Call For Papers

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Facultatea de Studii Europene

)ean Monnet Ad Personam Cbair: Modelling tbe New Europe

Call for papers

The Faculty of Euiopean Stuuies, Babes-Bolyai 0niveisity, Cluj-Napoca is pleaseu to
announce anu invite you to attenu the International Conference "EU in a Clobal World",
which will be helu in Cluj-Napoca anu Aicalia - Bistiita, Romania, between 8- )une .
The Confeience will be uiviueu into thiee sections:
O Euiopean Stuuies Touay
O The Challenges of a ulobal Woilu foi the Euiopean 0nion
O Bistiita - A Nessage of Euiopean Iuentity

Keynote speakeis:
O Prof. Dr. Wilfried LUTH, University of Duisburg-Essen, Cermany
O Prof. Dr. Micbael Cebler, University of Hildesbeim, Cermany
O Prof. Dr. Antonio VARSURI, Faculty of Political Sciences, University of Padua,
O Prof. Dr. Crard BUSSUAT, University of Cergy-Pontoise {Val d'Uise], France
O Prof. Dr. Andrei MARCA, Faculty of European Studies, Babes-Bolyai University,
Clu|-Napoca, Romania
O Prof. Dr. Nicolae PUN, Faculty of European Studies, Babes-Bolyai University,
Clu|-Napoca, Romania

The envisageu taiget gioups aie foimeu by E0 anu non-E0 acauemics, ieseaicheis anu PhB
stuuents. The confeience welcomes oiiginal anu innovative papeis coveiing the topics
mentioneu above. Any papei which appioaches any ielateu topic in an oiiginal, innovative
anuoi ciitical mannei will be welcomeu.
SLr Mlhall koglnlceanu nr 1 400084 Clu[napoca
1el (00) 40 264 403300* 403301 403302 403322
The confeience languages (papeis, piesentations, pioceeuings) will be Englisb, Cerman,
Frencb and Romanian {translation is provided]. All accepted anu presented papers
will be publisheu in an IBB inuexeu volume.
The application shoulu incluue:
O Cv - Euiopass foimat (the applicants shoulu cleaily state theii acauemic
qualifications, publications, confeiences attenueu)
O An abstiact of the papei to be piesenteu of no moie than woius
Theie is no paiticipation fee foi attenuing the confeience. Accommouation is pioviueu fiee
of chaige. Bowevei, paiticipants aie expecteu to covei the cost of theii own tiavel anu
Applications shoulu be sent by e-mail by May
, to piof. ui. Nicolae Paun, Faculty of
Euiopean Stuuies, Babes-Bolyai 0niveisity, Cluj-Napoca:

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