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Qmaths Telegram Channel Date : 16th January 2024


(Vocab + Comprehension)
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Contents :
• Reading Comprehension Passage with Exercise
• Vocabulary Exercise
• PQRS and Cloze Test
• Vocabulary Table
• Solution to Exercises

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Article : Muizzu sets deadline for India to withdraw troops

Maldivian President Mohamed Muizzu has asked India to withdraw its troops from the
island nation by March 15, a top official said on Sunday, posing the latest in a series of
diplomatic challenges from Male to New Delhi since his September election win.
Abdullah Nazim Ibrahim, the Principal Secretary to President Muizzu on Public Policy,
told a media conference at the Presidential Palace in Male that Indian military personnel
will no longer be permitted to reside in the Maldives, according to Male-based media.
The senior official’s announcement was made even as the India-Maldives High-Level
Core Group — set up when Mr. Muizzu and Prime Minister Narendra Modi met on the
sidelines of the UN climate summit (COP-28) in Dubai — held its first meeting in Male.
However, a statement issued by the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) after the meeting
made no mention of a request for Indian troops’ withdrawal. Instead, it noted that both
sides discussed “finding [a] mutually workable solution to enable continued operation
of Indian aviation platforms that provide humanitarian and medvac [medical
evacuation] services to the people of Maldives”.
In contrast, the press statement issued by the Maldives’ Ministry of Foreign Affairs said:
“Both sides expressed willingness to intensify cooperation and agreed to fast-track the
withdrawal of Indian military personnel.”
Both statements referenced a review of bilateral cooperation.
MEA officials did not respond to The Hindu’s queries on whether the Ministry has
received a formal request for the withdrawal of Indian soldiers. According to the Maldives
government, India has around 88 soldiers stationed in the Maldives. New Delhi has
maintained that most of them are technical staff, engaged predominantly in
maintaining aircraft gifted by India.
Veteran Indian diplomat Rakesh Sood said that Mr. Muizzu was “playing to his base
and presumably, his ‘benefactor’”. “He is being deliberately provocative but there is
little to be gained by India engaging in tit-for-tat rhetoric. Far better to let him realise
the relevance of India to Maldives, in socio-economic terms,” he said.
The Maldivian president has been consistent in his demand for Indian troops’
withdrawal, his chief poll pledge last year. The demand also figured in his inaugural
address soon after he assumed office in November 2023.
In December, days after his meeting with Mr. Modi in Dubai, Mr. Muizzu announced
that India had “agreed” to withdraw its troops, though New Delhi has made no
statement to that effect so far. Meanwhile, the High-Level Core Group was set up with
top officials from both sides to negotiate the matter, among other key bilateral
Sunday’s developments come amid growing strain in ties between the neighbours,
triggered most recently by the remarks of three junior Ministers in the Muizzu
administration, who criticised Indians and Mr. Modi over his Lakshadweep visit.

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Vocabulary (The Hindu Article dated 15.01.2024)

Meaning in
SN. Word Meaning in English Example Sentence
पीछे हटाना या The bank allowed him
1 To take back or remove to withdraw money
(verb) �नकालना from his account.
The ambassador
Relating to diplomacy
diplomatic handled the situation
2 or international कूटनी�तक
(adjective) in a very diplomatic
The company is
personnel Employees or staff of increasing its
3 कमर्चार�
(noun) an organization personnel to meet the
new demand.
World leaders
summit A high-level meeting or gathered for an
4 �शखर सम्मेलन
(noun) conference important summit on
climate change.
After considering the
risks, they decided on
withdrawal The act of taking back
5 वापसी the withdrawal of the
(noun) or retracting
product from the
The NGO's
Concerned with or
humanitaria humanitarian efforts
6 seeking to promote मानवीय
n (adjective) helped many in the
human welfare
disaster-stricken area.
In contrast to the
A state of being
contrast stormy weather
7 strikingly different from �वपर�त
(noun) yesterday, today is
something else
sunny and clear.
The government plans
intensify To become or make
8 तीव्र करना to intensify its efforts
(verb) more intense
against pollution.
The two nations
bilateral Involving two parties, signed a bilateral
9 द्�वप�ीय
(adjective) usually countries agreement to increase
Troops were stationed
stationed Placed or positioned in
10 तैनात �कया हुआ at the border to
(verb) a particular place
maintain peace.
The audience was
predominan Mainly; for the most
11 मुख्य रूप से predominantly
tly (adverb) part
A person with a long The veteran actor
12 experience in a अनभ
ु वी received a lifetime
particular field achievement award.
Used to convey that
He will presumably
presumably what is asserted is very
13 माना जाता है finish the work by
(adverb) likely though not
known for certain

