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‭ oi Girls’ High School – Eldoret is a school with a very rich heritage‬

‭spanning over many decades. The institution has a diverse identity,‬
‭having served not only Kenyans but the global community as well.‬
‭Currently, the institution is a national girls boarding school with 1500‬
‭students and over 75 teachers. In addition, there are over 70 non teaching‬
‭staff members supporting the school programs. The school has nearly‬
‭always claimed the top ten positions in the national examination‬
‭performances. It ranked 12‬‭th‬ ‭nationally in the 2022‬‭KCSE results; the‬
‭previous year it was 11‬‭th‬‭.‬

‭ he school was originally founded in 1923 as a “Whites Only”‬

‭primary school by the Europeans who had settled on the fertile upper‬
‭Rift Valley plateau that was then given the name The White Highlands. It‬
‭was later transformed into a secondary school for girls of British, Dutch‬
‭and Afrikaner origin in the East African region. The White community‬
‭invested greatly to establish a school of quality in terms of physical and‬
‭other diverse facilities. This mark of quality has been sustained, to a large‬
‭extent, to the present day.‬

‭ hen Kenya attained its independence and self rule in 1963 and‬
‭1964 respectively, many of the alumni of the school spread to various‬
‭other countries, carrying with them fond memories of this great‬
‭institution. They are presently serving in various positions in many‬
‭countries including The United Kingdom, Canada, The United States,‬
‭The Netherlands, South Africa, Australia, etcetera. Later, the school‬
‭opened its doors to indigenous Kenyans from diverse origins. It became‬
‭one of the few national schools that played an important role in creating‬
‭the image of a unified Kenya. The Government of Kenya gave it special‬
‭support and this made it possible to maintain the quality facilities and‬
‭provide quality teaching and learning. This has also remained an‬
‭important identity of the school over the years. As a result the school has‬
‭been able to make its contribution in developing leaders serving in‬
‭various key positions in Kenya and indeed, in other parts of the world.‬
I‭ n the recent past the school has had to ride over a challenging‬
‭period as government support to schools greatly diminished leaving the‬
‭parents as the main financiers. It is encouraging to note that the parents‬
‭of this school have played their role with exceptional commitment.‬
‭Through their efforts the school has, with some challenges, reasonably‬
‭maintained its standards of quality facilities as well as academic and‬
‭sporting performance. More significantly, the educational standards have‬
‭steadily risen to be among the very highest in the country today. Parents’‬
‭contribution must be lauded for being the single most important‬
‭motivating factor in the support programmes that have raised the school‬
‭educational performance.‬

‭ s we look back at our heritage, there is one factor that has‬

‭remained constant; that is, that all players have relied on Almighty God‬
‭as our Guide and Inspiration. Through His grace, all things have come‬
‭together for the good of this great school. “With God all things are‬
‭possible” and we believe that it is possible to make our school continue to‬
‭be the very best in the country. It is equally possible to make it the best in‬
‭the world. We put our faith in God and our confidence in the people who‬
‭believe in us. We believe that God “is able to do immeasurably more than‬
‭all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us.”‬

I‭ ts rich history makes this school have an international reputation.‬

‭The school identity that gives her a national outlook and her unrivalled‬
‭programmes have lifted the school to respectable educational‬
‭performance. As a school, we are inspired to rise to the next level. Just as‬
‭we have done very well in the past; now we want to do better.These‬
‭highlights are the basis of this new strategic plan..‬

‭ ur just ended strategic plan (2018-2020) did serve us well. We‬

‭have developed this revised strategic plan with the belief that, as we‬
‭embark on its implementation we will fill up any gaps and never be the‬
‭same again. We are confident to be the best we can be – the undisputed‬
‭premier girls’ school nationwide.‬


‭ he school follows the 8-4-4 curriculum where students learn for 8‬

‭ ears in primary school, four in high school and four in university. In‬
‭ rder for a student to receive the Kenya Certificate of Secondary‬
‭Education (K.C.S.E), they have to take a minimum of seven subjects.‬

‭ he school offers a variety of curricular activities. Some of these‬

‭clubs, societies and sports include:‬

‭ LUBS: Maths club, Physics club, BioLegacies Club, The‬

‭President’s Award Club, Chess Club, St. John’s Ambulance, Red Cross‬
‭Music Club, Debate Club, Moi Girls Magazine and Newspaper.‬

‭ PORTS: Volleyball, Badminton, Football, Lacrosse, Swimming,‬

‭ awn tennis, Table tennis, Handball, Hockey, Athletics and many others.‬

‭ OCIETIES: Moi girls Mental Health Program, Outreach Ministry,‬

‭RUYA( Raising Up Young Achievers), Christian Union, Muslim Society,‬
‭Young Christian Students(YCS), Seventh Day Adventist(SDA).‬

