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JULY 2023


Background of the Study

Landslides and flooding are two major natural disasters that can happen in
the Philippines, particularly during the rainy season. The nation is vulnerable to these
dangers because of its geography, climate, and susceptibility to typhoons. This
widespread recurrence of natural hazards in the country requires much attention for
disaster management (Aurelio, 2006).

Given the frequent occurrence and major effects of flooding and landslides in
the Philippines, it is essential to make ongoing efforts to upgrade flood control
infrastructure, develop early warning systems, adopt efficient land use planning, and
foster community resilience and readiness. With these steps, the risks posed by
these hazards are to be reduced, and the negative impacts on the environment,
infrastructure, and population are also to be reduced.

Colonia, Valencia City located in the province of Bukidnon, experiences

periodic flooding during heavy rainfall affecting the locals' infrastructure and quality of
life. To address this issue, the construction of a dike in Purok 2 has been proposed
as a flood mitigation measure. The dike will serve as a barrier to divert floodwaters
and stop them from inundating the neighboring areas.

The proposed dike design for effective flood mitigation in Purok 2, Colonia,
Valencia, and Bukidnon requires a thorough investigation of soil stability. The
purpose of this analysis is to evaluate the slope stability in the area where the dike
will be built, providing that it can withstand the forces of flooding and maintain
structural soundness.

The results of the soil stability analysis will be useful for designing and
building the planned dike at Purok 2, Colonia Valencia City Bukidnon. It will make
that the dike is built on solid slopes, strong enough to withstand potential flood
forces, and capable of efficiently reducing the dangers connected with flooding in the
Statement of the Problem

The study focuses to assess the Slope Stability of the proposed dike design for
effective flood mitigation in Purok 2, Colonia, Valencia City, Bukidnon.

Moreover, the study aims to answer the following questions:

1. What are the geotechnical properties in P-2 Colonia, Valencia

City, Bukidnon.
2. What are the potential failure mechanism that can cause dike failure in P-
1 Colonia, Valencia City, Bukidnon

Objectives of the Study

The main objective of this study was to provide an effective dike system design for
flood mitigation. Its particular goals included the following: first, to plan a dike
system for Colonia Valencia City, Bukidnon; second, to assess the area's
geotechnical status; third, to evaluate the hydrological and hydraulic conditions of
the Manupali River in Colonia, Valencia, Bukidnon; and, last, to smoothly
incorporate suitable drainage mechanisms into the dike system.

Specifically, the research aims to:

1. Assess the Geotechnical properties of the soil in the study area.

2. Determine and evaluate the bearing capacity of the soil that can
withstand the structure.
3. Analyze the potential of seepage and settlement through particular
soil layers in a given area.
Significance of the Study

The proposed dike design intends to successfully reduce floods in Purok

2, which can significantly benefit the community. The dike can protect lives,
protect property, and improve the general safety and well-being of the locals
by preventing or minimizing flood damage. Farmers and other community
members can continue their economic operations with lower risks because
of the dike's flood protection, which promotes more stable livelihoods and
economic growth.

Government agencies will benefit significantly from this study. By gaining

access to the hydraulic analysis results and dike design recommendations,
they can make informed decisions regarding flood management and
infrastructure planning. This information will aid in the development of
comprehensive flood mitigation plans, enabling the government to allocate
resources effectively, implement necessary infrastructure improvements,
and establish appropriate early warning systems. Ultimately, government
agencies can enhance their flood management strategies and policies,
leading to improved disaster resilience and protection for the community.

The slope stability analysis provides local schools and institutions with
educational opportunities. It offers useful insights into geotechnical
engineering, flood prevention, and environmental management for students
by providing an actual-life case study. This can result in collaborative efforts,
publications, and academic achievements, expanding the faculty members'
and students' knowledge bases and their level of expertise.

For future researchers to build upon, the slope stability analysis provides a
foundation. They can do more research into certain geotechnical
engineering, flood modeling, or similar themes, which will advance scientific
knowledge and aid in the creation of creative solutions. This continuous
research will contribute to the advancement of knowledge in the field,
leading to more effective flood mitigation strategies and an improved
understanding of hydraulic analysis and dike design.
Scope and Limitation of the Study

The study will mainly focus on Geotechnical investigation specifically

standard penetration test, slope stability analysis, and seepage and
settlement analysis in Purok 2, Colonia Valencia City, and Bukidnon.


