Rectilinear Motion

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• Dynamics branch of physical science and

subdivision of mechanics that is concerned with
the motion of material objects in relation to the
physical factors that affect them: force, mass,
momentum, energy.
• Rectilinear motion is another name for straight-line motion.
This type of motion describes the movement of a particle or a

A body is said to experience rectilinear motion if any two

particles of the body travel the same distance along two
parallel straight lines. The figures below illustrate rectilinear
motion for a particle and body.
• When acceleration constant
• Formulas
• x = x0 +ῡt
Where : x = Total distance travelled
x0 = Initial distance travelled
ῡ = Average Velocity
t = time
vo + v
• =
Where : ῡ = Average Velocity
V0 = Initial Velocity
V = Final Velocity
• When acceleration constant
• Formulas :
• v = vo + at
• x = v0t + at2
• v2 = v02 + 2 ax

Where : v = Final velocity

v0 = Initial Velocity
a = Acceleration
t = Time
x = Displacement or Distance travelled
• Example
A car starts from rest and accelerates uniformly over a time of 5.21
seconds for a distance of 110 m. Determine the acceleration of the
Given : Required:
v0 = 0 a=?
x= 110m

x = v0t + at2
110 = 0 + (a)(5.212)

a = 8.10
• Free-Falling Bodies
• Formulas:
• v = vo + gt
• y = v0t + gt2
• v2 = v02 + 2 gy

Where : v = Final velocity

v0 = Initial Velocity
g = gravity (9.81 , 32.2 )
t = Time
y = Displacement or Distance travelled
• Example 1
• As shown in the figure below, a stone is thrown vertically
into the air from the tower 100 ft high at the same instant
that a second stone is thrown upward from the ground. The
initial velocity of the first stone is 50 ft/sec and that of the
second stone is 75 ft/sec. when and where will the stones
be at the same height from the ground?
V0 = 50 ft/sec


V0 = 75 ft/sec
V0 = 50 ft/sec
• y2 = y1 + 100m
* (y= v0t + t2) Y2

• y1=-57.6 ft V0 = 75 ft/sec
• y2 = 42.4 ft
• Example
• A stone is dropped from the top of a tower 80 m high
at the same instant that a second stone is thrown
upward from the ground with and initial velocity of
40 . When and where do they pass each other?


• y1 + y2 =80 y1

* (y= v0t + t2)

• v01t1 + gt1 2+ v02t2 - gt2 2= 80
* (t1 = t2, since they were both released at the
time and when they will pass each other at
the same time also)
* ( we also know that the first stone has v0 = 0 since it was released )

• gt2 + 40t - gt2 = 80

• 40t =80
• t =2 sec
• y1 = v01t1 + gt12 y1 = gt12 y1 = (9.81)(22) y1=19.62m
• The two stones will pass each other at 2 seconds from a
distance of 19.62m from the top of the tower
• Rectilinear Motion with variable Acceleration
• When bodies are acted upon by variable forces, they move with
variable acceleration. To determine the kinetic equations of
motion in such cases, it is necessary to apply the given data to
differential equations of kinematics. Since the acceleration may
vary in many ways, no general equations can be stated as was
done in the case of constant acceleration.
• Review on basic differentiation and integration


= + 2 + 40 +2 +40
= 3 + (2)(2)x
= 3 + 4x


= -
= 3.75
• Rectilinear Motion with variable Acceleration
• Case 1 x (distance) is given as a function of time , x =f(t)
• Case 2 a (acceleration) is given as a function of time , a =f(t)
• Case 3 v (velocity) is given as a function of time , v =f(t)
• Case 1 x (distance) is given as a function of time
• Is the simplest case and is easily solved by successive
differentiation of the displacement with respect to the time
according to the fundamental definition of a velocity (v = ) and
acceleration (a= = )
• Example of Case 1
• Determine the velocity and acceleration of a body after 3 sec, if the motion is
defined by the relation x = 5t + 4 , x being in meters and t in seconds

Given: x = 5t + 4 ; Required: a & v @ t=3

x = 5t + 4 (differentiate to get the formula for its velocity)
v = = 5 + 12 (differentiate to get the formula for its acceleration)

a= = 24t
*Substitute time to the formulas
v = 5 + 12

v = 113

a = 24(3)

a = 72
• Case 2 a (acceleration) is given as a function of time , a =f(t)
• The general procedure is to start with a = but since we are given acceleration
as a function of time we write the equation as, dv = a dt, and integrate it to find
the velocity in terms of time.
• After we have determined velocity in terms of time we can now use v = but
since we will be able to solve velocity in terms of time we write the equation as,
dx = v dt and integrate it to find the distance in terms of time.
• Example of Case 2
Determine the velocity and displacement of a body after 2 sec, if the
motion is defined by the relation a = 2t, a(acceleration) being in and
t in seconds, and if it is known that x = 4 m and v = 2 when t = 1

Given : a = 2t Required: v & x @ t = 2sec

v=2 @t=1
Given : a = 2t Required: v & x @ t = 2sec
v=2 @t=1
• Solution:
• dv = a dt
• =
v t
• 2
= 1

• v -2 = - (
• v = +1
Given : a = 2t Required: v & x @ t = 2sec
v=2 @t=1

• Solution:
dx = v dt
x t
4 1

x-4 =( -(


• v= +1
• x=

• After solving for the equations for x (distance) and v (velocity) in terms of
time, we are now ready to solve for the distance and velocity of the body at 2

• v = +1
• v= +1
• v=5

• x=
• X=

• X = 7.33 m

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