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17/04/2023, 14:56 Billing Management Console

Billing period Account ID Bill status Bill issued Date printed

Feb 1 - Feb 28, 2023 556595725054 Issued Mar 2, 2023 Apr 17, 2023

AWS bill summary

Service provider Total in invoice currency Total in USD

Amazon Web Services India Private Limited INR 85,949.72 USD 1,037.46

Grand total: USD 1,037.46

Payment information (1) Total received payments USD 1,037.46

Service provider Charge Document Invoice ID Payment Received Total in invoice Total in USD
type type status currency

Amazon Web Services Usage Invoice 1262030065 Received 03/20/2023 INR 85,949.72 USD 1,037.46
India Private Limited

Highest cost by service provider

Amazon Web Services India Private Limited

Highest service spend

Service name Relational Database Service

Highest service spend USD 467.79
Trend compared to prior month 51.6%

Highest AWS Region spend

Region name Asia Pacific (Mumbai)

Highest AWS Region spend USD 862.62
Trend compared to prior month 43.2%

Charges by service

Amazon Web Services India Private Limited (24) Total pre-tax USD 879.21
Description Usage Quantity Amount in USD

Relational Database Service USD 467.79

Asia Pacific (Mumbai) USD 467.79
Amazon Aurora Storage and I/O USD 3.25
USD 0.11 per GB-month of consumed storage for Aurora PostgreSQL 0.126 GB-Mo USD 0.01
USD 0.22 per 1 million I/O requests for Aurora PostgreSQL 14,732,550 IOs USD 3.24
Amazon Relational Database Service for Aurora PostgreSQL USD 464.54
USD 0.023 per GB-month of backup storage exceeding free allocation for Aurora 0.865 GB-Mo USD 0.02
USD 0.18 per Aurora Capacity Unit hour running Aurora PostgreSQL Serverless v2 2,580.674 ACU-Hr USD 464.52

Elastic Transcoder USD 205.88

Asia Pacific (Mumbai) USD 205.88
Amazon Elastic Transcoder APS3-ets-audio-success USD 5.40
Asia Pacific (Mumbai) $0.0045 per minute for audio-only transcoding using Amazon 1,201 minutes USD 5.40
Elastic Transcoder
Audio Only Free Tier 20 minutes USD 0.00 1/8
17/04/2023, 14:56 Billing Management Console

Description Usage Quantity Amount in USD

Amazon Elastic Transcoder APS3-ets-hd-success USD 108.81
$0.000 per Minute - HD Transcoding under the monthly Amazon Elastic Transcoder free 10 minutes USD 0.00
Asia Pacific (Mumbai) $0.030 per minute for HD content transcoded using Amazon Elastic 3,627 minutes USD 108.81
Amazon Elastic Transcoder APS3-ets-sd-success USD 91.67
$0.000 per Minute - SD Transcoding under the monthly Amazon Elastic Transcoder free 20 minutes USD 0.00
Asia Pacific (Mumbai) $0.015 per minute for SD content transcoded using Amazon Elastic 6,111 minutes USD 91.67
Elastic Compute Cloud USD 98.55
Asia Pacific (Mumbai) USD 97.55
Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud running Linux/UNIX USD 80.18
$0.00 per Linux t2.micro instance-hour (or partial hour) under monthly free tier 672 Hrs USD 0.00
$0.0248 per On Demand Linux t2.small Instance Hour 672 Hrs USD 16.67
$0.0448 per On Demand Linux t3.medium Instance Hour 1,417.621 Hrs USD 63.51
EBS USD 14.01
$0.00 per GB-month of General Purpose (SSD) provisioned storage under monthly free 30 GB-Mo USD 0.00
$0.114 per GB-month of General Purpose SSD (gp2) provisioned storage - Asia Pacific 122.877 GB-Mo USD 14.01
Elastic IP Addresses USD 3.36
$0.00 per Elastic IP address not attached to a running instance for the first hour 1 Hrs USD 0.00
$0.005 per Elastic IP address not attached to a running instance per hour on a pro rata 671 Hrs USD 3.36
US East (N. Virginia) USD 1.00
EBS USD 1.00
$0.10 per GB-month of General Purpose SSD (gp2) provisioned storage - US East 10 GB-Mo USD 1.00
(Northern Virginia)

