Zhang, Liang, Yin - 2018 - How Can Dmall Do Better Discussion On New Retail Marketing Mode Based On 4Cs Theory-Annotated

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How Can Dmall do Better?

Discussion on New Retail

Marketing Mode Based on 4Cs Theory
Aihua Zhang Chen Liang Junwan Yin
Beijing University of Posts and Beijing University of Posts and Beijing University of Posts and
Telecommunications Telecommunications Telecommunications
10 Xitucheng Road, Haidian District, 10 Xitucheng Road, Haidian District, 10 Xitucheng Road, Haidian District,
Beijing, 100876, P. R. China Beijing, 100876, P. R. China Beijing, 100876, P. R. China
(+86) 13501262266 (+86) 18001057706 (+86) 18811389692
13501262266@139.com liangchen_bupt@163.com 1564821623@qq.com

ABSTRACT strategy by offering discounts on the "well-known expensive"

“Dmall” is an O2O new retail platform who is deeply integrated supermarket to its online members. Amazon Echo was firstly sold
with Chinese local large-scale supermarkets “Wu Mart”, covering offline while Whole Foods was firstly sold online on Amazon
a wide range of products. In China, new retail companies Fresh, indicating that Amazon has completed a revolutionary O2O
represented by “Dmall + Wu Mart” have achieved impressive integration. Coincidentally, “JingDong” and “Wal-Mart” group
success. This paper aimed at discussing the mode of new retail announced in 2016 that they reached cooperation in the areas of
marketing based on business practices and theoretical foundations. electricity supply and O2O etc., and achieved success in
The research paradigm is mainly as: based on the 4Cs theory of enhancing consumers experience by taking a series of new
marketing, rebuilding the relationship between people, goods and services jointly developed by the two parties. Cases show that
scenes from aspects of customer, convenience, communication retailers around the world are engaging in business reforming
and cost of new retail. The role of new technologies like big data which brings customers to the world of "new retail."
and IoT is also considered. Then it discusses how new retail like Chinese new retail is constantly developing and gradually
“Dmall” can do better according to the new retail marketing mode becomes the main force of global new retail team. Founded in
after looking inside the problems. The research brings new ideas April 2015, "Dmall" is an O2O integrated Omni-channel retail
to the development and academic research of new retail businesses platform that covers a wide range of everyday consumer products
represented by “Dmall”. such as fresh food. It is deeply integrated with the local large-scale
supermarket "Wu mart". They sell and provide fast delivery of
CCS Concepts well-known cheap and good quality products. As the
• Applied computing→Operations research→Marketing representative of new retail, "Dmall & Wu mart" made brilliant
achievement again on “Double 12 Festival” in China by a timely
Keywords delivery rate of 99.42% and O2O correctly distribution rate of
new retail; Dmall; marketing strategy; new technologies 99.38%, which recorded the record of retail platform. In addition
to Alibaba and JingDong, the "Dmall & Wu mart" consortium has
1. INTRODUCTION become the biggest dark horse of “new retail”.
In 1950, Mr. Sam Walton launched the first retail revolution: town
chain revolution. Wal-Mart linked global offline stores and New retail is more consumer-centered comparing with traditional
completed the revolution through global private satellite network. retail. As in the early stages of development, new retail teams like
In 1990, Mr. Jeff Bezos launched the second retail revolution: e- Dmall encounter problems though they achieved extraordinary
commerce. Amazon connected the world's merchandise and results in the last two years. Surveys show that customers’
completed the revolution through the PC Internet [1]. In 2016, the complaint on queuing and other processes of shopping has
CEO of Alibaba Group, Jack Ma firstly proposed the idea of “new increased. According to Nielsen's analysis of Chinese consumers,
retail” in China, which is believed to be the third retail revolution. consumer characteristics and behavior in China have changed
Jack Ma proposed that new retail is a combination of Internet, significantly, retailers now should try to offer extraordinary
offline store, and logistics, and pointed out that "Pure e-commerce customer experiences. Retailers only get an average of 32% on
mode will end soon. In the future decades, online and offline retail portability, which is a key concern of busy consumers; and only
will combine together and it is a time of new retail.” 17% of retailers provide personalized names, product content, and
marketing information through at least one digital channel.
With the advent of new technologies like big data and mobile Technology application is needed to make further progress.
payment, new retail industry boomed. Amazon announced buyout
of Whole Foods in 2017, and implemented price reduction The fact tells that for new retail marketing the product-oriented
ways are no longer so appropriate. The future marketing should
Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for
personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are focus on consumers. Therefore, new retail companies should shift
not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies their marketing focus from product-oriented to consumer- oriented
bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. Copyrights for marketing with adequately consideration of new technology. The
components of this work owned by others than ACM must be honored. study discusses how retailers rebuild the most critical part of the
Abstracting with credit is permitted. To copy otherwise, or republish, to retail business: relationship between customer, goods and
post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission marketing context based on the consumer- oriented 4Cs theory
and/or a fee. Request permission from Permissions@acm.org considering the effect of new technologies like big data processing
ICEBA 2018, February 23-25, 2018, Da Nang, Vietnam.
to make better changes.
© 2018 Association for Computing Machinery.
ACM ISBN 978-1-4503-6368-6/18/02…$15.00
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1145/3194188.3194190

