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1. The media 3.00/3

Choose the correct alternative to complete the sentences.

They influence A broadcast a lot of interesting programmes on most

national TV channels.

Journalists should always check their facts before publishing articles in

chat rooms B newspapers .

We usually C switch over to switch off the traffic news in the car so we

know which roads to avoid.

If you read printed ads, you may be misrepresented D influenced to buy

certain products or services.

Young people are generally watching less TV but they may still E switch on

binge-watch to watch a talent show.

F Emails Chat rooms are the best way to communicate formally for


You can usually find old G magazines media sharing sites to browse

through in doctors' waiting rooms.

A broadcast
Risposta esatta.
B newspapers
Risposta esatta.

C switch over to
Risposta esatta.

D influenced
Risposta esatta.

E switch on
Risposta esatta.

F Emails
Risposta esatta.

G magazines
Risposta esatta.

2. Summative exercise 2.57/3

Choose the correct alternative to complete the text.

A 15-year-old started posting to her favourite printed advertisment

newspaper A media sharing site from her family's smart fridge after her

mother had confiscated her phone. An article about the unusual event appeared in

a daily B newspaper chat room email . A journalist spread

C reported proved that the Arianna Grande fan, who has thousands of

followers, was banned from tuning in switching off D switching on her

phone but had managed to find other ways of contacting her followers: two gaming

devices and finally the smart fridge. The girl said that her mother is taking

E had taken had took her phone away so F therefore as she

E had taken had took her phone away so F therefore as she

had got too distracted by it during the summer holidays. 'I may be late to reply, as it

is difficult to find something to use Twitter,' she G told reported said the


A media sharing site

Risposta esatta.

B newspaper
Risposta esatta.

C reported
Risposta esatta.

D switching on
Risposta esatta.

E had taken
Risposta esatta.

F therefore
Risposta sbagliata.
La risposta esatta è:


G told
Risposta esatta.

3. Posting photos on social media 3.00/3

A. Alison wants them to take photos of themselves.

Vero Falso

Risposta esatta.

B. She wants to show them to her friends when she comes home from her holidays.

Vero Falso

Risposta esatta.

C. Martin thinks that the photos should be for themselves, not for other people.

Vero Falso

Risposta esatta.

D. Alison enjoys sharing her experiences with her friends immediately.

Vero Falso

Risposta esatta.

E. Martin totally agrees with Alison.

Vero Falso

Risposta esatta.

4. Say or tell 0.00/2

Complete the sentences with the correct form of say or tell.

Can you A say me the way to the nearest train station, please?

He promised me that he wouldn't B tell a word to anybody.

Ignore what I just C say . We should be doing the other exercise.

This morning I'm going to D say you something about the arts magazine we're


Why didn't you E say me you were leaving today?

Did anybody F tell why they didn't like the current affairs programme?

A say

Risposta sbagliata.
La risposta esatta è:


B tell

Risposta sbagliata.
La risposta esatta è:


C say

Risposta sbagliata.
La risposta esatta è:


D say

Risposta sbagliata.
La risposta esatta è:


E say

Risposta sbagliata.

La risposta esatta è:

F tell

Risposta sbagliata.

La risposta esatta è:


5. Reported speech 1.78/4

Report these statements by completing the sentences.

She said: 'I have never used a chat room in my life.'

She said A she had never used a chat room in B her life.

They shouted: 'Watch out! A car's coming.'

They warned us C to watch out as a car D was coming .

Paul said: 'We can think about starting a blog this term.'

Paul said that E we could think about starting a blog F this term.

Martin replied: 'I won't switch over during the break.'

Martin replied that he G wouldn't switch over during the break.

Lorna: 'The race starts at 9 am tomorrow.'

Lorna reminded us that the race H started at 9 am I the next day .

A she had never used

Risposta corretta.
B her

Risposta corretta.

C to watch out

Risposta corretta.

D was coming

Risposta corretta.

E we could think

Risposta non data.

F this

Risposta non data.

G wouldn't switch over

Risposta non data.