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A person who gives �हतैषी, दानी The library was built

14 money or other help to with funds donated by
a person or cause व्यिक्त a generous benefactor.
Consciously and
deliberately He deliberately
15 intentionally; on जानबूझकर
(adverb) ignored my question.
Causing annoyance, His provocative
provocative anger, or another comments on social
16 उ�ेजक
(adjective) strong reaction, media sparked
especially deliberately controversy.
An equivalent given in बदला लेना, जैसे They were involved in
17 return (especially for a tit-for-tat exchange
an injury) को तैसा of insults.
Acting or done in the Her views on the
consistent same way over time, matter have been
18 �नरं तर, िस्थर
(adjective) especially to be fair or consistent over the
accurate years.
Marking the beginning He gave an inspiring
inaugural of an institution, speech at his
19 उद्घाटन संबंधी
(adjective) activity, or period of inaugural ceremony as
office president.
To try to reach an
The government
negotiate agreement or
20 बातचीत करना refused to negotiate
(verb) compromise by
with terrorists.
discussion with others
The company thrived
amid Surrounded by; in the
21 के बीच म� amid economic
(preposition) middle of
Pressure or tension
The recent workload
strain exerted on a material
22 तनाव has put a strain on
(noun) object or a situation
their resources.
causing stress
Toppers Choice, "Blackbook of English Vocabulary" a must have book for all
SSC Aspirants.

Summary of the Article:

1. Diplomatic Challenge: Maldivian President Mohamed Muizzu requested India to
withdraw its troops from the Maldives by March 15, marking a new diplomatic
challenge since his election victory in September.
2. Official Statement: Abdullah Nazim Ibrahim, Principal Secretary to President
Muizzu, announced at a media conference that Indian military personnel would not
be allowed to stay in the Maldives.
3. India-Maldives High-Level Core Group Meeting: Despite the announcement, the
first meeting of the India-Maldives High-Level Core Group, established during a UN
climate summit, took place in Male.
4. Statements by MEA and Maldives’ Ministry: The Indian Ministry of External
Affairs (MEA) didn't mention troop withdrawal but discussed continued operation
of Indian aviation for humanitarian services. In contrast, Maldives’ Ministry of
Foreign Affairs talked about fast-tracking the withdrawal of Indian troops.

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5. No Official Request Confirmation: MEA hasn’t confirmed receiving a formal

request for troop withdrawal. India states most of its 88 soldiers in Maldives are
technical staff.
6. Diplomat's Opinion: Veteran Indian diplomat Rakesh Sood commented that
President Muizzu is provoking but advised against retaliatory rhetoric, suggesting
India’s socio-economic importance to Maldives.
7. Muizzu’s Consistent Demand: President Muizzu consistently demanded the
withdrawal of Indian troops, a major promise in his election campaign, and
reiterated this in his inaugural address.
8. Previous Announcements: After meeting with Indian PM Modi, Muizzu claimed
India agreed to troop withdrawal, a statement not confirmed by New Delhi.
9. Bilateral Strains: Recent tensions in India-Maldives relations were fueled by
critical remarks from Maldivian ministers about Indians and PM Modi.
10. China Visit and Strategic Ties: President Muizzu's recent visit to China resulted
in an agreement to elevate strategic ties between Maldives and China.
11. Muizzu’s Statement on Maldives' Stance: Upon his return, Muizzu emphasized
that Maldives, despite its size, will not be intimidated by any country.

Reading Comprehension Exercise

1. What did Maldivian President Mohamed Muizzu request from India?

a) To provide additional troops
b) To withdraw its troops from the Maldives
c) To hold a diplomatic meeting
d) To sign a new bilateral agreement
2. Where was the India-Maldives High-Level Core Group first meeting
a) In Dubai b) In New Delhi
c) In Male d) In Beijing
3. What was the main topic of discussion in the statement issued by
India's MEA?
a) The withdrawal of Indian troops
b) Finding a mutually workable solution for aviation operations
c) Elevating strategic ties with China
d) Criticism of Indian ministers
4. How did the Maldives’ Ministry of Foreign Affairs' statement differ
from that of India's MEA?
a) It focused on intensifying cooperation
b) It mentioned the fast-tracking of Indian troop withdrawal
c) It emphasized on bilateral trade
d) It highlighted the importance of the UN climate summit