Purok 2 Colonia, Valencia City located in the province of Bukidnon,

experiences periodic flooding during heavy rainfall affecting the locals'
infrastructure and quality of life. To address this issue, the construction of a dike
in Purok 2 has been proposed as a flood mitigation measure. The dike will serve
as a barrier to divert floodwaters and stop them from inundating the neighboring

The proposed dike design for effective flood mitigation in Purok 2,

Colonia, Valencia, and Bukidnon requires a thorough investigation of soil
stability. The purpose of this analysis is to evaluate the slope stability in the area
where the dike will be built, providing that it can withstand the forces of flooding
and maintain structural soundness.

This study aims to assess the soil's stability and strength in the vicinity of
where the dike will be built. Through laboratory testing and geotechnical
analyses, this entails identifying soil qualities including cohesion, friction angle,
and shear strength factors.

It also seeks to find potential failure mechanisms that might result in dike
failure or slope instability. To identify potential collapse modes and processes,
this involves looking at elements including slope geometry, soil qualities,
groundwater conditions, and potential external loads.

The results of the soil stability analysis will be useful for designing and
building the planned dike at Purok 2, Colonia Valencia City Bukidnon. It will
make that the dike is built on solid slopes, strong enough to withstand potential
flood forces, and capable of efficiently reducing the dangers connected with
flooding in the area.


Several sources of information and ideas were found in the linked literature
cited in this chapter, which aided the researcher in better comprehending how
certain things or events relate to the topic of this study. The results of this
investigation would therefore be enhanced and complemented by these data.

2.1 Hydrological analysis

The practice of investigating and assessing how water behaves within a certain
region or watershed is known as hydrological analysis. It entails gathering,
analyzing, and interpreting information on evapotranspiration, runoff, rainfall, and
other hydrological factors (Eyncon, 2021). Understanding the water cycle, estimating
water resources, and determining the likelihood of floods or drought conditions are
the goals of hydrological analysis.

2.1.1 Rainfall analysis

Rainfall is an essential part of the hydrological cycle and is important for managing
water resources. The process of conducting a rainfall analysis is to examine past
rainfall data in order to learn more about the traits, patterns, and trends of
precipitation (Jenifer & Jha, 2021). Hydrologists, meteorologists, and experts in
water resources can better understand rainfall dynamics, predict design rainfall
events, and make wise water management decisions by evaluating rainfall data. The
outcomes of rainfall analysis give important new information about the peculiarities of
precipitation in a certain area.

2.1.2 Rainfall distribution

The spatial and temporal variations of precipitation within a certain geographic area
are referred to as rainfall distribution. In order to comprehend the availability and
dependability of water supplies, the examination of rainfall distribution is quite
important. It aids in determining the water availability, the severity of the drought, the
risk of flooding, and agricultural planning (FAOl, 2012). Scientists and water resource
managers can design appropriate strategies for sustainable water management by
researching the patterns and unpredictability of rainfall distribution.
Significant geographical diversity in rainfall distribution means that different sites
within a region experience varied quantities of rainfall. According SpatialPost (2022),
terrain, proximity to water bodies, elevation, and prevailing wind patterns all affect
spatial patterns of rainfall.

Rainfall distribution is time-variable, with seasonal, yearly, and decadal temporal

variations. Seasonal fluctuations impact agriculture and water availability. Yearly
variability involves inter-annual variations, while decadal variability refers to long-
term precipitation cycles (Asfaw et al., 2018). Understanding temporal variability is
crucial for water supplies, drought preparation, and climate change analysis.

2.1.3 Design rainfall

Design rainfall estimation is crucial for engineering and infrastructure design,
estimating rainfall occurrences with defined magnitudes and durations. IDF
connections between precipitation are developed using historical data, reducing
flood risks and enabling structures to withstand intense rainfall periods (Doulabian et
al., 2023).

Statistics-based study of past rainfall data is used to estimate design rainfall events.
The features and patterns of rainfall are analyzed statistically using techniques
including the method of moments, probability distributions, and frequency analysis
(Alam et al., 2018). The parameters of rainfall intensity and frequency, which are
crucial for design reasons, can be determined with the aid of these methods.

