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Guided Demonstration - Define Definition Access Sets and

Secure Definitions
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Guided Demonstration - Define Definition Access Sets and Secure Definitions

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Guided Demonstration - Define Definition Access Sets and
Secure Definitions
Logon: SSCNEWALL/Welcome

Responsibility: General Ledger, SSC Worldwide

You want to prevent other users from modifying or using your FSG Report definition. You will
however allow them to view it. Create a definition access set to give read-only access to the FSG
report definition and assign it to the General Ledger, SSC France responsibility that is assigned
to the SSCFR user and your current user.

Also, to have the full ability to assign definition access set controls, assign the Super User
Definition Access Set to your current responsibility, <Your Initials> US GL Accountant BSV

Assign Definition Access Set with View Only Access

1. From the responsibility Your Initials> US GL Accountant BSV Access, open the Definition
Access Set window.

(N) Setup > Financials > Definition Access Set > Define

2. Define a Definition Access Set called <Your Initials> View Only Access.

Note: You are only defining a name for your definition access set. You are not securing
definitions yet.

3. Navigate to the Definition Access Set Assignments form.

(N) Setup > Financials > Definition Access Set >Assign

4. Assign the Definition Access Set to the responsibility General Ledger, SSC France. Select
the AutoAssign and the View check boxes for Automatic Privileges.

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Guided Demonstration - Define Definition Access Sets and Secure Definitions

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Assign Super User Definition Access Set

5. To have the full ability to assign definition access set controls, assign Super User Definition
Access Set to your current responsibility, <Your Initials> US GL Accountant BSV Access.

Secure Definitions

6. Log out and log in as SSCFR/welcome.

7. Choose the responsibility General Ledger, SSC France.

 Open the Report page (N) Reports > Define > Report and query the FSG report
definition you submitted earlier called "Balance Sheet SSC WW PTD" and enable
security and immediately click the Assign Access button and notice how the report was
automatically assigned with the View privilege.

Note: Some may argue that this is a security breach, because the user could quickly
change his privilege from View to Use and Modify. This is a technical limitation
because the concurrent program has not been submitted yet. It gets submitted when you
save your work. We provide function security on the Assign Access button so if you
want to prevent users from changing their privileges, you can hide the button from those

8. Save your work and wait for the Compile Definition Access Set program to complete.

9. Re-query the definition to see that you can only view it now. Also notice the Generate
button is disabled because you cannot use or submit this definition.

10. Log out and log back in as your username/password and select the responsibility General
Ledger, SSC Worldwide.

11. Query the FSG Report Definition. Notice you have full use, view, and modify privileges
even though the Super User Definition Access Set was not assigned to this responsibility (It

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Guided Demonstration - Define Definition Access Sets and Secure Definitions

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was assigned to<Your Initials> US GL Accountant BSV Access). This is because the
security is enforced at the user level, not at the responsibility level.

Note: You have just secured the report definition, but you have not secured the column set
and row set definition. Other users will not be able to modify the report definition, but they
can modify the components (the row set, the column set, row order, etc.). You need to
secure the individual FSG components if you want to prevent other users from modifying

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Guided Demonstration - Define Definition Access Sets and Secure Definitions

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