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COEF: 04




I-Complete the following conversation between a teacher and a student using the
correct item from the brackets. (5 marks)

Student: Good Morning Sir.

Teacher: Good Morning. So, did you______________ 1 (hear; listen; get) about the picnic?

Student: Yes Sir. Everyone is very happy and excited too.

Teacher: We ______ not yet ___________ 2 the venue. Can you give any suggestion? (have
decide; has decided; have decided)

Student: sir, Hotel la Vallée de Bana or the Fon's Palace would be fantastic. The two
places are very close to nature. The places are not far also. Everyone would enjoy them.

Teacher: I think you are right. I was also _____________3 (think; thought; thinking) about
Bapouh jungle. It would be adventurous. I will place the entire proposal before the
principal. Let us see which one he suggests. We________________ 4 (have to; could;
might) make the arrangements very soon.

Student: We are there to help you sir. If you need any help please inform us sir.

Teacher: Yes, surely I will let you know. So get ready ______ 5 (with; to; for) the

Student: Thank You Sir. (Smiles)

II-Use the following words or expressions to fill in the gaps to make meaningful
sentences: each, most of, each other, none of,one another. (5 marks)

1) Fatoumata and Ali shook hands with ...................................

2)........................the people in that village are atheists. They all believe in God.

3) The students of the 1ere class are kind to..........................................

4)......................................the public holidays in Cameroon are religious holidays.

5)......................................registered student must pay the school fees.


I-Choose the correct item from the tiles to fill in the gaps in the following text:behaviour
- forgiveness – deeply - myself - realized - study. (5marks)

Dear Mrs. EKONA,

I am ________________ 1 sorry for cheating on the Anglais test that we just did.I am well
aware that this _______________2 is against the school rules and it is a behaviour that let
the whole classroom down. I also portrayed a very bad image on _______________ 3
which has caused me so much stress. I have ________________ 4 that I should have
studied very hard to avoid this bad behaviour.I am asking for your _________________5
and I promise that this incident will not happen again. Moving forward, I will study hard
to make sure that I not only sit for the exams without cheating but I also pass with the
best grades.

II- Write the opposite of the underlined word in the space provided. (5 marks)

1-Seculars do not believe in any God but ___________________________ know that there is
a creator.

2-life is fast changing in such a way modernity is overthrowing ________________________

3-There are conflicts all over the world today due intolerance and_____________________.

4-Always wash your hands before eating because dirty hands carry germs but.
______________ hands are pure
5-Every girl in the world hasn’t got only rights but. __


Read the conversation between TABI and Marie-Laure then answer the questions below.
Use your own words as far as possible.

TABI : do you agree with the ancient facilitator ? He is encouraging sexual abstinence
among students. He hardly knows what he is talking about. Does he think we are
children ? He says early initiation into sexual activity among adolescents is a major risk
factor. Imagine !

Marie-laure : well, let’s consider some of the benefits of sexual abstinence he raised.

TABI : oh, come on. I know he talked about a 100% guarantee that you won’t become a
parent or get a sexually transmitted disease. But can’t these be avoided by
contraception ?

Marie-Laure : Many people have used condoms and still found themselves pregnant or
infected with an STD. The speaker said that having sex has psychological repercussions
too. If the relationship breaks up there are increase chances of depression. We all need
stability ; let’s not overlook that.

TABI : look, in my town young people engage in sexual activity quite openly ; scarcely
any young people abstain from it. Anyway, we don’t need to abstain. We won’t tell
anybody about our sexual activity, especially not our parents.

Marie-Laure : Listen, I never want to keep secrets and burden myself. I won’t live under
the pressure of hiding anything from my parents and friends. Statistics show that teens
who practice sexual abstinence are less likely to have depression. They are less likely to
attempt suicide, and likely to live in poverty when they become adults.

TABI : But all that stuff is in the future. It is neither here nor there now. How about the
present ? That’s what matters. I don’t like these boundaries that abstinence forces upon
us. We should be free. We’re not children, are we ?

Marie-Laure : No, we are not children : we are young adults. I think that is why it’s
important that we make wise decisions that will impact our life favourably and ensure
that we do well and graduate from school. We need to focus on our education. Sex can
wait until we have the right partner later. It won’t run away. Abstinence is the best
choice for all of us.

Culled from Interactions in English 1ere, pages 35-36

Read the dialogue carefully and answer the questions. Use your own words if it is

a)What are the two main benefits of sexual abstinence ?(2marks)



b) Does contraception fully guarantee that a girl will not become pregnant ?(2marks)



c)Why do you think the facilitator said that there are psychological repercussions of
sexual activity between young people ?(2marks)



d) Why does Marie-Laure think sexual abstinence is the best choice for all young ?



e) Give pieces of advice to students who are involved in smoking and sex. Point out
negative effects it may have on their school performance.(2marks)



Choose anyone of the following topics and write on. Use between 200-250 words.

1) Too many young people at your school are smoking or drinking alcohol.Give them
pieces of advice.Structure your work this way :

Paragraph 1 : Introduce what the problem is, and how it has increase lately.

Paragraph 2 : Explain the dangers of this activity.

Paragraph 3 : Describe what can be done to address the problem.

Conclusion : End by warning what will happen if we do not solve the problem now.

2) Your classmate was sick and did not take part to the launching day of the
extra-curricular activities. He wants to know what happaned that day. Tell him/her what
you saw, ate, drank.Give the your impressions and those of the people who were

3)Mr. BABALOLA, your English teacher, caught you red- handed cheating during English
evaluation. Ashamed, you abused him verbally, packed you things and went out. Having
noticed that you risk dismissal, you decided to:

-Write a letter to your teacher apologise for your misbehaviour

-Explain to the teacher what was at the back of cheating

-Express your regrets and apologise for your misconduct.

Your name is MAKANDE MPEING, student of 1ere A class in the G.B.H.S. MLA


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