In the planning and design of different engineering projects, design rainfall is crucial.
In order to efficiently control stormwater runoff, it aids engineers and designers in
determining the size, capacity, and configuration of drainage systems (FAO, 2012).
The calculation of design rainfall events, for instance, is essential when constructing
stormwater management systems in urban settings, such as culverts, detention
ponds, and sewers.

Reservoir and dam design must also consider design rainfall. For the purpose of
figuring out the capacity and spillway design, estimating the inflows into reservoirs
based on design rainfall events is crucial. Levees and flood walls are examples of
flood control structures that are planned with the predicted design rainfall events in
mind to guard against potential flooding threats (USAID, n.d.).
2.1.4 Rainfall trends
In order to pinpoint patterns, modifications, and shifts in rainfall during a particular
period in a certain region, rainfall trends must be analyzed using long-term
precipitation data. For research on climate dynamics, assessments of climate
change's effects, and creation of successful water resource management plans, it is
essential to comprehend rainfall trends (Sun et al., 2023). Scientists and researchers
can identify variations in rainfall patterns and look into their origins and effects by
looking at long-term precipitation data.

Changes in rainfall patterns are mostly caused by climate change. Precipitation

regimes can shift as a result of changes in atmospheric circulation and moisture
content as a result of rising global temperatures. Studies have demonstrated how
rainfall patterns in different parts of the world have been impacted by climate change
(Ogburn,ClimateWire, 2013). These modifications may involve adjustments to the
frequency, intensity, and timing of rainfall occurrences.

Regional variation in rainfall trends affects local topography, atmospheric circulation,

and climate variables. Understanding this variability is crucial for localized water
resource management and adaptation methods.

Trends in rainfall have a big impact on managing water resources, farming, and
ecological dynamics. Changes in precipitation patterns can have an effect on water
availability, alter hydrological cycles, and impact how well ecosystems function.
Changes in precipitation patterns can also make it difficult to plan for water supplies,
be prepared for droughts, and develop flood management plans (Yang et al., 2021).

2.1.5 Runoff analysis

Hydrological studies and the management of water resources both heavily rely on
runoff analyses. It entails the investigation and evaluation of surface water
movement brought on by precipitation. For determining the amount of water
available, managing water resources, and evaluating flood hazards, it is crucial to
comprehend runoff behavior and features. Planning and decision-making are made
possible by runoff analysis, which provides useful insights into the volume, timing,
and implications of surface runoff (Cabrera & Lee, 2019).
Runoff analysis helps understand surface runoff properties, including peak flow
rates, durations, and hydrographs (Paron, 2014). It helps hydrologists assess
watershed responses, flood risk, and determine relationships between rainfall
patterns, land use, and runoff generation (Paron, 2014).

Runoff analysis is crucial for understanding watersheds, ecosystems, and human

activities. High-intensity runoff can cause water quality deterioration, soil erosion,
and river sedimentation, while excessive runoff can cause flooding and damage
infrastructure (Issaka & Ashraf, 2017).

2.2 Hydraulic analysis

The assessment of the flood event, which includes rainfall information, historical
flood records, and hydrological models, is the first step in the hydraulic analysis of
dike systems (Kumar et al., 2023). These factors contribute to the design flood
magnitude and duration for the dikes. The hydraulic analysis then concentrates on
evaluating the water flow via the river channel, overtopping potential, seepage, and
the effect of the dike system on downstream water levels (Kumar et al., 2023).

2.2.1 Flow patterns

As they affect the hydraulic performance and stability of the dikes, flow patterns are
vital to the design and evaluation of dike systems. The integrity of the dike system
can be impacted by areas of erosion, deposition, or hydraulic pressure, which can be
identified by understanding flow patterns (FAO, 2012).

The development of eddies or recirculation zones is one typical flow pattern seen
near dikes. These happen when water rushes over the dike's upstream or
downstream sides, resulting in an area of whirling or still water (Koken &
Constantinescu, 2008). Eddies may produce localized scouring or the depositing of
sediment, which may result in erosion or the formation of sediment bars. For dike
design and upkeep, it is crucial to comprehend the breadth of these recirculation
zones (Koken & Constantinescu, 2008).

