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Author - Bret Boyd

Illustrator - Rick Hershey
“Behind the Spells” is a pdf series which ex- The Creator
amines those spells from the SRD that are listed In past Behind the Spells articles, I’ve often
time and again on character sheets throughout used the word “pantheon” to mean the deities
fantasy gaming. Each pdf in this series exam- as a whole. In this article’s case, however,
ines the spellcaster who created the spell, one or Pantheon (note the capitalization) refers to a
more of the spell’s hidden capabilities, and any meeting place for all the gods’ worshippers.
related magical items or spells. Narrator and “What do you mean,” I hear you quickly ob-
host, Maxolt Alberiim, guides you through the ject, “There is no all-encompassing house of
ins and outs of these spells. Actually an ancient worship.” That’s what many faithful believe
gold dragon, Maxolt masquerades as a human and indeed this is true of today’s churches. But
fighter-mage to better continue his research into back when the gods were still vying for their
magic and to aid others as his kind is want to do. first few thousand worshippers, the most fre-
For this issue, Maxolt tells us about the spell quently asked question was: “How best should
that began as a religious practice–sanctuary. we worship you?” Instead of having a different
Leonardo Abdala (Order #1763092)
church on every corner—for larger communi- All was well at the Pantheon until a half-
ties were few during this sparsely populated orc named Gruag requested asylum within its
age—the most powerful priests agreed to erect walls. The council ruling Pantheon granted the
one multi-faith structure where all could come request without question, such was the way of
and worship. sanctuary. Even when it was later revealed that
Situated along a great mountain range Gruag was wanted for the murder of an elderly
which cut through the most densely packed couple whose house he robbed, sanctuary was
communities of the age, the Pantheon be- upheld. Standard practice called for any crea-
came the place to worship for those who fol- tures protected by sanctuary to confess their
lowed the major deities (good, neutral, or sins to clergy of the Protection deity. In Gruag’s
evil). To make certain opposing faiths would case, the one to hear his confession was Curate
not do harm to one another in the Pantheon, Alman. The more the ranking priest heard the
the concept of “sanctuary” was created. As half-orc’s tales of deceit, thievery, and murder,
long as you were within the Pantheon’s walls, the less inclined he was to honor sanctuary for
no one could hurt you; lest they be punished the full term (normally one month).
by all of the other faiths represented there. Kellic, in his role of sub-Curate, kept a pro-
The idea of sanctuary was remarkably upheld tective eye on Alman and his work and he
time and again despite the many holy con- noticed his superior’s growing irritation. He
flicts that were waging outside (not directly offered to hear the half-orc’s remaining con-
outside, mind you, although that was nearly fessions and supply the requisite prayers in
the case on a few occasions). In addition to Alman’s stead but the Curate would not hear
protecting worshippers, sanctuary also pro- of it. If only they knew that refusal would di-
tected all creatures within the church’s walls rectly lead to the Pantheon’s downfall. When
from outside seizure and persecution. “Out- Gruag got around to confessing his most re-
side” meant anyone not of one of the faiths cent sins—the elderly couple’s murder—Al-
represented in the Pantheon—local govern- man realized from the descriptions that these
ments could not touch fugitives, for example. innocents were his own parents! The Curate
I think because of this secondary protective could suffer the loathsome creature no longer
clause, the sanctuary concept spread to all and, while the half-orc was proudly describ-
other single-faith houses of worship when ing his ill-gotten gains from the home, Alman
they began to disseminate. If nothing else, rushed at him. Unprepared for the older hu-
the religions assumed (correctly, in most in- man’s sudden move, Gruag was caught com-
stances) that those persons to whom sanctu- pletely off-guard when Alman shoved him out
ary was given would be easy converts to the the window behind him. Unfortunately, an
religion that protected them. acolyte bearing the Curate’s midday meal had
To tie all of this exposition together, I must quietly entered the chamber moments before.
point out that sanctuary was the idea, natu- The man witnessed the half-orc’s feet vanish
rally, of the Protection god’s faithful. Within from the windowsill on their way down the
the Pantheon, clerics of the Protection deity five levels to the rocky ground below.
served as the de facto enforcers of the peace. Mad with grief and rage, Alman spun to face
