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Stephen’s School, Togan

Session (2023-2024)


A)Read the passage and answer the questions given below:

Dana loves flowers. Her favourite flowers are daisies, tulips and daffodils. Tulips and daffodils come up
every spring and daisies come up later in the summer. Dana loves the spring because she can go to the
flower market to buy her annuals. The annuals last only one season but they add a lot of colour to the
garden. Dana got up very early on a Saturday morning. She wanted to get to the market early so she would
have time to plant everything when she got home. Then she went to Barton’s Flower Market where she ran
into some friends. There Dana and her friends looked around together and saw pansies, geraniums,
periwinkles and petunias.Dana found the flowers to be extremely pretty and she loved all of them.
Dana decided to buy red and yellow pansies,blue periwinkles and purple petunias. She thought that all the
flowers would add a lot of colour to her garden. She said goodbye to her friends and went home. Dana
happily began planting her new flowers around the tulips and daffodils.She was very happy and loved her
flower garden. She knew she would enjoy it all summer long. Dana had a perfect day.

1)Dana began ---------- her new flowers around the tulips and daffodils.
2)Dana’s ------------ flowers are daisies,tulips and daffodils.
3)What did Dana like to do?
4)Whom did she meet at the market?
5)Give a suitable title to the passage.
6)How did Dana feel after planting her flowers?
7)Write the meaning of the word ‘annuals’.
8)Find the opposite of the following word from the passage ‘hated’.

B)Read the passage and answer the questions given below:

Once upon a time, there was a boy called Mohan. He lived in the city with his parents , cousins, uncles,
grandparents, aunts etc.He had a big family but still he felt lonely at times.One day he told his mother to buy
a pet for him.His mother refused saying that pets were not allowed in their homes. Mohan felt very
sad.Seeing that ,his mother agreed to take him to the animal shelter.Finally he visited an animal shelter to
adopt a pet.As he entered, he saw puppies and kittens of various breeds,all looking for a loving home.Mohan
spent time with each animal,playing and cuddling with them.Finally, he came across a playful kitten who
instantly stole his heart.Mohan named her Bella and promised to take care of her forever.Bella became
Mohan's constant companion and brought immense joy into his life.

1)Write the meaning of the word ‘adopt’.

2)Write the opposite of ‘immense’.
3)Did Mohan have a large family?How can you say?
4)Why did Mohan’s mother refuse to keep a pet in their house?
5)Give a suitable title to the passage.
6)What did Mohan see at the animal shelter?
7)Write the plural of ‘family’.
8)Mohan wanted to bring a furry friend in his house (True/False)
1)Fill in the blanks with the past tense of the verb given in brackets:
a)Two years ago, my parents ----------- (buy) a new car.
b)My sister ----------- (get) a good job in a bank.
c) Our soldiers ------------(win) the battle.

2)Fill in the blanks with the future tense of the verb given in brackets:
a)Paul ----------- (turn) off the light.
b)We ---------- (travel) to the beach tomorrow.
c)Tim ---------- (jump) off the bench.

3)Fill in the blanks with the Present Continuous Tense of the verb given in brackets:
a)I ------- (listen) to the news on television.
b)You ---------- (wash) your clothes.
c)They ---------- (play) football.

4)Fill in the blanks with the Past Continuous Tense of the verb given in brackets:
a)Rubina ------- (talk) on the phone.
b) The birds ------ (fly)around the garden.
c)I -------- (wait) for the bus .
d)We ---------- (play) chess last Sunday.
e)The children ------------(draw) pictures.

5)Fill in the blanks with the Future Continuous Tense of the verb given in brackets:
a)Tomorrow we ---------------- (learn) to make Russian salad.
b)They ------------ (spend) the summer in Shimla .
c)The President ---------- (arrive) at the airport by 6o’clock.
d)Many people -------- (travel) by air in the coming days.


A. Revise the syllabus for upcoming P.A. 2
B. Practice the questions given below
Revision Worksheet
1. (a) The radius is ___________ of the diameter.
(b) The longest chord of a circle is called___________.
(c) The distance around the circle is called ______________.
(d) The diameter of a circle always passes through its _____________.
(e) The __________ divides the circle into two equal parts.
(f) The distance from the centre of the circle to the boundary in any direction is called ____________
of the circle.
2. Multiple choice questions
(a) A circle always has __________ centre(s).
(i) one (ii) four (iii) six (iv) two
(b) The line segment that joins the centre of the circle to the boundary is called
(i) radius (ii) diameter (iii) chord (iv) none of these
(c) A circle is a _____________ figure.
(i) open (ii) closed (iii) open, curved (iv) none of these
(d) A circle is formed by ____________ line.
(i) straight (ii) zig-zag (iii) curved (iv) none of these
3. Give the radius if the diameter of the circle is:
(a) 90 cm - __________
(b) 72 cm - __________
(c) 14 cm - __________
4. Draw circles of different sizes using a coin, bottom part of a bottle and a glass. Colour the largest
circle made yellow and the smallest circle made green.
5. Find 8 of 48.
6. Cost of 1/3 papaya is ₹ 20. Find the cost of one papaya.
7. Rani’s father brought a cake. She divided the cake into 3 equal parts – for herself, her father and her
a. How much does each get?
b. Mother gave her share of the cake to Rani. Now, what part will Rani get?
d. How much of the cake do Rani and her mother together get?
8. a. Cost of 1 kg tomatoes is ₹ 18. How much does 1/3 kg of tomatoes cost?
b. Cost of 1 kg onions is ₹ 20. Cost of 1 kg carrots is ₹ 32. Which costs more – 1/4 kg of onions or
1/4 kg of carrots?
9. Aradhya bought 8 hamburgers for his party. At the end of the party 3 hamburgers were left. What
fraction of the hamburgers were eaten?
10. Deepakshi ate 3 slices of pizza. Gurnoor ate 2 slices of pizza. There are 8 slices in a pizza pie. What
fraction of the pizza did Gurnoor eat? What fraction remains?

Revise chapter 6 and 8 for PA -2
Revise and learn all work done in book and notebook.


1. Paste the pictures of the different clothes we wear during different seasons in your notebook. Write a line about how
they are suited to the season that they are worn in.

2. Revise the chapters for your PA2 exam.

1. Revise and learn all the lessons done in the class.

2. Do all shortcut keys from A to Z in notebook.

Make the Mushroom Garden as shown in the video by using acrylic colours for painting.


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