Elastic Load Balancing USD 46.32

Asia Pacific (Mumbai) USD 46.32
Elastic Load Balancing - Application USD 46.32
$0.0 per used Application load balancer capacity unit-hour (or partial hour) under 2.53 LCU-Hrs USD 0.00
monthly free tier
$0.00 per Application LoadBalancer-hour (or partial hour) under monthly free tier 750 Hrs USD 0.00
$0.0239 per Application LoadBalancer-hour (or partial hour) 1,938 Hrs USD 46.32
Simple Notification Service USD 34.32
Asia Pacific (Mumbai) USD 34.32
Amazon Simple Notification Service APS3-DeliveryAttempts-HTTP USD 0.00
First 100,000 Amazon SNS HTTP/HTTPS Notifications per month are free 86 Notifications USD 0.00
Amazon Simple Notification Service APS3-DeliveryAttempts-SMTP USD 0.00
First 1,000 Amazon SNS Email/Email-JSON Notifications per month are free 2 Notifications USD 0.00
Amazon Simple Notification Service APS3-OutboundSMS-IN-Standard-Sharedroute-MessageCount USD 0.00
Number of SMS messages sent to India via Sharedroute 831 Messages USD 0.00
Amazon Simple Notification Service APS3-OutboundSMS-IN-Standard-Sharedroute-MessageFees USD 34.32
Price for SMS messages sent to India via Sharedroute 34.32 Dollar USD 34.32
Amazon Simple Notification Service APS3-Requests-Tier1 USD 0.00
First 1,000,000 Amazon SNS API Requests per month are free 1,787 Requests USD 0.00
US East (N. Virginia) USD 0.00
Amazon Simple Notification Service Requests-Tier1 USD 0.00
First 1,000,000 Amazon SNS API Requests per month are free 1 Requests USD 0.00

WAF USD 13.02

Any USD 13.02
AWS WAF Global-RequestV2-Tier1 USD 0.02
$0.60 per million requests processed 31,575 Request USD 0.02
AWS WAF Global-RuleV2 USD 3.00
$1.00 per rule created (prorated hourly) 3 Month USD 3.00
AWS WAF Global-WebACLV2 USD 10.00
$5.00 per web ACL created (prorated hourly) 2 Month USD 10.00

Simple Storage Service USD 7.44

Asia Pacific (Mumbai) USD 7.44
Amazon Simple Storage Service APS3-Requests-Tier1 USD 0.36
$0.00 per request - PUT, COPY, POST, or LIST requests under the monthly global free tier 2,000 Requests USD 0.00
$0.005 per 1,000 PUT, COPY, POST, or LIST requests 72,617 Requests USD 0.36
Amazon Simple Storage Service APS3-Requests-Tier2 USD 0.03
$0.00 per request - GET and all other requests under the monthly global free tier 19,967 Requests USD 0.00
$0.004 per 10,000 GET and all other requests 86,795 Requests USD 0.03
Amazon Simple Storage Service APS3-TimedStorage-ByteHrs USD 7.05
$0.000 per GB - storage under the monthly global free tier 5 GB-Mo USD 0.00
$0.025 per GB - first 50 TB / month of storage used 281.993 GB-Mo USD 7.05
US East (N. Virginia) USD 0.00
Amazon Simple Storage Service Requests-Tier1 USD 0.00
$0.005 per 1,000 PUT, COPY, POST, or LIST requests 41 Requests USD 0.00
Amazon Simple Storage Service Requests-Tier2 USD 0.00
$0.004 per 10,000 GET and all other requests 43 Requests USD 0.00
US West (N. California) USD 0.00
Amazon Simple Storage Service USW1-Requests-Tier2 USD 0.00 2/8
17/04/2023, 14:56 Billing Management Console

Description Usage Quantity Amount in USD

$0.00 per request - GET and all other requests under the monthly global free tier 33 Requests USD 0.00
CodePipeline USD 3.00
Asia Pacific (Mumbai) USD 3.00
AWS CodePipeline APS3-activePipeline USD 3.00
$0.00 for first active pipeline 1 pipelines USD 0.00
$1.00 per additional active pipeline 3 pipelines USD 3.00

CodeCommit USD 2.00

Any USD 2.00
AWS CodeCommit User-Month USD 2.00
$0.00 for first 5 CodeCommit users 5 User-Month USD 0.00
$1.00 per additional CodeCommit user 2 User-Month USD 2.00

