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1. The speeds of two bodies are in the ratio 2 : 3.

If the difference in the time taken to cover 50 m is 10 sec,

then find the difference in their speeds.
nks fiaMksa dh pky dk vuqikr 2 : 3 gSA ;fn 50 m dh nwjh r; djus eas yxs le; dk varj 10 lsdaM gS rks mudh pky esa varj Kkr
𝟖 𝟓 𝟔 𝟕
(a) 𝟗m/sec. (b) 𝟔m/sec (c)𝟓m/sec (d) 𝟓m/sec
2. A train covers a distance of 225 km in 2𝟐 hours at a uniform speed. The time taken by the train (in
hours) to cover a distance of 630 km at the same speed is:
,d Vªsu 225 fdeh- dh nwjh ,d leku pky ls <kbZ ?kaVksa esa r; djrh gSA mlh pky ls 630 fdeh- dh nwj r; djus esa Vªus }kjk fy;k
x;k le; ¼?kaVksa esa½ crkb,A
(a)5 (b)7 (c)6 (d)4
3. A train takes 1 hour 20 minutes to travel between two stations P and Q. If it travels at 𝟕 of its usual
speed, how long will it take to travel between P and Q?
,d Vªsu nks LVs'kuksa P vkSj Q ds chp ;k=k djus esa 1 h 20 min dk le; ysrh gSA ;fn ;g viuh lkekU; pky ds dh pky ls
;k=k djrh gS] rks P vkSj Q ds chp ;k=k djus esa bls fdruk le; yxsxk\
(a)4 hour 10 minutes (b)5 hour 20 minutes
(c)4 hour 40 minutes (d)3 hour 30 minutes
4. A man increases his speed to 11/6 times of his original speed. By doing this he reaches his office 20
minutes before the usual time. Find the time he usually takes.
,d vkneh viuh pky dks viuh ewy pky ls 11/6 xquk c<+k nsrk gSA ,slk djds og vius dk;kZy; lkekU; le; ls 20 feuV igys
igqap tkrk gSA og lkekU;r% dk;kZy; igq¡pus ds fy, fdruk le; ysrk gS \
(a) 40 minutes (b) 42 minutes
(c) 25 minutes (d) 44 minutes
5. A car can cover a distance of 144 km in 1.8 hours. In what time (in hours) will it cover double the
distance when its speed is increased by 20%?
dksbZ dkj] 144 km dh nwjh 1.8 ?kaVs esa r; dj ldrh gSA 20% vf/kd pky ls ;g nksxquh nwjh fdrus le; esa ¼?kaVs es½a r; djsxh\
(a)2.5 (b)3.2 (c)3 (d)2
6. A man travels from a city X to city Y. If he travels 25% faster thanhis speed, he
would reach Y 15 minutes early. By how many minutes would he be late if he
travels 40% slower than his usual speed?
एक आदमी शहर X से शहर Y की यात्रा करता है। यदद वह अपनी गतत से 25% तेज यात्रा करता है , तो वह Y 15
ममनट पहले पहुंच जाता है । यदद वह अपनी सामान्य गतत से 40% धीमी गतत से यात्रा करता है तो उसे ककतने
ममनट की दे री होगी? (ICAR Technician 2022)
A) 36
B) 50
C) 40
D) 45
7. A car can cover a certain distance at a certain uniform speed in 19.2 hours. If the speed is increased by
8 km per hour, the same distance is covered in 18 hours. The distance (in km) is:
,d dkj ,d fuf'pr nwjh dks ,d leku pky ls 19.2 h esa r; dj ldrh gSA ;fn pky esa 8 km/h dh o`f) dj nh tk, rks og
mlh nwjh dks 18 h esa r; djrh gSA nwjh ¼fdeh- esa½ fdruh gS\
(a)2340 (b)2403 (c)2034 (d)2304

Video Solution :-

8. A car takes 50 minutes to cover a certain distance at a speed of 54 km/h. If the speed is increased by
25%, then how long will it take to cover three-fourth of the same distance?
dksbZ dkj] 54 km/h dh pky ls fdlh fuf'pr nwjh dks 50 feuV resa r; djrh gSA ;fn pky esa 25% dh o`f) gksrh gS] rks dkj ml
nwjh ds ¾ Hkkx dks fdrus le; esa r; djsxh\
(a)35 minutes (b)40 minutes
(c)30 minutes (d)28.5 minutes
9. With a speed of 48 km/h, Raghu is able to complete his journey in 2 hours 28 minutes. If he wants to
cover the same distance in 1 hour 36 minutes, then what should be his new speed?
48 km/h pky ls] j?kq viuh ;k=k dks 2 ?kaVs 28 feuV esa iwjk djus esa l{ke gSA ;fn og mlh nwjh dks 1 ?kaVk 36 feuV esa r; djuk
pkgrk gS] rks mldh ubZ pky fdruh gksuh pkfg,\
(a)72 km/h (b)64 km/h (c)66 km/h (d)74 km/h
10. A takes 2 hours more than B to cover a distance of 40 km. If A doubles his speed, he takes 1𝟐 hours more
than B to cover 80 km. To cover a distance of 90 km, how much time will B take travelling at his same
40 km की दरू ी तय करने में, A को B से 2 घंटे अधिक लगते हैं। यदद A अपनी चाल को दोगन
ु ा करता है , तो
उसे 80 km की दरू ी तय करने में B से 1 𝟐 घंटे अधिक लगते हैं। 90 km की दरू ी तय करने के ललए, B को

अपनी उसी चाल से ककतना समय लगेगा?

