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Journal of Positive School Psychology http://journalppw.

2023, Vol. 7, No. 4, 864-877

Adaptive Behavior Of Disabled Students With And

Without Learning In Inclusive Education
Kanwal Ejaz1 , Dr. Muhammad Arshad Dahar2 & Prof. Dr. Muhammad Imran Yousuf3

Ph.D Scholar, 2Assistant Professor and 3Chairman, Department of Education Department, PMAS Arid Agriculture
University, Rawalpindi (Pakistan)
Corresponding author: Dr. Muhammad Arshad Dahar (


The current study aims to investigate the differences between children with and without learning disabilities
in terms of adaptive behavior. The in-depth body of this study assessed the outcomes of include special
needs students who also had learning difficulties. Effects of collaborative team teaching on the growth of
learners having learning disabilities have been studied. Practices in inclusive settings incline to produce
effective results for this unique group of children.

Method: In an inclusive environment with the support of a special teacher, an experimental study was
completed with two groups that included and excluded learning difficulties. Throughout the course of forty
days, the adaptive behavior of experimental and control groups was paralleled. children in the experimental
group, those with and without learning difficulties, make greater educational improvements in the English
subject. t.test was used to assess the data.

To summarize this research Primary grade student were taken with learning difficulties that require broad
support and can benefit from collaborative team teaching (CTT) in an inclusive setting. Parents are advised
to create a effective environment for their children and form friendly interactions. The formation of a
curriculum that works well in inclusive settings should be prioritized.

Keywords: Adaptive Behavior, Learning disabilities, Inclusive education.

INTRODUCTION Even the definition of the right to inclusive

education has under criticism, predominantly in
This article updates the current conceptualization, light of the success, viability, and economic
measurement, and use of the adaptive viability of the system for students with
behavior construct. Major sections of the article disabilities. Even more, some authors debate
address an understanding of the construct, whether the right to inclusive education should be
the current approaches to its measurement. viewed as a human right (Gordon, 2013), making
it fundamental, and whether imposing it always
Skepticism have always followed the
implementation of inclusive education, helps the interests of individuals with disabilities
particularly in those nations with a long history of (Imray & Colley, 2017).
special education and a well-established system Soltani and Koechlin state (2022) the real
of special institutes, but the argument has been world is unpredictably changing and continually
more polarized recently (Ianes & Augello, 2019). provides us with fresh possibilities for our
865 Journal of Positive School Psychology