Flow separation occurs when water diverts away from a dike surface due to
geometric changes or obstacles (Karami et al., 2017). This can cause pressure
differences and disturbances, affecting stability. Proper consideration of flow
separation phenomena is crucial to reduce hydraulic stresses and avoid failure

It is essential to properly take into account flow patterns around dike systems to
ensure the hydraulic stability and effectiveness of the dikes. The design of efficient
dike geometry, strengthening measures, and erosion prevention tactics are
supported by flow pattern analysis by identifying areas of high velocity, recirculation
zones, flow separation, and potential hydraulic forces (FAO, 2012). In the end, it
improves the flood protection offered by the dike system by reducing the chances of
erosion, scour, or failure.

2.2.2 Water level during flood events

When designing and assessing dike systems, water level during a flooding event is a
crucial criterion to take into account. The required dike height, freeboard, and
likelihood of overtopping can all be calculated with the help of an accurate
assessment of the water levels (van Bergeijk et al., 2021). For the dike system to be
hydraulically stable and effective, it is crucial to comprehend the dynamics of the
water level during flooding events.

The size and length of the flood, river discharge, terrain, channel geometry, and the
hydraulic behavior of the river system are some of the variables that affect water
levels during flooding occurrences (van Bergeijk et al., 2021). Hydraulic analysis of
the river system, hydrological modeling, and historical flood data must all be used to
estimate water levels.

Historical flood statistics give us important information about prior floods, including
river discharges and water levels. It is possible to determine the range of water
levels and discharges that the dike system must handle by looking at past flood
records. The design flood event for the dike system, which reflects the greatest
predicted flood magnitude and duration, is determined with the help of this data (Jain
& Singh, 2003).

Dike system design relies on accurate water levels estimation during flooding,
ensuring hydraulic stability and efficiency through historical flood data, hydrological
modeling, and hydraulic analysis.
2.3 Retaining Structures
A retaining wall is a structure constructed to hold back or keep in place soil, rock, or
other materials in order to stop them from eroding or sliding down. In landscaping,
civil engineering, and building projects, retaining walls are frequently utilized to level
terrain, stop soil erosion, stabilize slopes, and offer structural support. According to
Dağdevİren and Kaymak (2015), Reinforced concrete retaining walls (RCRWs) are
most widely used to support earth and water in civil engineering practices. In order to
mitigate disasters induced by earthquakes, geosynthetic-reinforced soil structures,
including retaining walls and embankments, have been adopted in Japan in
reconstruction works for earthquake-induced damage to unreinforced earth
structures as well as new construction works (Koseki & Shibuya, 2014). However,
poor design of the retaining wall will most likely lead to the failure of the structure
itself. In order to withstand the lateral stresses and provide stability, retaining walls
frequently need to be reinforced. The structural integrity of the wall may be
compromised by inadequate or inappropriate reinforcing, increasing the likelihood of
failure. When designing retaining walls, variables such the height and kind of
retained material, soil characteristics, groundwater conditions, and external loads are
taken into account. For the retaining wall construction to be stable, long-lasting, and
safe, proper technical study and design are required.

2.3.1 Mechanically Stabilized Earth Wall

A retaining wall that utilizes reinforcing materials to increase stability and resistance
to lateral earth pressures is known as a mechanically stabilized earth (MSE) wall. In
many different civil engineering applications, it is a well-liked and efficient technique
for building retaining walls. The following elements commonly make up the MSE wall
system: reinforcement elements, backfill material, reinforced soil mass, and facing

MSE walls offer simple construction techniques, pleasing aesthetics, reliability, and a
cost-effective solution (Kibria G. et al, 2014, as cited in Mitchell and Zornberg 1995;
Leshchinsky and Han, 2004). The adaptability, economy, and simplicity of
construction of MSE walls are well recognized. They are frequently utilized in many
different applications, such as bridge abutments, water retention structures, and
coastal protection systems. An MSE wall's design and construction are normally
handled by skilled geotechnical engineers and depend on variables like the wall's
height, the soil's characteristics, and the design loads.

2.3.2 Advantages of MSE Wall

Comparing MSE walls to conventional retaining walls, you can usually see the
difference in cost. When compared to materials like concrete or steel utilized in
conventional wall systems, MSE wall components like reinforced soil and face
panels are frequently less costly. MSE walls may also be built more quickly and with
less skilled personnel, which lowers the overall cost of construction. Due to its
modular design and straightforward construction procedures, MSE walls may be built
rapidly. The use of precast face panels and swiftly fitted reinforcement components
allows for quicker installation compared to more complicated and time-consuming
methods. Cost reductions may result from the shorter building period, particularly for
projects where timing is crucial. In contrast to other wall systems, MSE walls typically
require less maintenance. The necessity for regular repairs or replacements is
decreased by the use of robust materials, such as reinforced soil and corrosion-
resistant face panels. Long-term economic advantages are a result of the wall's
lower maintenance expenses during its service life. However, it is vital to remember
that the financial benefits of MSE walls might vary based on project-specific
elements including the wall's size, the site's circumstances, and regional material
pricing. Therefore, to ascertain the precise economic advantages of employing MSE
walls in a particular project, a thorough cost study and comparison with other wall
systems should be carried out during the design process.