𝟏 𝟑 𝟏 𝟏
(a) 𝟏 𝟖 hours (b) 𝟏 𝟖 hours (c) 𝟏 𝟔 hours (d) 𝟏 𝟑 hours
11. A person moved from place A for place B at 2 p.m. at a speed of 4.5 km/h, stayed at place B for 1.5 hours
and returned to place A at a speed of 6 km/h. He came back to place A at 7 p.m. What is the distance
between places A and B (in km)?
vijkºu 2 cts] dksbZ O;fDr 4.5 km/h dh pky ls LFkku A ls LFkku B ds fy, pyrk gS] vkSj LFkku B ij 1.5 ?kaVk :drk gS rFkk
fQj 6 km/h pky ls LFkku A ij okil vkrk gSA og LFkku A ij 'kke 7 cts igqaprk gSA LFkku A vkSj B ds chp dh nwjh Kkr
¼fdeh- eas½ djasA
𝟏 𝟐 𝟔
(a)8𝟑 (b)8 𝟓 (c)9 (d)9 𝟏𝟏
12. A person reaches his destination 32 minutes late if his speed is 6 km/h, and reaches 18 minutes before
time if his speed is 7 km/h. Find twice the distance (in km) of his destination from his starting point.
;fn ,d O;fDr dh pky 6 km/h gS rks og vius xarO; ij 32 feuV nsjh ls igqaprk gS vkSj ;fn mldh pky 7 fdeh@?kaVk gS rks og
le; ls 18 feuV igys igqap tkrk gSA mlds vkjafHkd fcUnw ls mlds xarO; dh nksxquh nwjh ¼fdeh esa½ Kkr dhft,A
(a)55 (b)70 (c)60 (d)65
13. The distance between the places H and O is D units. The average speed that gets a person from H to O
in a stipulated time is S units. He takes 20 minutes more time than usual if he travels at 60 km / h, and
reaches 44 minutes early if he travels at 75 km / h. The sum of the numerical values of D and S is:
स्थान H और O के बीच की दरू ी D इकाई है। एक व्यक्तत H से O की दरू ी, एक सुननक्चचत समय में औसत S
इकाई की चाल से तय करता है। अगर वह व्यक्तत 60 km / h की चाल से चलता है तो वह सामान्य से 20
लमनट ज्यादा समय लगााता है , और अगर वह 75 km / h की चाल से चलता है तो वह सामान्य से 44 लमनट
पहले दरू ी तय कर लेता है । D और S के आंककक सारों का योग तया है ?
(a) 358 (b) 384
(c) 376 (d) 344

