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Third Term Revision Paper

Grade 7
NAME -............................................................................ TIME – 2 HOUR

 Answer all questions

 Underline the most appropriate answer
PART - 1
1) The body temperature of a healthy man is;

1. 0 0C 2. 37 0C 3. 98 0C 4. 100 0C

2) What is the international unit of measuring distance?

1. Millimeter 2. Centimeter 3. Meter 4. Kilometer

3) An energy source that does not fall into biomass category is,

1. Dry cow dung 2. Oil of castor seeds

3.Geothermal energy 4. Chaff

4) What is the type of soil most suitable for cultivation?

1. Clay soil 2. Sandy soil 3. Loamy soil 4. Gravel soil

5) What is the important mineral for building bones and teeth and bone strength?

1. Vitamin A 2.Vitamin D 3.Vitamin C 4.All of the above

6) Which of the following does not cause soil erosion?

1. Deforestation 2.Terrace farming 3. Floods 4. Overgrazing

7) Which of the following answers is not a mineral?

1. Dolomite 2. Graphite 3. Marble 4. Granite

8) A piece of ice at 0 degrees Celsius is dropped into the water at 0 degrees Celsius. The ice will then _____

1. Melt 2. Convert to water 3. Not melt 4. Partially melt

9) A moving bicycle is pushed from behind by a child. What will be the change of motion?

1. Speed increases 2. Speed decreases

3. It will rotate 4. Direction changes

10) Which of the following can be used to demonstrate the presence of soil water in the soil?

1. By adding a lump of soil to water. 2. By crushing a lump of soil.

3. By heating a lump of soil. 4. By dissolving a lump of soil.

11) On hot days, animals such as buffalos spend most of their time in water. What property of water is the

reason for this?

1. Water acts as a coolant. 2. Water acts as a good solvent.

3. Water acts as a medium for life. 4. Water acts as a medium for aquatic organisms to live.

12) Which of the following work is performed using kinetic energy?

1. Generation of electricity using wind power. 2. Removal of chaff from rice using the wind.

3. Grinding grains using wind power. 4. All of the above

13) Consider the statements written by a student related to Biurette Test.

a).This is a test used to identify proteins. b) A brick red precipitate is formed as the observation.

c).Sodium hydroxide is added as the only reagent in this test.

The correct statements of the above are,

1. a only 2. b only 3. c only 4 .4. a,b,c all

14) “Warm is felt in a house, where the roof is covered with metal sheets”, what is the method of heat

transfer into this house?

1. Expansion 2. Conduction 3. Convection 4. Radiation

15) Let us consider a man travelling from P to R via Q by a motor vehicle as shown in the Figure.
What is the total distance and displacement of the person respectively?

30 M 1. 70 M/ 50 M 3. 70 M/ 40 M
2. 50 M/ 30 M 4. 50 M/ 70M

40 M

16) Which is the correct statement about force?

1. Force has a magnitude only

2. Pulling only can be resulted by applying a force

3. Pushing only can be resulted by applying a force

4. Pulling and pushing can be done by applying a force

17) The 3 components to a healthy snack are:

1. Chips, fruit, and pop 2.High quality carbohydrate, protein and healthy fat

3. Fruit juice, apple jacks cereal and milk 4. None of the above

18) There is a need to focus more on the sustainable use of energy sources at present. Which of the

following is a suitable suggestion for this need?

1. Travel by private vehicles whenever possible

2. Use electricity as sparingly as possible in daily activities

3. Use traffic jams while travelling

4. Increase the use of electricity and gas for cooking

19) In which of the situations given below is the speed of a body in motion changes on applying a force?
1. When shooting an arrow from a bow. 2. When opening a drawer of a table.

3. When pushing the accelerator of a moving vehicle. 4. When stretching a rubber band

20) Chemical energy Electric energy

above energy transformation is taken place during.