behavior. Most mammalian IQs are endowed measurement of the adaptive behaviour construct,
with particular computational abilities that rely helped with the identification of learning
on the prefrontal cortex to achieve the flexibility disabilities by providing a rigorous assessment of
needed to successfully tackle these issues. Here, social capability and maturity (Doll, E.A 1936).
we argue that learning is best understood in terms The scale, which had 117 items and was divided
of inner models that connect stimuli, actions, and into three categories—self-help, locomotion, and
outcomes, and that these models include selective socialization—measured a person's development
models that learn stimulus-action associations and abilities in connection to commonplace
through rewards, predictive models that learn situations. The notion of adaptive behaviour
stimulus- and action-outcome associations included the following two crucial components:
through numerical inferences expecting 1. An individual's capacity to operate and support
behavioral results, and contextual models that themselves independently.
learn external cues associated with actions. . It is
crucial to note that integrates these inner models 2. The extent to which they successfully meet the
into task sets to direct behaviour and culturally imposed expectations of personal and
continuously measures the correctness of task social responsibility. (1961, Heber, R. A.). The
sets in predicting external circumstances to shift Vineland Adaptive Behaviour Scales (VABS),
between task sets or construct. We examine according to Sparrow, S. (1984), defined the
various models of adaptive behaviour to show construct of adaptive behaviour as a three-factor
how their elements resemble to this main structure, including the broad domains of
framework and particular areas. communication, daily living skills, and
socialisation, but also has an optional
Adaptive behaviour has been viewed measurement of motor skills (>7 years old and 50
broadly as “the effectiveness and degrees to years old), and maladaptive functioning. The
which the individual meets the criteria of Vineland-3, released in 2016, is the VABS' most
personal impartiality and social responsibilities” recent iteration. The Vineland-3 is described as a
(Grossman, 1973). According to Ditterline et. al multifunctional instrument by Sparrow,
(2008) the construct includes abilities that a Cicchetti, and Saulnier (2016) that can be used to
person requires in order to meet particular needs support diagnoses, establish eligibility, or
and to be capable to handle with the social qualification for special services, plan
demands in their environment. Ditterline noted rehabilitation or intervention programs, and track
that these abilities involve being able to self- and report progress.
sufficiently care about one’s personal safety and
health, communication abilities, act in a socially Beyond the acquisition of academic skills, the
acceptable manner, effectively involve in development of adaptive skills also plays a
academic talents, leisure and work, and to engage crucial
in a communal lifestyle.
role in maximising the independence of persons
Without accurate assessments of with ID and their participation in the community
adaptive behaviour, which he at the time stated to (Dixon2007; Kozma et al. 2009). Despite the
as social capability and social maturity, Doll importance of adaptive behaviour, only a few
claimed that investigations of individuals with studies have investigated the impact of inclusive
learning disabilities were inadequate. Vineland education on the development of these types of
Social Maturity Scale (VSMS), which Was made skills. Saint-Laurent et al. (1993) found no
in 1936 and is widely viewed as the first difference between the gains in adaptive
Kanwal Ejaz 866

behaviour of children with moderate ID included and social isolation within the friends group.
in general education classrooms or those Finally, inclusive environments seemed to lessen
attending special classrooms after a period of two the incidence of problematic behaviors in terms
years. Cole & Meyer (1991) also found no of psychosomatic effects.
difference between the progress of two groups of
children with severe ID (included and attending OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY
special classrooms) during two years.
The objectives of the study were:
In a similar study, Fischer & Meyer
(2002) compared the progress of matched pairs of 1. To compare the mean pre-test adaptive
children with severe ID. Their results indicate behavior scores of students with and without
that the children in general education classrooms learning disabilities in the experimental group
made significantly bigger gains in their adaptive and those with and without learning disabilities
behavior than their counterparts in special in the control group.
classrooms. Buckley et al. (2006) compared the 2. To compare the mean post-test adaptive
adaptive abilities of teenagers with Down behavior scores of the students with and
syndrome. They found no difference in daily without learning disabilities in the
living skills or socialization between the scores of experimental group and that of the students
the two groups. However, the included teenagers with and without learning disabilities in the
obtained significantly better scores in control group.
communication and functional academic skills
than their counterparts attending special schools. RESEARCH HYPOTHESES
Finally, Hardiman et al. (2009), compared the
social adaptive skills of children with moderate 3. H1.There would be a statistically significant
ID included in general education classrooms or difference between the mean pre-test
attending special schools. They found no adaptive behavior scores of students with
difference between the global social skills of learning disabilities in the experimental
these two groups. group and the students without learning
disabilities in the control group.
Another study by Dell’A et al (2022) 4. H2. There is a statistically significant
was to examine how students with mild, difference between the mean post-test
moderate, severe, and complex disabilities adaptive behavior scores of the students with
performed academically, psychologically and learning disabilities in the experimental
socially in inclusive environments. Based on the group and the students without learning
subjects covered, studies were categorized. disabilities of the control group.
Findings on the learning outcomes of students
with these disabilities were somewhat in favor of SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY
academic success and adaptive behavior in the
classroom. Findings on the learning outcomes of First attempt of the current study was to measure
specific students were somewhat in favor of the adaptive behavior and academic achievement
academic success and adaptive behavior in the of Pakistani learners of the 5th class. The study's
classroom. Results for social outcomes indicated results will provide insight into the current
that inclusive environments provide more access academic achievement status and adaptive
to educational time and peer interaction, despite behavior of Pakistani learners with primary age
reports of marginalization during class activities
867 Journal of Positive School Psychology