Video Solution :-

14. If Abhi travels a certain distance at 6 km/hr, he reaches his destination 12
minutes early, but if he travels at 4 km/hr, he reaches his destination 10 minutes
late. The speed (in km/hr) at which he should travel to reach his destination on time
;fn vfHk fuf”pr nwjh 6 km/h dh pky ls r; djrk gS] rks og vius xarO; ij 12 feuV igys igq¡p tkrk gS] ysdu ;fn og blh
nwjh dks 4 km/h dh pky ls r; djrk gS] rks og vius xarO; ij 10 feuV dh nsjh ls igqaprk gSA vius xarO; rd lgh le; ij
igq¡pus ds fy, mls fdl pky (km/h es½a ls nwjh r; djuh pkfg,\
𝟒 𝟏
(a) 5𝟓 (b) 5𝟖
𝟑 𝟓
(c) 4𝟕 (d) 4𝟕
15. Ravi starts for his school from his house on his cycle at 8:20 a. m. If he runs his cycle at a speed of 10
km/h , he reaches his school 8 minutes late, and if he drives the cycle at a speed of 16 km/h, he reaches
his school 10 minutes early. The school starts at:
रवि सुबह 8.20 बजे अपने घर से अपने स्‍कुल के वलए साइवकल से चलना शुरू करता है। यवि िह अपनी साइवकल 10
km/h की चाल से चलाता है, तो िह स्‍कूल के वलए वनर्ााररत समय से 8 वमनट की िे री से पहुंचता है औरा यवि िह
अपनी साइवकल 16 km/h की चाल से चलता है तो िह स्‍कूल के वलए वनर्ााररत समय से 10 वमनट पहले स्‍कूल पहुंच
जाता है। स्‍कूल शुरू होने का वनर्ााररत समय क्‍या है?
(a) 8: 50 a.m. (b) 8:40 a.m.
(c) 9:00 a.m. (d) 9:40 a.m.
16. Suman travels from place X to Y and Rekha travels from Y to X, simultaneously. After meeting on the
way. Suman and Rekha reach Y and X, in 3 hours 12 minutes and one hour 48 minutes, respectively. If
the speed of Rekha is 9 km/h. then the speed (in km/h) of Suman is:
,d gh le; ij] lqeu LFkku X ls Y ds fy, pyrh gS vkSj js[kk LFkku Y ls X ds fy, pyrh gSA jkLrs esa feyus ds ckn] lqeu vkSj
js[kk LFkku Y vkSj X ij Øe'k% 3 ?kaVk 12 feuV vkSj ,d ?kaVk 48 feuV eas igqaprh gSaA ;fn js[kk dh pky 9 km/h gS] rks lqeu dh
pky ¼fdeh-@?kaVk ea½s Kkr djaAs
𝟏 𝟑
(a)7 𝟐 (b)6 (c)8 (d)6𝟒
17. X
and Y start their journey at the same time from place A to B, respectively.After
meeting each other on the way, X and Y complete their journey in 5𝟗 hours and p
hours respectively. If the speed of X is 28 % is more than that of Y, then what is
the value of p?
X और Y क्रमशः स्थान A से B तक एक ही समय पर अपनी यात्रा शरू करते हैं। रास्ते में एक दस
ू रे से ममलने के
बाद, X और Y अपनी यात्रा क्रमशः 5𝟗 घुंटे और p घुंटे में पूरी करते हैं। यदद X की गतत, Y की गतत से 28𝟕 %
𝟒 𝟒

अधधक है, तो p का मान क्या है?

A) 4𝟐
B) 9
C) 8
D) 6

Video Solution :-

18. A man walks at a speed of 42km/h. After every 13 kilometre, he takes a rest for 9 minutes. How much
time will he take to cover a distance of 91km?
एक व्यक्ति 42km/h की चाल से चलता है। बह प्रत्येक 13 क्तकलोमीटर के बाद 9 क्तमनट आराम करता है। उसे 91 km की दरू ी तय करने में क्तकतना समय लगेगा?
(a) 185 minutes (b) 184 minutes
(c) 182 minutes (d) 193 minutes
19. A train travels at a speed of 66 km/h and halts at five junctions for a certain time. It covers a distance
of 1485 km in one day. For how long (in minutes) does the train stop at each junction, if it halts for the
same period of time at all the junctions?
,d Vªsu 66 km/h dh pky ls ;k=k djrh gS vkSj ,d fuf'pr le; ds fy, ikap taD'kuksa ij #drh gSA ;g ,d fnu eas 1485 km
dh nwjh r; djrh gSA vxj Vªsu lHkh taD'kuksa ij leku vof/k rd #drh gS rks ;g izR;sd taD'ku ij fdrus le; rd ¼feuVksa es½a
#drh gS\
(a)15 (b)18 (c)12 (d)20
20. P and Q each travel a distance of 120 km such that the speed of P is faster than Q. The sum of their
speeds is 75 km/h and together they took the total time of 6 hours and 40 minutes. Then the speed of Q
(in km/h) is
P vkSj Q çR;sd us 120 km dh ;k=k bl çdkj dh fd P dh pky] Q ls vis{kkÑr rst gSA mudh pkyksa dk ;ksx 75 km/h gS
vkSj nksuksa dks dqy yxk le; 6 h vkSj 40 min gS rks Q dh pky (km/h esa) fdruh gksxh\
(a)40 (b)42 (c)30 (d)35
21. Due to traffic, the speed of a car is reduced by 15 km/hr so it takes 1.5 hours
more to cover a distance of 1260 km. Find the initial speed of the car?
ट्रै क़िक के कारण, कार की गनत 15 ककमी / घंटा कम हो जाती है , इसललए 1260 ककमी की दरू ी तय करने में
1.5 घंटे अधिक लगते हैं। कार की प्रारं लिक गनत ज्ञात कीक्जये?
a) 100 km b) 120km
c) 105 km d) 135 km
22. The distance between two railway stations is 1176 km. To cover this distance, an express train takes 5
hours less than a passenger train while the average speed of the passenger train is 70 km/h less than
that of the express train. The time taken by the passenger train to complete the travel is:
दो रे लवे स्टे चनों के बीच की दरू ी 1176 km है। इस दरू ी को तय करने में एक एतसप्रेस ट्रे न को पैसज
ें र ट्रे न के
ु ाबले 5 घंटे कम लवाते हैं, जबकक पैसेंजर ट्रे न की औसत चाल एतसप्रेस ट्रे न की तल
ु ना में 70 km/h कम
है। इस यात्रा को पूरा करने में पैसेंजर ट्रे न द्वारा ललए जाले वाले समय की गणना करें ।
(a) 18 hours (b) 17 hours
(c) 23 hours (d) 12 hours

