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S2 Unit 10 Reading 1 (Page 93 & 94) – your guide to last night’s television

guide (n) 指南 panel (n) 专家小组 abolish (v) 废除 debate (n) 辩论 insist (v) 坚持要

accuse (v) 指控, opposition (n) 反对 make claim (n) 做出 the sort of thing 等 apart from 除
指责 派,反对党 一些不实的申 等之类的东西 了。。以外

typically (adv) 一般 commit (to striking (red shirt) proposal (n) 提议 prompting (a
answering the mumbled response)
地;通常 (adj) 引人注目的
question) 表态
(verb) 引起
a mumbled boast (v) 自吹自 policy (n) 政策 future generations treat (sb.) with 对
response (adj) 含糊 擂,吹嘘,夸耀 下一代人 待(他人)

literature (n) 文学 classics (n) (书、 empathise (v) 表示 (at an) incredible keep up with 不落
音乐或电影的) 同情;有同感, (pace) (adj) 难以置 后;跟上
经典作品,杰作 产生共鸣 信的
(be) left behind astonishing (adj) 令 no wonder 怪不得 in such a mess 如 personal finance 个
(被)搁下 人惊讶的;惊人 此的伦乱不堪 人的财务管理

fundamental (adj) humanity (n) 对他 open one’s eyes to give a greater vital (adj) 必不可少
基础的,基本的 人的理解,仁慈 insight into (n) 了 的;极其重要
the world 长见识
解, 洞察, 深刻见解 的

essential (adj) 必要 tackle (v) 对付,处 obesity (n) 肥胖症 sailed through (his bachelor’s degree
理 end-of-school
的,必不可少的 学士学位
exams) 顺利通过

(wrote his) modern city (a fully) qualified coastal erosion (n) a local surgery (n)
dissertation (n) 学 architecture (n) 建 architect) (adj) 合 海岸侵蚀 (医生或牙医
位论文 筑学 格的

Find the correct phrasal verbs to match with the correspondent meanings.
1. _____________________- to succeed very easily in something, especially a test
2. _____________________- to do whatever is necessary to stay level or equal with someone or something
3. _____________________- to abandon, neglect, or forego someone or something

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abolish mumbled empathise incredible

1. _____________________ (verb) - to understand and share the feelings of another, because you have been
in a similar situation.
2. _____________________ (adjective) - so extraordinary that is seems impossible
3. _____________________ (verb) - to put an end to
4. _____________________ (adjective/verb) - to mutter something in a low tone so that it cannot be

abolished empathising incredible abolished

mumbled incredible mumble empathise

1. Many countries have _____________________ capital punishment.

2. _____________________ with his plight, I introduced him to a job in another town.
3. My little brother will ______________ his grievances under his breath but never tell me why he was angry.
4. Johnson scored an _____________________ goal in the match.
5. His ability to _____________________ with people made him an excellent counsellor.
6. Dean didn't go into any detail explaining why he had not gone to the conference the prior evening, he just
gave a _____________________ response.
7. Tom believes that the death penalty should be _____________________.
8. The special effects in that movie were _____________________; it looked like the dinosaurs were real.

fundamental astonishing humanity insight

5. _____________________ (adjective) – very surprising; causing amazement

6. _____________________ (n) - the attribute of being kind
7. _____________________ (adjective) - basic or essential part
8. _____________________ (n) - the knowledge of a subject’s real nature; to give an ____________ into sth

insight astonishing humanity astonishing

humanity fundamental fundamental insight

1. She gave an _____________________ performance in her first film.

2. Dribbling is a _____________________ part of basketball.
3. The lab results will provide more _____________________ into the cause of the infection.
4. A serial killer normally does not reveal any sign of _____________________ to his victims.
5. The magic show was an _____________________ display of illusions and wonder.
6. Some understanding of grammar is _____________________ to learning a language.
7. From a review of the students’ exams, the teacher acquired valuable _____________________ about the
content she needed to revisit in the next class
8. The general has been charged with crimes against _____________________.

