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Name: __Aico Malinao_______________ Section: __BSND 2A________

Date: ___10-09-2023__________ Instructor’s Signature: _________________

Activity I
Exercise 2

1. Divide the class into three groups. The number of students in each group will be
assigned to survey the prices for one food group. The survey will be done in two
types of market, one is a supermarket and the other one in an open market. This
survey can be assigned now and discussed later. The food groups are as follows.

a. Fresh Meats – beef, carabeef, pork, all cuts

b. Fresh fish and seafood, dried and smoked fish
c. Fresh Poultry – all types and different cuts and eggs
d. Dairy – all forms available for milk, cheese, margarines, creamers
e. Fresh vegetables and fruits available at present, including coconuts and 3
varieties of rice
f. Packaged and canned goods and condiments – canned corned beef, sausage,
fruits, jams, some snack foods. Some pasta’s, pork and beans, luncheon meat,
sardines, canned or packaged fruit juices, selected canned fruits, patis,
bagoong, vinegar, salt, cooking oil, coffee, tea, banana sauce, etc.

Tabulate the results of the survey according to the format below.

Fresh Fruits and Vegetables

Food commodity Unit of Purchase Price Price Open

Supermarket market

Fresh fruits
Fuji apple Kg or Pc 91 Php / ½ kg 50 Php / 3pcs
Pineapple Pc 79 Php / pc 50 Php / pc
Watermelon Pc 175 Php / pc 165 Php / pc
Grapes Kg 249Php / kg 140 Php / kg
Mango ripe Kg 140 Php / ½ kg 80 Php / ½ kg
Pears Kg or Pc 121 Php / ½ kg 25 Php / pc
Lemon Kg or Pc 110 Php / ½ kg 20 Php / pc
Orange Kg or Pc 115 Php / ½ kg 35 Php / pc
Guyabano Kg 56 Php / ½ kg 30 Php / ½ kg
Banana lakatan Kg 140 Php / kg 60 Php / kg
Pomelo Kg 96 Php / ½ kg 80 Php / ½ kg
Fresh vegetables
Carrots Pc 78 Php / 2pcs 44 Php / 2pcs
Cucumber Pc 54 Php / 2pcs 30 Php / 2pcs
Baguio beans Kg 176 Php / kg 100 Php / kg
Cabbage Pc 78.07 Php / pc 70 Php / pc
Pechay Pc or Bunch 41.50 Php / pc 70 Php / bunch
Red bell pepper Pc 48.02 Php / 3pcs 27 Php / 3pcs
Chayote Kg or Pc 43.84 Php / pc 25 Php / kg
Ampalaya Pc 65.96 Php / 2pcs 43 Php / 2pcs
Eggplant Pc 62.20 Php / 3pcs 30 Php / 3pcs
Okra Pc 38.48 Php / 12pcs 20 Php / 12pcs
Siling labuyo Kg 427 Php / kg 160 Php / kg
Tomato Kg 148 Php / kg 70 Php / kg


Nutrition and Dietetics Department
College of Technology

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