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9702/41 A Level Paper 42 – Mark Scheme

Question Answer Marks

1(a)(i) (gravitational) force is (directly) proportional to product of masses B1

force (between point masses) is inversely proportional to the square of their separation B1

1(a)(ii) g = F/m C1

F = GMm / r2 A1

and so

g = [GMm / r2] / m = GM / r2

1(b)(i) g = (6.67 ¥ 10–11 ¥ 7.35 ¥ 1022) / (1.74 ¥ 106)2 = 1.62 N kg–1 A1

1(b)(ii) fields (due to Earth and the Moon) have equal magnitudes B1

fields (due to Earth and the Moon) are in opposite directions B1

1(b)(iii) distance of X from Earth = (3.84 ¥ 108 – x) C1

(G ¥) 7.35 ¥ 1022 / x2 = (G ¥) 5.98 ¥ 1024 / (3.84 ¥ 108 – x)2 C1

x = 3.8 ¥ 107 m A1
Question Answer Marks

2(a)(i) (vertically) downwards B1

2(a)(ii) magnetic force (on sphere) is perpendicular to its velocity B1

magnetic force perpendicular to velocity is the centripetal force B1

magnetic force perpendicular to velocity causes centripetal acceleration
acceleration perpendicular to velocity is centripetal (acceleration)
magnetic force does not change the speed of the sphere
magnetic force has constant magnitude

2(b) mg = Eq C1

E = (1.6 ¥ 10–10 ¥ 9.81) / (0.27 ¥ 10–9) A1

= 5.8 N C–1

2(c) centripetal force = magnetic force B1

Bqv = mv2 / r

B = mv / qr C1

= (1.6 ¥ 10–10 ¥ 0.78) / (0.27 ¥ 10–9 ¥ 3.4) = 0.14 T A1

Question Answer Marks

3(a)(i) a gas that obeys pV ¥ T M1

where p = pressure, V = volume, T = thermodynamic temperature A1

3(a)(ii) T = (273 + 17) K C1

n = pV / RT A1

= (1.2 ¥ 105 ¥ 0.24) / [8.31 ¥ (273 + 17)]

= 12 mol

3(b)(i) work done = pDV C1

= 1.2 ¥ 105 ¥ (0.24 – 0.08) = 19200 J (= 19.2 kJ) A1

3(b)(ii) AB work done correct (19.2) A1

BC work done correct (0) A1

CA increase in internal energy correct (0) and CA thermal energy correct (31.6) A1

AB increase in internal energy calculated correctly from work done – 48.0 A1

BC increase in internal energy correctly calculated so the final column adds up to zero and BC thermal energy same as A1
increase in internal energy

(Fully correct table:

AB 19.2 – 48.0 –28.8

BC 0 28.8 28.8

CA –31.6 31.6 0
Question Answer Marks

4(a) straight line through origin shows that a is proportional to x B1

negative gradient shows that a is in opposite direction to x B1

4(b)(i) a0 = w 2x0 C1
a = –w 2x
w2 = – gradient

w = ÷(0.40 / 0.050) A1

= 2.8 rad s–1

4(b)(ii) k = w 2L C1

= 2.8 2 ¥ 1.24

= 9.7 m s–2 A1

4(c) (increasing L causes) w to decrease M1

energy (= ½ mw2x02) = ½ mkx02 / L (and L increases)

so amplitude increases A1
Question Answer Marks

5(a)(i) work (done) per unit mass B1

work (done on mass) in moving mass from infinity (to the point) B1

5(a)(ii) EP = ϕm B1

EP = (– GM / r) m = – GMm / r
ϕ = – GM / r and EP = ϕm = – GMm / r

5(b)(i) DEP = 6.67 ¥ 10–11 ¥ 1.99 ¥ 1030 ¥ 2.20 ¥ 1014 ¥ [1 / (6.38 ¥ 1010) – 1 / (8.44 ¥ 1011)] C1

= 4.23 ¥ 1023 J A1

5(b)(ii) (gravitational) force is attractive so decrease B1

(gravitational) force does work so decrease

5(b)(iii) DEP = ½m(v22 – v12) C1

4.23 ¥ 1023 = ½ ¥ 2.20 ¥ 1014 ¥ (v2 – 34 1002) C1

v (= 70800 m s–1) = 70.8 km s–1 A1

5(c) both PE and KE equations include m, so path is unchanged B1

Question Answer Marks

6(a) (electric) force is (directly) proportional to product of charges B1

force (between point charges) is inversely proportional to the square of their separation B1