Some two centuries after the Pantheon was the horrified acolyte. The Curate quickly re-
erected enters the protagonist of our tale, a hu- gained some composure and tried to explain
man cleric named Kellic Mantruso. Second his actions when an impenetrable darkness
only to Curate Alman in seniority, Kellic’s descended on the Pantheon and its surround-
strong faith and amiable nature proved indis- ings. You see, the gods had been keeping a
pensable at the Pantheon. Kellic was a fervent careful eye on the multi-faith structure and
believer in the concept of sanctuary, where ev- had prepared for the inevitable moment when
ery creature had the right to contemplate his sanctuary would be violated. Since that was
actions (whether already taken or not) without the cardinal rule which allowed the residents
immediate fear of the consequences. to live together in relative harmony, break-
Leonardo Abdala (Order #1763092)
ing it forced the gods to make an example of these creatures a final rest, much less a way to
Pantheon and its people. It was at that mo- predict the Pantheon’s movements, no one has
ment that Kellic was returning with a supply yet discovered it.
caravan and was forced to pull short of enter-
ing the dark mist which suddenly appeared in Spell Secrets
front of the Pantheon’s gates. Sometimes you only require a few moments
Thinking the mist the work of some at- to get yourself and your allies through a hos-
tacking evil, Kellic made ready to dispel the tile area to safety. Other times, you simply
great cloud. But before the words of the spell want to avoid a fight for the sake of expedi-
reached his lips, the Protection deity granted ency. In either case, a few modifications to
him a vision of what his superior had just the casting of sanctuary can possibly provide
done to Gruag. Kellic felt as if someone had such safe passage.
punched him and he fell backwards to cry in
the dirt. Just as the caravan master was asking You can use sanctuary to target multiple
what was going on, a cacophony of horrified creatures with a successful Spellcraft check
and pained cries erupted from inside the dark (DC 10 + 1 per target). Success means you
cloud. The noise lasted but a moment and can ward up to one creature per caster level.
then vanished along with the cloud…and with However, the duration of the spell is cut in
the Pantheon itself! Kellic and the caravan half (round down). Failure of the check
now sat before a great hole in the mountain, means the spell is wasted.
nothing to indicate that a structure had ever
existed there. When a loose coalition of minions is only
And Kellic was not the only cleric to receive held at an enemy’s side by intimidation,
a vision on that day. Every priest of the faiths sanctuary might be able to reverse that aura
represented at Pantheon were shown the same of fear. Casters might chafe when imagin-
vision—a Curate of the Protection deity vio- ing getting close enough to a powerful foe to
lating sanctuary. On that day, the practice of touch him for this spell secret but, if success-
sanctuary died. Kellic shortly after moved to ful, the gain is worth the risk at the sight of
the closest Protection shrine to practice his those cowed minions turning on their mas-
faith but could not shake the need to somehow ter.
atone for his superior’s transgression. After
much meditation and prayer, Kellic finally de- Instead of warding a creature from attack,
cided to keep the idea of sanctuary—a con- you can reverse sanctuary to cause the target
cept so close to his deity’s ethos—alive for all to provoke attacks from nearby creatures. If
time in a useful form. That form was the spell you know at least two Enchantment spells of
sanctuary, unchanged since Kellic detailed its 2nd level or higher and succeed a Spellcraft
specifics to his god so long ago. check (DC 15), the touched target radiates
And what was done to Pantheon, you ask? a peculiar aura of hostile provocation. All
If you’re very lucky, you’ll never find out. intelligent creatures within the 15-foot
From what I’ve been able to piece together, radius area of effect during the duration are
the Pantheon was sent by the gods to magi- compelled to attack the target unless they
cally drift across the planes, appearing at one succeed a Will save. This save must be
site for a number of days (never more than repeated until one of the following occurs:
nine) before disappearing to another random the creature moves beyond the area of
location. The poor souls inside were cursed effect, the Will save is successful (negating
in different ways—some going insane, oth- further saves for that duration), or the spell
ers becoming gruesome undead creatures or duration expires. If you fail the Spellcraft
worse monsters—but all were granted im- check, the spell is lost.
mortality and forbidden from ever leaving the
expansive structure. If there’s a way to bring
Leonardo Abdala (Order #1763092)
