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Kinematics (Quiz/Assignment)

1. An airplane lands at a speed of 260 kph and decelerates at 6 m/s^2. If the plane travels at a
constant speed of 260 m/s for 1 sec after landing before applying the brakes, what is the total
displacement of the plane between touchdown on the runway and coming to rest?
2. A race car starting from rest accelerates at a constant rate of 6.2 m/s^2.
a. What is the velocity of the car after it has traveled 50m?
b. How much time has elapsed within 50m?
c. Calculate the average velocity
3. A subway train starts from rest at a station and accelerates at a rate of 4 m/s^2 for 16s. then runs
at constant speed for 30s and decelerates at 6m/s^2 until it stops at the next station. Find the
total distance traveled by the train.
4. An airplane taking off from a landing strip has a run of 1200 m. If it starts from rest, moves with
constant acceleration, and makes the run in 30s, with what velocity did it take off??

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