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French I Review Video

For this project, in pairs or groups of 3 you will be creating a video reviewing what you learned in French I. This
video will be shown to French I students at the beginning of the semester to show what they will learn in this class
and why they should study French.
1. You must go through each step and have a group member and your teacher sign that you accomplished
each step correctly.

2. Find a partner or create a group of three people and decide who will oversee video editing, who will be
filming it and who will oversee the script.
a. Roles:
i. Editor – the video must be 2-3 minutes long. You must be specific to which information you
find valuable to new French I students. Make it entertaining and well formatted. Everyone
needs to help and be present for the final cut, but you are in charge.
ii. Videographer – you are the visionary. Decide how you will shoot it, which backgrounds or
props do you need? What is the best quality camera you have to film it? You will also be
present in the video, but you must direct the video even when you aren’t behind the camera.
iii. Script – everyone will take turns writing and giving suggestions for the script; however, it is
you who is putting pen to paper and deciding what will make the cut. It is also up to you to
make sure that you have enough lines to create a 2-3 minute video, EVERYONE has equal
speaking parts and grammar is perfect!
1. Grammar – highlight all the verbs and double check that you conjugated them
correctly. Do your adjectives match the gender and number of the noun? Does it
require an article? Not sure? Ask the teacher!
2. Everyone must introduce themselves (en français, bien sûr) and have equal lines.
3. You can say the topic title in English and then demonstrate it.
4. You can include cultural topics like singing, events, etc.

3. Do not use information you did not learn in French 1! The purpose is to show students what they will be
learning for the semester, not information that even you had to look up! Only use information from your
cahier or the Weebly site.

4. Include information from five-seven major topics we covered. Not sure which topics we covered? Look at
the weebly. You are outlining each subject, only give the most important information.

5. Does the video need to be in French? Yes and no. This will be shown the first few days of school and they
won’t know any French. Put 80% in French and the rest should be in English to help students understand
what it is you’re saying or doing.

6. This will be a quiz grade. For every step, confirm that you followed the directions. There is no reason you
will need Word Reference or a translator. Everything is in your cahier and you are demonstrating to French
I what they will learn by the end of the semester of French 1.

7. You and your group have checked for all grammatical errors. After, Madame Hankins has checked your
script for major errors. Submit this paper with initials by each task confirming your group has
completed all requirements by 2/9. This paper is 5 points of the quiz grade.

8. The final cut is due Friday, February 9. You can upload your video/link to Canvas.

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