Related Research were lost in a great fire. As a result, sanctu-
Based on the legend of the Pantheon, an in- ary markers are quite valuable. The tragedy
spired human bard named Lafarra Nax designed was later discovered to be the handiwork of
a strongbox which looked exactly as the cursed the Destroyer deity’s faithful, who never held
structure is said to have appeared in its prime. any love for worshippers of the Protection god
Lafarra commissioned a mage friend of modest (see Behind the Monsters: Skeleton for another
power to imbue the box with two powers also chapter in that feud). A set of three sanctuary
based on the Pantheon legend—invisibility markers was once discovered in a particularly
and teleportation. The safebox was a success vile dungeon, the adventuring group who used
among the wealthy who adored the power to them undoubtedly establishing safe havens dur-
both hide and, if necessary, whisk to safety a ing exploration (before their untimely deaths).
prized possession.
NEW MAGIC ITEM—Safebox Sanctuary Marker
Measuring one foot in width, half again This eye agate gemstone is commonly
as long, and six inches deep, the safebox whitish-pink in color and at least 2
is comprised of white marble with a inches in length with a protection rune
lid fastened by silver hinges and a red (Knowledge (arcana) or (divine) DC 12
velvet interior. The lid is engraved with to deduce the meaning) engraved at the
a colonnade studded with tiny turquoise center of the stone’s bands of colors.
stones. When the stones on the end pillars When not found as part of the treasure
are touched simultaneously, the safebox of a creature ignorant of its true nature,
becomes invisible for 9 minutes except the sanctuary marker is embedded in the
to the creature that activated the power ground or a tree. A creature activates the
(usable once per day). The activating stone’s powers by touching the rune and
creature (the “owner”) can also command speaking “sanctuary.” The protections
the box to teleport to a single destination of have a maximum duration of 10 minutes,
his choosing once per week. The command usable three times per day but need not be
must be verbally issued within 30 feet of continuous (stone can be (de)activated by
the box. The safebox recognizes its owner tapping it). A sanctuary marker provides
as the last creature to hold/touch it for one the following protections within a 30-foot
continuous minute; imparting knowledge radius when nestled firmly in a natural
of its two powers immediately after that substance (stone, wood, etc.):
Moderate conjuration; CL 9th; Craft • Damage reversal: When a physical attack
Wondrous Item, invisibility, teleport; Price successfully strikes someone inside the
33,500 gp. protected area, the attacker (be he inside
or outside the area) suffers half of the
Although pleased with his sanctuary spell and damage inflicted (the other half still being
its subsequent usage by other clerics, as Kel- inflicted on the target).
lic aged he was still bothered by the fact that • Discern lies: When someone within the
there were no designated areas creatures could protected area knowingly lies, he must
take absolute refuge in. Such places, formerly succeed a Will save (DC 17) or be outlined
churches and shrines, were part of his heritage. in a faint green haze for one round.
In an effort to regain those “better times,” even • Protection from energy: The creature that
if only in a limited capacity, Kellic created spe- activates the marker chooses one energy
cial stones which radiated protective proper- type; when that energy comes into contact
ties. Unfortunately, the priest never made more with the protected area (whether its source
than a few dozen before him, his home, and is inside or outside the area), it appears to
the notes pertaining to the stones’ construction evaporate into nothingness (affects up to
Leonardo Abdala (Order #1763092)
120 points worth of damage before this
power is nullified).
• Sanctuary: As per the spell but protects
all creatures within the protected area.

It is important to note that the marker

provides no protection when simply held
by a creature. It must be inset within a
natural location, thus providing the kind
of sanctuary envisioned by its creator.
Sticking the marker between two stones
or shoving it partially into soft ground is
sufficient, for example.

Moderate abjuration; CL 10th; Craft

Wondrous Item, discern lies, protection
from energy, sanctuary, shield other; Price
83,500 gp

Leonardo Abdala (Order #1763092)

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System Reference Document Copyright 2000-2003, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Rick Baker, Andy Collins,
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Behind the Spells: Sanctuary, Copyright 2008, Tricky Owlbear Publishing, Inc.

Leonardo Abdala (Order #1763092)

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