Route 53 USD 0.57

Global USD 0.57
Amazon Route 53 DNS-Queries USD 0.07
$0.40 per 1,000,000 queries for the first 1 Billion queries 166,987 Queries USD 0.07
Amazon Route 53 HostedZone USD 0.50
$0.50 per Hosted Zone for the first 25 Hosted Zones 1 HostedZone USD 0.50
Amazon Route 53 Intra-AWS-DNS-Queries USD 0.00
Queries to Alias records are free of charge 26,159 Queries USD 0.00
Data Transfer USD 0.29
Asia Pacific (Mumbai) USD 0.29
AWS Data Transfer APS3-APE1-AWS-In-Bytes USD 0.00
USD0.0 per GB for in Asia Pacific (Hong Kong) 0 GB USD 0.00
AWS Data Transfer APS3-APE1-AWS-Out-Bytes USD 0.00
USD0.086 per GB for in Asia Pacific (Hong Kong) 0 GB USD 0.00
AWS Data Transfer APS3-APN1-AWS-In-Bytes USD 0.00
$0.00 per GB - Asia Pacific (Mumbai) data transfer from Asia Pacific (Tokyo) 0 GB USD 0.00
AWS Data Transfer APS3-APN1-AWS-Out-Bytes USD 0.00
$0.086 per GB - Asia Pacific (Mumbai) data transfer to Asia Pacific (Tokyo) 0 GB USD 0.00
AWS Data Transfer APS3-APN2-AWS-In-Bytes USD 0.00
$0.00 per GB - Asia Pacific (Mumbai) data transfer from Asia Pacific (Seoul) 0 GB USD 0.00
AWS Data Transfer APS3-APN2-AWS-Out-Bytes USD 0.00
$0.086 per GB - Asia Pacific (Mumbai) data transfer to Asia Pacific (Seoul) 0 GB USD 0.00
AWS Data Transfer APS3-APN3-AWS-In-Bytes USD 0.00
$0.00 per GB - Asia Pacific (Mumbai) data transfer from Asia Pacific (Osaka) 0 GB USD 0.00
AWS Data Transfer APS3-APN3-AWS-Out-Bytes USD 0.00
$0.086 per GB - Asia Pacific (Mumbai) data transfer to Asia Pacific (Osaka) 0 GB USD 0.00
AWS Data Transfer APS3-APS1-AWS-In-Bytes USD 0.00
$0.00 per GB - Asia Pacific (Mumbai) data transfer from Asia Pacific (Singapore) 0 GB USD 0.00
AWS Data Transfer APS3-APS1-AWS-Out-Bytes USD 0.00
$0.086 per GB - Asia Pacific (Mumbai) data transfer to Asia Pacific (Singapore) 0 GB USD 0.00
AWS Data Transfer APS3-APS2-AWS-In-Bytes USD 0.00
$0.00 per GB - Asia Pacific (Mumbai) data transfer from Asia Pacific (Sydney) 0.006 GB USD 0.00
AWS Data Transfer APS3-APS2-AWS-Out-Bytes USD 0.00
$0.086 per GB - Asia Pacific (Mumbai) data transfer to Asia Pacific (Sydney) 0.005 GB USD 0.00
AWS Data Transfer APS3-CAN1-AWS-In-Bytes USD 0.00
$0.00 per GB - Asia Pacific (Mumbai) data transfer from Canada (Central) 0 GB USD 0.00
AWS Data Transfer APS3-CAN1-AWS-Out-Bytes USD 0.00
$0.086 per GB - Asia Pacific (Mumbai) data transfer to Canada (Central) 0 GB USD 0.00
AWS Data Transfer APS3-CloudFront-In-Bytes USD 0.00
$0.00 per GB data transfer in to Asia Pacific (Mumbai) from CloudFront 0.004 GB USD 0.00
AWS Data Transfer APS3-CloudFront-Out-Bytes USD 0.00
$0.00 per GB data transfer out of Asia Pacific (Mumbai) to CloudFront 114.807 GB USD 0.00
AWS Data Transfer APS3-EU-AWS-In-Bytes USD 0.00
$0.00 per GB - Asia Pacific (Mumbai) data transfer from EU (Ireland) 0 GB USD 0.00
AWS Data Transfer APS3-EU-AWS-Out-Bytes USD 0.00
$0.086 per GB - Asia Pacific (Mumbai) data transfer to EU (Ireland) 0 GB USD 0.00
AWS Data Transfer APS3-EUC1-AWS-In-Bytes USD 0.00
$0.00 per GB - Asia Pacific (Mumbai) data transfer from EU (Germany) 0 GB USD 0.00
AWS Data Transfer APS3-EUC1-AWS-Out-Bytes USD 0.00
$0.086 per GB - Asia Pacific (Mumbai) data transfer to EU (Germany) 0 GB USD 0.00
AWS Data Transfer APS3-EUN1-AWS-In-Bytes USD 0.00
USD 0.0 per GB for EUN1-AWS-In-Bytes in EU (Stockholm) 0 GB USD 0.00
AWS Data Transfer APS3-EUN1-AWS-Out-Bytes USD 0.00
USD 0.086 per GB for EUN1-AWS-Out-Bytes in EU (Stockholm) 0 GB USD 0.00
AWS Data Transfer APS3-EUW2-AWS-In-Bytes USD 0.00
$0.00 per GB - Asia Pacific (Mumbai) data transfer from EU (London) 0.001 GB USD 0.00
AWS Data Transfer APS3-EUW2-AWS-Out-Bytes USD 0.00
$0.086 per GB - Asia Pacific (Mumbai) data transfer to EU (London) 0 GB USD 0.00
AWS Data Transfer APS3-EUW3-AWS-In-Bytes USD 0.00
$0.00 per GB - Asia Pacific (Mumbai) data transfer from EU (Paris) 0 GB USD 0.00
AWS Data Transfer APS3-EUW3-AWS-Out-Bytes USD 0.00
$0.086 per GB - Asia Pacific (Mumbai) data transfer to EU (Paris) 0 GB USD 0.00
AWS Data Transfer APS3-LAS1-AWS-In-Bytes USD 0.00
$0.00 per GB - Asia Pacific (Mumbai) data transfer from US West (Las Vegas) 0 GB USD 0.00
AWS Data Transfer APS3-LAX1-AWS-In-Bytes USD 0.00
$0.00 per GB - Asia Pacific (Mumbai) data transfer from US West (Los Angeles) 0 GB USD 0.00
AWS Data Transfer APS3-MES1-AWS-In-Bytes USD 0.00
USD0.0 per GB for in Middle East (Bahrain) 0.006 GB USD 0.00
AWS Data Transfer APS3-MES1-AWS-Out-Bytes USD 0.00 3/8
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Description Usage Quantity Amount in USD

