Adanalysis 170111143628

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Various Ads analysis

 picture windows
 Purpose of visual show
the product
 Informed headline
 Soft selling
 Direction buy snickers
when you are hungry
 Inspiration snickers
will overcome hungry
undesirable effect
snickers make you feel
good when you are
Ovoid hungry by
buying snickers get
power from snickers
 Appeals less than
 picture windows
 Purpose of visual show
the product
 Informed headline
 Soft selling
 Direction buy Coca-
Cola it is real thing
 Inspiration no one can
beat Coca-Cola.
Coca-Cola is the
original . Coca-Cola is
the real in market.
 Appeals glittering
picture windows
Purpose of visual capture
attention and qualify
Command headline
Soft selling
Direction keep your gun
away from other hands
Inspiration putting you gun
in available place may cause
big problems .gun is
dangerous so keep it away
from other persons
specially children .
Appeals fair and transfer
 picture windows
 Purpose of visual ID
the ad’s subject
 Benefit headlines
 Soft selling
 Direction buy Michelin
tray for your car
 Inspiration driving
your car with Michelin
tray is better .Enjoy
driving your car by
using Michelin tray
 Appeals humor appeal
picture windows
Purpose of visual Provide
campaign continuity
Informed headline
Soft selling
Direction be in love with
Inspiration many people love
MacDonald's .join Macdonald
Appeals play in words and
brand appeal
picture frame
Purpose of visual show the
Informed headline
Hard selling
Direction buy the new Nike
sweet classic high shoes
Inspiration if you look for
comfortable shoes buy
Nike. Nike is a perfect
choice when you work
Appeals rational appeal
picture windows
Purpose of visual create
a good impression
soft selling
Direction buy the new
Axe and enjoy romance
Inspiration buy Axe and
be attractive .buy Axe and
have love.
Appeals romance appeal
picture windows
Purpose of visual show
the product
soft selling
Direction buy Sanosan
product of baby care
Inspiration Buy sanosan
baby product for your
baby and get this
smile.sanason make your
baby feel comfortable
and happiness.
Appeals transfer

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