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Lesson 1: Forms of Communication

Communication Mode – refers to the channel through which one expresses his/her communicative
intent. It is the medium through which one conveys his/her thoughts.
4 types of Communication Mode
1. Face-to-face interaction- The most common mode of communication out of all. This is a
informal and casual conversation between two or more people.

Advantage: The speaker will be able to see and directly hear the person they are
communicating with and see their visual cues such as facial expression, gestures, movements,
and even object.

According to Dau Voire “Be brave to start a conversation that matters”

Topic Pattern in a Conversation

Topic initiation – Topic maintenance – Topic change or shift – Topic closure

According to Margaret J. Wheatley “All social change begins with conversation”

According to Diana Wheatley “Meaning is made in conversation, Reality is created by

communication, Knowledge is generated through social interaction, language is the vehicle
through which we create our understanding of the world”

The Diana Wheatley quote emphasizes the profound role of language and communication in
shaping our perception of reality and understanding of the world.

2. Video- Web cameras are used so that two or more people who cannot interact face-to-face
can communicate. This could be the very effective mode of communication if there are no
technical glitches, especially to those people who are distant.

Examples: Skype, Viber, WhatsApp, Apple Facetime, and Facebook Messenger

 You can also used this in formal setting such as video conferencing
 This a convenient mode of communication for those people who are distant, however,
the disadvantage is the time zone difference.
3. Audio- means transmitted sounds. In this mode you are only able to hear the voice of the

Example: Telephone, answering machine, skype (voice message or voice mail)

Disadvantages: You cannot see the body language and visual cues to the person you are
communicating with. This is also quite difficult due to different accents.

4. Text-based communication- does not provide video or audio benefits, but in can disseminate
information to a bigger audience quickly.
Example: E-mail, facsimile, text messaging, facebook, twitter, and Instagram ( offers text-
based interaction)

The last three modes of communication are virtual in nature.

Lesson 2: Communication and Technology


By Miguel R. Camus

 Filipinos spend more time on social media sites than other anyone else in the
world, 4 hours and 17 minutes in a day.
 Filipinos spend time in social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and Snapchat


 Brazilians ( 3h and 43 m) Argentinians (3h and 32m)
 Americans ( 2h and 6s) Japanese ( 40 mins per day)

According to Robert Isberto, “ It’s probably due to the same cultural dynamics that made
us the text messaging capital of the world” “ Filipinos like to keep in touch”
 According to Akamai, fixed-broadband is the slowest among Asia-pacific, while, mobile
connections are the fastest.
 Ph ( 4.42 megabits per second) Brazil ( 5.5 mbps) and Argentina (5 mbps) and the
fastest is South Korea (26.3 mbps) k-citizen only use 1h and 11m a day in social media
 Ph media users grew 25 percent (13m to 12m )
 Mobile was fast growing platform (38 percent)
 Ph social media penetration rate 58 percent and others 47 percent in southeast asia
 Around the world, internet users grew 10 percent or additional 354 m while social media
users jumped 21 percent or an additional 482 million
 Global active citizens using mobile phone and other devices urged 30 percent or
another 581 million people.
 The total internet penetration rate stood to 50 percent or 3.77 billion people
 According to Simon Kemp, “Half of the world’s population is now online..”
 Organizations who conducted this study, GlobalWebIndex, GSMA Intelligence, Statista,
and Akamia

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