23. A car travels for 40 minutes at a speed of 40 km/h, for another 50 minutes
at a speed of 45 km/h and for next 90 minutes at a speed of 60 km/h. what is the
average speed (in km/h) of the car for the entire journey?
एक कार 40 ककमी/घुंटा की गतत से 40 ममनट तक चलती है, अन्य 50 ममनट के मलए 45 ककमी/घुंटा की गतत
से और अगले 90 ममनट के मलए 60 ककमी/घुंटा की गतत से यात्रा करती है। परू ी यात्रा में कार की औसत गतत
(ककमी/घुंटा में) क्या है? (ICAR Assistant 2022)
A) 49

Video Solution :-

B) 50𝟗
C) 51𝟏𝟖
D) 50𝟏𝟖
24. One-fifth of a journey is covered at a speed of 30 km/h, one-fourth of the journey at a speed of 25 km/h
and the rest at 60 km/h. What is the average speed (in km/h, correct to one decimal place) for the whole
,d ;k=k dk ikapoka fgLlk 30 km/h dh pky ls r; fd;k x;k] ,d pkSFkkbZ ;k=k 25 km/h dh pky ls vkSj 'ks"k 60 km/h dh
pky ls r; dh xbZ gSA iwjh ;k=k eas vkSlr pky (km/h ea]s ,d n'keyo LFkku rd lgh) D;k gksxh\
(a)38.7 (b)30.6 (c)40.5 (d)25.4
25. During the first two hours of a journey, a man drove at the speed of 45 km/h and during next two hours
and fifteen minutes he drove at a speed of 72 km/h. He maintained a speed of 80 km/h for another three
hours and 45 minutes. What was his average speed (in km/h) for the entire journey?
,d ;k=k ds igys nks ?kavksa ds nkSjku] ,d O;fDr 45 km/h dh pky ls xkM+h pykrk gS vkSj vxys nks ?kaVs iUæ feuV ds nkSjku og
72 km/h dh pky ls xkM+h pykrk gSA og vxys rhu ?kaVs vkSj 45 feuV rd 80 km/h dh pky cuk, j[krk gSA iwjh ;k=k esa mldh
vkSlr pky (km/h esa) Kkr dhft,A
(a) 69 (b) 70 (c) 66 (d) 75
26. In a journey of three unequal laps, a car covers a distance of 200 km in 4 h in the first lap, while another
162 km at the speed of 15 m/s in the second lap. It covered the remaining distance of the final lap in 4 h
such that the average speed of the car for entire journey was 50 km/h. What was the speed of the car in
the third lap of the journey?
rhu vleku Hkkxksa dh ;k=k esa] ,d dkj igys Hkkx dh 200 km dh nwjh 4 ?kaVs esa r; djrh gS] tcfd nwljs Hkkx dh 162 km dh
nwjh]] 15 m/s dh pky ls r; djrh gSA blus vafre Hkkx dh 'ks"k nwjh dks 4 ?kaVs esa bl izdkj r; dj nh fd iwjh ;k=k ds fy, dkj
dh vkSlr pky 50 km/h gks xbZA ;k=k ds rhljs Hkkx eas dkj dh pky D;k Fkh\
(a) 47 km/h (b) 52 km/h (c)42 km/h (d) 45 km/h
27. The ratio of the distance between two places A and B to the distance between places B and C is 3 :5. A
man travels from A to B at a speed of x km/h and from B to Cat a speed of 50 km/h. If his average
speed for the entire journey is 40 km/h, then what is the value of (x - 10) : (x + 1)?
स्थानों A और B के बीच की दरू ी का, स्थानों B और C के बीच की दरू ी से अनप
ु ात 3 : 5 है। एक व्यक्तत A से
B तक, x km/h की चाल से और B से C तक, 50 km/h की चाल से यात्रा करता है । यदद पूरी यात्रा के ललए
उसकी औसत चाल 40 km/h है, तो (x-10) : (x+1) का मान तया होगा?
(a)20:31 (b) 31:20 (c) 11 : 10 (d) 10: 11
28. If Mohit covers three equal distances at the speed of 30 km/h, 25 km/h, and 20 km/h, respectively, then
find his average speed during the whole journey.
;fn eksfgr rhu leku nwfj;ka Øe'k% 30 km/hm, 25 km/h vkSj 20 km/h dh pky ls r; djrk gS] rks iwjh ;k=k ds nkSjku mldh
vkSlr pky Kkr djsaA
(a) 34.50 km/h (b) 24.32 km/h
(c) 25.30 km/h (d) 43.32 km/h
29. A person travels from his home to his office at a speed of 40 km/h and returns back at a speed of 65
km/h. What is his average speed (in km/h) for the journey?
,d O;fDr vius ?kj ls vius dk;kZy; rd 40 km/h dh pky ls ;k=k djrk gS vkSj 65 km/h dh pky ls okil ykSVrk gSA ;k=k
ds fy, mldh vkSlr pky (km/h esa) D;k gS\

