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Personal Bargaining Inventory (2%) Jaspreet Singh Pabla

Due January 22, 2024 (Monday Seminar) and January 25, 2024 (Thursday Seminar)

A. Personal Bargaining Inventory Questionnaire

The questions in this inventory are designed to honestly measure your responses to your perceptions of
human behaviour NOW in situations of bargaining and negotiation. The first group of statements ask you
about your own behaviour in bargaining; the second group asks you to judge people's behaviour in

Part I: Rating Your Own Behaviour

For each statement, please indicate how much the statement is characteristic of you on the following scale:

1 Strongly uncharacteristic
2 Moderately uncharacteristic
3 Mildly uncharacteristic
4 Neutral; no opinion
5 Mildly characteristic
6 Moderately characteristic
7 Strongly characteristic

Rate each statement on the seven-point scale by writing in one number closest to your personal
judgment of yourself:

Rating Statement

__6___ 1. I am sincere and trustworthy at all times. I will not lie, for whatever ends.

__1___ 2. I would refuse to bug the room of my opponent.

__5___ 3. I don't particularly care what people think of me. Getting what I want is more important
than making friends.

__5___ 4. I am uncomfortable in situations where the rules are ambiguous and there are few

__6___ 5. I prefer to deal with others on a one-to-one basis rather than as a group.

__2___ 6. I can lie effectively. I can maintain a poker face when I am not telling the truth.

__7___ 7. I pride myself on being highly principled. I am willing to stand by those principles no
matter what the cost.

__4___ 8. I am a patient person. As long as an agreement is finally reached, I do not mind slow-
moving arguments.

__7___ 9. I am a good judge of character. When I am being deceived, I can spot it quickly.

___5__ 10. My sense of humour is one of my biggest assets.

__4___ 11. I have above-average empathy for the views and feelings of others.

___5__ 12. I can look at emotional issues in a dispassionate way. I can argue strenuously for my
point of view but put the dispute aside when the argument is over.

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Personal Bargaining Inventory (2%) Name: Jaspreet Singh Pabla

__2___ 13. I tend to hold grudges.

__6___ 14. Criticism doesn't usually bother me. Any time you take a stand people are bound to
disagree, and it's ok for them to let you know they don't like your stand.

___1__ 15. I like power. I want it for myself, to do with what I want. In situations where I must
share power I strive to increase my power base, and lessen that of my co-power holder.

__3___ 16. I like to share power. It is better for two or more to have power than it is for power
to be in just one person's hands. The balance of shared power is important to effective
functioning of any organization because it forces participation in decision making.

__5___ 17. I enjoy trying to persuade others to my point of view.

__6___ 18. I am not effective at persuading others to my point of view when my heart isn't really
in what I am trying to represent.

__2___ 19. I love a good old, knockdown, drag-out verbal fight. Conflict is healthy, and open
conflict where everybody's opinion is aired is the best way to resolve differences of

__2___ 20. I hate conflict and will do anything to avoid it - including giving up power over a

__5___ 21. In any competitive situation I like to win. Not just win, but win by the biggest margin

__6___ 22. In any competitive situation I like to win. I don't want to clobber my opponent, just
come out a little ahead.

___6__ 23. The only way I could engage conscionably in bargaining would be by dealing honestly
and openly with my opponents.

Part II: Rating People's Behaviour in General

For each statement, please indicate how much you agree with the statement on the following
1 Strongly disagree
2 Moderately disagree
3 Mildly disagree
4 Neutral; no opinion
5 Mildly agree
6 Moderately agree
7 Strongly agree

Rate each statement on the seven-point scale by writing in one number closest to your personal
judgment of people's behaviour in general:

Rating Statement

___6__ 24. If you are too honest and trustworthy, most people will take advantage of you.

__5___ 25. Fear is a stronger persuader than trust.

___3__ 26. When one is easily predictable, one is easily manipulated.

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Personal Bargaining Inventory (2%) Name: Jaspreet Singh Pabla

__4___ 27. The appearance of openness in your opponent should be suspect.

__5___ 28. Make an early minor concession; the other side may reciprocate on something you
want later on.

__2___ 29. Personality and the ability to judge people and persuade them to your point of view
(or to an acceptable compromise) are more important than knowledge and information
about the issues at hand.

__2___ 30. Silence is golden - it's the best reply to a totally unacceptable offer.

__6___ 31. Be the aggressor. You must take the initiative if you are going to accomplish your

___3__ 32. One should avoid frequent use of a third party.

___7__ 33. Honesty and openness are necessary to reach equitable agreement.

__7___ 34. It is important to understand one's values prior to bargaining.

__7___ 35. Be calm. Maintaining your cool at all times gives you an unquestionable advantage.
Never lose your temper.

___6__ 36. Keep a poker face; never act pleased as terms are agreed upon.

__7___ 37. A good negotiator must be able to see the issues from the opponent's point of

__7___ 38. An unanswered threat will be read by your opponent as weakness.

___2__ 39. In bargaining, winning is the most important consideration.

__7___ 40. The best outcome in bargaining is one which is fair to all parties.

__5___ 41. Most results in bargaining can be achieved through cooperation.

___1__ 42. Principles are all well and good, but sometimes have to be compromised to achieve
your goals.

__6___ 43. You should never try to exploit your adversary's personal weakness.

___6__ 44. A member of a bargaining team is morally responsible for the strategies and tactics
employed by that team.

__2___ 45. Good ends justify the means. If you know you're right and your goal is worthy, you
needn't be concerned too much about how your goal is achieved.