USD0.086 per GB for in Middle East (Bahrain) 0.005 GB USD 0.00
AWS Data Transfer APS3-MSP1-AWS-In-Bytes USD 0.00
$0.00 per GB - Asia Pacific (Mumbai) data transfer from US East 0 GB USD 0.00
AWS Data Transfer APS3-SAE1-AWS-In-Bytes USD 0.00
$0.00 per GB - Asia Pacific (Mumbai) data transfer from South America (Sao Paulo) 0 GB USD 0.00
AWS Data Transfer APS3-SAE1-AWS-Out-Bytes USD 0.00
$0.086 per GB - Asia Pacific (Mumbai) data transfer to South America (Sao Paulo) 0 GB USD 0.00
AWS Data Transfer APS3-UGW1-AWS-In-Bytes USD 0.00
$0.00 per GB - Asia Pacific (Mumbai) data transfer from AWS GovCloud (US) 0 GB USD 0.00
AWS Data Transfer APS3-UGW1-AWS-Out-Bytes USD 0.00
$0.086 per GB - Asia Pacific (Mumbai) data transfer to AWS GovCloud (US) 0 GB USD 0.00
AWS Data Transfer APS3-USE1-AWS-In-Bytes USD 0.00
$0.00 per GB - Asia Pacific (Mumbai) data transfer from US East (Northern Virginia) 0.004 GB USD 0.00
AWS Data Transfer APS3-USE1-AWS-Out-Bytes USD 0.00
$0.086 per GB - Asia Pacific (Mumbai) data transfer to US East (Northern Virginia) 0.002 GB USD 0.00
AWS Data Transfer APS3-USE2-AWS-In-Bytes USD 0.00
$0.00 per GB - Asia Pacific (Mumbai) data transfer from US East (Ohio) 0.002 GB USD 0.00
AWS Data Transfer APS3-USE2-AWS-Out-Bytes USD 0.00
$0.086 per GB - Asia Pacific (Mumbai) data transfer to US East (Ohio) 0.002 GB USD 0.00
AWS Data Transfer APS3-USW1-AWS-In-Bytes USD 0.00
$0.00 per GB - Asia Pacific (Mumbai) data transfer from US West (Northern California) 0 GB USD 0.00
AWS Data Transfer APS3-USW1-AWS-Out-Bytes USD 0.00
$0.086 per GB - Asia Pacific (Mumbai) data transfer to US West (Northern California) 0 GB USD 0.00
AWS Data Transfer APS3-USW2-AWS-In-Bytes USD 0.00
$0.00 per GB - Asia Pacific (Mumbai) data transfer from US West (Oregon) 0.001 GB USD 0.00
AWS Data Transfer APS3-USW2-AWS-Out-Bytes USD 0.00
$0.086 per GB - Asia Pacific (Mumbai) data transfer to US West (Oregon) 0.001 GB USD 0.00
Bandwidth USD 0.29
$0.000 per GB - data transfer in per month 82.267 GB USD 0.00
$0.000 per GB - data transfer out under the monthly global free tier 2.034 GB USD 0.00
$0.000 per GB - regional data transfer under the monthly global free tier 1 GB USD 0.00
$0.010 per GB - regional data transfer - in/out/between EC2 AZs or using elastic IPs or 28.802 GB USD 0.29
US East (N. Virginia) USD 0.00
Bandwidth USD 0.00
$0.000 per GB - data transfer out under the monthly global free tier 0 GB USD 0.00

CodeBuild USD 0.02

Asia Pacific (Mumbai) USD 0.02
CodeBuild APS3-Build-Min:ARM:g1.small USD 0.02
$0.002 per minutes for Build-Min:ARM:g1.small in Asia Pacific (Mumbai) 12 minutes USD 0.02
AWS CodeBuild Free Tier - 100 build minutes on arm1.small or build.general1.small 10 minutes USD 0.00
CodeBuild APS3-Build-Min:Linux:g1.small USD 0.00
AWS CodeBuild Free Tier - 100 build minutes on build.general1.small 90 minutes USD 0.00