Video Solution :-

(a) 𝟑𝟑 𝟐𝟏
(b)𝟓𝟏 𝟐𝟏
(c) 𝟐𝟏 𝟐𝟏
(d) 𝟒𝟗 𝟐𝟏
30. A person X starts from a place A and another person Y starts simultaneously
from another place B which is d km away from A. They walk in the same direction.
X walks at an average speed of u km/h and Y walks at an average speed of v km/h.
how far will X have walked before he overtakes Y?
एक व्यक्क्त X एक स्थान A से शरू करता है और दस
ू रा व्यक्क्त Y एक साथ दस
ू रे स्थान B से शरू करता है जो A
से d ककमी दरू है। वे एक ही ददशा में चलते हैं। X, u ककमी/घुंटा की औसत गतत से चलता है और Y, v ककमी/घुंटा
की औसत गतत से चलता है। Y से आगे तनकलने से पहले X ककतनी दरू चल चका होगा?
A) 𝒖−𝒗
B) 𝒖−𝒗
C) 𝒖−𝒗
D) 𝒖+𝒗
31. A car and a bus were travelling in the same direction. At 7:30 a.m. the car travelling at a speed of 72
km/h was 4.2 km behind the bus. At 8.15 a.m. the car was 15.8 km ahead of the bus. What is the ratio
of the speed of the car to the speed of the bus?
,d dkj vkSj ,d cl ,d gh fn'kk esa py jgh FkhaA lqcg 7:30 a.m. ij 72 km/h dh pky l spy jgh dkj cl ls 4.2 km ihNs
FkhA lqcg 8.15 a.m. ikj dkj cl ls 15.8 km vkxs FkhA dkj dh pky vkSj cl dh pky dk vuqikr D;k gS\
(a)36 : 17 (b)27 : 17 (c)9 : 4 (d)9 : 5
32. A policeman follows a thief 1800 metres ahead of him. If the policeman and the thief run at a speed of
12 km/h and 9 km/h, respectively, how much distance thief will cover from spotting point (1800 meters
ahead to policeman) before catch by policeman?
,d iqfyldehZ ,d pksj dk mlls 1800 ehVj vkxs ihNk djrk gSA ;fn iqfyldehZ vkSj pksj Øe'k% 12 fdeh@?kaVk vkSj 9 fdeh@?kaVk
dh xfr ls nkSM+rs gSa] rks iqfyldehZ }kjk idM+s tkus ls igys pksj LikWfVax@ikWbaV ¼iqfyldehZ ls 1800 ehVj vkxs½ ls vkxs fdruh nwjh
r; djsxk\
(a) 5600 metres/ehVj (b)6000 metres/ehVj
(c) 4200 metres/ehVj (d) 5400 metres/ehVj
33. A robbery was done by a thief at a jewellery shop and he took 2 kg gold. The shop is1125 m away from
a policeman. The thief starts running at x km/h and the policeman starts chasing at 11 km/h at the same
time. The policeman caught the thief in 810 sec. What is the distance run by the thief?
,d pksj us ToSyjh dh nqdku ij ywVikV dh vkSj 2 fdxzk- lksuk ys x;kA nqdku] ,d iqfyldehZ ls 1125 ehVj nwj gSA pksj x km/h
dh xfr ls Hkkxus yxrk gS vkSj iqfyldehZ mlh le; 11 km/h dh xfr ls ihNk djus yxrk gSA iqfyldehZ us 810 lsdaM esa pksj dks
idM+ fy;kA pksj }kjk r; dh xbZ nwjh fdruh gS\
(a) 1276 m (b) 1375 m (c) 1350 m (d) 2350 m
34. A thief is noticed by a policeman from a distance of 350 metres. The thief andpoliceman run at speeds
of 15 km/h and 20 km/h, respectively. What is the time takenby the policeman to catch the thief?