Slope stability refers to the stress a soil or rock slope base can take without
sliding or collapsing. This is a crucial factor in the planning, design, and construction
of any engineering project. Whether it’s a bridge, dam, embankment, road, or
structure, civil and geotechnical engineers must account for any slopes—be they
man-made or natural.

2.4 Slope Stability Analysis

Slope stability analyses in practical geotechnical engineering are
predominantly performed using limit equilibrium methods, despite the inherent
shortcoming that the form of the failure mechanism has to be defined a priori. This
assumption is not needed when more advanced methods, such as limit analyses or
displacement-based finite element methods, are employed for calculating factors of
safety and thus the advantages of these methods are increasingly recognized (Sloan
et al 2015)

Analysis of the stability of slopes is of utmost importance as its failure may

lead to loss of lives and great economic losses. Failure of a mass located below the
slope is called a slide. It involves downward and outward movement of the entire
mass of soil that participates in failure. Slides may occur in almost any conceivable
manner slowly or suddenly, with or without apparent provocation. In the present day,
lots of methods are available to the modern engineer to obtain the stability of slopes
(Mohanty 2009).

2.4.1 Strength of Soil

Slope stability is always one of the greatest issues of concern in geotechnical
engineering. In slope stability analyses, the residual strength of slip zones is one of
the most important parameters for understanding the reactivation mechanisms and
for evaluating the stability of slopes. The kinds of soils, the situations of the soils, and
the test conditions are the three main aspects that affect the residual strength
(Nishimura 2020).

Shear strength is “The capacity of a material to resist the internal and external
forces which slide past each other” Significance of Shear Strength: Engineers must
understand the nature of shearing resistance in order to analyze soil stability
problems such as; Bearing capacity Slope stability Lateral earth pressure on earth-
retaining structure (Tung 2002).

2.4.2 Soil Stratification

In slope stability analysis and design, soil stratification is essential. It has an
impact on slope geometry, potential slip surfaces, water flow and seepage,
differential strength, and the design of stabilizing measures. For precise stability
evaluations and the creation of efficient mitigation solutions, it is essential to take into
account the features and behavior of each soil layer within a slope.

Soil quality is a concept based on the premise that management can

deteriorate, stabilize, or improve soil ecosystem functions. Stratification ratios allow a
wide diversity of soils to be compared on the same assessment scale because of an
internal normalization procedure that accounts for inherent soil differences
(Franzluebbers 2002)

2.4.3 Soil Discontinuities

Slope stability is significantly impacted by soil discontinuities. They indicate
weak points, affect pore pressure and water flow, influence failure mechanisms,
affect slope geometry, and affect stabilization measure design. For proper slope
stability analysis and the creation of successful mitigation solutions, it is crucial to
comprehend and take into account the characteristics and behavior of soil

Soil discontinuities, defined by significant texture and mineralogical, and/or

age differences, are usually verified from a small number of pedons without
producing information about the local distribution of properties that define the
discontinuity. A discontinuity has geomorphic significance as well as important
implications for interpretations (Baker 2000).

2.5 Geometry of The Slope

The effects of complex geometries on three-dimensional (3D) slope stability
using an elastoplastic finite difference method (FDM) with a strength reduction
technique. A series of special 3D slopes with various geometric configurations,
including curving slope surface, turning corners, turning arcs, and turning forms, is
presented in terms of factors of safety, shear slip surface, and deformed mesh.
These results can be used directly to offer suggestions for landslide hazard
preparedness or safe and economical design of infrastructures, e.g., excavations,
embankments, and so on (Zhang

A series of special 3D slopes with various geometric configurations are

analysed numerically, and the effects of turning corners, slope gradient, turning arcs,
and convex- and concave-shaped surface geometry on the stability and failure
characteristics of slopes under various boundary conditions are discussed in detail
(Wan 2012)