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vital tackle obesity dissertation

9. _____________________ (verb) - to make a serious effort to deal with a problem or issue

10. _____________________ (noun) - the state of being excessively overweight
11. _____________________ (adjective) - extremely important; essential for something
12. _____________________ (noun) - a long essay on a particular subject

obesity vital dissertation vital tackle

dissertation tackle vital obesity tackle

1. The kidney plays a _____________________ role in the removal of waste products from the blood.
2. The National Institute of Health is discussing ways of tackling the problem of childhood ______________.
3. The president is clearly in a dilemma about how to _____________________ the crisis.
4. While pursuing his doctoral degree, the Ph.D. candidate elected to write his _____________________ on
the impact that depression during pregnancy can have on fetal development.
5. I felt that he just talked round the subject and didn't _____________________the main issues.
6. Without the _____________________clue, we will never be able to solve the mystery.
7. Accused of being the reason for _____________________ in the United States, fast food restaurants are
now starting to serve healthier options like salads and yogurt.
8. Tiffany tried to _____________________ her financial problems by filing for bankruptcy, but that effort
failed when her petition was denied.
9. After the _____________________ is completed, students must pass one final hurdle before becoming a
10. Once the _____________________ actor left the series, the television show’s ratings dropped dramatically.

Practice A: Fill in the blanks with the BEST answers. (2% each)
abolish mumbled empathise incredible

fundamental astonishing humanity insight

vital tackle obesity dissertation

1. Although he thought that his _____________________ was solidly written, the graduate student was asked
to write the thesis on a different topic.
2. The escaped prisoner showed _____________________ when he assisted the wounded police officer.
3. After living in the wild for six months, the researcher gained a great deal of _____________________ into
the nurturing habits of lions.
4. A ___________________ education needs to include reading, writing, math, and a variety of other subjects.
5. Her performance in the ballet was _____________________ and had the audience on its feet clapping
for 20 minutes at the end of the show.

6. It was _____________________ to see the underdog team beat the five-time world champions.
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7. A significant problem that plagues the country is _____________________ due to its citizens’ poor eating
habits and lack of exercise.
8. When she was asked to serve the fussy customer, the shop assistant shrugged her shoulders and walked away
with a _____________________ response as a slight protest to herself.
9. The exploration for new sources of energy is _____________________ for the future of our planet.
10. When is the government going to _____________________ the problem of poverty in the inner cities? 11.
Because she too had lost a parent to cancer, she was able to _____________________ with the way
Candace grieved her mother’s passing.
12. There are still places around the world where they need to _____________________ slavery.

Practice B: Fill in the blanks with the BEST answers. (2% each)
classic essential striking degree

essential commit insist on personal finance

typically surgery architecture erosion

panel keep up with accused left behind

1. I think I can come but I won't _____________________ myself till I know for sure.
2. The minister was __________ noncommittal when asked whether further financial aid would be introduced.
3. She _____________________ her employer of sex discrimination
4. I _____________________ teaching to focus on writing my novel.
5. Jane Austen's "Pride and Prejudice" is a _____________________ of English literature.
6. Smart _____________________ involves developing strategies that include budgeting, creating an
emergency fund, paying off debt and using credit cards wisely.
7. For the experiment to be valid, it is _____________________ to record the data accurately.
8. You can't expect to just _____________________ without doing any work before the exam.
9. She holds a doctoral _____________________ from Stanford University.
10. Technology changes so fast, it's hard to _____________________ it.
11. The competition will be judged by a _____________________ of experts.
12. The town's modern _____________________ is very well integrated with the old.
13. Soil _________________ is a problem for farmers because if left unchecked it can make the earth barren.
14. The well-known artist’s _____________________ landscape masterpiece that hung on the art gallery’s wall
stunned and captivated every observer who passed by it.
15. My grandmother is 85 now, but she will _____________________ doing all her own housework.
16. If you come to the _____________________ at 10.30, the doctor will see you then.
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S2 Unit 10 Reading Passage 2