2. THEORETICAL BACKGROUND From the perspective of consumers, it redefined the theory on the
basis of 4P theory, emphasizing that the new marketing theory
2.1 New Retail should be consumer-oriented. The traditional marketing theory
While the concept of "New Retail" is just formally proposed, like emphasizes "4P", namely, product, price, place and promotion,
many other practical business ideas, "new retail" also has its own and believes the flexible marketing will bring raise in sales.
theoretical evolution. The most influential ones are “Wheel of However, "4P" theory became inapplicable as the social
retailing hypothesis” (McNair, 1958) and “Retail life-cycle consumption has undergone great changes, and needs for
hypotheses” (Davidson, 1976) [2]. “Wheel of retailing hypothesis” individualized services are increasingly growing. Thus, consumer-
points out that new retailers tend to enter the market with "low oriented "4C" theory was proposed. It resets the four basic
cost, price and low margins strategy” to be competitive. However, elements of marketing, which is customer, cost, convenience, and
they may need to improve their quality and service, and take “high communication. It emphasizes the importance of customer
strategy” thus may be attacked by new innovators who adopt low satisfaction, cost reduction, and customer convenience, and a
tactics. “Retail life-cycle hypotheses” applied the product life consumer-centered communication.
cycle theory to explain the evolution of retail. It claims that retail
format would undergo four periods: development, growth, (1). Customer is the core of marketing. Enterprises should firstly
maturity and decline. The theory explains the track of retail understand and research its customers, provide products according
formats development. However, it did not explain the motivation to the needs of customers, that is, provide more than just products
of the life cycle hypothesis and why there are life-cycle problems. and services, but more customer value.

To make up for the lack of above hypotheses, the new wheel of (2). Cost is what consumers are willing to pay, not just the cost of
retailing theory was put forward, which tells that development of production. Ideal pricing should consider the psychological price
the retail industry is driven by technological innovation[3]. Only of consumers first before trying to make a profit. The cost of a
technological innovation can break the existing portfolio and make customer includes not only monetary expenditures, but also the
a balance between service level and retail price relationship at a time, effort as well as the risk of buying.
higher level. And the evolutionary model of retail business (3). Maximizing convenience of customer should be taken into
proposed to better analysis and forecast the evolution trend of account for retailers as they are experiencing severe competition.
China's retail format [4]. They should enhance pre-sale, sale and after-sales service in
After decades of development, retail has entered a new era. Jack whole process like location choosing, product designing.
Ma, CEO of Alibaba, pointed out in 2016 that “This is the time of (4). Effective communication can help maintain the customers.
new retail. New retail is a data-driven, consumer-centric form that Enterprises should establish a new type of business-customer
shifts from selling products to serving consumers. O2O relationship based on common interests through active and
practitioners should work together to make serve consumers [5]. effective two-way communication with customers.
SunWeimin, vice chairman of Suning Group proposed that the
realization of new retail needs new procurement, smart sales, new 2.3 Vital Technologies in New Retail
services, new channels and new format". The success of "Taobao" Technological innovation is fundamental drivers of the ever-
and "Suning Tesco" is an excellent proof of the above ideas. changing retail landscape. Among numerous new technologies,
New retail is not a conceptual "subversion of tradition retail" but big data processing; cloud computing; Internet of Things; artificial
an involution with the help of technology. Although there’s not yet intelligence and mobile payment etc. are believed to play a key
a theoretical definition of "new retail", it can be defined referring supporting role in the new retail industry.
to theoretical foundations and business practices as: A consumer- 2.3.1 Big Data Processing
centric mode of retail relying on advanced technologies such as
According to Alexa, the average daily PV of JD.com reached 126
big data and artificial intelligence to upgrade the process of
million and the amount of data generated daily up to 50TB in 2017.
production, circulation and sales of retail ecosystem.
The huge amount of data that new retail generates requires
The ever-growing demand of society and the shortcomings of systematic processing.
traditional retail industry are the main reasons for the emergence
Big data processing techniques include: big data collection,
“new retail”. Three crucial elements of retail: customers, goods
preprocessing, storage, analysis, application and so on. It unlocks
and context have been updated with the rapid progress of
the potential value of new retail by "predicting the future" by
technology [5]. Consumers are “digital” as they can be easily
analyzing the past and present traits of people and things [7]. Its
identified, served and interconnected. Goods supply becomes
main application lies in: actual environment simulation, customer
intelligent as portfolio products are in accordance with consumers’
segments, supply chain and products and services.
demand. Context of consumption becomes ubiquitous: online and
offline, anywhere and anytime, making retail as a service. As a 2.3.2 Cloud Computing
result, new retail mode is believed to restructure the relationship Ever since the idea of "cloud computing" firstly put forward by
between the three elements. And sophisticated marketing model Salesforce, it has been chased by IT companies around the world.
and system are needed to guide the operation of new retail Cloud computing technology includes four key components:
development in China as it is in the nascent stage. hardware, cloud operating system, cloud platform software and
cloud application software. It takes advantage of the transmission
2.2 Market Theory of 4Cs capabilities of high-speed Internet to move data from the personal
The biggest difference between new retail and traditional retail is computer or enterprise server to the cloud [8]. Applications of
the prominence of the consumer-oriented nature. Thus the cloud computing in new retail include cloud computing, business,
consumer-centric 4Cs theory is more consistent with analysis of economy etc. It helps to improve service efficiency, reduce costs,
new retail. The Marketing Theory of 4Cs was introduced by and increase data security and convenience.
famous marketing professor Lauterborn in 1990 [6].