CloudFront USD 0.01

Africa (Cape Town) USD 0.00
Amazon CloudFront ZA-Requests-Tier1 USD 0.00
$0.000 per request - HTTP or HTTPS under the global monthly free tier 1 Requests USD 0.00
Amazon CloudFront ZA-Requests-Tier2-HTTPS USD 0.00
$0.000 per request - HTTP or HTTPS under the global monthly free tier 132 Requests USD 0.00
Bandwidth USD 0.00
$0.000 per GB - data transfer out under the global monthly free tier 0.058 GB USD 0.00
Asia Pacific (Mumbai) USD 0.01
Amazon CloudFront APS3-Bytes-OriginShield USD 0.00
$0 per GB - All data transfer into Origin Shield from Origin 7.874 GB USD 0.00
Amazon CloudFront APS3-Requests-OriginShield USD 0.01
$0.009 per 10,000 Origin Shield Requests 16,166 Requests USD 0.01
Amazon CloudFront IN-Requests-Tier1 USD 0.00
$0.000 per request - HTTP or HTTPS under the global monthly free tier 475 Requests USD 0.00
Amazon CloudFront IN-Requests-Tier2-HTTPS USD 0.00
$0.000 per request - HTTP or HTTPS under the global monthly free tier 179,884 Requests USD 0.00
Bandwidth USD 0.00
$0.000 per GB - data transfer out under the global monthly free tier 109.293 GB USD 0.00
Asia Pacific (Singapore) USD 0.00
Amazon CloudFront AP-Requests-Tier1 USD 0.00
$0.000 per request - HTTP or HTTPS under the global monthly free tier 27 Requests USD 0.00
Amazon CloudFront AP-Requests-Tier2-HTTPS USD 0.00
$0.000 per request - HTTP or HTTPS under the global monthly free tier 4,075 Requests USD 0.00
Bandwidth USD 0.00
$0.000 per GB - data transfer out under the global monthly free tier 1.599 GB USD 0.00
Asia Pacific (Sydney) USD 0.00
Amazon CloudFront AU-Requests-Tier1 USD 0.00
$0.000 per request - HTTP or HTTPS under the global monthly free tier 4 Requests USD 0.00
Amazon CloudFront AU-Requests-Tier2-HTTPS USD 0.00
$0.000 per request - HTTP or HTTPS under the global monthly free tier 575 Requests USD 0.00
Bandwidth USD 0.00
$0.000 per GB - data transfer out under the global monthly free tier 0.268 GB USD 0.00
Asia Pacific (Tokyo) USD 0.00
Amazon CloudFront JP-Requests-Tier1 USD 0.00
$0.000 per request - HTTP or HTTPS under the global monthly free tier 6 Requests USD 0.00
Amazon CloudFront JP-Requests-Tier2-HTTPS USD 0.00
$0.000 per request - HTTP or HTTPS under the global monthly free tier 91 Requests USD 0.00 4/8
17/04/2023, 14:56 Billing Management Console

Description Usage Quantity Amount in USD

Bandwidth USD 0.00
$0.000 per GB - data transfer out under the global monthly free tier 0.028 GB USD 0.00
Canada (Central) USD 0.00
Amazon CloudFront CA-Requests-Tier1 USD 0.00
$0.000 per request - HTTP or HTTPS under the global monthly free tier 10 Requests USD 0.00
Amazon CloudFront CA-Requests-Tier2-HTTPS USD 0.00
$0.000 per request - HTTP or HTTPS under the global monthly free tier 751 Requests USD 0.00
Bandwidth USD 0.00
$0.000 per GB - data transfer out under the global monthly free tier 0.293 GB USD 0.00
EU (Ireland) USD 0.00
Amazon CloudFront EU-Requests-Tier1 USD 0.00
$0.000 per request - HTTP or HTTPS under the global monthly free tier 409 Requests USD 0.00
Amazon CloudFront EU-Requests-Tier2-HTTPS USD 0.00
$0.000 per request - HTTP or HTTPS under the global monthly free tier 6,985 Requests USD 0.00
Bandwidth USD 0.00
$0.000 per GB - data transfer out under the global monthly free tier 2.593 GB USD 0.00
Global USD 0.00
Amazon CloudFront Invalidations USD 0.00
$0.000 per URL - first 1,000 URLs / month. 7 URL USD 0.00
Middle East (Bahrain) USD 0.00
Amazon CloudFront ME-Requests-Tier1 USD 0.00
$0.000 per request - HTTP or HTTPS under the global monthly free tier 5 Requests USD 0.00
Amazon CloudFront ME-Requests-Tier2-HTTPS USD 0.00
$0.000 per request - HTTP or HTTPS under the global monthly free tier 2,274 Requests USD 0.00
Bandwidth USD 0.00
$0.000 per GB - data transfer out under the global monthly free tier 0.923 GB USD 0.00
South America (Sao Paulo) USD 0.00
Amazon CloudFront SA-Requests-Tier1 USD 0.00
$0.000 per request - HTTP or HTTPS under the global monthly free tier 2 Requests USD 0.00
Amazon CloudFront SA-Requests-Tier2-HTTPS USD 0.00
$0.000 per request - HTTP or HTTPS under the global monthly free tier 11 Requests USD 0.00
Bandwidth USD 0.00
$0.000 per GB - data transfer out under the global monthly free tier 0.001 GB USD 0.00
US East (N. Virginia) USD 0.00
Amazon CloudFront US-Requests-HTTP-Proxy USD 0.00
$0.000 per request - HTTP or HTTPS under the global monthly free tier 34 Requests USD 0.00
Amazon CloudFront US-Requests-HTTPS-Proxy USD 0.00
$0.000 per request - HTTP or HTTPS under the global monthly free tier 2 Requests USD 0.00
Amazon CloudFront US-Requests-Tier1 USD 0.00
$0.000 per request - HTTP or HTTPS under the global monthly free tier 802 Requests USD 0.00
Amazon CloudFront US-Requests-Tier2-HTTPS USD 0.00
$0.000 per request - HTTP or HTTPS under the global monthly free tier 13,036 Requests USD 0.00
Bandwidth USD 0.00
$0.000 per GB - data transfer out under the global monthly free tier 4.467 GB USD 0.00
$0.000 per GB - data transfer out under the global monthly free tier 0 GB USD 0.00
Amplify USD 0.00
Asia Pacific (Mumbai) USD 0.00
AWS Amplify APS3-BuildDuration USD 0.00
USD0.0 per minutes for BuildDuration usage in Asia Pacific (Mumbai) 153.635 minutes USD 0.00
AWS Amplify APS3-DataStorage USD 0.00
USD0.0 per GigaBytes for DataStorage usage in Asia Pacific (Mumbai) 0.318 GigaBytes USD 0.00
Bandwidth USD 0.00
USD0.0 per GigaBytes for DataTransferOut usage in Asia Pacific (Mumbai) 10.18 GigaBytes USD 0.00

