Report Cansat 1 Technova

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MAXIMUM of 20 pages document, including appendices, using Verdana font, size


1. Introduction

We are “technova” , a team from the lycee Vauban.We are composed of 6

members. We participate in the Cansat project to learn about team-building and
project-building in IT.Our secondary mission is about building a website using
python Flask as back-end and we will use a motor to make the antenna follow the
capsule automatically.

2. Project description

2.1 Mission overview

Primary mission:
For the primary mission we will use the bmp280 to capture temperature
pressure data, then we will store them in the pico and send them with the
rfm69 transmitter.We will receive the data on the ground with the rfm69
receiver connected to an antenna ,on the ground we will use the pico W
because it has an wifi chip that will send the data to the local computer
over the wifi .


-pico W

-bmp 280 sensor

-2 rfm69 radio emitter\receiver

-accelerometer gyrometer


For our secondary mission we will try to make a tracking system between the
antenna and the cansat.We will place the antenna on a rotating platform that
will move vertically with step-motors and track the Cansat that will send gps
coordinates .

Ublox NEO-6M GPS Module

-3d printed platform

We also have another secondary mission in case the first one doesn't
work, when the Cansat will deploy its parachute we will update in realtime
a website that display the data captured(temperature
,pressure,acceleration and gyroscope data)

2.2 Mechanical design

We didn’t think about the design of the parachute and the chassis yet.
What we know is that we have to leave a hole at the top of the can so
that the gps is able to have connection to satellites.
We are still looking for the best way to make the tracking rotation
platform for the antenna.

2.3 Electronic design

For the rotating platform we will use stepper motors, specifically Nema 17
motors which are lightweight and simple to use. We picked these because
they are more precise than a standard DC motor as the stepper motor’s
rotation can be controlled either in steps or continuously in both directions
and it can even stop at certain points compared to a DC motor who can
only rotate continuously in both directions but cannot run in steps. To
control the step motors, we will use the A4988 Stepper Motor Driver.
These electronic components will be connected with a raspberry pico.
Here is a schema of the connection between the parts.

To power it all, we currently use a 12V AC to DC Power adapter, but we

plan to use a battery but we have not figured out which one to use yet.
2.4 Ground station design

For the tracking we will have the antenna with the rotation platform, a
computer, and a battery to power the motors and we have a pico W on
the ground to directly transfer data to the website.

2.5 Software design

For our software we decided to use micropython and code with the
Thonny IDE to share code we made a github Repo

Code for the pico in the Cansat:

Define pins and variables for bmp sensor and accelerometer, and for the
- Store sensor(temperature ,pressure,humidity,acceleration,gyroscope)
value in variable
-Create message with the values
-Send the message with radio
-print if package is received
-wait 0.1s
Code for the receiver:

- Define variable,encryption key and frequency

- Open txt file on the pico
-if no packet is received
-if packet is received
Print the packet
Write the packet in the file
Send the packet over wifi

2.6 Recovery system

To recover our Cansat we will use a gps.

2.7 Testing

3. Requirements

4. Overall progress
4.1 Human resources

As our team leader Jakub is there to keep us together and coordinate us
to achieve our goal. He is very good at coding and knows some

Did all the soldering at the start but is also good at software, started the
website and worked on the motor in cooperation with jules.

Started the mechanical part of the project and helps us with everything
related to engineering.
Candice Communication:
She is there to make us known by communicating on social media but she
doesn't just communicate outside the team she also helps us in the inside
of the team.Thats not all she is also responsible for the planning of our
team to help us always lookout for deadlines.
He is well rounded in design and started to learn 3d making with
fusion.He and Valentin will be responsible for almost everything physical
but Nathan will focus more on the actual can.
He will be in cooperation with Nathan to work on the design but unlike
Nathan he will work on the parachute while also helping him with planning
for the can.
4.2 Planning

Green: finished
Yellow:needs to be finished
Blue: to do
The black bar shows the progress of the task
4.3 Budget

-bread board 8.50

-sd card 7.50
-sd card module 3.99
-pins 6.99
-GPS neo6m 8.99
- pico 8.45
-gyrometer 4.86

4.4 Outreach
For the outreach ,for the moment our main source for communication is
Instagram @cansat.technova .Later we also think to communicate with
our website.

5. Scientific results

6. Discussion

The primary mission is good to go. The only thing that is still to do is
communication of data between the raspberry pi pico and the computer to
use it for the secondary missions and the antenna to build.
For the secondary mission we know that the tracking system is an ambitious
project with a lot of things that could go wrong .Also we are not sure that the
gps will be precise enough to make it possible .This is why we have another
secondary mission in case things don’t go like planned or we don't have time
to finish.
The backup secondary mission is a website to show the data we gathered live
with lots of different charts and the website will also display important
information about our team.
7. Conclusion

After the launch

For the gps:


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