‭ n top of that, students take part in national contests such as the‬

‭Kenya Science and Engineering Fair( KSEF), Brookside Mathlete‬
‭Contests, Drama and Music festival, and the International Festival of‬
‭Language and Culture.‬

‭a)‬ ‭VISION‬
‭To Be The Premier National School For Girls.‬

‭b)‬ ‭MISSION‬
‭To provide quality education, nurture talent and innovation, and to‬
‭develop responsible leaders.‬

‭Specifically, we are committed:‬

‭1.‬ ‭To inculcating necessary knowledge, skills and attitudes for the‬
‭development of self and the nation.‬
‭2.‬ ‭To nurturing personal talent and encourage innovation required‬
‭for this technological age.‬
‭3.‬ ‭To developing the ability for inquiry, critical thinking and rational‬
‭4.‬ ‭To growing individuals mentally, socially, morally, physically and‬
‭5.‬ ‭To developing self-disciplined, responsible and socially well‬
‭adjusted individuals.‬
‭6.‬ ‭To instilling acceptance and respect for all persons regardless of‬
‭race, creed or background diversity.‬
‭7.‬ ‭To molding learners into individuals who appreciate work and‬
‭prudently manage time.‬
‭8.‬ ‭To enhancing positive environmental and health practices‬
‭9.‬ ‭To promoting love and loyalty for the nation.‬
‭10.‬‭To building a firm foundation for further education and training.‬


‭We, the Moi Girls’ High School – Eldoret, as a leading educational‬
‭institution for the girl child, cherish the following ideals:‬

‭1.‬ ‭God fearing:‬‭Committed to living a moral life based‬‭on reverence‬

‭to God .‬
‭2.‬ ‭Innovativeness:‬‭Ability to use imagination to develop‬‭and apply‬
‭original ideas.‬
‭3.‬ ‭Focused:‬‭Having foresight and committed to working‬‭hard‬
‭4.‬ ‭Team Spirit:‬‭Willingness to learn and share complementary‬‭skills‬
‭and to foster mutual accountability.‬
‭5.‬ ‭Excellence:‬‭Striving to stay relevant and to remain‬‭competitive,‬
‭standing both locally and globally.‬
‭6.‬ ‭Disciplined:‬‭Able to make good judgement.‬

‭(Notice the GVs can easily be recalled by use of the acronym “GIFTED‬‭”‭)‬ ‬
‭a.‬ F‭ ounding:‬‭The school was founded as an educational‬‭institution in1929, and‬
‭was later established as a girls’ high school in 1954. Initially, it was a “Whites‬
‭Only” institution. Catering for daughters of the white settlers during the‬
‭colonial era. But Since 1964, it has been admitting indigenous Kenyan girls.‬
‭The school is established on Christian principles.‬
‭b.‬ ‭Registration:‬‭Currently the school is registered as‬‭a National girls’ boarding‬
‭high school, under the Uasin Gishu County Education Board.‬
‭c.‬ ‭Location & Acreage:‬‭The school rests on 104 (one hundred‬‭and four acres of‬
‭land) within Eldoret City, about 3 km from the CBD. The land’s title deed is‬
‭with the Public Trustee for safe keeping. It geographically shares a boundary‬
‭with the Immaculate Heart Juniorate to the North, Eldoville Estate to the East,‬
‭The Kenya Railways line to the South and The GK Prisons to the West‬
‭d.‬ ‭The school Vision:‬‭To Be The Premier National School‬‭ForGirls.‬
‭The school mission‬‭:‭T‬ o provide quality education,‬‭nurture talent and innovation,‬
‭and develop responsible 21‬‭st‬ ‭century leaders.‬
T‭ he school Motto:‬‭Honour, Courage & Industry.‬
‭e.‬ ‭Establishment:‬‭The school establishment is currently‬‭eight (8) streams for‬
‭Forms 1 and 2 and seven (7) streams for Forms 3 and 4 classes. (Total number‬
‭of streams is 30). Current student enrollment is 1497.‬
f‭.‬ ‭Curriculum:‬‭The school curriculum is currently based‬‭on the 8-4-4 system of‬
‭education and is very wide, with 17 subjects offered:‬
‭g.‬ ‭Staffing:‬‭We have 75 teachers and 70 non-teaching‬‭staff members. Four of‬
‭the teachers and all the non-teaching staff are on the BOM payroll.‬

I‭t is worth noting that the school’s infrastructure has not been expanded to meet the‬
‭demands of the rising student population.‬

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