API Gateway USD 0.00

Asia Pacific (Mumbai) USD 0.00
Amazon API Gateway ApiGatewayRequest USD 0.00
API Gateway Requests - Free Tier 115,546 APS3- USD 0.00

CloudTrail USD 0.00

Asia Pacific (Mumbai) USD 0.00
AWS CloudTrail APS3-FreeEventsRecorded USD 0.00
0.0 per free event recorded in Asia Pacific (Mumbai) region 354,709 Events USD 0.00
Asia Pacific (Osaka) USD 0.00
AWS CloudTrail APN3-FreeEventsRecorded USD 0.00
0.0 per free event recorded in Asia Pacific (Osaka) region 67 Events USD 0.00
Asia Pacific (Seoul) USD 0.00
AWS CloudTrail APN2-FreeEventsRecorded USD 0.00
0.0 per free event recorded in Asia Pacific (Seoul) region 69 Events USD 0.00
Asia Pacific (Singapore) USD 0.00
AWS CloudTrail APS1-FreeEventsRecorded USD 0.00
0.0 per free event recorded in Asia Pacific (Singapore) region 72 Events USD 0.00
Asia Pacific (Sydney) USD 0.00
AWS CloudTrail APS2-FreeEventsRecorded USD 0.00
0.0 per free event recorded in Asia Pacific (Sydney) region 69 Events USD 0.00
Asia Pacific (Tokyo) USD 0.00
AWS CloudTrail APN1-FreeEventsRecorded USD 0.00 5/8
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Description Usage Quantity Amount in USD

0.0 per free event recorded in Asia Pacific (Tokyo) region 148 Events USD 0.00
Canada (Central) USD 0.00
AWS CloudTrail CAN1-FreeEventsRecorded USD 0.00
0.0 per free event recorded in Canada (Central) region 69 Events USD 0.00
EU (Frankfurt) USD 0.00
AWS CloudTrail EUC1-FreeEventsRecorded USD 0.00
0.0 per free event recorded in EU (Frankfurt) region 69 Events USD 0.00
EU (Ireland) USD 0.00
AWS CloudTrail EU-FreeEventsRecorded USD 0.00
0.0 per free event recorded in EU (Dublin) region 69 Events USD 0.00
EU (London) USD 0.00
AWS CloudTrail EUW2-FreeEventsRecorded USD 0.00
0.0 per free event recorded in EU (London) region 83 Events USD 0.00
EU (Paris) USD 0.00
AWS CloudTrail EUW3-FreeEventsRecorded USD 0.00
0.0 per free event recorded in EU (Paris) region 69 Events USD 0.00
EU (Stockholm) USD 0.00
AWS CloudTrail EUN1-FreeEventsRecorded USD 0.00
0.0 per free event recorded in EU (Stockholm) region 69 Events USD 0.00
South America (Sao Paulo) USD 0.00
AWS CloudTrail SAE1-FreeEventsRecorded USD 0.00
0.0 per free event recorded in South America(Sao Paulo) region 69 Events USD 0.00
US East (N. Virginia) USD 0.00
AWS CloudTrail USE1-FreeEventsRecorded USD 0.00
0.0 per free event recorded in US East (N.Virginia) region 11,128 Events USD 0.00
US East (Ohio) USD 0.00
AWS CloudTrail USE2-FreeEventsRecorded USD 0.00
0.0 per free event recorded in US East (Ohio) region 70 Events USD 0.00
US West (N. California) USD 0.00
AWS CloudTrail USW1-FreeEventsRecorded USD 0.00
0.0 per free event recorded in US West (N.California) region 135 Events USD 0.00
US West (Oregon) USD 0.00
AWS CloudTrail USW2-FreeEventsRecorded USD 0.00
0.0 per free event recorded in US West (Oregon) region 89 Events USD 0.00