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5. What is Rakesh Sood's position?

a) Maldivian diplomat
b) Indian diplomat
c) Maldivian minister
d) Indian minister
6. What is the central theme of the passage?
a) The economic development of the Maldives
b) The diplomatic tensions between India and the Maldives
c) India's military strategy in the Indian Ocean
d) The political situation in India
7. Identify the correct statement:
a) The Maldives requested India to send more troops.
b) India and the Maldives held their first High-Level Core Group meeting
in Dubai.
c) The Indian Ministry of External Affairs confirmed the troop withdrawal.
d) Veteran Indian diplomat Rakesh Sood commented on the situation.
8. Identify the incorrect statement:
a) President Muizzu consistently demanded the withdrawal of Indian
b) The MEA statement focused on the continued operation of Indian
aviation platforms.
c) Both India and the Maldives have agreed on the withdrawal of Indian
d) The Maldivian president's recent visit to China aimed to elevate
strategic ties.
9. Find a synonym for 'withdrawal' from the passage:
a) Retreat b) Deployment
c) Advancement d) Escalation
10. Find an antonym for 'intensify' from the passage:
a) Amplify b) Strengthen
c) Lessen d) Deepen

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Cloze Test
The ethnic strife in Manipur symbolises the politics of hate that the
BJP-RSS follows, Congress leader Rahul Gandhi said while launching
his Manipur-to-Mumbai Bharat Jodo Nyay Yatra on Sunday (1). The
6,713-km yatra, covering much of the distance by bus, was flagged off
by Congress president Mallikarjun Kharge at Thoubal, (2) 35 km from
Imphal. The yatra will conclude in Mumbai on March 20 after passing
(3) 15 States in 67 days. The Congress leader embarked on the yatra
with a promise of bringing peace and harmony in the (4) State. “Maybe
for [Prime Minister] Narendra Modi, the BJP and the RSS, Manipur is
not a part of India. Your pain is not their pain. We understand the pain
that the people of Manipur have been through. We will bring back
harmony, peace and affection for which this State was (5),” he said at a
public meeting before the start of the yatra.
1. a) here b) there c) nowhere d) everywhere
2. a) above b) around c) over d) under
3. a) through b) across c) along d) against
4. a) violent b) violence-hit c) peacefully d) peaceful
5. a) knowing b) known c) know d) knows

Para-jumble Exercise:
Question 1:
P: At present, all workers going to conflict zones or places without sufficient
labour protections are required to register with the “e-migrate” portal.
Q: The government has not included Israel on that list despite the deaths of
foreign workers in the current conflict.
R: These workers will not even be required to register themselves on the “e-
migrate” portal run by the External Affairs Ministry.
S: An official confirmed that the “e-migrate” system, introduced by the
government in 2015 to streamline guarantees for workers, will not be used for
those going to Israel.

Question 2:
P: Official promotional documents accessed by The Hindu give no details of
contractual protections.
Q: They say the workers will have to pay for their tickets, apart from ₹10,000
each as facilitation fees of the National Skills Development Corporation.

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R: They will not receive any insurance, medical coverage, and job guarantees
which the government insists on for those heading to other labour markets.
S: No labour protection

Question 3:
P: Calling the move “inhumane”, the activists condemned the government’s
decision to fast-track the recruitment of construction workers, nurses, and
Q: Activists are planning to move the court after the NSDC issued a detailed
document calling for workers.
R: The latest push to screen Indian workers comes after Israeli Prime Minister
Benjamin Netanyahu requested Prime Minister Narendra Modi to “advance” the
date of arrival of workers.
S: This was during a telephone call on December 19.

