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Practice - Define an Accounting Calendar

R12 General Ledger Management Fundamentals

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Practice - Define an Accounting Calendar
In this practice, you will create an accounting calendar.

 Replace XX with your terminal number or unique number.

 You must have access to an Oracle Application Vision database or comparable training
or test instance at your site on which to complete this practice.

Define a Period Type

1. Responsibility = General Ledger, Vision Operations

2. Navigate to the Types window

 (N) Setup > Financials > Calendars > Types

 Period Type = XXMonth
 Period per Year = 13
 Year Type = Calendar
 Description = 12 Periods and 1 Adjusting

3. (I) Save

4. Close the Period Types window

Define the Accounting Calendar

You will be converting balances into the last period of the prior year.

5. Navigate to the Calendar definition window

 (N) Setup > Financials > Calendars > Accounting

 Name = XXAccounting
 Description = XXAccounting Calendar

6. Define periods according to the following table (Replace X with the last digit of the prior
calendar year and replace Y with the last digit of the current year. Also, make sure February
has the correct number of days):

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Prefix Type Year Qtr Num From To Adj
Dec XXMonth 200X 4 12 01-Dec-200X 31-Dec-200X
Adj XXMonth 200X 4 13 31-Dec-200X 31-Dec-200X Yes
Jan XXMonth 200Y 1 1 01-Jan-200Y 31-Jan-200Y
Feb XXMonth 200Y 1 2 01-Feb-200Y 29-Feb-200Y
Mar XXMonth 200Y 1 3 01-Mar-200Y 31-Mar-200Y
Apr XXMonth 200Y 2 4 01-Apr-200Y 30-Apr-200Y
May XXMonth 200Y 2 5 01-May-200Y 31-May-200Y
Jun XXMonth 200Y 2 6 01-Jun-200Y 30-Jun-200Y
Jul XXMonth 200Y 3 7 01-Jul-200Y 31-Jul-200Y
Aug XXMonth 200Y 3 8 01-Aug-200Y 31-Aug-200Y
Sep XXMonth 200Y 3 9 01-Sep-200Y 30-Sep-200Y
Oct XXMonth 200Y 4 10 01-Oct-200Y 31-Oct-200Y
Nov XXMonth 200Y 4 11 01-Nov-200Y 30-Nov-200Y
Dec XXMonth 200Y 4 12 01-Dec-200Y 31-Dec-200Y
Adj XXMonth 200Y 4 13 31-Dec-200Y 31-Dec-200Y Yes

7. (I) Save

8. Close the Accounting Calendar window

9. Validate the current calendar, by selecting the (B) Current in the pop-up window.

10. Note your concurrent request ID.

View Calendar Audit Report

11. (M) View > Requests

12. (B) Find

13. (B) Refresh Data until the request completes

14. Select the Other – Calendar Validation request

15. (B) View Output

16. Verify No Violations are found

Note: Once a calendar has been opened, you cannot amend the periods. If budgets are going
to be defined for multiple years, then the calendar must exist for that number of years. All
financial programs and sub-ledgers (except Fixed Assets) use the calendar created in

Copyright © Oracle, 2007. All rights reserved.

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General Ledger, although the opening and closing of the periods is maintained within each

Copyright © Oracle, 2007. All rights reserved.

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Solution - Define an Accounting Calendar
Define a Period Type

1. Responsibility = General Ledger, Vision Operations

2. Navigate to the Types window

 (N) Setup > Financials > Calendars > Types

 Period Type = XXMonth
 Period per Year = 13
 Year Type = Calendar
 Description = 12 Periods and 1 Adjusting

3. (I) Save

4. Close the Period Types window

Define the Accounting Calendar

You will be converting balances into the last period of the prior year.

5. Navigate to the Calendar definition window

 (N) Setup > Financials > Calendars > Accounting

 Name = XXAccounting
 Description = XXAccounting Calendar

6. Define periods according to the table above.

7. (I) Save

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8. Close the Accounting Calendar window

9. Validate the current calendar, by selecting the (B) Current in the pop-up window.

10. Note your concurrent request ID.

View Calendar Audit Report

11. (M) View > Requests

12. (B) Find

13. (B) Refresh Data until the request completes

14. Select the Other – Calendar Validation request

15. (B) View Output

16. Verify No Violations are found

Note: Once a calendar has been opened, you cannot amend the periods. If budgets are going
to be defined for multiple years, then the calendar must exist for that number of years. All
financial programs and sub-ledgers (except Fixed Assets) use the calendar created in
General Ledger, although the opening and closing of the periods is maintained within each

Copyright © Oracle, 2007. All rights reserved.

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