Video Solution :-

350 ehVj dh nwjh ls ,d iqfyldehZ dks pksj utj vkrk gSA pksj vkSj iqfyldehZ Øe'k% 15 deh@?kaVk vkSj 20 fdeh@?kaVk dh pky
ls nkSM+rs gSaA iqfyldehZ dks pksj dks idM+us esa fdruk le; yxrk gS \
(a) 3 min 45 sec (b)5 min 25 sec (c) 3 min 20 sec (d) 4 min 12 sec
35. A policeman starts chasing a thief when he was 800 m ahead. The policeman and the thief run at the
rate of 12 km/h and 9 km/h, respectively. What will be the distance between them after 10 minutes?
,d iqfyldehZ pksj dk ihNk djuk 'kq: djrk gS tc og 800 ehVj vkxs FkkA iqfyldehZ vkSj pksj Øe'k% 12 km/h vkSj 9 km/h
dh xfr ls nkSM+rs gSaA 10 feuV ckn muds chp dh nwjh D;k gksxh\
(a) 200 m (b) 400 m (c) 100 m (d) 300 m
36. Two trains A and B start running at 80km/h and 82 km/h towards each other from two different stations.
They meet after 1 hour and 30 minutes. How far were they from each other when they started?
nks jsyxkfM+;k¡ A vkSj B, nks vyx&vyx LVs'kuksa ls ,d nwljs dh vksj 80 km/h vkSj 82 km/h dh pky ls pyuk 'kq: djrh gSaA
os 1 ?kaVs 30 feuV ds ckn feyrh gSaA tc jsyxkfM+;ksa us pyuk 'kq: fd;k rks os ,d nwljs ls fdruh nwjh ij Fkha \
(a) 190 km (b)262 km (c) 243 km (d) 224 km
37. On a straight road, a bus is 30 km ahead of a car travelling in the same direction. After3 hours, the car
is 60 km ahead of the bus. If the speed of the bus is 42 km/h, then find the speed of the car.
,d lh/kh lM+d ij] dksbZ cl mlh fn'kk esa py jgh fdlh dkj ls 30 fdeh- vkxs gSA 3 ?kaVs ckn] dkj cl ls 60 fdeh- vkxs fudy
tkrh gSA ;fn cl dh pky 42 fdeh@?ka- gS] rks dkj dh pky Kkr djsaA
(a) 67 km/h (b) 72 km/h (c) 65 km/h (d) 59 km/h
38. Two stations, A and B, are 1570 km apart. One train starts from A at 7:00 am and travels towards B at
80 km/h. Another train starts from B at 9:00 am and travels towards A at a speed of 108 km/h. At what
time (in 24-hour clock time) will the two trains meet?
nks LVs'ku] A vkSj B, 1570 km dh nwjh ij gSaA ,d Vªsu A ls lqcg 7:00 am cts 80 km/h dh pky ls B dh vksj pyrh gSA
vU; Vªsu lqcg 9:00 am cts B ls 108 km/h dh pky ls A dh vksj pyrh gSA nksuksa Vªus sa fdl le; ¼24 ?kaVs dh ?kM+h ds le;
vuqlkj½ feysxh\
(a) 16 : 30 (b) 14 : 45 (c) 16 : 45 (c) 16 : 40
39. Two trains A and B are running in opposite directions with different speeds. The speed of train B is 18
km/h more than that of A. Train A crosses a pole in 32 seconds and its length is 210 m less than that of
train B. If they cross each other in 34 seconds, the length of train A is ________.
nks jsyxkfM+;k¡ A vkSj B vyx&vyx pky ls foijhr fn'kkvksa esa py jgh gSaA jsyxkM+h B dh pky A dh pky ls 18 km/h vf/kd
gSA jsyxkM+h A ,d [kEHks dks 32 lsdaM esa ikj djrh gS vkSj bldh yackbZ jsyxkM+h B ls 210 m de gSA ;fn os ,d nwljs dks 34
lsdaM esa ikj djrh gSa] rks jsyxkM+h A dh yackbZ ---------------------- gSA
(a) 320 m (b)400 m (c) 420 m (d) 380 m
40. Two trains whose lengths are 450 meters and 300 meters are moving towards
each other at the speed of 162 km/h and 108 km/h respectively. If distance
between trains is 300 meters, in how much time, these trains will cross each
दो ट्रे नें क्जनकी लुंबाई 450 मीटर और 300 मीटर है, एक-दस
ू रे की ओर क्रमशः 162 ककमी/घुंटा और 108
ककमी/घुंटा की गतत से आगे बढ़ रही हैं। यदद ट्रे नों के बीच की दरू ी 300 मीटर है , तो ये ट्रे न ककतने समय में एक
ू रे को पार करे गी?
A) 28 seconds
B) 35 seconds
C) 14 seconds
D) 21 seconds

