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a | along / CLASSIC ee) ee eee aU oe BON a See eee Le eee cr ee ee oe ee Led Se SU CS RCC ue ee RC se Fe CE ER Se ES ee During this phase, your goal should be to master each movement and finish the workouts in one piece. So Ca ro ue re ee Re ee eee of repetitions while maintaining strict form. Remember to record your rep count and weight amount on ee et ee ee eee ees ree 2 Plyometrics _3 Shoulders & Arms, Ab Ripper X ares eee Une acres Reet a we a Ifyou really want to add some size, now isthe time to go for it. Use enough Reena et eee a ee cy eas to continue developing lean muscle, use enough weight so that you max out 4 between 12 and 15 reps. Never do 11... we kid youl. Also keep in mind that q your body only builds muscle while atrest. So try to get at least seven hours . De CL Ome eo ear Ra Sse eS a aS DAY_1 Chest, Shoulders & Triceps, Ab Ripper X acute) _3 Back & Biceps, Ab Ripper X var es Bea Td anus Perec P3IOm CLASSIC wa foe ee eee a Poe eC eM eC a hen re ee eC LT See et ese he a eee Cee OA Rie Ce ee aa Dae ea DAY_1 Chest, Shoulders & Triceps, Ab RipperX DAY_1 Yoga X aac eu Bort _3 Shoulders & Arms, Ab Ripper X ee mee eres eT CES wey / eeu as Bea Uns Se CUES Cue acre _7 Rest or X Stretch Rete cay Beene) - Ce ee eC ee ne paiearereeaen seiner rnreety Ee eC en eee es ferns Sue eee 7 eee rere > ett DR a ens CCCs ee ao eT A pepeterereoeneenerenemenrretoy maar rits : Mich eee ce ey CUR me Rah RUC a Re uu 4c" TOE Rm ROL Rag Stoo eee esata ~ PSsooxX< DOUBLES Ce COR ae tte) Cre ee eee Cae cee) in mind that P90X is stressful within the realm of its standard schedule. eee uae Sr CeCe cau Ur Md Cee ROR eu aCe RUC Ck as days per week. The Cardio X workout is the least intense of the P90X series, but it’s still a serious calorie-burner. Se ee een ines pee ee ee Ve = be beneficial, Remember to record your rep count and weight amount on Sea ae a eee CEO eT eer ae "| BCCI ase PSS WES ES ie SSW EI se Nae ae PNMNCTLES cas eer re ee ras EL ey ee ee acorns weeny ere ea as ern ences 6 Yoga X Se etc) cee) De Cae eT ee CRS CUO Oca ee Cee cae ome “hell week,” just like high school football season; except that it's not one week, it's four. Pee Cre coe one ee Ce Se workout. If you're overtraining, it's no tonger beneficial, so pay close attention to your body and how its reacting. i} ies Z SOV ICS SSSA TEES SER LIAN Pais De ea bd Peon Po Cee ern cncrens re es a ues aacochs _7 Rest or X Stretch Par es Se moe ag Beers Se Ce Cie wares acres Bees eee _6 Kenpo X eee ec} BSS 9 OCCU. SSSR OS CNEL aay anced eerie eT cuIes wey Boner a aces _T Rest or X Stretch TERRES ee a Se Sy a aaa a a Ne oe | 1a 7N, ee Oe ere) een ey P90X Lean is for those who want a more cardio-based and slightly less eR ee a uO eee See a Te ee Ls eee CN ee a nna During this period your body is going to get accustomed to the rigors and demands of P90X by forming Ce een eee ee eeu Te Te PaO ee en ae eee Re ae es ‘As your body gets used to the exercises, it will do them more efficiently and the amount of weight you ‘can use will greatly increase, You should begin to see this skyrocket towards the end of week 3. i Remember to record your rep count and weight amount on your FREE P90X Worksheets, downloadable a Ree eo Re SB BSS DAY_1 Core Synergistics exer hs _3 Shoulders & Arms, Ab Ripper X ACERS Bea ee mice’ We ec Cae SO SC eC ee Rn eee Lae ea focus on reps and failure. During these weeks you'll want to attempt to increase the weight you use for each exercise. During this phase, try to finish between Dee en ee ee ee ees body only gets strong while at rest. So be sure to get enough sleep! » — ai se ea ae | Dae exons 3 Chest, Shoulders & Triceps, Ab Ripper X ares meer eae acre Baer is week, you should start to feel very strong Sa a etc ‘ es SOO Ce eee eee ee Cee CTU) Wee ea ac ee ea ec be the time to push to exhaustion and muscle failure on every single set! Let's drop the eC G a ha Ce ae eee es ee your body wants to rest. So instead, let's push your personal envelope and see what you've got. We want your best effort, each and every day! When the going gets tough, the tough get going; be at your Dee ee eee en Pree ta ee ete 7 AN NS RN ee Tie DAY_1 Chest, Shoulders & Triceps, Ab Ripper } mere exer bs _3 Shoulders & Arms, Ab Ripper X Bee eed Parra ware Brees Bear ety mes acres _7 Rest or X Stretch rete) Renee St ee Cee ne LEAMU

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