2.6 Road slope stabilization

Roads are frequently constructed on hilly or sloping terrain, where the effects of
gravity, water, and weather can eventually cause slope instability. In order to
guarantee the long-term security and sturdiness of the road infrastructure, measures
regarding the stabilization of the slope are put into place. The method of fortifying
and ensuring the stability of road embankments or slopes in order to stop erosion,
landslides, or other types of slope failure is referred to as road slope stabilization.
Depending on the unique circumstances and difficulties of the slope, several
approaches and techniques are used to stabilize the slope of the road. These
includes earthworks, rockfall protection, water management, wall resisting structures,
soil reinforcement and etc. The stabilization of slopes and erosion control
necessitate an integrated strategy that takes into consideration the efficacy of the
treatment and acceptance. Site constraints and limitations determine whether a
design will work. Instead, based on the project's unique qualities and cases, the best
strategy must be chosen. The cost of slope stabilization and erosion control can
range from minimal to astronomical (Fay et al., 2011). Despite their stark contrasts in
terms of cost and sustainability, both planting and building a rock wall have a
function in stabilizing road slopes. According to Lim et al (2014), successful
innovative soil stabilization techniques are necessary to fulfill the needs on rural
roads, as well as preserve the environment. Finding the best slope stabilization
techniques for a particular road project requires careful technical analysis and
evaluation. The objective is to build a strong and secure network of roads that can
withstand natural forces and guarantee the safety of drivers and others around them.

2.6.1 Factor of Safety

In the field of slope stabilization, the phrase "factor of safety" (FS) refers to a
numerical value which indicates the margin of safety against possible slope failure.
The factor of safety of a slope is defined as the ratio between the available strength
and the strength required for a state of incipient failure along a possible slip surface
(Khajehzadeh, Taha, El-Shafie, & Eslami, 2012). Engineers can evaluate the stability
of slopes, develop suitable stabilization methods, and guarantee the long-term safety
and durability of road embankments, slopes, and other structures erected on sloping
terrain by taking safety into consideration while stabilizing slopes.

2.7 Drainage system

A drainage system is a network of structures, channels, and pipes intended to
regulate and monitor the flow of water, particularly surface runoff, from a region to
avoid flooding and maintain adequate water drainage. It consists of parts like catch
basins, culverts, stormwater pipes, ditches, and outfalls (Crawford, n.d.). A drainage
system's job is to efficiently collect, move, and discharge extra water while
safeguarding buildings, infrastructure, and people's safety (Jamal, 2016).

Depending on the unique requirements and distinctive features of the dike and the
vicinity, different reinforced dike drainage system types may be used. Dike drainage
systems can come in a variety of shapes, including pumping stations, outlet
structures, side slope drainage, subsurface drainage, surface water channels, and
sustainable urban drainage systems.

This section describes the methods and procedures utilized in the study. It
discusses the processes used in the fieldwork, geotechnical investigation, hydrologic
and hydraulic analysis, dike system design, dike system design analysis, computer
aided design, and cost estimation.

3.0 Conceptual Framework

The figure depicted below represents a structured arrangement of
interconnected concepts that researchers follow, leading to the progress of
knowledge in their respective field.
 Flooding incidents in P2 Colonia, Valencia, Bukidnon
Problem due to its geographical location, topography, and climate
patterns. The floods cause damage to properties,
infrastructure, and pose significant risks to the safety and
livelihoods of the local community

 Conduct a comprehensive background research to

Background understand the historical flood patterns in the area, the
Research causes of flooding, and the impacts on the local
community and environment.

● Investigate the study area

● Obtaining accurate rainfall data in the study's location
● Understanding the hydrological characteristics of the
● Collecting geotechnical information on the study's
● Obtaining hydraulic parameters on the study's location
● Potential socio-economic impacts

● Explore different alternatives that are suitable for the project.

● Assess their feasibility, efficiency, and effectiveness in
Identify addressing the specific flooding issues at P2 Colonia,
Valencia, Bukidnon
● Determine the different types of dike structures, such as
embankments, levees, floodwalls, or a combination of these.

● Choose a practical, affordable, and efficient strategy.