levels. Moreover, data (from learners) were and analysis of data. In the end, the chapter
collected related to the contextual correlates (the concludes with a summary.
role of team teaching and school environment) to
analyze the role of these teaching techniques on Research Participants
the intellectual development of learners.
General and special primary school Teachers
This study is needed because of a gap in taught through Collaborative Team Teaching to
what inclusive education teaches students with the Research participants in the Muslim Model
learning disabilities. Inclusivity is challenging School. Population of research participants has
because it has many different aspects. The present characteristics that represent the population
study intends to increase the ability of mild studied. (Gall et al., 2015). Purposive sampling
learning-disabled students in their adaptive was the technique used to select participants from
behavior. In Communal abilities: relational the population. Thirty participants: 13 with
abilities, communal accountability, acceptance, learning disabilities and 17 without learning
problematic communal resolving, ensuing disabilities were selected to obtain data that
instructions, following rules and laws, evading conferred the depth of the research.
being wronged, and in Practical abilities:
activities of everyday life (self-care), professional Research Design
abilities, usage of cash, protection, fitness
maintenance, follow timetable. An experimental research design was the strategy
used for this particular study. The pretest-posttest
Specifically, the Present study intends to control group was the experimental design for the
increase the ability of mild learning-disabled quantitative part of the study to examine the
students in their adaptive behavior. In Communal impact of educational inclusive setting type on
abilities: relational abilities, communal students' improvement regarding adaptive
accountability, acceptance, problematic behavior and academic achievement. The present
communal resolving. research's rationale provides a vision of the
connection among general teacher and other
METHODOLOGY special educators'

In this chapter, the research methodology Instruments

describes experimental research design. The
researcher will apply an experiment to collect Adaptive behavior scale
data about learners having disabilities of learning
and not having these disabilities in an inclusive The second scale, which was used to measure the
setting. A strong collaborative team teaching adaptive behavior of both learners (with and
technique is to be used regarding the need for without learning), was self-developed by the
implementation in Pakistani schools at the researcher and applied to a sample of 100
primary level to enhance the performance of students with another standardized scale of
students. The outline of the chapter includes the Vinland Adaptive behavior to check the validity
purpose of the study, design of research, of the scale.
questions of research, variables, population,
development of adaptive behavior scale, the Developed Adaptive Behavior scale was
validity of the instrumentation, collection of data, further divided into two categories: Adjustable
Kanwal Ejaz 868

Adaptive Behavior and Non-Adjustable Adaptive of the Collaborative team teaching model for both
Behavior, after using of statistical procedure of students in an inclusive school. The adaptive
factor analysis. The procedure of scale behavior scores were calculated for the numerical
development is discussed in data gathering data after implementing one teaching and the
procedure. other assisting collaborative team coaching
technique. Data had an interval space of 40 days
Development of adaptive behavior between the two sets of scores. Descriptive and
difficulties scale inferential statistics were used to report the data.

Items were generated with the help of Review of Adaptive Behavior Analysis of with and
literature, books, and public articles were sources without Learning Disabled Students
of item generation. Furthermore, scheduling
interviews with professionals and focus groups H1. There would be a statistically significant
with learners were essential for collecting items. difference between the mean pre-test adaptive
Numerous items were acknowledged after behaviour scores of students with learning
reviewing prior literature about mental indicators, disabilities in the experimental group and those
psychological, practical, and social difficulties. with a learning disability in the control group.
Unstructured interview by experts were done.
Three out of several special education specialists Analysis of this part began with the
were asked for an interview to share their information about with and without learning-
knowledge about the indicators of adaptive disabled students selected for this study. 30
behavior. participants in the experimental and 30 for the
control group were selected. This study was
directed to notice the effectiveness of CTT and
Quantitative Analysis Methods was Self- the improvement of special needs children in the
developed Adaptive Behavior Scale was primary schools of Punjab, Pakistan, and to
administered two times before and after the address the solution of the problem "which is the
treatment of specific Teaching methods. This most critical issue responsible for the
provided scores before and after implementation management of the adaptive behaviour."

