Brian Jesús Pérez González. Materia Aprendizaje. La Verdad de Las Aulas

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Materia Aprendizaje de la Lengua Inglesa

Tarea 1. La verdad de las aulas

Brian Jesús Pérez González


Campus de Valencia
Paseo de la Alameda, 7
46010 Valencia
Brief opinion text on Daniel Arias Aranda’s text. ....................................................................... 3
Bibliografía.................................................................................................................................. 5

Campus de Valencia
Paseo de la Alameda, 7
46010 Valencia
Brief opinion text on Daniel Arias Aranda’s text.
Professor Daniel Arias Aranda develops an opinion article in which he expresses his most
sincere thoughts about the current academic situation in universities and/or public schools.

Throughout his 25 years of experience as a teacher he tells us how he has noticed a notable
decline in the quality of students.

In my opinion, it is worth mentioning that, indeed, a clear generational gap between his
current position as a teacher and the one he experienced twenty-five years ago, truly exists.
Arias repeatedly emphasizes the use of technology, one of our most notable advances in
recent decades, during classes which creates an environment full of distractions for students.
As the student that I am while I study this master, I can confirm that, indeed, what is
mentioned in this article is something real. Of my year class, in which we started with more
than a hundred people, we only finished with a little more than twenty-five people. There is a
very serious problem when choosing university degrees because students are not trained for it.

During the middle of the last academic year, I had the opportunity to work in a private school
where the use of technology stands out and, indeed, it was not the best of the experiences. The
students do not know how to write neither Spanish nor English properly since they are used to
use their own voice to dictate the texts automatically. They have dictionaries installed in their
technological devices which they can easily use to look for the information within reach of a
“click” to consult doubts and, even so, they do not do it. All of this is caused by the poor
motivation they present when having all the tools at hand. They have become lazy and
incompetent students. If these students grow up, go to university, and present the terrible
skills they acquired over the years, it doesn't surprise me that professors like Daniel Arias
Aranda would write texts like this.

I will not only talk about my experience as a teacher in a private school. During my time as a
university student, I myself was (during the first two years of my degree) a clueless,

Campus de Valencia
Paseo de la Alameda, 7
46010 Valencia
unmotivated student. There was scarce participation in the classrooms in general, many
distractions and then, when someone failed, they were not able to understand the problem and
assume their own responsibilities.

I this sense I fully agree with many of Daniel Arias' opinions. Education has to be taken
seriously and teachers have to be strict with classes and content. If we soften the content more
and more, for the simple fact of keeping our students happy, they will never grow as
professionals or develop a desire of improvement in order to achieve their goals.

In real life, in a job, many social and communication skills are needed that are not being
achieved today. The presence, the way of speaking, the way of moving or dressing. All this
influences when carrying out any professional task and must be taken seriously.

I hope that, in time, these situations will improve because it will be us, as teachers, who will
suffer from this demotivational atmosphere that floods classrooms today.

Campus de Valencia
Paseo de la Alameda, 7
46010 Valencia
Voz, L. A. (2023, 4 enero). La sinceridad de este profesor de universidad andaluz: «Me
dedico a engañar, no a enseñar». lavoz.

Campus de Valencia
Paseo de la Alameda, 7
46010 Valencia

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