CloudWatch USD 0.00

Asia Pacific (Mumbai) USD 0.00
Amazon CloudWatch USD 0.00
$0.00 per alarm metric month - first 10 alarm metrics 9.809 Alarms USD 0.00
$0.00 per request - first 1,000,000 requests 11 Requests USD 0.00
AmazonCloudWatch APS3-TimedStorage-ByteHrs USD 0.00
First 5GB-mo per month of logs storage is free. 0.187 GB-Mo USD 0.00
AmazonCloudWatch PutLogEvents USD 0.00
First 5GB per month of log data ingested is free. 0.488 GB USD 0.00
AmazonCloudWatch StartQuery USD 0.00
First 5GB per month of log data scanned by CloudWatch Logs Insights queries is free. 0.107 GB USD 0.00

CodeArtifact USD 0.00

Asia Pacific (Mumbai) USD 0.00
AWS CodeArtifact APS3-Requests USD 0.00
$0.0 per Request - request under the monthly free tier 13 Requests USD 0.00
Cognito USD 0.00
Asia Pacific (Mumbai) USD 0.00
Amazon Cognito CognitoUserPoolsOperation USD 0.00
Cognito User Pools ap-south-1 free tier pricing 216 CognitoUserPoolsMAU USD 0.00

Comprehend USD 0.00

Asia Pacific (Mumbai) USD 0.00
Amazon Comprehend ContainsPiiEntities USD 0.00
$0.0 per Unit for ContainsPiiEntities:ContainsPiiEntities in Asia Pacific (Mumbai) 18 Unit USD 0.00
Amazon Comprehend DetectDominantLanguage USD 0.00
USD0.0 per Unit for DetectDominantLanguage:DetectDominantLanguage usage in Asia 18 Unit USD 0.00
Pacific (Mumbai)
Amazon Comprehend DetectEntities USD 0.00
USD0.0 per Unit for DetectEntities:DetectEntities usage in Asia Pacific (Mumbai) 18 Unit USD 0.00
Amazon Comprehend DetectKeyPhrases USD 0.00
USD0.0 per Unit for DetectKeyPhrases:DetectKeyPhrases usage in Asia Pacific (Mumbai) 18 Unit USD 0.00
Amazon Comprehend DetectPiiEntities USD 0.00
USD0.0 per Unit for DetectPiiEntities:DetectPiiEntities usage in Asia Pacific (Mumbai) 18 Unit USD 0.00
Amazon Comprehend DetectSentiment USD 0.00
USD0.0 per Unit for DetectSentiment:DetectSentiment usage in Asia Pacific (Mumbai) 18 Unit USD 0.00
Amazon Comprehend DetectSyntax USD 0.00
USD0.0 per Unit for DetectSyntax:DetectSyntax usage in Asia Pacific (Mumbai) 18 Unit USD 0.00
Amazon Comprehend DetectTgtSentiment USD 0.00
$0.0 per Unit for DetectTgtSentiment:DetectTgtSentiment usage in Asia Pacific (Mumbai) 18 Unit USD 0.00

Key Management Service USD 0.00 6/8
17/04/2023, 14:56 Billing Management Console

Description Usage Quantity Amount in USD

Asia Pacific (Mumbai) USD 0.00

AWS Key Management Service ap-south-1-KMS-Requests USD 0.00
$0.00 per request - Monthly Global Free Tier for KMS requests 317 Requests USD 0.00
Asia Pacific (Singapore) USD 0.00
AWS Key Management Service ap-southeast-1-KMS-Requests USD 0.00
$0.00 per request - Monthly Global Free Tier for KMS requests 3 Requests USD 0.00

Lambda USD 0.00

Asia Pacific (Mumbai) USD 0.00
AWS Lambda APS3-Lambda-GB-Second USD 0.00
AWS Lambda - Compute Free Tier - 400,000 GB-Seconds - Asia Pacific (Mumbai) 92.116 Lambda-GB-Second USD 0.00
AWS Lambda APS3-Request USD 0.00
AWS Lambda - Requests Free Tier - 1,000,000 Requests - Asia Pacific (Mumbai) 4,145 Request USD 0.00