2.3.3 Artificial Intelligence 3.3 Customer in New Retail
Recent years had witnessed an increase in companies deploying Online businesses have advantages in data acquisition and analysis
artificial intelligence technology in marketing like smart supply while offline businesses are more efficient in logistics. One vital
chain, smart customer service and unmanned stores. goal of new retail is to increase the efficiency and integration of
online and offline retail, it means selling the appropriate goods to
The smart supply chain is guided by consumer demand, focuses on
the customers.
“customers, goods and context” and provides solutions to
scenarios such as dynamic pricing based on artificial intelligence Think about “What’s the characteristic of each of my customer?”
algorithms. Smart customer service involves a number of artificial To figure out this, user portrait and customer segmentation based
intelligence technologies such as deep learning to improve user on data analysis are needed. Technology like big data processing
satisfaction. Unmanned stores eliminate the traditional cashier can dramatically enhance user experience by offering personalized
checkout process by using technologies such as computer vision. service based on a large amount of data. For example, what kind
of apartment they live in (address data); do they have pets
2.3.4 Internet of Things (shopping data); are they sensitive to discount (promotion data),
The Internet of Things (IoT) is the last point of closure for new what have they searched for (interest data) etc. Data analyzing
retail industry. IoT helps to digitize product information at a very helps retail companies to make a clear portrait of each customer
low cost. The core of IoT technology is RFID / NFC and various and then segment customers into different groups.
sensor technologies, supplemented by two-dimensional code etc.
[9]. IoT system can improve inventory accuracy in the retail 3.4 Goods in New Retail
industry. For example, the item-level RFID has been proved to From the perspective of trading object, all goods will become
reduce the out-of-stock situations by about 80% of retailer. tradable in the future. Any stuff and service will be given value,
regardless of whether it is tangible or tenacious. Thus it is time to
2.3.5 Mobile Payment think about “What are the suitable goods for my customers that is
With the innovation of mobile payment, the frequency of cash both of high quality and innovative?”
used is gradually declining, and "mobility" has become a general
trend of retail payment. Technologies like NFC, Hands Free In tradition situation, goods production and supply are empirical
Payments and Fingerprint recognition make it possible for retail work. Companies make product portfolio according to the
companies to be "more convenient" in payment methods. experience, make production according to the scheduled plan, and
Consumers only need to say some words or use their fingerprints apply a pushing-type supplying.
to complete the payment.
In new retail, customers’ need is the main concern of companies
3. NEW RETAIL MAKETING MODEL when they produce goods and make supply plan. The product
portfolio is on-demand, and the manufacturing is intelligent.
BASED ON 4Cs THEORY Moreover, the supply chain is optimal as IoT technologies are
3.1 New Retail Marketing Analysis Model applied to monitor market dynamics and spending habits,
Based on the above business practices and theoretical foundations, determine supply chain operations strategy, and strengthen the
this paper presents a new model of new retail marketing system. In logistics management.
the analyses model (Figure 1), based on the consumer-centric 4Cs
theory of marketing, it aimed at clarifying the characters of 3.5 Context in New Retail
customer, goods and trading context and rebuilding the As trading space is greatly extended, it will be possible for retail to
relationship between them, with consideration and analyze of the trade in any context in the near future. Any corner of the world is
role and potential effect of new technologies. likely to become a trading context. As for new retail, “What
tangible and specific context will inspire customers to purchase
and use the products?” is the problem to be settled.
A specific context should fit to customer’s feeling at a specific
moment. Offline context like Department store, Hypermarket,
convenience store are combined with online context like e-
commerce, live webcast or other recreational activities anytime
and anywhere (Figure 2). Technology like cloud computing help
upgrade software and hardware systems, transforming all in-house
systems into cloud models for different context to simplify the
Figure 1. New retail marketing model based on 4Cs theory processes and figure out potential consumer groups. Moreover, the
flourish of intelligent devices, such as VR and mobile terminals
3.2 The Role of Technology also enrich the way for consumers to reach the products.
Technologies play a key supporting role in the new retail industry.
They enable new retail to further optimize themselves. Digitized
technologies inosculate and realize deep integration of virtual
reality and reality. Customers, goods, and context in new retail get
the maximum extension in physical space and time than traditional
retail. Consumers are not restricted by region, time, storefront;
goods are not limited by content form, type and quantity; and
consumer experience and product delivery will not be restricted by
physical context any more.
Figure 2. Context in new retail

