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A Guilty Conscience is an absolutely stunning courtroom drama and thriller from

Hongkong that already qualifies as an early candidate for movie of the year.

This movie simply gets everything right. First of all, the characters are absolutely
intriguing. You have a cold-hearted femme fatale who believes she is above the
law. Up next, there is her weak, shallow and despicable husband who turns out to
be a liar and a cheater. On the other side, you have a creative young mute girl
who suffers more than any human should ever do. There is also her desperate
mother who gets sentenced for a crime she obviously didn't commit and thinks
about suicide time and again. Said lady is supported by a team of barristers. One
of them is the son of an imprisoned gang leader who has seen both sides of the
law. Up next, you have a young, incorruptible and ambitious woman who wants to
build a successful career. And finally, you have this movie's main character, an
aged barrister tormented by greed and recognition who is going through
significant changes to fight for the hopeless and the poor.

All these wonderful characters wouldn't come to life without excellent actresses
and actors and they all deliver the goods and then some. Wong Chi-Wah in
particular impresses as versatile, profound and balanced lead character as the
veterans convinces with all his charisma, credibility and experience.

The plot is absolutely gripping from start to finish as the movie doesn't include
one single second of boredom throughout its satisfactory running time of two
hours and fifteen minutes. The story revolves around a mute girl who was
assaulted in her own home and tragically dies a few days later at the hospital.
Her mother was drunk and sleeping on a couch in the neighbouring room before
she realized that something was wrong and saw the girl's father trying to help his
daughter next door. The mother's barrister thinks that this is an easy case to win
for his client but his obsession with alcohol, drugs and recognition come into play
as his case turns into tragedy and sends the innocent mother to prison for
seventeen years. Ridden by guilt, the barrister tries to motivate his disappointed
male colleague and his upset female colleague to right the wrong. After two long
years, that opportunity arrises when a key witness confesses in his suicide note
that he was bribed to make a false statement to send the mother to prison. This
time around, the barrister and his team try to give it everything they have got to
free an innocent woman and go against one of the city's most influential families.

Another strength of this film is its excellent mixture of genres. This is first and
foremost a tense courtroom thriller. However, this movie is also a desperate
family drama. This film however also interjects a few mild action scenes and
elements of humour at the right moments to keep its pace gripping and steady.

Most importantly, this film has a profoundly human message that can also be seen
as a metaphor for the current state of affairs in Hongkong. This message will
resonate with viewers long after the credits will have stopped rolling. This
message will even shake up the toughest of the tough and bring some tears to
their eyes.

Don't hesitate any longer and watch this wonderful movie as soon as you can. Try
to catch it on the big screen to appreciate it in its full beauty or purchase it once
it's available to support these wonderful filmmakers. Anyone who appreciates
excellent dramas or thrillers should definitely watch this moving masterpiece and
early candidate for movie of the year. Make sure to watch this film all the way to
the end since there are some additional scenes during the credits and a
wonderful Lunar New Year wish from the most important actresses and actors.
Since this is the Year of the Rabbit, I would like to wish you all to jump further
and higher this year to make your wildest dreams come

Positive thinking is an emotional and mental attitude that helps individuals focus on the excellent
aspect and expect results to benefit them. Positive thinking anticipates happiness, health, and
determination, ultimately leading to success- practically, training oneself to adopt an abundance
mindset and cultivate gratitude for one’s successes and those of others.

Positive thinking usually starts with self-talk as the process is a never-ending stream of the unsaid
point of view and can be either positive or negative. However, some of the self-talk can result from
logic, while others can arise from misconceptions that can occur due to lack of information.

Negative thinking can cause depression and can supplement depression and other mental trauma.
Negative thoughts can undermine an individual’s efforts to control depression. Thus, positive thinking
is an approach that challenges the obstacles life throws at every individual with a positive attitude.

Benefits of Positive Thinking

There are several physical and mental health benefits offered by positive thinking, and every person
would be amazed by how positivity can affect their health better.

Better Health: Positive thinking leads to better health. Refraining from negative thoughts like anxiety,
stress, frustration, and worry can present you with a stronger immune system, thus relieving you from
vulnerable and significant illnesses. Reinforcing positive thinking permits you to fight off whatever bug
is going around. Studies have proven that those individuals who feel better, live together than those
who do not.