● Conduct a cost-benefit analysis to evaluate the economic viability of
the project and justify the investment in flood mitigation.
Develop ● Develop a maintenance plan for the dike system to ensure its long-
term effectiveness and sustainability.
● Ensure that the design is resilient and capable of withstanding various
flood scenarios.
Figure 1. General Design Process

3.1 Procedural Framework

As shown in the figure, the step-by-step procedure is performed to achieve
the objectives of the study.








Figure 2. Procedural Framework

3.2 Fieldwork
This provides information of the procedures involved in obtaining data for the
project, including measurement taking. The accurate collection of data is crucial to
ensure the reliability and validity of the subsequent analysis and design process for
the dike system.

3.2.1 Site Investigation

To ensure precise and effective planning for the flood mitigation project
involving a dike system, an extensive assessment of multiple key areas was
conducted. The purpose of this proactive measure was to identify the exact locations
where the construction of the dike system was necessary, taking into account
various factors specific to each area.
3.2.2 Measurement taking
To gather vital information about the area, a methodical gathering of technical
data was carried out. This involved documenting the elevation, coordinates, and
dimensions of the site. The measurements of the area were assessed using a
measuring tape. Furthermore, a surveying technique was employed to ascertain the
distances between the specific location and the nearby existing infrastructure. This
data yielded valuable knowledge regarding the spatial connections between the dike
system's placement and the surrounding buildings.

In addition to collecting field data, geotagged photographs will be captured to

document the location and offer additional information. These photos, accompanied
by the site's coordinates, proved to be highly beneficial for different aspects of the
project. The coordinates facilitated convenient access to the location using web-
based tools and applications, streamlining the planning and communication
processes. Moreover, the coordinates were employed to determine the highest and
lowest elevation points through online topographic surveys, enhancing the overall
understanding of the site's topography.

3.3 Geotechnical Investigation Consideration

3.3.1 Standard Penetration test

The Standard penetration test (SPT) is widely used to get the bearing
capacity of soil directly at a certain depth. The consistency of clayey soils can often
be estimated from this test. When a borehole is extended to a predetermined depth,
the drill tools are removed, and the sampler (split spoon) is lowered to the bottom of
the borehole. The sampler is driven into the soil, by hammer blows to the top of the
drill rod. The standard weight of the hammer is 140 lbs.(62.3 N) the number of blows
required for spoon penetration of three “6” inches (15 cm) intervals is recorded. The
number of blows required for the last two intervals are added to give the standard
penetration number at that depth.

3.3.2 Soil Stability Analysis

Slope stability analysis will be conducted using the "Slope Stability"

application within the GEO5 Software. The ranges of the interface will be set to
"Standard - Safety Factors" as the selected option. Manually or textually adding
interfaces will produce the geologic model of the slope. The corresponding soil
characteristics, such as unit weight, cohesiveness, and friction angle, will be
allocated to each stratum. The analysis button's operation is enabled by the use of
only the pertinent information required for the calculation of slope stability.

Only pertinent information required for calculating slope stability will be

entered, enabling the analysis button's usefulness. There will be no need for fields
like "Reinforcements," "Anti-Slide Piles," and "Earthquake," which are not necessary
for calculating slope stability. Slope stability evaluation can be carried out separately
using different techniques or by selecting the "all techniques" option. The
assessment will then continue by selecting the "permanent" design situation in the
"stage settings."

3.3.3 Seepage and Settlement Analysis

Geotechnical evaluations of seepage and settlement are important when

designing a dike system. These evaluations aid in ensuring the dike's stability and
long-term perfomance, particularly with regard to its capacity to withstand seepage
and the possibility of settlement over time.

3.4 Hydrological and hydraulic analysis

The National Irrigation Administration (NIA) and PAGASA will be a valuable
partner in the upcoming research project, as they will provide essential hydraulic and
hydrologic data necessary for the analysis of the dike system's performance. NIA's
expertise in water management and extensive data collection capabilities make them
a reliable source for accurate and comprehensive information.

3.4.1 Runoff Analysis

Surface runoff analysis is a crucial component when planning a dike system
for flood mitigation. HEC-HMS (Hydrologic Engineering Center's Hydrologic
Modeling System) will be utilized to simulate and predict surface runoff. These
models take into account factors like rainfall data, land cover, soil properties, and
topography to estimate the volume and timing of runoff from the catchment area.
3.4.2 Peak flow estimation
The Rational Method is a widely utilized empirical formula in urban areas for
calculating the peak rates of runoff, specifically for designing drainage structures.
The Rational Method is used for determining peak discharges from small drainage

The Rational Formula is expressed as Q = CiA


Q =Peak rate of runoff in cubic feet per second

C =Runoff coefficient, an empirical coefficient representing a relationship

between rainfall and runoff.

i =Average intensity of rainfall in inches per hour for the time of concentration
(Tc) for a selected frequency of occurrence or return period.