4. HOW CAN DMALL DO BETTER?-AN corresponding with the brand strategy, brand communication,
brand management all-roundly.
4.1 Problem Faced with Dmall
Dmall started its business as O2O raw food delivering, and
promptly reached cooperation with a number of supermarkets
across China. After realizing the lack of being a purchasing
agency, Dmall quickly develop a new strategy as an O2O platform,
and shrank its business from 20 cities to 4 and focus its energies Figure 3. Customer portrait hologram
on Beijing. Based on in-depth investigation of Dmall and
interviews with users, due to changes in consumer demand and the
4.2.2 Controlling the Cost
In traditional retail, shopping is a complex process with a high
low threshold and rapid development of retail industry, new retail
cost of money and time. New retail achieves integration of online
companies like Dmall counter with many problems and need to
and offline, thus customers have no need to worry about the
further upgrade their marketing model.
problem of information asymmetry. New retail should enable
Firstly, the offline retail technology needs to be further improved consumers to speak out the psychological price, form a two-way
to make customer segmentation and user portraits and provide evaluation mechanism to enhance the quality and efficiency of
better personalized service. Meanwhile, the online and offline supply and demand match with lower costs.
retail process need to be further integrated. Make use of new
On the one hand, Dmall can offer personalized, small batch
technologies for real-time information sharing, to reduce O2O
product customization based on consumer demand. Provide a
delays and information asymmetry. Last but not least, they need to
more cost-effective product portfolio that is standardized based on
better control the costs and offer more user value. Whether it is to
the user portrait. Adjust the trial according to consumers’ feedback
develop new formats or new technologies, a steady stream of
in product testing session. At the same time based on the service
financial support is needed, which means controlling the cost. For
attributes of goods, the implementation of directional discount to
the above listed and potential problems, based on the 4Cs theory
make seamless integration of different contexts, to provide on-call
of marketing, put forward advice on rebuild the relationship
personalized service and flexible delivery, thus increase added
between customers, goods, context to better meet the challenges of
the new retail.
01 On the other hand, starting from the transformation of basic
4.2 New Mode of Marketing—rebuild the services, reduce the average cost of the retail industry by
Dera Thorfiani relationship between customer, goods, context enhancing marketing efficiency. Technology plays a vital role in
reducing new retail costs. As for logistics, the alliance of self-
4.2.1 Knowing the Customer operated and third-party logistics is much more effective. IoT
02 Currently most of the new retailers offer the same online store helps to reduce the out-of-stock situations by sharing and
display interface and offline shopping process for all users. But integration of tangible and intangible resources, and supply chain
Dera Thorfiani hundreds of millions of consumers are living in different logistics process integration like warehousing operations, unified
environments with different personality traits and hobbies. The materials procurement, centralized transportation of materials can
large differences of urbanization in China, the diversification of reduce waste of cost. Cloud computing can simplify the business
income groups, and the multi-level distribution of age further services, and enable them to focused more on the major business,
determine the complicated features of China's future consumption. thus greatly reducing the cost of enterprise IT maintenance. In
With the continuous development of new technologies, it is short, transaction costs such as comparing, decision making and
possible for Dmall and other retailer to re-recognize customers and rights-keeping cost in the new retail model will get lower and
implement marketing strategy according to different contexts. lower. The zero-marginalization of transaction costs will gradually
emerge with advancement of new technologies.
To provide online-offline integrated shopping experience, it needs
to build a variety of colorful contexts. The first step is getting deep 4.2.3 Make the Customers Feel More Convenient
insight into the customers: by integrating information from all Speaking of convenience, new retailers should also pay attention
channels, firstly recognize general identification of consumer and to simplification of the process. Keep up with the rhythm of
form a vague outline of the group. Secondly, pay attention to the modern customer life, and solve the problems of spending too
unique parts, distinguish the commonality and themes of data, much time selecting commodities, making orders and paying.
recognize a clear outline of the group (such as gender, age, Based on the customer's portrait, further apply appropriate
purchase history). Finally, form a clear portrait hologram of every functions to different groups promote. Cloud computing
group or even every customer based on the integrating information technology helps enterprises to carry out daily business activities
to identify the characteristics of existing users and potential users conveniently and quickly. Employees and consumers can use
(Figure 3). various types of smart devices to conduct business activities such
Big data technology enables new retailers to achieve accurate as querying and paying for goods at anytime and anywhere
interest matching and behavior prediction through the whole scene through network devices.
information analysis. Data unlocks the entire link of consumer At present, despite the many forms of payment, it is far from the
awareness, interest, purchase, loyalty, and feedback sharing. Also, ultimate payment method. In the era of consumer-centric, online
data visualization technologies make the whole process and offline experience consumption will be more and more
concerning customer traceable and optimizable. frequent, payment mode needs to be redesigned according to
With the application of big data application, a clear user portrait consumers’ features to enhance convenience. Most of the payment
can be further used to set up of different shopping context, process is complicated and the interface is not so user-friendly at
this stage. It is advised to increase the support of application