Strengthens Immunity: Positive thinking can assist you a great deal in battling multiple ailments
such as common colds and influenza. Negative thoughts can weaken your immune response. Medical
research and studies have shown that negative thoughts can cause more significant electrical activity
in a part of your mind that cuts the immune response.
Boost Confidence: Positive thinking can boost an individual’s confidence and is a crucial stigma that
leads to self-confidence. Positive thoughts and behaviours leave individuals more confident and self-

Fights Depression: It is proven that one of the most significant aspects of depression is pessimistic
thinking. Studies have stated that any individual who changes their negatives into positive thoughts
can start to fight depression and develop a way to elevate positive thinking.

Reduces Blood Pressure: Individuals suffering from high blood pressure and having a hard time to
remain positive must start reviewing life and start with some positivity in life. Negative thoughts lead to
high-stress levels and anxiety, leading to high blood pressure. Changing the negative thoughts into
positive can significantly contribute to reducing your blood pressure.

Key to Success: It is the fact that it is positive thinking people are more probable to remain
successful in life than negative thinking people. Individuals who implement positive thoughts in life
aspects will notice that success becomes more manageable and is not severe as many people think.

The Mysterious Boy

As he climbed the steep hill, he heard an earthly wail sending a shiver down his spine. A
metal foot heaved itself onto the soft, squelchy surface of the muddy soil. It echoed through
his ear drums, haunting his future nightmares. It was like the undead bursting out of the
ground. Seconds later, it did. Black, bony zombies with orange flashes pouring off them like
blood. Rapiers being gripped in their palms.

His clothes were sodden. A low din echoed through the trees.

A burst of black sparks erupted from the ground. Noise surrounded him. A mix of grunts and
clangs filled his ear drums. All of the metal objects were holding rapiers that were visibly
moulding. Then they started falling like they had been shot in the back. Then he just stood
there, breath baited.

Jack was an ordinary ten year old, loved video games, went to school, but a few years ago, on
holiday to The Alps, he fell off his ski cart landing on a pile of soft, white snow – never to be
seen again.

After that, he was forced to survive in the forests of Switzerland. He had brown hair that
spiked up at the front. He had scratches, cuts, bruises and mud all over his body. Jack had
been on the news and a search team had come out to find him but they hadn’t succeeded.

Jack had an older brother and two younger sisters. His youngest sister hadn’t been born
before Jack had fallen and the oldest sister had only been 1 and his brother was 5. Now he
was fighting robots.
Just after the robots had fallen, a black figure had appeared from behind an oak tree. A mask
covered his face and he was holding a gun. Then as soon as he was there he was gone, turned
to thin air.

Jack sat up. Sweat dripping from his face. He looked to his left and saw his clock, it said it
was 6:10 in the morning, he was lying in a comfortable, soft, cosy bed with a light flickering
in front of him. Jack got out of his bed and started wandering out towards the light. When he
saw where the light was coming from it made his jaw drop.

It came from his home’s landing. All was silent. Then he saw it. It was black but he couldn’t
make out who or what it was. All he knew was it was thing that would change his life.