___5__ 46. Honesty means openness, candor, telling all and not withholding pertinent information,
not exaggerating emotion. One should always be honest during bargaining.

__3___ 47. Imposing personal discomfort on an opponent is not too high a price to pay for
success in negotiation.

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Personal Bargaining Inventory (2%) Name: Jaspreet Singh Pabla
__1___ 48. Regardless of personal considerations one should accept any role assigned to him by
the bargaining team.

___3__ 49. There is no need to deal completely openly with your adversaries. In bargaining as in
life, what they don't know, won't hurt them.

__1___ 50. There is nothing wrong with lying to an opponent in a bargaining situation as long as
you don't get caught.

B. Analysis of Results
My Negotiation Bargaining Style:

BASED ON THE Part I and Part II INVENTORIES you have just completed, provide a description of your
negotiating skill style. Explain using specific examples of where in your work or other areas of your life you
have shown these behaviours/attitudes.

My Top 3 Positive Negotiating Behaviours/Attitudes from assessment are:

1. Sincerity and Trustworthiness (Rating: 6):

Example: In a recent project at work, I was responsible for negotiating the terms of a
collaboration with another team. I consistently upheld my principles of honesty and openness
throughout the negotiations, ensuring that all parties were well-informed and could trust the
agreements made.

2. Principled Approach (Rating: 7):

Example: In a community organization where I volunteer, I negotiated with different stakeholders
to allocate resources for a community event. Despite facing various opinions, I stood firm on
principles that ensured a fair and equitable distribution of resources, emphasizing the importance
of reaching agreements that benefited everyone.

3. Empathy and Understanding (Rating: 6):

Example: During a team project, disagreements arose about the direction of the project.
demonstrated above-average empathy by actively listening to my team
members' concerns, understanding their perspectives, and working towards a
compromise that addressed everyone's interests. This collaborative approach
helped in achieving a successful project outcome.

My Top 3 Behaviours/Attitudes from assessment I need to development are:

1. Ability to Lie Effectively (Rating: 2):

Example: In a past situation, I found it challenging to maintain a poker face when conveying
information that I knew might be sensitive. Developing the ability to lie effectively without
compromising ethical principles could enhance my negotiation skills in situations where
strategic communication is crucial.

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Personal Bargaining Inventory (2%) Name: Jaspreet Singh Pabla
2. Love for Conflict (Rating: 2):
Example: Reflecting on past experiences, I recognized instances where my aversion to
conflict led me to avoid necessary confrontations. Embracing healthy conflict and
understanding its role in negotiation can help me navigate challenging situations more
effectively and address differences head-on.

3. Preference for Power (Rating: 1):

Example: In a team setting, I sometimes found myself wanting to assert control and minimize
power sharing, potentially hindering effective collaboration. Developing a more collaborative
approach and recognizing the value of shared power can lead to more fruitful negotiations and
foster stronger team dynamics.

Negotiating Skills Goals for the Course

Taking into consideration at least 2 behaviours/attitudes of development stated above, please list 3 specific
goals you have for the negotiating skills course. Explain why you think they are important.

1. Goal: Develop Effective Communication Strategies in Sensitive Situations

Why it’s important: Effective communication, including the ability to lie strategically, is crucial in
negotiations where certain information may need to be conveyed diplomatically or with discretion. By
enhancing this skill, I can navigate sensitive situations more adeptly, maintaining trust while
strategically managing information for better negotiation outcomes.

2. Goal: Embrace and Navigate Healthy Conflict

Why it’s important: Developing a comfort level with conflict is essential for effective negotiation.
Conflict, when handled constructively, can lead to better understanding and innovative solutions. By
learning to appreciate the value of healthy conflict, I can engage in open discussions, address
differences, and find common ground, ultimately strengthening my negotiation skills.

3. Goal: Foster a Collaborative Approach and Value Shared Power

Why it’s important: Recognizing the importance of shared power in negotiations is crucial for building
strong relationships and achieving mutually beneficial agreements. By fostering a collaborative
approach, I can create an environment where all parties feel empowered and contribute to decision-
making. This shift in mindset enhances the potential for successful negotiations and fosters positive
long-term relationships.

Source: Adapted from Barry, B., Lewicki, J. & Saunders, M. (2011). Essentials of negotiation (5th ed.). New York: McGraw Hill.

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