CN-Final Spring2015

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C5:307 Computer Networks CS-Department (FAst-Nuces) Final (Spring 2015) Instructor: Supian Harnad student iO: 2224 sign, 42 / Total Marks: 120 points — Time Limit: 180 mins Guldelines: * Attempt all the questions in the answer script including the MCQs. = Attempt the questions in proper sequence if you would like them to be graded. Section 1: MCQs [10 points} 4; Buffer at the router stores the packets and helps avoid) ng he packet las incase packet aval at i hgher ‘than the processing rete; It is implemented at: bese | ee a) Input Port b) Switching Fabric a ae bytes b) dopytes @ 20bytes d) 16 Bytes 3) What will be the subnet mask of IP a) 255.2555 240.0 by ©) 255,255,254.0 . 4) * ‘A: What packet willbe sen by a dient who wants 0 get an adass aver the ‘unknown? be network, IFIP of the DHCP server Is 4) DHCP Request b) DHCP Discover «DHCP Find. 4d) DHCPSearch, ; 8) Less efficiont thon pure Aloho * 1b) ASingla nade can Use the full bandwidth of t ‘€) Nachances of collision bacause of the time 4) Allof the Above ta eal wold clision: bandwidth guarantees. \dy rate (for example, the sender generates an Abit unit of o, when such an application starts, ft will continue running. fg questions, briefly justifying your answer: [5 paints) itched network be more appropriate for this application? bsed.and the only traffic In this network comes from such ‘assume that the sum of the application data rates is less, me form of eangestion control needed? Why? . Please verity the checksum. |S points 1010 1010 1030 1040 (1st 6 bit word) 44.1011 2011 1041 (2nd 16 bit able to a) start the timer each time a packet ‘2 timer interrupt (taking appropriate actions) <) nthe figure below please provide the FSM (Finite has been assigned the network 126.20..0/23 and wants to divide It am ‘to accommodate up to 220 hosts, customer 8 needs to re ammodate up to 80 hosts. Fill the following table in your al arks that the provider can create to fit its customers! needs. (5 points] [Netimask att. Show the forwarding table in router A, such that all interface 3 ork. Can you write down a forwarding table in router A, \s forwarded through interface 3, while all traffic from H2 ce 4? (Hint: this Is a trick question.) it network and that there is one ongoing call betweery H1 and H3. Write down a forwarding table in router A, such forwarded through interface 3, white all trafic from H2 ce 4. the forwarding tables In nodes 8, C, and D. ted link costs, use Dijkstra’s shortest-path algorithm to ‘sate of Initial routing table is shown below. [10 points} Weim whic cn, Proroc(7 Brot 7 ne of the Wk is satay than th han the length ne dar PR set over 43 Mops cetutar ink FE ePeeHtOn dear oft canis re Wake for the pacasts PrN FONE datacrar: (ZOMG yp 2980 bytes of Pavioas which nevcs bytes MTU, Fiitthe fottowing ta ‘shower script. 15 points) tfset = TU Hender/a) er or two Consider the LAN scenario below and answer each question briefly. €., in. few words oF sentence (Really, please be brief) |16 points} agate iti n2 Beer 2222 723 24 C4005 D0AB-70 — 0226-4 1-0F ‘ah Assign an IP address to the leftmost intertace the router, 2abits, en that the subnet part of IP addresses are FB sp Nr sr we owen Wd ow #5 str tt Ae now 85 MAC ‘eddress t@ Send the datagram to 87 If so, how does A get this info? If not, explain why not ieaees fo Send anv iP dotagram + Cand knows Cs IP address. Must A also know C's MAC Athe datagram t0.C7 iso, tow soes A get this info? If not, explain why not in bas a datagram (that was ¢:ig-ally serk by A) ta send to C. What are the MAC addresse thats Sent from A to C7 Wht are the IBaddresses in the datagram encapsulated within suppose that.the swatch has Just been tumed on 25 wllthis ti st frame be carried? Senda second frame to 8. On how many outgoing sv. ried? ter is removed from the scenario above own In the picture above? Explain in one of two jn A and Cto the-same VAN and 8 and D to a differen ives, how does the receiving switch know which Vian

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