Moosic, and What You Probably Don’t Know about It (Page 96)

probably (adverb) 可能 teens (n) 青少年 around the clock 全天 hang out with 和。。

会,可能是 候 出去玩

claim (verb) 声称 psychologist (n) 心理学家 find out (phrasal verb) peer (n) 同龄人;同辈

sonata (n) 奏鸣曲 conduct (v) 进行 come up with (phrasal theory (n) 理论
verb) 想出,提出(主


classical (adjective) 古典 intelligent (adjective) 聪颖 entitled (v) 给…命 significantly (adverb)

的 的 显著地

boost (v) 提高 cognitive capabilities 认知 ceased (to exist) 停 expert (n) 专家

的能力 止,中止

definitely (adverb)肯定 research (n) 研究 indicate (v) 显示 musical instrument 乐

地 器
considerably (adverb) trial (n) 试验;试用 music tempo (n) 音乐的 affect (v) 影响
相当大程度地 节奏

productivity (n) 产量 symphony (n) 交响乐 cow’s milk yield 产量

subjected to 受制于,受

支配的 = likely to be

affected by

exposed to 暴露于 statistically (adverb) reveal (verb) 揭露 respond to 回应,作出

significant 统计学上是

pleasant (adjective) 令人 auditory environment 听 seem (verb) 貌似 alleviate (v) 舒缓

愉悦的 得到(音乐)的环境

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Moosic, and What You Probably Don’t Know about It (Page 96)

hang out with entitle significantly boost

1. _________________ (verb) - to give a title to a book, film 给…命名,给…题名

_________________ (verb) - to give someone the right to do or have something 给予权利;使符合资格

2. ______________________ (adverb) - in a way that is easy to see or by a large amount 显著地

______________________ (adjective) – meaningful

3. ______________________ (phrasal verb) - to spend a lot of time in a place or with someone 出去玩

4. ______________________ (verb) - to improve or increase something 改善;提高;增强;推动

hanging out with significantly boost entitled hangs out with

entitled significantly significant boosted entitled

1. Wendy gave a very entertaining talk ______________________ “My life and hard times”.
2. I don't know why she ______________________ Jing Xuan, they've got nothing in common
3. The theatre managed to______________________ its audiences by cutting ticket prices.
4. If you join this club, you will be ______________________ to use all of its facilities.
5. Employment levels are unlikely to rise ______________________ before the end of next year.
6. Share prices were ______________________ by reports of the president's recovery
7. They enjoyed ______________________ each other when they were kids.
8. Studies suggest that regular intake of the vitamin ______________________ improves brain function.
9. Though the results were startling, they were not statistically ______________________, which is why the
professor paid them no heed.
10. The renowned novelist ______________________ his book “My Life on Mars.”

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cognitive / cognition cease considerably yield

5. ______________________ (verb) - to stop something; to put an end to something 停止,中止

6. ______________________ (noun) an amount of something positive, such as food or profit, that

is produced or supplied 产生;出产; 产量

7. ______________________ (adverb)to a large, noticeable, or important degree 相当大程度地

8. ______________________ (adjective) - connected with thinking or conscious mental processes 感知的;


______________________ (noun) - the mental courses by which one obtains knowledge through
experiences and thoughts

cognitive Yields considerably cease

cease Considerably cognition yields
yields Cognition cognitive considerably

1. The interests of both parties may not be identical 完全相同的;极为相似的, but they
do overlap ______________________.
2. Once the treaty is announced, the fighting on the border should ______________________.
3. As children grow older, their ______________________ capabilities become sharper.
4. Crop ______________________ have risen steadily 逐渐地;稳步地 in these past few years.
5. Min Lun’s views differ ______________________ from those of his parents.
6. In the car accident, Ray suffered a head injury that affected his ______________________ and prevented
him from learning new things.
7. A good fertilizer can significantly increase crop ______________________.
8. Mr Hew is ______________________ fatter than he was when I knew him
9. The purpose behind this assignment is to test your ______________________ skills.
10. The fertile soil enabled farmers to produce abundant ______________________.
11. The goal of the program is to help students improve their ______________________ by developing new
practices to help them acquire knowledge easier.
12. Since we don't know when we'll ______________________ to live, we should live each day as though there
is no tomorrow.