1. Generation of electricity from a dry cell. 2. Rotating a turbine by flowing water.

3. Production of sounds from the television. 4. Lighting a bulb from solar cells.

PART – 2
 Answer all questions
 12 marks allocated for each questions

(A) We do various types of work in our day - to - day life obtaining energy from different sources of
energy. Sources of energy are divided into 2 main types.
 Renewable sources of energy.
 Non - renewable sources of energy

a) What is meant by renewable sources of energy?

b). Classify the following sources of energy as renewable and non - renewable sources

Nuclear energy, Bio- mass, geothermal energy, Natural gases


c) State 2 ways that you can contribute to the sustainable usage of energy sources.

(B) Given below set - up is arranged in the laboratory for an activity.

(i) Write the observations when 2 small bottles with pen tubes are kept in hot water and cold
(ii) Write reasons for above observations.
(iii) Name an instrument which is made according to this principle.
(iv) Write 2 liquids which are used in above mentioned (iii) instrument.
(v) Coloured water is used in small bottles. Explain why?
(A) The surface of the earth is the crust. It is composed of rocks and soil with plains,
mountains and oceans.

(i) Name two most commonly found elements of the earth crust.
(ii) There are many materials obtained from the earth crust by us for various needs. Write
one materials obtained as such for each of the following needs.
a) For shelter - ......................................................................................................................
b) For transportation -...........................................................................................................
(iii) The soil is the outer most layer of earth crust. There are three types of soil according to the abund-
- ance of particles.
(a) Name those three types of soil............................................................................................
(b) Which of them is the most suitable for agriculture? ....................................................................
(c) Write one reason for why the type of soil that you have named in (b) is the most suited one for
agriculture. .........................................................................................................................................................
(B) The pictures above show symptoms of two deficiencies.

(i). State the name of the disease shown in P and the deficiency that causes it.
(ii). Write one legal action taken in Sri Lanka to avoid the deficiency shown by Q.
(iii). “When it is about nutrition, doctors say, take a balanced diet whenever possible”.

(a) What is meant by a balanced diet in this context?

(b) Write one unfavorable condition other than the deficiency diseases that can be
caused by not taking a balanced diet.

(A) Continuous process, in which the 3 types of rocks are created, changing from one form to another
is known as the rock cycle.

(i) Name the spaces given as A and B in the rock cycle.

A -........................................... B -...........................................................
(ii) Name the type of rock which marble and gneiss belong respectively
(iii) Name the type of rock which marble and gneiss belong respectively.
(iv) The mineral, mica can be found abundantly in some places of Wayamba Province. Name
a popular place where Mica can be found. Write one use of it.
 Place/ area -..............................................................................
 Use -..............................................................................

(v) Soil is formed by weathering of bed rocks for a very long time of period. Name two
weathering methods of rock weathering.

(B) (i) Minerals are the solid components of soil. Write 2 types of soil minerals.
(ii) Presence of one of the soil components can be demonstrated using given set up.

a) Among soil component in soil which one is demonstrated in the above set up?
b) Write a use of above mentioned soil component.
(iii) Name 2 soil organisms which can observe in a sample of soil taken close to a heap of

(iv). Cultivation of tea in a sloppy area of hill country is shown in the given figure.
Steps applied for prevention of soil erosion are also shown in it.

(a) What is the method of tea cultivation as shown in above


(b) According to the above figure, name 2 steps which are applied
for prevention of soil erosion.

(vi) The structure of the soil can be changed due to the addition of various pollutants.
Write two such pollutants.
(A) A change of position of living and non-living objects with the time is named as motion.
The following rough sketch shows that a path of a student from class room to laboratory.
(i) What is the displacement done by the child from class room to laboratory?
(ii) Write the SI unit of distance and displacement respectively.
(iii) Write a difference between distance and displacement

(B) Images are formed by mirrors

a) An image is formed when an object is kept in front of a plane mirror. Write the reason for
b) Write 2 features of an image formed by a plane mirror
c) What type of mirror should be used, if it is necessary to get an inverted images?
d) Name the type of mirror which is used as side (rare view) mirrors of vehicles

Answer only 3 questions only.
A. What are the five main nutrients required by our body, briefly explain them with examples?
B. What are vitamins and minerals?
C. What is geothermal energy?
D. How do we use energy sources sustainably?
E. What are the three ways of energy transferring? Briefly explain them.


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