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Taonga Israel Kapeza Grade 10

2023 Report 2 - Term 3 Days absent: 0 | Days late: 0 Page: 1

Report 1
Midyear Year Final Final
(Terms Term 3
Exam Mark Exam Promotion
% - Pupil Result; GA - Grade Average % GA % GA % GA % GA % GA % GA
English Home Language
66 62 66 61 69 66 67 63
Mrs T Sehlangu
As we are nearing the end of the year, we bless the Lord for carrying us thus far and we trust him to keep us in the
palm of his hand, until the end of the year. In Term 3, in English, we covered: Prepared Speech, 'Macbeth' Spot
Test, Narrative Essay, Cycle Test as well as Transactional Writing. Learners need to continue to challenge
themselves by reading more and by getting up-to-date with current local and international news.

Taonga has worked consistently hard throughout the term and has produced a satisfactory result. Most of his marks,
other than his Prepared Speech mark, were above average. According to Walter Elliot, “Perseverance is not a long
race; it is many short races one after the other.” May God hold your hand as you take one step at a time toward your
academic success. You can do even better, Taonga. I am proud of you!

Report 1
Midyear Year Final Final
(Terms Term 3
Exam Mark Exam Promotion
% - Pupil Result; GA - Grade Average % GA % GA % GA % GA % GA % GA
Afrikaans First Additional Language
41 52 39 48 33 43 38 49
Ms A Halls
Lees Current Term: 21%
Skryf Current Term: 54%
Taal Current Term: 32%
The biggest problem the grade 10’s are facing is being able to apply the Language Rules when writing tests/exams.
The other is the fact that they are not familiar with the characters and storyline of the novel we are reading. In
grade 11, we will be starting with Matric work. This year was an introduction to the pace of work and the standard
that is required. The grade 10’s will have to improve their work ethic toward the subject and take their studies
seriously to improve the overall results.

Taonga, this term has seen some promising moments in your Afrikaans performance. Your potential shines
through, but to reach even greater heights, it's crucial that you focus on thorough preparation for the upcoming
exams. Consistent revision and daily practice of Afrikaans rules will undoubtedly make a significant difference in
your results. I believe in your abilities, Taonga, and I know you're capable of achieving better results. Keep a
positive attitude, stay dedicated to your studies, and let your enthusiasm for Afrikaans shine through. With hard
work and determination, you can achieve the success you're capable of. Taonga, keep up the good work, and I look
forward to seeing your continued progress.

Register Class: Grade 10 KH (Miss Kristi Hyman)


Taonga Israel Kapeza Grade 10

2023 Report 2 - Term 3 Days absent: 0 | Days late: 0 Page: 2

Report 1
Midyear Year Final Final
(Terms Term 3
Exam Mark Exam Promotion
% - Pupil Result; GA - Grade Average % GA % GA % GA % GA % GA % GA
Mathematical Literacy
70 56 71 56 79 57 73 56
Mr M Dube
Term 3 was a challenging term during which we were introduced to the style of papers we will be writing in Grade
11 and Grade 12. We completed two Cycle Tests this term, and I am very proud of the hard work we put in.

Taonga has excelled in Mathematical Literacy this term. His results for both of his tests indicate that he has a good
understanding of all topics covered this term. Well done, Taonga, I am super proud of you once again. Don't grow
tired and weary as the year comes to an end. Hold onto the following scripture as you prepare for the final stretch:
"My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever." Psalm 73:26

Register Class: Grade 10 KH (Miss Kristi Hyman)


Taonga Israel Kapeza Grade 10

2023 Report 2 - Term 3 Days absent: 0 | Days late: 0 Page: 3

Report 1
Midyear Year Final Final
(Terms Term 3
Exam Mark Exam Promotion
% - Pupil Result; GA - Grade Average % GA % GA % GA % GA % GA % GA
Life Orientation
Mr Garth D'Oliveira-Cruz & Mr Gerhard 73 74 72 72 74 75 73 74
During Term 3, we used the PE lessons as a perfect tool to strengthen our school’s Term 3 sports programme. Each
class had a maximum of six PE lessons. These were divided into
two for Tennis, two for Volleyball, and one for Skipping Rope as well as one for Catch the Stick/Ball. One lesson
was dedicated to learning the sport-specific skills. The second one
was used as an assessment session. Attendance register was taken for every PE lesson, and learners who did not
participate forfeited the participation marks for that particular
lesson. In Term 4, we will focus on field and track athletics skills as we build towards our inter-house athletics as
these form part of our school programme.

LO: In Life Orientation for Term 3 the Grade 10 learners covered three topics: Skills Development, Career and
Career Choices and Introduction to the LO Discursive Essay. Essay writing skills were also addressed with a focus
on essay structures and PEEL.
The Term results comprised one unprepared assessment, a task mark and community service. Congratulations to all
the learners for achieving a very good term average for Life Orientation.
Dear learners, remember each and every one of you has a responsibility to steward that which God has given you.
Living on purpose and imagining Kingdom solutions for present problems is tied to utilising the varied gifts,
talents, and circumstances that God has given to each of us.
Often the word stewardship is associated with a Christian’s handling of money, but Scripture is clear that God
expects us to use everything that He brings our way for the benefit of others and for His glory.
When we steward, we steward God's grace in its various forms for the edification of the church, the glory of God
through Jesus Christ and for the love of all humanity (see 1 Peter 4:7-11).