Secrets Manager USD 0.00

Asia Pacific (Mumbai) USD 0.00
AWS Secrets Manager APS3-AWSSecretsManagerAPIRequest USD 0.00
$0 per 10000 API Requests 3 API Requests USD 0.00
Simple Queue Service USD 0.00
Asia Pacific (Mumbai) USD 0.00
Amazon Simple Queue Service APS3-Requests-Tier1 USD 0.00
First 1,000,000 Amazon SQS Requests per month are free 2 Requests USD 0.00
Asia Pacific (Osaka) USD 0.00
Amazon Simple Queue Service APN3-Requests-Tier1 USD 0.00
First 1,000,000 Amazon SQS Requests per month are free 2 Requests USD 0.00
Asia Pacific (Seoul) USD 0.00
Amazon Simple Queue Service APN2-Requests-Tier1 USD 0.00
First 1,000,000 Amazon SQS Requests per month are free 2 Requests USD 0.00
Asia Pacific (Singapore) USD 0.00
Amazon Simple Queue Service APS1-Requests-Tier1 USD 0.00
First 1,000,000 Amazon SQS Requests per month are free 2 Requests USD 0.00
Asia Pacific (Sydney) USD 0.00
Amazon Simple Queue Service APS2-Requests-Tier1 USD 0.00
First 1,000,000 Amazon SQS Requests per month are free 2 Requests USD 0.00
Asia Pacific (Tokyo) USD 0.00
Amazon Simple Queue Service APN1-Requests-Tier1 USD 0.00
First 1,000,000 Amazon SQS Requests per month are free 2 Requests USD 0.00
Canada (Central) USD 0.00
Amazon Simple Queue Service CAN1-Requests-Tier1 USD 0.00
First 1,000,000 Amazon SQS Requests per month are free 2 Requests USD 0.00
EU (Frankfurt) USD 0.00
Amazon Simple Queue Service EUC1-Requests-Tier1 USD 0.00
First 1,000,000 Amazon SQS Requests per month are free 2 Requests USD 0.00
EU (Ireland) USD 0.00
Amazon Simple Queue Service EU-Requests-Tier1 USD 0.00
First 1,000,000 Amazon SQS Requests per month are free 2 Requests USD 0.00
EU (London) USD 0.00
Amazon Simple Queue Service EUW2-Requests-Tier1 USD 0.00
First 1,000,000 Amazon SQS Requests per month are free 2 Requests USD 0.00
EU (Paris) USD 0.00
Amazon Simple Queue Service EUW3-Requests-Tier1 USD 0.00
First 1,000,000 Amazon SQS Requests per month are free 2 Requests USD 0.00
EU (Stockholm) USD 0.00
Amazon Simple Queue Service EUN1-Requests-Tier1 USD 0.00
USD 0.0 per Requests for Requests-Tier1 in EU (Stockholm) 2 Requests USD 0.00
South America (Sao Paulo) USD 0.00
Amazon Simple Queue Service SAE1-Requests-Tier1 USD 0.00
First 1,000,000 Amazon SQS Requests per month are free 2 Requests USD 0.00
US East (N. Virginia) USD 0.00
Amazon Simple Queue Service Requests-RBP USD 0.00
First 1,000,000 Amazon SQS Requests per month are free 2 Requests USD 0.00
US East (Ohio) USD 0.00
Amazon Simple Queue Service USE2-Requests-Tier1 USD 0.00
First 1,000,000 Amazon SQS Requests per month are free 2 Requests USD 0.00
US West (N. California) USD 0.00
Amazon Simple Queue Service USW1-Requests-Tier1 USD 0.00
First 1,000,000 Amazon SQS Requests per month are free 2 Requests USD 0.00
US West (Oregon) USD 0.00
Amazon Simple Queue Service USW2-Requests-Tier1 USD 0.00
First 1,000,000 Amazon SQS Requests per month are free 2 Requests USD 0.00

Total tax USD 158.25 7/8
17/04/2023, 14:56 Billing Management Console

Charges by account (0) Total post-tax USD 0.00

No data to display.


Amazon Web Services India Private Limited (1) Total invoiced charges USD 1,037.46
Charge type Document type Invoice ID Invoice date Total in invoice currency Total in USD

Usage Invoice 1262030065 03/02/2023 INR 85,949.72 USD 1,037.46

Tax invoices (1)

Service provider Document type Document ID Invoice ID

Amazon Web Services India Private Limited VAT invoice AIN2223003577185 1262030065

Savings (0) Total savings USD 0.00

No data to display.

Taxes by service

Amazon Web Services India Private Limited (11) Total tax USD 158.25
Service name Post-tax charges Pre-tax charges Taxes

Relational Database Service USD 551.99 USD 467.79 USD 84.20

Elastic Transcoder USD 242.94 USD 205.88 USD 37.06
Elastic Compute Cloud USD 116.29 USD 98.55 USD 17.74
Elastic Load Balancing USD 54.66 USD 46.32 USD 8.34
Simple Notification Service USD 40.50 USD 34.32 USD 6.18
WAF USD 15.36 USD 13.02 USD 2.34
Simple Storage Service USD 8.78 USD 7.44 USD 1.34
CodePipeline USD 3.54 USD 3.00 USD 0.54
CodeCommit USD 2.36 USD 2.00 USD 0.36
Route 53 USD 0.67 USD 0.57 USD 0.10
Data Transfer USD 0.34 USD 0.29 USD 0.05

Usage and recurring charges for this statement period will be charged on your next billing date. Estimated charges shown on this
page, or shown on any notifications that we send to you, may differ from your actual charges for this statement period. This is
because estimated charges presented on this page do not include usage charges accrued during this statement period after the
date you view this page. Similarly, information about estimated charges sent to you in a notification do not include usage
charges accrued during this statement period after the date we send you the notification. One-time fees and subscription charges
are assessed separately from usage and reoccurring charges, on the date that they occur. The charges on this page exclude taxes,
unless it is listed as a separate line item. To access your tax information, contact your AWS Organization’s management owner. 8/8

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