Mycov Quiz

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> All sexual fungal life cycle consists of 4+ Plasmogamy: cell fusion 4 -Karyogamy: nuclear fasion 4 Meiosis Y ASEXUAL REPRODUCTIVE /IMPERFECT FUNGI/ANAMORPH Involves division of the nucleus and cytoplasm Medically important ‘The only fungal group to produce conidia Examples: $+ Aaporills niger: causes black mol; common food contaminant & Trebeplyton soa. eauses athletes foot & evil nets sce of peaiclia 4 Topecadn ileum: sovece of eyelosporia 4 Other species of Peis weed for inpsoring the taste and textace of cheese + HYPHAE: long, branching filamentous that come together to form mycelium v¥ 2-10 um in width vY 2 Types: > ‘Septate Hyphae: 3-6 um; have cellular separation or cross-walls > Aseptate Hyphae (Sparsely Septate): 5-15 um; few or no cellular separations + Coenocytic: lacks cross-walls > Pseudohyphae: chain of cells formed by budding that resemble true hyphae v 2 Classifications: > Vegetative Hyphae: function in food absorption for nutrients and penetuates the media that extends below the agar surface > Aerial Hyphae: directed above the susface of media and function as the reproductive structure MYCELIUM: masses of hyphae; comptise of the colony of fungus v 3 Types > ‘Vegetative Mycelium > Aerial Hyphae > Fertile/Reproductive Mycelia THALLUS: colony mass of the fungus PHYTOPATHOGENS: cause fungal disease to plants RESERVOIR: places where the fungus is found in nature FORMS OF FUNGAL GROWTH =>YEASTS: Y Unicellular; produce moist, creamy, opaque, or pasty colonies Y Reproduction: fission or budding Budding: parent cell produces ‘% Fission: parent cell elongates * MOLDS: Y Multinucleated; fuzzy or woolly appearance (mycelia) Y Dimorphic fungi: may switch between the 2 forms in response to environmental conditions + ALGAE Y unicellular, filamentous or multicellular (thallic) Y live in aquatic enviconments Y Characteristics: Eukaryotic and most are photoautotrophs ‘Thallus (body) of multicellular algae usually consists of a stripe, holdfast and blades ‘Reproduce asexually by cell division and fragmentation ‘Many algae reproduce sexually Photoautotrophic algae produce oxygen “ Classified according to their structures and pigments * Dinoflagellates produce neurotoxins that cause paralytic shellfish poisoning SPECIMEN COLLECTION AND HANDLING * Important Considerations: Y Proper Collection Y Rapid delivery to the laboratory "Viability: few hours to 16 days Y Prompt and correct processing Y Inoculation into proper and appropriate medium Y Incubation at a suitable temperature * Collection of Specimens: ¥ Instructions should be given to persons responsible for the collection V Aseptic Y Use sterile containers Y Inoculate in primary isolation media if for transport Y Swabs are NOT encouraged + Transport of Specimen: Y Container: = Sterile, screw-capped or tight lid, humidified for body fluids = Envelope, petri dish for dermatological samples Y Antibiotics may be incorporated in body fluid specimens = 50,000 units of Penicillin = 100,000 units of Streptomycin = 0.2 mg of chloramphenicol TYPES OF SPECIMEN SPUTUM BRONCHOSCOPY SPECIMENS Y first early morning sample * bronchial lavage, brushing, biopsies V general considerations: * immediate transport and processing " rinse mouth prior to collection = deep cough specimens Y Volume: 5-10 mL TYPES OF SPECIMEN BLOOD AND BONE MARROW CEREBROSPINAL (CSF) + Transport medium: 1:10 proportion * containers must be leak proof and lab W-TSB oc TSA (hiphasi aga or broth) peers should be done under a Y BHI teanspost medium DO NOT refrigerate Y Septicheck. For suspected Cryptococcus, Coccidioides ¥ Thioglycolate broth infections + Volume: 10 mL, + Lysis-centrifugation system (Isolator) TYPES OF SPECIMEN DERMATOLOGICAL SPX NAILS * Sterilized area with 70% alcohol or * clean with 70% alcohol sterile water * Dorsal plate: scrape the deeper postion © Collect at the active border * Nail plate: scrape beneath the nail plate * Whole nail or clippings TYPES OF SPECIMEN HAIR * Collect from: Y Areas of sealing V Alopecia Hair that fluoresce under Wood's lamp (uses UV) EXUDATES AND PUS © undrained or unruptured abscess Y aspirate using sterile syringe, recap needle and transport to lab immediately * failed aspication, do skin biopsy

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