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1; Prof.

McGonagall and Albus Dumbledore

2; The baby Harry Potter

3; He is arriving on a flying motorbike

4; Because they are his closest relatives.

5; The Dursley's. Petunia Durslay's younger sister is Harry's mother. Vernon is the father, Petunia is
the mother of their son, Dudley.

6; The Moogles. They are people who are incapable of magic.

7; A lightning-shaped scar

8; Under the stairs in a cupborad.

9; Dudley is...

10; The family is...

11;They don't treat him well as...

12; 1; It's a normal suburbian neighborhood in the Uk /America. 2; It wants to show us that the
people who live there are totally the same, without any particular feature. They don't mark out of
the crowd, they aren't unique at all.

13; To the zoo.

14; HP understands the snake's language; The snake escapes and puts Dudley behind the glass.

15; They burn the letters.

16; On an island, surrounded by rocks and the sea.

17; Hagrid shows up and takes Harry away.

18; Eleven.

19; A pigtail

20; No, it's not.

21; to the Diagon Valley (Abszol út)

22; To buy all school supplies he would possibly need such as brooms, wands, robes...

23; It's the fastest racing broom.

24; A bank for wizards, this is where they keep Harry's money as well.

25; It has a lot of tunnels, vaults inside, thousends of them. Very cabernous with great depth. Looks
like a maze.

26; Ollivander.

27; From Hagrid

28; The ,,brother” of the wand gave the scar on Harry's forehead.

29; Voldemort.

30; It might mean that, but we don't know that for sure at this point.

31; We know that from Hagrid that V. gathered some followers, brought them over to the Dark Side.
Anyone who went against his will died. Harry's parents fought against him, but nobody survived but
Harry. His scar is not an ordinary scar. A mark like that only comes from being touched by a curse,
an evil curse. That's why Harry is famous, that's why everybody knows his name.

32; London, King's Cross.

33; You have to walk straight at the wall between platforms 9 and 10.

34; Spinach, liver, tripe (pacalos), booger-flavoured :)

35; Scabbers (Makesz)

36; Ron; He wants to change Scabbers flur to yellow.

37; Hermione's spell. She fixes Harry's glasses. (Ocular reparo)

38; On boats.

39; Draco goes to Slytherin, Ron, Harry and Hermione go to Gryffindor.

40; Every wizard who went bad was in Slytherin.

41; Half Muggle, half wizard person.

42; Potions.

43; The head of house Slytherin.

44; It's a sport played only in the world of wizards; The goal is to put the ball through on of the
hoops. It's played on broomsticks.

45; 3 balls.

46; The golden snitch; Once you get that you earn 150 points and the game is over.

47; Harry is a Seeker (fogó). Other positions: 2 chasers, hajtók; 2 beaters 2 terelő, 1 keeper, 1 örző,
1 seeker, 1 fogó)

48; 7
49; The third floor (we don't know why)

50; A 3 headed dog (called Fluffy), that was guarding something (as it was standing on a trap door)

51; Levitation spell.

52; The troll in the bathroom (Ron did it!)

53; McGonagall

54; Harry catches the snitch! The game is over and they earn 150 points for that!

55; Invisibility cloak (we dont know at that who did he get it from).

56; It shows our desires, wishes, what we truly want.

57; To see his parents /To be with his parents.

58; A chemist; The only known person who made the Philospoher's stone.

59; It's a legendary substance with great powers; It can transform any metal into pure gold and
produces the Elixir of Life, which makes the drinker immortal.

60; A dragon baby

61; Malfoy

62; To go out with Hagrid to the Dark Forest.

63; They have to find clues in connection with recent unicorn-deaths.

64; A weird creature as it is drinking unicorn's blood.

65; Malfoy ran away, Harry stayed but was thrilled with horror and couldn't do a thing. A centaur
intervened and chaised the weird creature away.

66; Drinking its blood will keep you alive even if you are an inch from death.

67; If you drink its blood you will be cursed and destined to live a half-life.

68; Voldemort. He doesn't care to be cursed as he is already for life.

69; He is weak and he needs all kind of power so he could strengthen his body.

70; Albus Dumbledore.

71; Voldemort? Prof. Snape? Someone else ( Prof. Quirrell!)

72; They have to chess them acroos the borad. Ron ,,sacrifices” himself for the team. Harry has to
go alone from this point as Hermione stays back with room.

73; Prof. Quirrell.

74; Orif. Quirrell.

75; Prof. Quirrell.

76; Inside prof. Quirrell's body. At the back of his head it's Voldemort rudimentory head.

77; It's in Harry's pocket.

78; By his burning hands that withers his face and body away.

79; It means that you only reach your goals if your goals are noble.

80; It's love.

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