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statistically auditory alleviate indicate

9. ______________________ (verb) - to make something less painful, severe, or serious 减轻;缓和,缓解

10. ______________________ (adverb) - according to or by means of statistics. 统计上

11. ______________________ (adjective) - of or about hearing 听觉的

12. ______________________ (verb) - to point or show 表明;显示

alleviate indicate statistically auditory

statistically auditory alleviate statistically
auditory statistically alleviate indicate

1. ______________________, it says that out of 100 entrepreneurs, 90% fail within the first five years.
2. Various studies ______________________ that some forms of alternative medicine are extremely effective.
3. One local factory will ______________________ the town's job shortage by providing 250 more jobs.
4. The scientist invented an artificial device that stimulates the ______________________ areas of the brain.
5. ______________________ blacks committed 80% of street robberies, and 75% of knife crime in
Birmingham and London.
6. Scared of heights all her life, nothing would ______________________ Ashley's fear of flying.
7. I have a bad ______________________ memory—unless I see a word in writing, and not just hear it, I
forget it easily.
8. ______________________ speaking, women cheat on their spouses less than men do
9. Your high body temperature may ______________________ an infection of some sort.
10. To ______________________ hunger in our town, each employee of our company donated five cans of
11. The difference between the two treatment groups is not ______________________ significant.
12. The newborn baby failed the hearing test, so her parents were referred to visit a specialist in
____________________ disorders.

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Practice A: Fill in the blanks with the BEST answers. (2% each)

hang out entitled significantly boosted

cognitive cease considerably yield
statistically auditory alleviate indicates

1. Because of the poor economy, the factory will immediately ______________________ operations.
2. The successful marketing of the new beer has already ___________________ sales and increased profits.
3. Some of her ______________________ functions have been impaired after the fatal accident.
4. Listening to soothing music will not only _____________________ stress, but it will help you connect to
your inner peace.
5. England’s win against Germany has ___________________ increased their chances of winning Euro 2020.
6. Min Yee had an ______________________ disorder that made him hard of hearing.
7. Her latest novel, ______________________ "The Forgotten Sex", is out this week.
8. Haven't you got anything better to do than ______________________ at the shopping centre?
9. My piano playing has improved ______________________ since I started with a new teacher.
10. Our survey ______________________ that one in four children is bullied at school.
11. The ______________________ of this year's wheat crop is much higher than last year's.
12. When testing your strategy, you should produce enough trades so the results are _____________________

Practice B: Fill in the blanks with the BEST answers. (2% each)

around the clock claims psychologist found out

peers conducting trials came up with
symphony subject to exposing pleasant

1. Nicholas ______________________ the idea of dividing the rooms in half as a way to double the rental.
2. I created that bleached effect by ______________________ the film to the light.
3. I have many ______________________ recollections of the time we spent together.
4. Many people regard Beethoven’s fifth ______________________ as his finest work.
5. The medical experts are doing clinical ______________________ on a new drug.
6. We are ______________________ a survey to find out what our customers think of their local bus service.
7. I made an appointment with the clinical ______________________ to treat with my mental disorders.
8. The company ______________________ that it is not responsible for the pollution in the river.
9. When Mr Hew ______________________ what his son had done to the girl, he was so shocked.
10. Do you think it's true that teenage girls are less self-confident than their male ______________________.
11. The college students are working ______________________ to get their project done.
12. The agreement is still ______________________ approval by the League's 30 teams and the players.
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Senior 2 Vocabulary Exercise (Unit 10)

