Final Exam

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A. Multiple Choice (Choose the correct answers from the following questions).

1. ''Hello, ... is Nadin.”

a. My
b. I am
c. What
d. my name
2. Diana : “... is your name?”
Rafi : My name is Rafi.'“
a. What
b. That
c. This
d. It
3. Sena : “Good moning, Via.”
Via : “ ... “
a. Good night
b. Good morning
c. Good evening
d. Good afternoon
4. Alda :”How are you?”
Ghea : “...”
a. I am
b. Fine
c. My name
d. I am fine
5. Arini: Today is Thursday.What day was yesterday ?
Bayu: Yesterday was….
a. Tuesday
b. Friday
c. Wednesday
d. Saturday
6. The eight month of the year is….
a. June
b. September
c. July
d. August
7. How many days are there in a month?
a. A day
b. Twenty one days
c. Seven days
d. Thirty or thirty one days
8. What day is after Monday?
a. Wednesday
b. Tuesday
c. Saturday
d. Friday
9. Yesterday is Wednesday. Tomorrow is …
a. Sunday
b. Thursday
c. Monday
d. Friday
10. The day after Tuesday is . . .
a. Wednesday
b. Thursday
c. Monday
d. Friday
11. Yesterday was Friday. Today is . . .
a. Thursday
b. Wednesday
c. Sunday
d. Saturday
12. This month is February. The next month is . . .
a. January
b. March
c. April
d. May
13. Cindy: Oh, I have a headache. Can you get me "Bodrex", please? It's on the table.
Tiny: ___________ Here it is.
Cindy: Thank you.
The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is …
a. Of course you are
b. I doubt
c. Never mind
d. I am grateful

14. You help someone with a heavy bag. They say ''thank you'' and you reply ....
a. No thanks
b. You're welcome
c. I appreciate it
d. You blame me
15. Yozy : Today is your birthday, right?
Dany : Yes, How do you know about it?
Yozy : Have a wonderful day. I have a gift for you.
Dany : Oh my God I really like it _______________ .
Yozy : Never mind.
The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is …
a. It is disappointing me!
b. I’m very satisfied!
c. You shouldn't have!
d. You're too generous!
16. How old is Mr. Andri?
a. He is eight years old
b. He is eleven years old
c. He is forty three years old
d. He is fifty one years old
17. Nila: "How old is Rizky?"
Wira : "He is .... years old."
a. Eight
b. Eleven
c. Fifty one
d. Fourty three
18. My house number is...
a. Fifteen
b. One hundred
c. One hundred and five
d. One hundred and fifteen

19. My school number is.

a. Seventy two
b. Seven hundred
c. Seven two hundred
d. Seven hundred and two

20. How much are my shoes?

a. Two hundred and seventeen thausand
b. Two hundred and seventy thausand
c. Two hundred and seven
d. Two hundred and seven thasand.
21. Willy: Just because we don't smoke, it doesn't mean we're free from the dangerous of the
smoke itself. Sometimes smokers just smoke near us without caring there's someone else
who doesn't smoke.
Erika: . . . . . Smokers don't care about someone else's health. They are selfish.
a. I agree
b. I disagree
c. I think you are wrong
d. That's not true
22. Eddie: I think online learning is better than learning in the classroom.
Peter: At first I thought that way. But now after more than a semester being at home,
having online learning all the times. . . . . . online learning is better anymore.
I want to be in the classroom, studying together with my friends.
a. I suppose so
b. I agree
c. Absolutely!
d. I don't think
23. Wina: Let's have a vacation next week. Going to the beach would be fun.
Yasir: Wait a minute. Are we going to go to the beach next week?
Wina: Yes, why?
Yasir: . . . . . the government just announced lock-down starting next week due to current
a. You are right, but don't forget
b. I'm not sure about that because
c. I couldn't agree more
d. I understand your point, but in my opinion
24. The following are the expressions of agreement, except.
a. Absolutely!
b. Exactly!
c. No way!
d. You got a point.
25. Where is the cat? It is .... the table.
a. On
b. Under
c. Beside
d. Infront of
26. My uncle is sick. He is lying .... bed.
a. On
b. In
c. Under
d. Beside

27. The vase is .... the table.

a. Under
b. On
c. In
d. At

a. The RC car is among two boxes.

b. The boxes are between the RC car.
c. The RC car is between two boxes.
d. The boxes are among the RC car.
29. The whiteboard usually is . . . . the classroom. So all students can see it.
a. Behind
b. In front of
c. Under
d. Below
30. You are on the second floor, you can see the carnival clearly . . . . your window.
a. Behind
b. In front of
c. Under
d. Below
31. The new internet cafe is not next to the book store, it's across it. It's right ...... it.
a. In front of
b. Behind
c. Across
d. Beside
(for questions number 32 and 33)
Rianty: Do you like meatball?
Ester: No, I'm not like it.
Rianty: What kind of food do you like?
Ester: I like pizza, spaghetti and sushi.
Rianty: I also like it, but I prefer meatball. Meatball is authentic Indonesian food

32. What kind of food Rianty Like?

a. Fried rice
b. Pizza
c. Meatball
d. Spaghetti
33. The underlined expression expresses ....
a. Expressing satisfaction
b. Expressing dissatisfaction
c. Expressing like
d. Expressing dislike
34. Yozy : I heard you have gotten low score on English test.
Dany : Yes, I abhor the lesson.
Yozy : You should take English course.
The underlined word has similar meaning with ...
a. Love
b. Hate
c. Poor
d. Like
35. Cathrine: Do you like watching a movie?
Nadine: ________________________
Cathrine: What is your favorite movie?
Nadine: My favorite movie is the fast and furious.
The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is …
a. I love watching movie
b. I dislike watching movie
c. I hate watching movie
d. I don't like it

B. Essay (Answer the following questions with any possible answer.)

1. Sebutkaan bagian-bagian dari Possessive Pronouns...?
2. Sebutkaan bagian-bagian dari Possessive Adjective....?
3. Tulislah bahasa nggris dari angka berikut menggunakan huruf ! ( contoh: 2000 = Two
a. 197 9=......
b. 1965 = ......
c. 2025 = .......

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