developers, and launched a unified technical standard covering Chinese market that after the exploration and iteration of new
interface specification, acceptance terminal, application security models landing overseas, not only the cost of iteration will reduce
standard and test specification with the support of mobile but also powerful forces will emerge. Successful cases of Amazon,
technologies as soon as possible. Alibaba and Dmall continue to emerge, indicating the arrival of
the new retail. For decade of E-commerce and technologies’ rapid
Based on effective correlation analysis of consumer, account and development in China, China's retail development has ceased to
transaction data, a three-dimensional consumer behavior chart can rely solely on the entity construction and develop step by step.
be formed. The analysis result is then applied to retail payment
products and service innovations, including holistic design of Looking to the broad future for technology development, the
processes, functions, structures, and user interfaces. By using the world will be further digitized in the future; content will continue
advanced technology of the AI and the supporting network to evolve from 2D to 3D or even high-dimensional. This will
platform, various types of consumer groups can obtain satisfied make the global retail development driven by the new retail in
retail payment services in terms of their own risk appetite and China more imaginative. As for the trading subjects, anyone can
transaction habit, making it is possible for consumers to pay by become a retailer. Retail is no longer the prerogative of a company,
only saying "I'd like to pay with it". and tends to be democratizing. As for trading objects, all goods
will become tradable. Everything and service will be given value,
4.2.4 Have Two-way Communication with Customers regardless of whether it is tangible or tenacious. As for space, any
Pure offline or online mode is difficult to gain a foothold. For new context will be able to achieve retail sales, trading space will be
retail, in addition to selling goods, it can also sell a series of other greatly extended to any corner of the world or even outer space;
products on the whole chain. The online brands are good at also monetary patterns will present a diverse trend. It is not hard to
maintaining the vitality while offline retail can easily get a large imagine that with the deepening of digitalization and technological
number of loyal fans, enhancing O2O two-way communication progress, the transaction will move towards automation and
with customers make new retail more competitive. In the future, intelligence. The global economic pattern will eventually be
new retail is inseparable from the communities that include two- rewritten by a new consumer -oriented economy, and new retail
way communication with consumer about shopping experiences, will become an important link.
feedback, referrals, and interactive personalities. For example,
"MIUI" community of XiaoMi, and "Fruit fans" of Apple 6. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
Company has achieved mutual promotion of sales and brand. This work was supported by the grant from the National Social
Science Foundation of China (No. 17AGL026).
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empowers new retailer to be "consumer-centric", to insight into 7. REFERENCES
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How can dmall do better? Discussion on new retail marketing

mode based on 4Cs theory
Zhang, Aihua; Liang, Chen; Yin, Junwan

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