Question 4:
A: which the government insists on
B: for those heading to other labour markets
C: They will not receive any insurance, medical coverage, and job guarantees
D: unlike

Question 5:
A: The latest push to screen Indian workers
B: comes after Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
C: requested Prime Minister Narendra Modi to “advance” the date of arrival of
D: during a telephone call on December 19

Solutions/Hints for Reading Comprehension Exercise:

1. Answer: b) To withdraw its troops from the Maldives
Explanation: The paragraph states that Maldivian President Mohamed Muizzu
asked India to withdraw its troops, highlighting the diplomatic challenges
between the two nations.
2. Answer: c) In Male
Explanation: The passage mentions that the first meeting of the India-Maldives
High-Level Core Group took place in Male, following its establishment during a
UN climate summit.
3. Answer: b) Finding a mutually workable solution for aviation
Explanation: The MEA statement focused on finding a mutually workable
solution to enable the continued operation of Indian aviation platforms, not
specifically on troop withdrawal.
4. Answer: b) It mentioned the fast-tracking of Indian troop withdrawal

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Explanation: While India's MEA statement avoided the topic of troop

withdrawal, the Maldives' Ministry of Foreign Affairs emphasized the fast-
tracking of this process.
5. Answer: b) Indian diplomat
Explanation: Rakesh Sood is referred to as a veteran Indian diplomat, offering
his perspective on the situation between India and the Maldives.
6. Answer: b) The diplomatic tensions between India and the Maldives
Explanation: The passage primarily discusses the ongoing diplomatic tensions
and negotiations regarding the presence of Indian troops in the Maldives.
7. Answer: d) Veteran Indian diplomat Rakesh Sood commented on the
Explanation: The passage includes comments from Rakesh Sood, a veteran
Indian diplomat, regarding President Muizzu's actions and the diplomatic
8. Answer: c) Both India and the Maldives have agreed on the withdrawal
of Indian troops.
Explanation: The passage indicates a lack of clear agreement between India
and the Maldives on the troop withdrawal, with contrasting statements from
both sides.
9. Answer: a) Retreat
Explanation: 'Retreat' is synonymous with 'withdrawal', meaning to pull back
or move away. The other options - 'Deployment' means to position
strategically, 'Advancement' means to move forward, and 'Escalation' means
to increase or intensify.
10. Answer: c) Lessen
Explanation: 'Lessen' is an antonym of 'intensify', meaning to decrease in
severity or amount. 'Amplify', 'Strengthen', and 'Deepen' all imply an increase
in intensity or magnitude, which are synonymous with 'intensify'.

Solutions/Hints for Cloze Test Exercise:

1. Answer: a) here
Explanation: "Here" is used to refer to the location where the speaker is
currently present. In this context, Rahul Gandhi was speaking about the
Bharat Jodo Nyay Yatra in the present location, which is implied as "here."
2. Answer: b) around
Explanation: "Around" is a preposition used to indicate a general location or
proximity. "Around 35 km from Imphal" suggests that Thoubal is
approximately 35 kilometers away from Imphal.
3. Answer: a) through
Explanation: "Through" indicates movement across an area or within
something. In this sentence, "passing through 15 States" means the yatra will
travel across or amidst 15 different states.
4. Answer: b) violence-hit
Explanation: "Violence-hit" is an adjective describing a place that has
experienced violence. The phrase "violence-hit State" accurately describes the
state of Manipur in the context of the passage.

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5. Answer: b) known
Explanation: "Known" is the past participle of the verb "know," used here to
describe a state of being recognized or familiar for something. The sentence
suggests that the State was previously recognized for harmony, peace, and
affection, making "known" the appropriate choice.

Solutions/Hints for Para-Jumble Exercise:
1. Answer: a) RPQS
Explanation: The logical flow starts with R, explaining the new policy for
workers not needing to register on the “e-migrate” portal. P provides context
about the existing requirement for workers in conflict zones. Q highlights the
exception made for Israel, and S concludes with an official confirmation about
not using the e-migrate system for workers going to Israel.

2. Answer: b) SPRQ Explanation: S introduces the topic of no labor protection. P

explains the lack of details in official documents. R elaborates on the lack of
insurance, medical coverage, and job guarantees. Q gives specifics about the
costs workers will bear.
3. Answer: b) QPSR Explanation: Q sets the stage with activists planning to
move court. P explains the reason behind their condemnation. S provides the
context of the request by Israeli Prime Minister to Prime Minister Modi, and R
concludes with the details of the telephone call.

4. Answer: c) CADB Explanation: C introduces the idea that certain benefits will
not be received. D ('unlike') contrasts this situation with another scenario. A
provides that scenario, and B completes the sentence by specifying the group
for whom the government insists on these benefits.
5. Answer: a) ABCD Explanation: A sets the context about screening Indian
workers. B introduces the Israeli Prime Minister’s involvement. C details his
request to the Indian Prime Minister, and D specifies the time of the request,
completing the logical sequence of events.

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