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NATIONAL CURRICULUM FRAMEWORK (2005) PREAPARED BY VIPIN KUMAR SHUKLA CNTRODUCTION) National Curriculum Framework (2005) is one of the four national curriculum framework published in 1975, 1988, 2000 and 2005 by NCERT ( National Council of Education Research and Training). NCF 2005 provide the framework for making syllabus, textbook and teaching practice within the school education programmed in India. Contd..... * The NCF 2005 document draws its policy basis from earlier Govt reports on education as learning without burden and National policy of education (1986-1992) and focus group discussion. * The process of (NCF) development has been initiated in Nov (2004) setting up various structure like National starring committee by Prof. Yashpal Singh. Contd.... 21 National focus group on the theme of curricular area, systematic reforms and National Concerns. Mainly focus on constructive thoughts of the child rather than instructive approach. Primary role of teacher is that as Facilitator. Education should not be Teacher centered or it should be Student centered. The approach and recommendations of NCF 2005 are for the entire educational system. Contd.... It has been translated into 22 languages has influenced in syllabus in (17) states. NCERT gave a grant of Rs. (10 lakh) to each state to promote NCF in the language of the state and to compare its current syllabus proposed. This exercise is being carried out with the involvement of SCERT, DIET. WHY NCF REQUIRED * Long walk to school, heavy school bags, Lack of basic infrastructure, including support books for reading and writing. * Body designed that gives children in inadequate back support and cramps their legs and knees. * Timetable that do not give young children enough breaks to stretch move and play.

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