A =The watershed area in acres

Time of Concentratio (tc) will be calculated using the formula below:

From ODOT Hydraulics Manual 201

0.77 −0.385
t c =0.091947 L S


tc = time of concentration, in minutes

L = maximum length of travel water, in meters

S = slope of catchment

The equations shown above was adapted from the study of Larang et al.

3.4.3 Water level analysis

The National Irrigation Administration (NIA) offers water level analysis
services, monitoring and assessing water levels in rivers, lakes, reservoirs, and
canals. By utilizing various data collection methods, NIA provides valuable insights
into water level trends and fluctuations over time. This analysis supports decision-
making in water resource management, flood control, and irrigation planning. It helps
optimize water allocation, plan infrastructure projects, and establish early warning
systems. NIA's water level analysis is crucial for promoting sustainable agriculture,
protecting communities from floods, and ensuring efficient utilization of water

3.4.4 Flow velocities

Flow velocities in HEC-RAS can be analyzed by utilizing the software's hydraulic
modeling capabilities. By inputting the appropriate parameters such as channel
geometry, flow rates, and roughness coefficients, HEC-RAS calculates flow
velocities at various locations within the hydraulic system.

3.4.5 Flow patterns

Flow patterns in HEC-RAS can be visualized and analyzed to understand the
direction and distribution of water movement within the hydraulic system. HEC-RAS
generates graphical outputs that illustrate flow patterns, allowing engineers to
observe how water flows and interacts with the channel and surrounding features.

To analyze the dike system's hydraulic behavior, the research team will utilize
the powerful software tool known as HEC-RAS (Hydrologic Engineering Centers-
River Analysis System).

3.5 Dike system design

From the information obtained from the slope stability and hydrological

analysis, design of the dike system structure was performed. AutoCAD was used to

draft the drawing plans/layout of the dike system structure in the study area.

Gather relevant data about the project area and determine project
parameters and requirements.

Estimate wall embedment depths, wall height and reinforcement length,

wall facing geometry.

STEP 3 Define load and resistance factors.

Evaluate internal and external stability

Figure shows the specific designofprocess
the dike of
system structure
the dike system structure which contains
five steps. It started with determining project parameters and requirements then
estimating wall depths/heights and reinforcement length. After taking all the
necessary measurement data, load and resistance factor were defined. Next, was
evaluating the external and internal stability and lastly, was drafting/designing the
structure which includes wall facing and drainage systems.

3.5.1 Drainage system

Mixed method will be employed in designing the drainage system. Combine
qualitative and quantitative methods to gain a comprehensive understanding of the
research problem will be done accordingly. Qualitative methods, such as interviews
and focus groups, can be used to gather insights from stakeholders, local
communities, and experts regarding flood patterns, drainage needs, and social
considerations. Quantitative methods, including hydrological and hydraulic modeling,
can be employed to analyze flood data, simulate scenarios, and evaluate the
performance of the drainage system. This approach allows for detailed analysis of
water flow, flood inundation, and the effectiveness of the proposed drainage system.

3.6 Dike system design analysis

Dike system design analysis entails a thorough assessment of several
aspects of the development and operation of the dike. The researchers will use the
program ETABS in incorporating structural analysis of the dike system structure.
Using ETABS for dike system design will allow the researchers to perform
comprehensive structural analysis, assess the system's stability and safety, and
optimize the design to ensure the dike's effectiveness in controlling water flow and
preventing flooding.
3.7 Computer aided design
The forthcoming research project will employ AutoCAD, a widely recognized
computer-aided design software, as an instrumental tool in the development of a
robust dike system for flood mitigation. By utilizing AutoCAD, the research team will
be able to create detailed and accurate 2D and 3D representations of the dike
system, including its various components and dimensions.

3.8 Cost estimate

Upon completing the evaluation and final layout of the dike system design, a
comprehensive cost estimate will be generated. This crucial step will provide an
accurate assessment of the financial requirements associated with the
implementation of the project.

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