6(b)(i) (electric) force is perpendicular to velocity (of particles) B1

force (perpendicular to velocity) causes centripetal acceleration B1

force does not change the speed of the particles
force has constant magnitude

6(b)(ii) F = e2 / 4pe0x2 C1

= (1.60 ¥ 10–19)2 / [4p ¥ 8.85 ¥ 10–12 ¥ (2 ¥ 1.59 ¥ 10–10)2] A1

= 2.28 ¥ 10–9 N

6(b)(iii) F = mrw2 and w = 2p / T C1

F = mv2 / r and v = 2pr / T

F = 4p2mr / T2 C1

T = √ [4p2 ¥ 9.11 ¥ 10–31 ¥ 1.59 ¥ 10–10 / (2.28 ¥ 10–9)]

= 1.58 ¥ 10–15 s A1

6(c)(i) ∑ electron and positron interact B2

∑ positron is anti-particle of electron
∑ (pair) annihilation occurs
Any two points, 1 mark each

mass of the electron and positron converted into photon energy B1

6(c)(ii) PET scanning B1

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7(a) (thermal) energy per unit mass B1

energy to change state between liquid and gas at constant temperature B1

7(b)(i) q = mL = 0.37 ¥ 2.3 ¥ 106 A1

= 8.5 ¥ 105 J

7(b)(ii) pV = nRT and T = 373 K C1

n = 370 / 18 C1

V = [(370 / 18) ¥ 8.31 ¥ 373] / (1.0 ¥ 105) = 0.64 m3 A1

7(b)(iii) w = pDV C1

= 1.0 ¥ 105 ¥ 0.64 A1

= 6.4 ¥ 104 J

7(b)(iv) (water does work against atmosphere so) work done on water is negative B1

increase in internal energy = (8.5 – 0.64) ¥ 105 = 7.9 ¥ 105 J A1

7(c) valid reasoning of how work done by water is affected M1

correct use of first law to draw conclusion about effect on specific latent heat that is consistent with work done A1
Question Answer Marks

8(a) oscillations (of object) at maximum amplitude B1

when driving frequency equals natural frequency (of object) B1

8(b)(i) T = 2p / w C1

= 2p / 5.0p A1

= 0.40 s

8(b)(ii) displacement scale labelled –1.0, –0.5, (0), 0.5, 1.0 on the 2 cm tick marks B1

t scale labelled 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0, 1.2 on the 2 cm tick marks B1

8(b)(iii) ϕ = 2pDt / T C1

= 2p ¥ 0.10 / 0.40 or 2p ¥ 0.30 / 0.40

= 1.6 rad or 4.7 rad A1

Question Answer Marks

9(a) charge / potential (difference) M1

charge is charge on one plate, and potential is p.d. across the plates A1

9(b) p.d. across both capacitors = E B1

QT = Q1 + Q2 B1

CTE = C1E + C2E hence CT = C1 + C2 B1

9(c)(i) [(1 / 22) + (1 / 47)]–1 = 15 mF A1

9(c)(ii) energy = ½ CV 2 C1

= ½ ¥ 15 ¥ 10–6 ¥ 122 A1

= 1.1 ¥ 10–3 J

9(c)(iii) initial p.d. (across 22 mF) = 12 ¥ (15 / 22) C1

= 8.2 V


final p.d. across both capacitors = 6.0 ¥ (22 / 15)

= 8.8 V

V = V0 exp [– t / (2.7 ¥ 106 ¥ 15 ¥ 10–6)] C1

6.0 = 8.2 exp [– t / (2.7 ¥ 106 ¥ 15 ¥ 10–6)] A1

8.8 = 12 exp [– t / (2.7 ¥ 106 ¥ 15 ¥ 10–6)]

t = 13 s
Question Answer Marks

10(a) (energy stored =) area under line or ½ QV C1

=½ × 8.0 × 1.2 × 10-4

= 4.8 × 10–4 J A1

10(b)(i) ( τ =)RC C1

(τ=) 220 × 103 × (1.2 × 10-4/8.0) = 3.3 s A1

10(b)(ii) E µV2 C1

(so time to) Vo / 3 C1

V = Voe RC

Vo −t C1
= Voe 3.3

1 −t 3.3

t = 3.6 s A1

10(c) (total) capacitance is doubled

time constant is doubled A1

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