Video Solution :-

The speeds of train A and train B are 46.8 km/h and 61.2 km/h, respectively. The
lengths of A and B are in the ratio 3:5. When running in the opposite direction.
They cross each other completely in 12 seconds. How much time (in seconds) will
train B take to cross a 336 m long tunnel?
ट्रे न A और ट्रे न B की गतत क्रमशः 46.8 ककमी/घुंटा और 61.2 ककमी/घुंटा है। A और B की लुंबाई का अनपात
3:5 है। ववपरीत ददशा में दौड़ते समय, वे एक दस
ू रे को परू ी तरह से 12 सेकुंड में पार करते हैं। 336 मीटर लुंबी
सरुं ग को पार करने में ट्रे न B को ककतना समय (सेकुंड में ) लगेगा?
A) 30
B) 35
C) 28
D) 33
42. A passenger train and a goods train are running in the same direction
on parallel railway tracks. If the passenger train now takes four times as long to pass the goods train, as
when they are running in opposite directions, then what is the ratio of the speed of the passenger train to
that of the goods train? (Assume that the trains run at uniform speeds)
एक यात्री ट्रे न और एक मालगाडी समानांतर रे लवे ट्रै क पर एक ही ददशा में चल रही है |
यदद यात्री ट्रे न मालगाडी को पार करने में चार गुना समय लेती है, जब वे ववपरीत ददशाओं में चल रही होती हैं, तो यात्री
ट्रे न का मालगाडी की गनत से अनुपात तया है ? (मान लें कक ट्रे नें समान गनत से चलती हैं)
(a) 2 : 1 (b) 3 : 2
(c) 5 : 3 (d) 4 : 1
43. A person rows upstream a distance of 55 km in 5 hours and rows downstream a distance of 75 km in 3
hours. How much time will he take to row a distance of 96 km in still water?
dksbZ O;fDr /kkjk dh foijhr fn'kk esa 55 fdeh- dh nwjh 5 ?kaVs eas r; djrk gS vkSj /kkjk dh fn'kk eas 75 fdeh- dh nwjh 3 ?kaVs esa r;
djrk gSA mls fLFkj ty eas 96 fdeh- dh nwjh r; djus eas fdruk le; yxsxk\
(a) 4 hours 40 minutes/5 ?kaVk 45 feuV
(b) 5 hours 20 minutes/5 ?kaVk 20 feuV
(c) 6 hours 10 minutes6 ?kaVk 10 feuV
(d) 5 hours 45 minutes/4 ?kaVk 40 feuV
44. A boat can go 2.4 km upstream in 16 minutes. The ratio of the speed of the
boat in still water to the speed of the stream is 8 : 3. How much time (in hours)
will the boat take to go 21.6 km in still water and 33 km downstream?
एक नाव धारा के प्रततकूल 2.4 ककमी 16 ममनट में जा सकती है। शाुंत जल में नाव की गतत का धारा की गतत से
अनपात 8 : 3 है। नाव को शाुंत जल में 21.6 ककमी और धारा के अनकूल 33 ककमी जाने में ककतना समय (घुंटों
में ) लगेगा?
A) 5/2
B) 19/6
C) 17/6

Video Solution :-

D) 10/3
45. The time taken by a boat to travel a certain distance downstream is 𝟓 of the time taken by it to travel
the same distance upstream. The speed of the stream is 4 km/h. How much time (in hours) will it take
to travel 18 km downstream and 15 km upstream?
,d uko }kjk /kkjk dh fn'kk esa ,d fuf'pr nwjh r; djus eas yxk le;] mls /kkjk dh foijhr fn'kk esa leku nwjh r; djus esa yxs
le; ds 𝟓 ds cjkcj gSA /kkjk dh pky 4 fdeh@?kaVk gSA bls /kkjk dh fn'kk esa 18 fdeh- vkSj /kkjk dh foijhr fn'kk esa 15 fdeh- dh
nwjh r; djus esa fdruk le; ¼?kaVs es½a yxsxk\
(a)2.25 (b)2.4 (c)2.15 (d)1.8
46. The speed of a motorboat in still water is 20 km/h. It travels 150 km downstream and then returns to
the starting point. If the round trip takes a total of 16 hours, what is the speed (in km/h) of the flow of
fLFkj ty eas] fdlh eksVjcksV dh pky 20 km/h gSA ;g /kkjk dh fn'kk eas 150 km dh nwjh r; djrh gS vkSj fQj 'kq:vkrh fcUnq ij
okil vkrh gSA ;fn jkmaM fVªi eas 16 ?kaVs dk le; yxrk gS] rks unh ds izokg dh pky ¼km/h eas½ Kkr djsaA
(a)6 (b)4 (c)8 (d)5
47. A motorboat can go to 8.4 km downstream and 4.8 km upstream in 1 hour. It
can go 17.5 km downstream and 9 km upstream in 2 hours. How much time (in
hours) will it take to go 31.2 km in still water?
एक मोटरबोट 1 घुंटे में धारा के अनकूल 8.4 ककमी और धारा के प्रततकूल 4.8 ककमी जा सकती है। यह 2 घुंटे में
17.5 ककमी डाउनस्ट्रीम और 9 ककमी अपस्ट्रीम जा सकती है। शाुंत जल में 31.2 ककमी की दरू ी तय करने में
ककतना समय (घुंटों में) लगेगा?
A) 2.4
B) 2.6
C) 3.9
D) 3
48. X, Y are two points in a river. Points P and Q divide the straight line XY into three equal parts. The
river flows along XY and the time taken by a boat to row from X to Q and from Y to Q are in the ratio
4 : 5. The ratio of the speed of the boat downstream that of the river current is equal to:
X vkSj Y, fdlh unh ij nks fcanq gSaA fcanq P vkSj Q lh/kh js[kk XY dks rhu cjkcj Hkkxksa esa foHkkftr djrs gSaA unh] XY ds lekukarj
cgrh gS vkSj fdlh uko }kjk X ls Q rd vkSj Q dh ;k=k esa yxus okys le; dk vuqikr 4 : 5 gSA /kkjk dh fn'kk esa uko dh pky
vkSj unh dh /kkjk dh pky dk vuqikr Kkr djsaA
(a)3 : 10 (b)3 : 4 (c)10 : 3 (d)4 : 3
49. A boat takes 20 hours to travel downstream from point P to point Q and to come back to a point R
which is at midway between P and Q. If the velocity of the stream is 6 km/hand the speed of the boat in
still water is 18 km/h, what is the distance between P and Q?
,d uko /kkjk ds vuqdwy fcUnq P ls fcUnq Q rd tkus eas vkSj ,d fcUnq R, tks P vkSj Q ds e/; esa gS] ij okil vkus esa 20 ?kavs
dk le; ysrh gSA ;fn /kkjk dk osx 6 km/h gS vkSj uko dh pky fLFkj ty esa 18 km/h gS] rks P vkSj Q ds chp dh nwjh fdruh
(a) 280 km (b) 240 km (c) 320 km (d) 180 km
50. In a race of 800 m, Ram can beat Shyam by 50 m, and in a race of 600 m, Shyam canbeat Ghanshyam
by 40 m. By how many metres will Ram beat Ghanshyam in a race of400m?
800 ehVj dh nkSM+ es]a jke ';ke dks 50 ehVj ls gjk ldrk gS] vkSj 600 ehVj dh nkSM+ esa] ';ke ?ku';ke dks 40 ehVj ls gjk ldrk
gSA 400 ehVj dh nkSM+ esa jke ?ku';ke dks fdrus ehVj ls gjk,xk\