My desire and prayer for you is that the following Scripture will become your lifestyle:
1 Peter 4:7-11 (New King James Version) - Serving for God’s Glory:
“But the end of all things is at hand; therefore be serious and watchful in your prayers. And above all things have
fervent love for one another, for “love will cover a multitude of sins.” Be hospitable to one another without
grumbling. As each one has received a gift, minister it to one another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of
God. If anyone speaks, let him speak as the oracles of God. If anyone ministers, let him do it as with the ability
which God supplies, that in all things God may be glorified through Jesus Christ, to whom belong the glory and the
dominion forever and ever. Amen.”

Register Class: Grade 10 KH (Miss Kristi Hyman)


Taonga Israel Kapeza Grade 10

2023 Report 2 - Term 3 Days absent: 0 | Days late: 0 Page: 4

Report 1
Midyear Year Final Final
(Terms Term 3
Exam Mark Exam Promotion
% - Pupil Result; GA - Grade Average % GA % GA % GA % GA % GA % GA
60 71 61 72 53 66 58 70
Mrs L Henry
In Term 3 in Accounting we recapped General Journal transactions and then moved on to end-of-year procedures.
These procedures include knowing and understanding the GAAP concepts, as well as end-of-year procedures and
most importantly learning and knowing how to apply the end-of-year adjustments. We have completed Trading
Accounts and Profit and Loss accounts and will be finishing up with Financial Statements for the year in Term 4.

Taonga I want to acknowledge your consistent effort and active participation in our Accounting class, which
reflects your strong understanding of the subject matter. Your dedication to learning is admirable. However, I've
noticed that there's a gap between your classroom participation and your performance in tests and tasks, like the
recent Cycle Test. While your potential is evident, it's crucial that you work on translating your knowledge into
practical assessments.
In particular, it's important to focus on practising adjustments, as this forms a fundamental part of Accounting for
Grade 11 and 12. Additionally, addressing the errors made in the Simulation Task is essential, as they are
considered foundational knowledge, let's chat about it.
I firmly believe that you have the capability to excel in Accounting, but it will require some extra effort and careful
preparation for tests. Paying close attention to detail is key to success in this subject. As we approach the final
examinations, I am looking forward to witnessing your progress and seeing you excel. Remember that dedication,
practise, and attention to detail will be your allies in achieving your academic goals.
Keep up the hard work, and I have no doubt that you will reach your full potential in Accounting. Proverbs 19:21,
"Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the LORD’s purpose that prevails."

Report 1
Midyear Year Final Final
(Terms Term 3
Exam Mark Exam Promotion
% - Pupil Result; GA - Grade Average % GA % GA % GA % GA % GA % GA
Business Studies
65 55 63 57 63 63 64 58
Mrs S Thurman
In Term 3, the assessments consisted of a Cycle Test, a Research Task and a Business Simulation. The Cycle Test
required the learners to answer source-based questions from different case studies. It is difficult to answer these
questions without the proper knowledge of the industry and more importantly the theory. You need to ensure that
you know your theory very well, this will save time in trying to remember the work. For the upcoming exams
ensure that you set up a study timetable early enough and begin making notes / mind-maps. Starting early, will
allow you time to ask me questions about anything you may still not understand before the exams start. Once the
exams begin you will then only need to revise your study notes. Ensure that you are having discussions with your
parents/peers around any news articles on the General Retailers Industry that link to your work, as we use source
material from the news for the Case Studies. Thank you Taonga for all your hard work, it has been a pleasure
having you in my class.

Register Class: Grade 10 KH (Miss Kristi Hyman)


Taonga Israel Kapeza Grade 10

2023 Report 2 - Term 3 Days absent: 0 | Days late: 0 Page: 5

Report 1
Midyear Year Final Final
(Terms Term 3
Exam Mark Exam Promotion
% - Pupil Result; GA - Grade Average % GA % GA % GA % GA % GA % GA
Life Sciences
63 57 63 53 76 59 67 59
Mrs N Le Roux
Taonga has worked like an absolute star this term and he can be proud of himself. He applied all the skills taught in
class and prepared well for the assessments. I am very proud of how his marks improved from Terms 1 and 2.
Remember you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you. Keep up the good work, Taonga!

Promotion Decision: Promoted (BD) Learner Average: 63


Register Class: Grade 10 KH (Miss Kristi Hyman)


Taonga Israel Kapeza Grade 10

2023 Report 2 - Term 3 Days absent: 0 | Days late: 0 Page: 6

Requirements to pass Grade 10 ~ 12

A grade 10/11/12 pass shall be issued to a learner who has complied with the following requirements in not
fewer than seven (7) learning areas:

Obtained at least 40% in English Home Language.

Obtained at least 40% in two (2) other learning areas.
Obtained at least 30% in three (3) other learning areas.
No more than 1 learning area with less than 30%.

Register Class: Grade 10 KH (Miss Kristi Hyman)

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