It was raining hard that night. In my hurry to get into the house, I didn't notice the black car
parked across the road. I realized something was wrong when I could see someone hovering
around the car. I wasn't sure if it was safe to go to the car to investigate but my instincts
dragged me from the gate of my building to across the road and next to the car. What happened
in that half an hour is what I call my most unforgettable memory.
I could see a man pacing up and down, drenched and injured. At first when I saw him, he
looked inebriated as he was losing his balance now and then. But as I went near him, I was sure
it was the injury and not any substance that was causing him to tip.
Excuse me Sir! Can I help you? I asked him. He seemed to be in a state of shock. I tried calling
out to him but he continued going round and round his car. I was not comfortable reaching out
to him physically and I thought he might attack me in his condition. But there was no one I
could call as my phone had switched off after getting wet in the rain. Also, if I went home,
which was just across the street, my over-protective mother would panic and wouldn't let me
help him. So there I was, feeling helpless and angry, because I decided to help someone without
knowing what to do.
I remember standing in the rain for quite some time, staring at the man hovering around his
car, feeling absolutely worthless. Then in a flash of a moment, I found myself walking towards
him and reaching out to his shoulder. I must have been really stupid to do that!
Sir! I shouted as I grabbed his shoulder, Can you tell me your name? Do you live around here?
The man seemed to have lost his ability to hear or see or feel as he continued to walk around
his car, only that now he was crying and shivering .because of the rain.
I grabbed both his shoulders and tried to talk again.
I will help you! Tell me what I you want! Is this your car?
I repeatedly asked him the above questions for at least five minutes before his finally looked at
me and broke down. At that point, to be honest, I was scared to death, because he wouldn't stop
screaming and trembling. After a while, he began to come back to his senses and began to calm
down. Finally, when he stopped crying, he looked at me and told me that he was a second-year
DU student who was out for a school reunion party at one of the schoolmates farmhouse on the
outskirts of the city. He had happily agreed to go for the party because obviously we are always
excited to meet our school buddies and relive the happy school memories. When he entered
the farmhouse, he told me that everything was fine for a couple of hours. HE then said that they
began playing a game which turned into an unpleasant episode of bullying him. He was
majorly bullied by a school group when in school and at the party too, the group started
bullying him. When he retaliated, they faked an apology and offered him a drink.
I was foolish to assume that they were truly sorry and that they had grown up, he told me, now
smiling as if recollecting what happened at the party. He told me that he doesn't remember
what happened after he took that drink. He only remembers me screaming at him.
When I regained consciousness, my head hurt and I was lying on the street, drenched, outside
my car. I don't even know what part of the city I am in. They must have put me in the car and
brought me here. And they must have thrown me out of my own car and thrown away the keys
after locking it so that I cant go home.
The man, whose name was Kabir, thanked me for being there. He asked me which place he had
been abandoned, and asked the way to the nearest police station. I took him with me and told
our complex watchman to guard his car for the night. My mother calmed down as she heard
the whole story and nursed his wounds. Kabir slept at my place that night. The next morning,
mom and I accompanied him to the police station and lodged an FIR. Kabir said he wanted to
get a blood test done as he thought he had been made to take drugs through the drink. He was
right. He gave the details of the farmhouse and of his friends. The police sealed the farmhouse
and arrested the friends.
Kabir and I became good friends forever after the incident. He taught me to be cautious of
people, because some people can never be trusted no matter how much time has passed. He
also taught me that it is okay to have a moment of fear. If you have a helping hand around, you
can overcome fear and get back on your feet again.


As adults, many of us feel we know what we’re good (and not so good) at.
But the truth is we all have hidden talents—the skills we possess that we
never knew we had. We’re just not always so adept at identifying what
they are. Sometimes they can be right in front of us, and we miss them.

If you can determine strengths that have been lying dormant, you can tap
into what may be an amazing resource that help you in different aspects
of your life, including your business. Whether you are searching for
the perfect type of business to open or you want to find ways to grow the
one you have, you may find the answer in your hidden talents.

5 Ways to Find Your Hidden Talents

If you ask 10 different people what their hidden talents are, you are bound
to get a variety of responses. Many will say they don’t know or don’t have
any. This is because people are often too close to what is going on for
them to notice their natural abilities. So, these skills go unnoticed and
untapped, for years!

So, how do you figure out your talents? It’s actually much easier than you
may realize. Here are 5 simple ways to find your hidden talents

1. Ask questions and listen to the answers.

One of the best ways to find your hidden talents is to ask the people
around you. Your family, friends, and coworkers will know you best and
can easily point out some of your strengths even when you can’t see them.
If you think about it, people have likely been telling you what you’re good
at for some time. You probably just weren’t listening. So, now is the time
to open your ears.

Ask the people that you believe will provide you with honest feedback of
what they think your hidden talents are. You can ask them to give you one
or two things they think you are hands-down most talented at and compile
the results into a list. These may be some of your hidden talents.

2. Figure out what skills are easy for you.

Are there things that you find extremely easy to do while others may
struggle or muddle their way through? If completing certain tasks feels
like a cakewalk for you, they may be your hidden talents. You may be
great at organizing and managing projects while your coworkers have a
hard time checking off their to-do lists. Maybe you’re quick with
brainstorming new ideas for marketing your company’s products. Reflect
on what skills come easiest to you and you’ll be surprised to find how
talented you really are.

3. Consider what you enjoy doing the most.

Your hidden talents may demonstrate themselves in other ways. Think

about what you enjoy doing the most in your free time. If you are drawn
toward it, it may be a hidden talent. Do you enjoy socializing and talking to
large groups of people? Public speaking may be a hidden talent of yours.

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