Video Solution :-

(a) 100 m (b)40 m (c) 50 m (d) 80 m

51. In a race of 1200 m, Ram can beat Shyam by 200 m or by 20 sec. What must be the speed of Ram?
1200 m dh jsl esa jke] ';ke dks 200 m ;k 20 lsdaM ls gjk ldrk gSA jke dh pky D;k gksuh pkfg,\
(a) 14 m/sec (b) 12 m/sec (c) 10 m/sec (d) 16 m/sec
52. Geeta runs 5/2 times as fast as Babita. In a race, if Geeta gives a lead of 40 m to Babita, find the distance
from the starting point where both of them will meet (correct up to two decimal places).
xhrk] cchrk ls 5/2 xquk rst nkSM+rh gSA ,d jsl eas] ;fn xhrk] cchrk dks 40 ehVj dh c<+r nsrh gS] rks çkjafHkd fcUnw ls ml fcUnw
rd dh nwjh Kkr dhft;s tgk¡ os nksuksa feysx
a h ¼n'keyo ds ckn nks LFkkuksa rd iw.kkZafdr½
(a) 66.67 m (b)65 m (c) 65.33 m (d) 66 m
53. In a 1547 m race, Arjun reaches in 78 seconds, while Karan reaches the finish point in 91 seconds. By
how much distance does Arjun beat Karan?
1547 ehVj dh nkSM+ esa vtqZu 78 lsdaM eas vafre fcUnq rd igq¡prk gS] tcfd dj.k 91 lsdaM esa vafre fcUnq rd igqaprk gSA vtqZu]
dkj.k dks fdruh nwjh ls gjkrk gS\
(a) 245 m (b)231 m (c) 220 m (d) 221 m

54. If the ratio of speeds of A and B is 5:6 and B allows A a start of 70 meters in
a 1.2 km race, who will win the race and by what distance?
A और B की गनत का अनप
ु ात 5:6 है और B 1.2 ककमी की दौड में A को 70 मीटर की शरु
ु आत दे ता है ,
कौन दौड जीतेगा और ककतनी दरू ी से?
A) A wins by 30m C) B wins by 200m
B) B wins by 130m D) The race finishes in a dead heat.

Rahul runs at a speed of 6 km/h in a 100-metre race. Rahul gives Bharat a start of 4metres and still beats
him by 4 seconds. Find Bharat’s speed. (Selection post 10)
राहुल 100 मीटर की दौड में 6 km/h की चाल से दौडता है। राहुल, िरत को 4 मीटर की बढ़त दे ता हैऔर किर
िी उसे 4 सेकंड सेहरा दे ता है। िरत की चाल ज्ञात कीक्जए।
a. 5.8 km/h
b. 4.5 km/h
c. 4.9 km/h
d. 5.4 km/h

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