd in town nlioiit fi •Juneau to help (>. II. Bernard move his OF ALL KINDS
broken in two. This will cornu as a o'clock Tuesday evening, Ilis friends
Imported and Domestic

surprise, as those having the best in- prepared his body for burial dressed in
stock of good:- to Atlin city. While
Front Street.
formation had no doubt of their ability liis best hunting suit. To tlie astonish- standing on tie-street talking to Tom
ment of the watehers at daylight Wed- ('use Sr.. Tom ('use .1 r. came along and
to save the ship. As it i; A FINE POOL TABLE
nothing can nesday morning lie opened his eyes and Fort Wranjrol
* “ *
be done except to save the machinery. lookingup said, "Say. Mr., is it cold up
a conversation simultaneously. The
nature of ii we are unable to report,
there." Me is about 7 feet tall. The Resort for Tourists
K very I tody who eats candy should eat in iiis weak
condition lie passed away
only the best. The Sweet Candy ( 'o., at noon for the second time. 11 L
Dr. l.apsley. will
in the future from Room
answer night calls the —

uf Portland. ()regon, are noted for their expectant friends are waiting highly
In. Wrang'd If you want to have a
Hotel, which is open all night. He will
line chocolates. Tho Wrangel Drug excited looking for liis seeond eoming.
( i)., is sole agents for them in
The case is an unusual one.

and have a full line fur the Xmas trade. pervading savor of an imagined
'Xtiff said.
Wrangel tie influence brought him back, the all

or some other potent agency, as with

also have, an olliee there from .'i to I on-
ly, every afternoon. At other hours ho
will be found as usual in hi- drug store.
our late esteemed contemporary Pat
Among the passengers of the Rosalie Maloy. famed in song with the popular -- HAS
Charley s Place,
G. I\. Glover will open in the Gassi-
were twoIndians from llowkan. chorus "and he rose up in his coffin and
Johnnie Henson and J. Hamblett are er, in a few days, a first class linicli
tie said!" Pat's last revival was occas-
the names of the red toon. Henson is Geo. intends this lie lie Everything You Want
ioned by aggravated causes. He repos- counter. to I
Next Door to tlu>
the Indian who spent a few hundred Blue Front
ed peaeefuliy in his coffin, a wreath, host of it's kind this side of Seattle
dollars here last yeareelobratinga very IN THE WAY OF
from the children. "Pupa,” lay upon and
will always keep on hand all
profitable summer packing over the It is breast. In the middle of the wake
< hileoot pass. He made over 42000. the coffin was overturned, the head of delicacies of the season. With
the All kinds of Refreshments and
The Indians have been mining on the corpse went through the wreath I the Sergeant at the helm it is hound to Refreshments. Cigars.
Thorn Arm this winter and are down the P became detached and A PA was He will he pleased to
prove a success.
here to dispose of some claims. They m'vftt
suspended about his neck. The provo- see his old friends and iflad to make new
show some excellent rock in which the
gold can be seen with the naked eye.
Their properties are said to he among
cation was great and t tie man is still
living. Let us hope the indian will !
ones. G. K. is an active member of the
327 Front st.
Dance Hall
again revisit the glimpses of the I Bachelors' club and the hoys will al-
the best in Southeastern Alaska. morn and hide with us longer. ways find a warm welcome from George- Wrana'el, Alaska. in Connection,

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