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Abdelkarim Foulfoula

[1] The mass media play an important part in our lives. Newspapers, radio and especially TV inform us of what is
going on in this world and give us wonderful possibilities for education , entertainment, and communication. They also
influence the way we see the world. They can change our views.
[2] Of course, not all newspapers , TV programmes, , news presenters, radio commentators, or entertainers report
events objectively all the time. In other words, thhey can be clearly biased sometimes. However, there are many serious
journalists and TV reporters who try to be as fair and professional as possible. They try to provide us with reliable
information. Some people say that journalists are given too much freedom. They often intrude on people’s private lives.
They follow celebrities and print sensational stories about them which can be untrue or half-true often times. You’ve
propably heard of the “papparazi” ; they are are independent photographers who take pictures
of athletes, entertainers, politicians, and other celebrities, typically while going about their usual life routines. The question
is - should this be allowed ?
[3] It is true that the world today is full of dramatic events, and most news seems to be bad news, but people aren’t
interested in ordinary events anymore. That is why there are so many TV programmes and articles about natural disasters,
plane crashes, wars, murders and robberies. Good news doesn’t usually make headlines. Bad news does.
[4] One main source of news for millions of people is television. People like TV news because they can see everything
with their own eyes, and that’s an important advantage. Seeing , as we know, is believing. Besides, it’s much more difficult
for politicians to lie in front of the cameras than on the front pages of newspapers.Still, others prefer the radio. It’s good to
listen to the radion while in the car, or in the open air, or while you you’re doing something around the house. Newspapers
don’t react to events as quickly as TV does, but they usually provide us with extra details, comments and background
information. The Internet has recently become another important source of information. Its main advantage is that news
appears on the screen as soon as things happen in real life and you don’t have to wait for news time on TV.
1. This text is about :
a. the role of the mass media b. the role and forms of mass media c. daily news
2. Are these statements TRUE or FALSE. Justify from the text.
a) The goal of the mass media is to entertain us only.
[ .................] .......................................................................................................................................................................
b) We should always believe the news and stories reported to us by journalists.
[ .................] ......................................................................................................................................................................
3. The word “ celebrities ” (prg 2) in the text means : a. characters b. ordinary people c. famous people
The word “ biased ”(prg 2) in the text means : a. true b. not objective c. reliable
4. Who are the paparazzii and what do they do ?
5. How is the internet a better source for getting news and information ?
6. Complete the chart from the text by providing one advantage at least.

Advantages : 7. What do the underlined words refer to

TV inThe text:
we : ....................................................
Radio .............................................................................................................
They : ....................................................
Newspapers ............................................................................................................. another : .....................................................
Internet ............................................................................................................

8. Match each of these professions words with its cooresponding definition ( Match the letters with the numbers):
1. a journalist ........a. a. works for a TV network , reports news or conducts interviews for newspapers or broadcasts.
2. a reporter ........b. b. presents news during a news program on television or on the radio, also known as a newscaster
3. an entertainer ........c. c. a person, such as a singer, dancer, or comedian, whose job is to entertain an audience.
4. a news presenter ........d. d. offers his or her opinion and commentary to mass media on a particular suject area.
5. a commentator ........e. e. a person who is professionally involoved in politics.
6. a politician ........ f. f. writes for newspapers, magazines, or news websites ,or prepares news to be broadcast.

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