Table 1: Significance of difference between the mean pre-test adaptive behaviour (Adjustable and Non-
adjustable) score of students with a learning disability in the experimental group and the mean pre-test
adaptive behaviour score of students with a learning disability in the control group.
Experimental Group Control Group
Variable T P

Non-adjustable adaptive behavior 42.14 4.69 39.69 4.36 3.45 .005**

Adjustable adaptive behavior 31.69 4.09 37.92 4.15 5.42 .001***

Note: M= Mean, SD= Standard deviation, **p<.01, ***p<.001

Table 1 shows the mean pre-test of adaptive of 13 students with learning disabilities among
behaviour scores (adjustable and non-adjustable) school children. The results revealed significant
869 Journal of Positive School Psychology

differences that the non-adjustable adaptive compared to the experimental group. (31.69) The
behaviour of the children was apparently (M= H1 is accepted. This means that the non-
42.14) higher in the experimental group as adjustable adaptive behaviour of the children is
compared to the control group (M=31.69). In higher in the experimental group than in the
contrast, adjustable adaptive behaviour was control group.
found more in the control group (37.92)

Experimental Control

Figure 1: Pre-test AB in experimental & control group among LD children

Table 2: Significance of difference between the mean pre-test adaptive behavior (Adjustable and Non-
adjustable) score of students without learning disabilities in the experimental group and the mean pre-test
adaptive behaviour score of students without learning disabilities in the control group.

Experimental Group Control Group

Variable T P

Non-adjustable 17 adaptive behaviour 26.12 9.15 27.05 8.03 1.32 .21

Adjustable adaptive behaviour 17 36.00. 12.84 36.88 10.23 .89 .38

Note: M= Mean, SD= Standard deviation,

Table 2 above shows the mean score of pre-test There was no significant difference
adaptive behaviour (adjustable and non- between the mean pre-test adaptive behaviour
adjustable) among school children without score of students without learning disabilities in
learning disabilities. The results revealed that the the experimental group and the mean pre-test
non-adjustable adaptive behaviour of the children adaptive behaviour score of students without
is a little bit higher (M2=27.05) in the control learning disabilities in the control group.
group compared to the experimental group Adjustable and non-adjustable as rejected by t.
(M1=26.12). At the same time, there is no values of .0005 and 0.32, respectively which are
significant difference in the adjustable adaptive both non-significant at 0.05 level. The null
behaviour. (M1=36.00, M=36.88). hypothesis is supported, which means that both
the comparison groups had similar adaptive
Kanwal Ejaz 870

behaviours in adjustable and non-adjustable. (Figure 2)





Experimental Control

Figure 2: Pre-test AB in experimental & control group among without LD children

H2. There is a statistically significant difference the experimental group and students with a
between the mean post-test adaptive behaviour learning disability in the control group.
scores of the students with learning disabilities in

Table 3: Significance of difference between the mean post-test adaptive behaviour (Adjustable and non-
adjustable) score of students with a learning disability in the experimental group and the mean post-test
adaptive behaviour score of Students with a learning disability in the control group.

Experimental Group Control Group

Variable Sample T P

Non-adjustable adaptive behavior 43.14 4.66 43.54 5.16 2.54 .35

Adjustable adaptive behaviour 32.64 4.16 27.93 5.36 4.22 .001***

Note: M= Mean, SD= Standard deviation, ***p<.001

The above Table shows the mean post-test in non-adjustable adaptive behaviour
adaptive behaviour score (adjustable and non- (M1=43.14) and (M2=43.54). In contrast, the
adjustable) of school children without learning adjustable adaptive behaviour of the children is
disabilities in the experimental group and the higher in the experimental group than in the
mean post-test adaptive behaviour without control group, as revealed by Mean values
learning disabilities in the control group. Results (M1=32.64) and (M2=27.93), which are quite
revealed that no significant difference was found significant. Therefore, the null hypothesis is
871 Journal of Positive School Psychology

