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[0654] Physics Notes GRAD24

Mass and Weight 220920 TUES

Mass- quantity of matter in an object // Is constant everywhere // Is measured in Kilogram or
Weight- Measure of gravity on an object // Not constant everywhere // Is measured in Newtons
// Uses spring balance

Difference between a vector and a scalar quantity:

Scalar quantity- Magnitude only
Vector quantity- Has direction // Earth and Mass

Weight= Mass x gravitational pull

Gravitational pull= Weight / Mass
Mass= Weight / Gravitational pull

Forces 220921 WED

Forces + Effects of force
Vector quantity- Quantity with magnitude and directions.
Force is a Vector quantity.
Length of an arrow corresponds to the magnitude. Arrows pointing in different directions imply
different signs [positive or negative].
Resultant Force [Net Force]- A single force that describes all forces acting on a body.
[ex. Left force 50, Right Force 100; Resultant Force is 50 forces to the right]
Resultant Force determines:
- Direction of motion
- Magnitude of the final force
- Balanced force: Resultant force is 0 [No Motion]
- Unbalanced force: There is a net force [object moves in the
direction of the Net Force]
Newton’s First Law of Motion:
- No force applied = Object stays in fixed position.
- Objects will remain at rest or move with a constant velocity
unless acted on by a resultant force.
- [ex. Lima did some online research and found out that the
moon orbits the earth at a constant speed of 2000mph. She
says that this is not an example of Newton’s First Law of
Motion. Lima’s research is wrong because the velocity isn’t
constant; an object in a circular path keeps on changing the
direction so there is no way that the speed wouldn’t change.]
Newton’s Second Law of Motion:
- Force= Mass * Acceleration
Newton’s Law + Test Revision 220922 THURS
Newton’s First Law of Motion:
- Objects will remain at rest or move with a constant velocity
unless acted on by a resultant force.
- a=net force/mass
- Net force / Resultant force is responsible for acceleration.
Newton’s Second Law of Motion:
- The acceleration of an object is directly proportional to the
resultant/net force.
- Acceleration is inversely proportional to the mass and directly
proportional to the force. The bigger the force, the bigger the
- A is directly proportional to F/M

Test Revision 220923 FRI

Gravitational field strength- Force acting on a unit mass in the field. [Gravitational field
strength= Force / Mass]

Hooke’s Law 220928 WED

Introduction to the Hooke’s Law and Moments:
- Force is directly proportional to extension. [F=kx; k=spring
- Extension of a spring is directly proportional to the applied
force as long as the elastic limit is not exceeded.
- The spring obeys Hooke’s Law as long as the elastic limit is not
- The letter k determines the spring constant and is the
measure of how stiff the spring is.
- Moment= Force*Perpendicular distance from the point of
support (pivot)= FD
- The principle of moments states that at equilibrium (balance),
the sum of clockwise moments about a pivot equals the sum
of anticlockwise moments about the same point.

Pressure 221010 MON

Pressure- Force per unit area.

Work 221020 THURS

Work done= Force * Distance (moved in the direction of the applied force.)
(ex. If a shelf is not moving, no work is being done.)
(ex2. A man is shoveling. He does 600J of work, therefore he loses 600J of energy.
The substance being shoveled gains the energy, but not the full 600J of energy
because some energy is wasted as a form of heat and sound.)
Formula & key information for work, force, and direction:
- W= FD
- F= W/D
- D= W/F
- Nm is also known as Joules (J).
- Work is done when a force makes something move.
- The greater the force, and the greater the distance moved, the
more work is done.
- When work is done energy is transferred from one form into
- Delta E is another way to say Delta W.

Energy 221024 MON

Energy- Work in transport/reservoir for work. The ability of an object to do work. Energy is a
scalar quantity.
The standard unit for energy is Joule (J) or Newton-meter (Nm).
Work done= Energy transferred.
Forms of Energy/Types of Energy:
- There are two forms of energy. Kinetic energy and Potential
- For something to have kinetic energy, it has to be in motion.
- If an object is not moving, the object has potential energy.
(ex. If a battery is sitting on the floor not moving, then it has
potential energy. An object not moving doesn’t mean that
there is no energy!)
(ex. A spring has elastic potential energy)

Matter 221202 FRI

Melting- Solid -> Liquid
Evaporation- Liquid -> Gas
Freezing- Liquid -> Solid
Condensation- Gas -> Liquid
Boiling Point- At constant temperature (100C)
Latent Heat- Hidden Heat; Heat absorbed (evaporation) or released (condensation) during
change on state.
Latent Heat of Vaporization- Liquid to Gas
Latent Heat of Fusion- Gas to Liquid
Heat (Thermal Energy) can be either absorbed or released (lost) during the changes of state.
At 100C
If you blow hot water, the rate of evaporation speeds up.
Gas is the easiest to compress because they have the largest inter-molecular distance.

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