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Long ago, in the heavenly realm, the leader of all gods and goddesses, Batara Guru, asked
everyone“Collaborate in building a new palace!” Those who didn’t help would be punished by having
their hands and feet cut off.


One day, the serpent god, Antaboga, was worried because he couldn’t assist; he had no hands
and feet to work with. If he didn’t help, the punishment might be directed at his identity, leading to
his demise.He sought guidance from Batara Guru’s brother, Batara Narada, but even Batara Narada
didn’t know what to do. Antaboga felt deeply saddened and cried, believing his fate to be
unfortunate.However, something extraordinary occurred. As Antaboga wept, three teardrops fell to
the ground and transformed into sparkling gems.

These gems were actually eggs with beautiful shells. Batara Narada had an idea and suggested that
Antaboga offer these gems to Batara Guru as a way to apologize for being unable to help build the
palaceThen, Antaboga headed to Batara Guru’s palace with three sparkling eggs in his mouth. On the
way, he encountered a crow that greeted him and asked where he was going. However, Antaboga
didn’t respond as his mouth was full of eggs.The crow felt Antaboga was impolite and became very
angry. The crow attacked Antaboga. Frightened and unsure of what to do, one egg cracked as the
crow attacked. Antaboga then hid behind the bushes, waiting for the crow to leave. However, the
crow persisted until Antaboga came out and faced it again.Due to this attack, the second egg broke.
Antaboga quickly ran to save his last remaining egg. Fortunately, the egg survived and remained
intact.Finally, Antaboga arrived at Batara Guru’s palace. He presented the intact third egg to Batara
Guru, who was overjoyed. Realizing it was a magical egg, Batara Guru asked Antaboga “safeguard it
until it hatched!”After a considerable amount of time, the egg hatched, revealing a beautiful baby
girl. Batara Guru and his wife decided to adopt her, naming her Nyi Pohaci Sanghyang Sri.As she grew
older, the girl became incredibly beautiful, kind-hearted, gentle, and beloved by everyone who met
her.All the beings in the heavenly realm, including gods and goddesses, fell in love with her.
Particularly Batara Guru, her adoptive father, found himself unable to resist falling in love with her.
He even secretly planned to marry her.This caused concern among the other gods and goddesses as
it could lead to trouble in heaven. Therefore, they devised a plan to separate Batara Guru and Nyi
Pohaci Sanghyang Sri.As she grew older, the girl became incredibly beautiful, kind-hearted, gentle,
and beloved by everyone who met her.All the beings in the heavenly realm, including gods and
goddesses, fell in love with her. Particularly Batara Guru, her adoptive father, found himself unable to
resist falling in love with her. He even secretly planned to marry her.This caused concern among the
other gods and goddesses as it could lead to trouble in heaven. Therefore, they devised a plan to
separate Batara Guru and Nyi Pohaci Sanghyang Sri. To protect the purity of Nyi Pohaci and maintain
peace in the heavenly realm, the gods and goddesses decided that the only solution was to kill Nyi

They gathered all the deadliest poisons and laced them into Nyi Pohaci’s drink. Nyi Pohaci then died
from consuming the poison.The gods and goddesses felt responsible for what they had done. They
were afraid because they had committed a wrongful act. They had killed an innocent and pure
woman.Then took her body to the Earth and buried it in a secret location where no one could find it.


Due to Nyi Pohaci’s purity and kindness, something magical happened – numerous plants grew
from her grave. These plants were incredibly beneficial to human life.

A coconut tree grew from her head, fragrant spices and vegetables sprouted from her nose, lips, and
ears. Flowers and grass grew from her hair, sweet fruits emerged from her breasts, useful wood trees
grew from her arms and hands, bamboo sprouted from her thighs, and root vegetables and cassava
grew from her feet.Fields of white rice emerged from her right eye, while fields of red rice sprouted
from her left eye. In short, all the plants that were beneficial to humans originated from Nyi Pohaci’s


Since then, the people of Java have worshipped, respected, and loved this kind-hearted goddess.
Through her selfless sacrifice, she has bestowed upon them the blessings of nature’s goodness,
fortune, and sustenance

- We must protect nature and share it with others


1. Use past temse :

- Asked
- Was
- Help
- Didn’t know
- Didn’t help
- Saddened
- Crred
- Felt
- Didn’t respon
- Ran
- Attacked
- Killed
- Took
- Had
- Occurred
- Suggested
- Greeted
- Persisted
- Came
- Faced
- Survived
- Remained
- Presented
- Hatched
- Decided
- Grew
- Comitted
- Died

2. Use adverbs of time :

- Long ago
- Due to this attack
- One day

3. Use temporal conjunctions

- When
- Then
- After
- Even

4. Use action verbs to show actions

- Attacked
- Cracked
- Came
- Ran
- Natched
- Getthered
- Took

5. Use direct sppech to make the story lively

- Batara Guru, asked everyone“Collaborate in building a new palace!”
- Batara Guru asked Antaboga “Safeguard it until it hatched!”

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