scholarship humanity qualified opposition dull

emphasize apprentice panel obesity insight

tempo spokesman yields cognitive productivity

1. As part of the job interview, you will be interviewed by a __________ of people working in the
2. They’re going ahead with the plans despite strong __________ from residents.
3. She used many examples to __________ the point she was trying to make.
4. A charitable person is a lover of __________.
5. The book gives a fascinating __________ into Mrs Blair’s character.
6. She was reported by the hospital __________ to be making excellent progress.
7. Due to the increase in the family’s __________, Jane worried about the health of her family including
heart attacks and diabetes.
8. She got a __________ to Yale University.
9. She’s well __________ but has no relevant working experience.
10. A comfortable working environment will increase __________.
11. An __________ is a young person who works for someone in order to learn their skill.
12. Burning waste __________ energy that can be used for electric power or heating.
13. All work and no play makes Jack a __________ boy.
14. Speeding up the __________, the street musician attracted patients by playing his song faster and faster.
15. As children grow older, their __________ processes become sharper.

cognitive degree scrap alleviate stuck

sigh funding apprenticeships voluntary dissertation

full-time gap years wandered off commit military

16. Betsy and I breathed a __________ of relief.

17. We started getting bored, so we __________ from the hotel to see if anything interesting was happening
in the city.
18. To __________ hunger in our town, each employee of our company donated five cans of food.
19. Industrial sponsorship is a supplement to government __________.
20. The man regretted his decision to __________ himself to marriage and wished he had never taken his
21. A __________ or thesis is a long piece of academic writing based on original research.
22. __________ employees are entitled to receive health insurance.
23. We will sift every __________ of evidence.
24. He was exempted from __________ service for illness.
25. __________ can also enable practitioners to gain a license to practice in a regulated profession.
26. Teachers are trained to stimulate the child’s __________ processes.
27. __________ are intended to give students a break from academics to discover themselves and consider
what kind of education and career they want to pursue.
28. She got a good job in advertising after completing her __________ in graphic design.
29. Since retiring from the company, she has done __________ work for a charity.
30. The elevator got __________ between floors, and a couple of the passengers were frantic to get out.
Senior 2 Vocabulary Exercise (Unit 11)

repurposed heap stay calm hassle base

lethal symptoms fashioned brewed road rage

raw material inferior discarded indicate sack

1. Earlier today a man was arrested for attacking a motorist in a __________ incident.
2. A runny nose and fever are __________ of a cold.
3. “Send them fax – it’s a lot less __________ than phoning.”
4. All these knives are absolutely __________.
5. Please __________ your sex and date of birth below.
6. Parents should __________ and let children talk through their concerns.
7. He __________ an old hat and an old pair of shoes.
8. The mountaineers set up their __________ camp at the foot of the mountain.
9. In some cultures, women are seen as being __________ to men.
10. He __________ a box from a few old pieces of wood.
11. They __________ maps as decorations.
12. We peeled a whole __________ of potatoes to make potato salad for the company picnic.
13. Cotton is produced as __________ for the textile industry and is considered a high-value crop.
14. The gardener began to __________ up the fallen leaves.
15. She __________ a fresh pot of coffee for her guests.

wiped out squarely update upload indigenous

resistant loggers strip upgrade upcycle

defiant downsize scattered extinction downplay

16. She told the children to cut the paper into thick __________.
17. Many bacteria are now __________ to penicillin.
18. Through her lighting business she shares her love of __________ and sustainable design.
19. We went to Verizon to __________ our older IPhones to the newest versions available.
20. When we __________ into a smaller house this fall, we will have to get rid of a lot of our extra furniture.
21. The doctor assured us that she would __________ us on dad’s progress every couple of hours.
22. The government is trying to __________ the violence.
23. It’s time to deal __________ with the facts.
24. The __________ threw a tantrum when it was time to go to bed.
25. There were several brightly coloured rugs __________ around.
26. As few native people exist in the population, no __________ languages are thought to remain in Uruguay.
27. The __________ were obliged to plant as many trees as they cut down.
28. Whole villages were __________ in the fighting.
29. __________ of the species happened after poachers killed many of the animals.
30. I want to __________ data to the computer network storage from my office computer.

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