Hytran Demo Install Instructions

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7/27/2019 Hytran Demo Install Instructions.


Jan 2011

Installation Instructions (Windows XP only)

Download the Hytran Demo install file HytranDEMOsetup.exe . Double click on this file to install and follow the
prompts. From installation you will have an initial 20 days or 10 executions to evaluate the software.

Use the Express Start Guide to get up-to-speed on Hytran in minutes.

Once the initial period has expired we would be pleased to provide additional trial runs. You will see the dialog on below left on

start-up. Click Activate Hytran_IP and the dialog on the right will appear.

Copy the two user codes and email to Accutech (info@accutech2000.com.au) for additional runs.

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7/27/2019 Hytran Demo Install Instructions.pdf

There is an extensive Hytran tutorial pdf and Hytran training manual (pdf) in the Hytran Solutions folder . Or access using
Start/Program Files/Hytran Solutions/ will pick them up.

There are many examples in the C:\My Documents\ Hytran Solutions folder. To access these files, run the Hytran program
and open File/Open/Examples Workshop Data. Some of the case studies are grouped together as a solution. By
working through a case study, the effect of different transient control strategies can be evaluated. For example,

File name Description

6_1_1pmResvFailChek Pump failure
6_1_2pmResvFailChek_Airv Pump failure with air valve
6_1_3pmResvFailChek_Airc Pump failure with air chamber
6_1_4pmResvFailChek_Disc Pump failure with one way discharge tank
6_1_5pmResvFailChek_Disc_Disc Pump failure with 2/one way discharge tanks
6_1_6pmResvFailChek_Chek Pump failure with check valve
6_1_7pmResvFailChek_Disc_Chek Pump failure with discharge tank and check valve


To Run on Windows7 (Pro and above only)

The Hytran evaluation version is protected by a software encryption which currently only runs on Windows XP. It will, however, run
on the Windows7 Virtual PC (Windows XP Mode). (Note: Hytran full version runs on Windows 7 - 32 & 64 bit).

Installing Instructions
Install the Virtual PC on your Windows 7 computer (Virtual PC download link (www.microsoft.com/windows/virtual-pc/)
Install the Hytran download HytranDEMOsetup.exe on the Windows Virtual PC.
To access data files (c:\My Documents\Hytran Solutions folder) stored on either the Virtual PC & Windows7, also install Hytran on
the Windows7 computer.
Hytran may now be accessed from the Windows7 via...

Start / All Programs / Windows Virtual PC / Windows XP Mode Application / Hytran Solutions / Hytran_IP (Windows XP

T: +618 (08) 9364 2211

Accutech 2000 Pty Ltd
F: +618 (08) 9316 1364 Australian Business Number
PO Box 65, Applecross
E: info@accutech2000.com.au ABN: 40 062 194 580
Western Australia 6953
W: www.accutech2000.com.au

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