partially supported. the non-adjustable adaptive behaviour (.35),

which is non-significant. Still, the adjustable
The mean post-test adaptive behaviour adaptive behaviour is significant (.001) therefore,
score (adjustable and non-adjustable) of school the learners having learning disabilities are the
children having disabilities of learning in the same in non-adjustable adaptive behaviour but
experimental group and mean post-test adaptive different in adjustable adaptive behavior.
behavior without learning disabilities in the Research hypothesis accepted.
control group shows no significant difference in




Experimental Control

Figure 3: Post-test AB in experimental & control group among LD children

Table 4: Significance of difference between the mean post-test adaptive behaviour (Adjustable and non-
adjustable) score of students without learning disabilities in the experimental group and the mean post-test
adaptive behaviour score of Students without learning disabilities in the control group.

Experimental Group Control Group

Variable T P

Non-adjustable adaptive behavior 28.12 8.25 26.25 7.13 1.32 .21

Adjustable adaptive behaviour 39.10 4.84 39.36 4.48 .69 .32

Note: M= Mean, SD= Standard deviation,

The table displays the mean comparison between school children. Findings indicated a mean
post-test adaptive behaviour (adjustable and non- difference in school children regarding adaptive
adjustable) among without learning disabilities behaviour. The results revealed that the non-
Kanwal Ejaz 872

adjustable adaptive behaviour of the children was score (adjustable and non-adjustable) of
a little bit higher in the experimental group as schoolchildren without learning disabilities in the
compared with the control group, while there was experimental group and mean post-test adaptive
not found any major difference in the adjustable behaviour without learning disabilities in the
adaptive behaviour. The results revealed that the control group shows that no major difference was
non-adjustable adaptive behaviour of the children found in the non-adjustable adaptive behaviour
is a little bit higher in the experimental group as (.21), which is non-significant. Still, the
compared with the control group (M1=28.12) and adjustable adaptive behaviour is significant (.32);
(M2=26.25). While there is not found any major therefore, the students without learning
difference in the adjustable adaptive behaviour disabilities are similar in the non-adjustable
revealed by the Mean value of (M1=39.10) and adaptive behavior but different in adjustable
(M2=39.36), which are quite significant. adaptive behaviour. The null hypothesis in the
Therefore, a hypothesis is accepted. case of non-adjustable adaptive behaviour stands
rejected, but this hypothesis is not rejected in the
The mean post-test adaptive behaviour case of adjustable adaptive behaviour. (Table 4)

Experimental Control

Figure 4: Post-test AB in experimental & control group among without LD children

DISCUSSION for practice. Finally, conclusions and limitations

were given at the end of this chapter.
The current research aims to examine
dissimilarities between traditional and An adaptive behaviour scale was
collaborative team teaching methods. This developed to check the behavioural problems of
current research was conducted to check the students with and without learning disabilities.
differences among primary general and special Steps included for the construction of the scale
education educators' collaborative practices, were pre-testing the statements, administration of
Furthermore, as the occurrence of professional the survey, reduction of items after pilot testing,
relationships, personal requisites, and changing and finally, factors of the scale developed. In the
aspects of the classroom. The first part of this last phase, the scale was evaluated, the number of
chapter discusses the findings' overview. Second, dimensions was tested, reliability was tested and
the researcher will confer the findings of all finally validity of the scale was assessed.
research questions concerning the previous
literature review. Lastly, the researcher enlarged A pre-test, and post-test control group
the discussion about team teaching implications design was used to get data from the participants.
873 Journal of Positive School Psychology

Data were collected before and after treatment of particularly those without disabilities, and they
collaborative team teaching. One teach, one assist tolerated social rejection and isolation,
model of collaborative team teaching was used. particularly if they had socio-behavioral issues.
(Ferreira et al., 2017).
The main target of this study was testing
the adaptive behaviour of learners with Inclusive educational environment
disabilities of learning and without learning increases the learning of students with mild to
disabilities in experimental and control groups moderate disabilities. A study by Dell’A et al
through a self-developed scale. Data was collated (2022) justifying the results of current study that
before and after collaborative team teaching learning outcomes of students with specific
treatment to check its effectiveness. disabilities were somewhat in favor of academic
achievement and adaptive behavior in the
The few papers that were chosen for this inclusive setting classroom. The paper also
review fell short of what we had predicted. discusses conceptual difficulties related to the
Research showed that there was little study on meaning of inclusion and how research and
include children with these disabilities, especially practice are affected by it.
in connection to academic achievement and
adaptive behaviors, but social interaction and As per Aro et al. (2022) Our goal was to
participation received better attention. This lack research how frequently children with learning
of study might also be the result of inadequate disabilities experience emotional and behavioral
global implementation of full inclusion, issues. Researcher examined Effects of gender,
predominantly with respect to these target learning disabilities (LD) type, and setting (at
individuals. home vs. school) on children with behavioral-
emotional signs that are in the clinical range.
We concentrated on the findings and Researcher also looked at the influence of gender
found that some studies compared inclusive and the amount of LD on the behavioral-
settings. Reading and literacy success, various emotional symptoms that parents and teachers
adaptive abilities on social behavior and societal conveyed. Regardless of the type of LD,
responsibility Furthermore, the frequency of alarmingly high percentages of kids showed
problematic behaviors all seemed to improve in behavioral-emotional issues. There was a
inclusive settings. Fewer encouragement and, in significant amount of contextual diversity since
some cases, destructive results came from the teachers than parents informed more issues.
category of "social outcomes". Although students Although the particular effects of gender and LD
seemed to have improved academic type were uncommon, the findings worried
achievements in inclusive settings, such as more people with MD-only, particularly boys. The
instructional duration and less interruption, they findings highlight the need for raising
were still incompletely marginalized within the responsiveness of the significance of screening
classes and occasionally physically excepted students having learning disabilities for
from the context of the class (i.e.full time). behavioral issues.
Students sometimes had poor levels of social
contribution when it arose to this issue. Another study by Tasse et al. (2012) the
(Tuersley-Dixon & Frederickson, 2016). In terms idea, measurement, and application of the
of societal participation, students irregularly met adaptive behaviour construct are updated in this
low levels of social acceptance from calssfellows, paper. The article deliberate how to apprehend
Kanwal Ejaz 874

the construct, how it is exactly measured, four in learning was significant at .001. The result
assessment concerns and difficulties with using shows that the experimental and control groups
adaptive behavior data to identify intellectual had little difference in pre-test scores.
incapacity, and two upcoming concerns with how
Pre-test Non-Adjustable and Adjustable
adaptive behaviour relates to multidimensional
Adaptive Behavior Without Learning
simulations of personal competence. Because of
its role in comprehending the phenomenon of
intellectual disability, identifying a individual i) Mean-Values of both the experimental group
with intellectual disability, giving a framework (26.12) and control group (27.05) of Non-
for person-referenced education and habilitation adjustable adaptive behaviour of learners
goals, and focused on an significant element, an without disabilities of learning were
understanding of the construct of adaptive significant. The result shows that the
behaviour and its measurement considered vital experimental and control groups had similar
for practitioners in the field. differences in pre-test scores.
ii) Mean-Values of both the experimental group
According to the cultural environment (36.00) and control group (36.88) of
Adaptive behavior scale development is the need adjustable adaptive behaviour of students
of the society. Adaptive conduct is a culturally without learning disabilities were significant
specific attribute that measures how well at .38(.001). The result shows that the
somebody fulfills societal responsibilities and experimental and control groups had little
personal independence standards. The purpose of difference in pre-test scores. The research
study by chen et al. (2022) was to create the CAT- hypothesis is accepted.
APRS-Primary, a computerized adaptive test
(CAT) of the Activity and Participation Rating Post-test Non-Adjustable and Adjustable
Scale (APRS). Adaptive Behavior with Learning
i) Mean-Values of both the experimental group
The following findings have consisted of the (43.14) and control group (43.54) of Non-
results of collaborative team teaching in Muslim adjustable adaptive behaviour about learners
Girls High School, Lahore, Pakistan. having disabilities of learning were significant
Pre-test Non-Adjustable and Adjustable at .35 (.005). The result shows that the
Adaptive Behavior with Learning experimental and control groups had similar
Disabilities pre-test scores. The research hypothesis is
i) Mean-Values of both the experimental group
(42.14) and control group (39.69) of Non-
ii) Mean-Values of both the experimental group
adjustable adaptive behaviour about the learners
(32.64) and control group (27.93) of
having disabilities of learning were significant at
adjustable adaptive behaviour about learners
.005. The result shows that the experimental and
having disabilities in learning were
control groups had similar differences in pre-test
significant. The result shows that the
experimental and control group had little
ii) Mean-Values of both the experimental group difference in post-test scores. The research
(31.69) and control group (37.92) of adjustable hypothesis is rejected.
adaptive behaviour of learners having disabilities
875 Journal of Positive School Psychology

Post-test Non-Adjustable and Adjustable control group. So, it concluded that

Adaptive Behavior without Learning learners having disabilities in learning
Disabilities had fewer problems with punctuality,
social interaction, social skills, and
i) Mean-Values of both the experimental group physical involvement of adjustable
(28.12) and the control group (26.25) of Non- adaptive behaviour.
adjustable adaptive behaviour of students • The overall t-test analysis of the
without disabilities of learning were experimental and control groups of
significant at .21 (.005). The result shows that students without learning disabilities
the experimental and control groups had revealed almost similar scores in Non-
similar post-test scores. A research hypothesis adjustable adaptive behaviour. It was
is accepted concluded that both groups had similar
non-adjustable problems of nervousness,
ii) Mean-Values of both the experimental group interconnection, short attention span, etc.
(39.10) and control group (39.36) of • The overall t-test analysis on students
adjustable adaptive behaviour of students without learning disabilities between
without learning disabilities were significant. both groups in the pre-test revealed that
The result shows that the experimental and adjustable adaptive behaviour scores are
control group had little difference in post-test similar in the experimental and control
scores. A research hypothesis is accepted. groups. It was concluded that behaviour
in both groups is social, manageable,
CONCLUSION sharing, moulded, and interactive
The overall T-test analysis was done with and • The t-test analysis revealed that the
without learning-disabled children in the experimental and control groups' non-
government primary schools of Punjab, Pakistan. adjustable behaviour scores of post-test
These conclusions are based on findings of an in learning-disabled students had very
analysis of an experimental study on with and little difference. It was concluded that
without learning-disabled children. behaviour of nervousness,
aggressiveness, irritation and inattentive
Conclusion Based on Adaptive Behavior nature are almost parallel.
with and Without Learning Disabilities • The overall t-test analysis in the post-test
about learners having disabilities in
• The t-test analysis of the pre-test between learning had some differences in the
groups revealed higher scores in the experimental and control group. So, it
experimental group compared to the concluded that adjustable adaptive
control group in non-adjustable behaviour is better in both groups.
behaviour of students with disabilities of • The overall t-test analysis in the post-test
learning. Hence, it concluded that
between the experimental and control
students having disabilities had little
groups had a similar difference in
more difficulties with non-adjustable
students without learning disabilities. It
behaviour in the experimental group.
was concluded that students had a non-
• The overall t-test analysis of groups in adjustable behavioral problems like they
the pre-test revealed higher scores in the are strung, defying, flouting, and being
Kanwal Ejaz 876

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