H started

Risposta non data.

I the next day

Risposta non data.

6. News 2.00/2

Choose the correct alternative to complete the sentences.

Some media sharing sites are dedicated to breaking gossip

A breaking news breaking sources .

A journalist should be able to spread gossip B prove that what they're

writing about is true.

Programmes which deal with serious issues happening at the moment are called

C current affairs breaking affairs love affairs .

'Did you hear the latest report prove D gossip ?' 'You know I'm not

interested in celebrity scandals and that sort of thing!'

We're just checking our E sources affairs gossip to verify details of the

accident before we publish the article.

Someone in the school has been breaking F spreading sourcing false

information about the end of term party.

A breaking news
Risposta esatta.

B prove
Risposta esatta.

C current affairs
Risposta esatta.

D gossip
Risposta esatta.

E sources
Risposta esatta.

F spreading
Ri t tt
Risposta esatta.

7. Can we trust the news? 1.33/4

Read the text and say if the sentences are true (T), false (F) or not given (NG).

In the past, people got their news mostly from the radio, TV, newspapers and
magazines. You got informed from your favourite or trusted media sources.
There are some newspapers that are considered more 'serious', which are
called broadsheets in the UK, and others (the tabloids) which publish all sorts
of gossip and sports articles in an easier style. But what about fake news?
There may be some confusion between print and online versions of similar-
sounding newspapers. However, you can generally presume that a newspaper
with a lot of photos and articles about celebrities and an obsession with
attractive young women wearing enticing clothes will probably not have much
serious news. One way to check if news is correct is by looking at several
different sources, both print and online. Disaster stories can also attract
readers, but are not always true, or are highly exaggerated. Journalists may
also quote 'research', but it's important to understand how it was carried out.
One golden rule is that if the story seems bizarre, it's probably not true… but
they're often the ones that attract our interest and get shared thousands of

According to the text:

A. in the past, most people found out about the news from their friends.


Risposta esatta.

B. the tabloids publish less serious news and are simpler to read.


Risposta sbagliata.

C. the print and online editions have different news stories.


Risposta sbagliata.

it' d id t t f diff t di
D. it's a good idea to compare reports from different media.


Risposta sbagliata.

E. the public doesn't like reading about disasters.


Risposta sbagliata.

F. some of the most shared stories are very unusual.


Risposta esatta.

8. Reported questions 0.00/4

Complete the sentences using reported speech and changing the tenses.

My friend: 'Are you going to the party tomorrow evening?'

My friend asked if I A was going to the party B the next evening .

Alice: 'Where is your family from?'

Alice asked C where my family was from.

The waiter: 'Did you want to order a dessert?'

The waiter asked us if D we wanted to order a dessert.

Lawrence: 'Can I make anyone a cup of tea?'

Lawrence wanted to know if E he could make someone a cup of tea.

Milly: 'Must I really finish all my dinner?'

Milly wanted to know if F she really had to finish all her dinner.

A was going

Risposta non data.

B the next evening

Risposta non data.

C where my family was

Risposta non data.

D we wanted to order

Risposta non data.

E he could make someone

Risposta non data.

F she really had to finish all her

Risposta non data.

9. Linkers of cause and result 0.57/2

Choose the correct linking word to complete the sentences.

We couldn't go to Paris A since because of the air traffic controllers strike.

Debby wasn't able to go to the show. B As Therefore , she gave her ticket to

a friend.
So C Since we were in town, we decided to try a new café for lunch.

I wanted to become a journalist, so D because I started sending articles

to my local paper.

The team were in the finals E therefore because they'd played so well in

the play-offs.

Because F So they haven't arrived yet, we'll have to leave without them.

G As Therefore the sales were still on, Kirsty and David took the train into


A since
Risposta sbagliata.
La risposta esatta è:


B As
Risposta sbagliata.
La risposta esatta è:


C Since
Risposta esatta.

D because
Risposta sbagliata.
La risposta esatta è:


E h f
E therefore
Risposta sbagliata.
La risposta esatta è:


F So
Risposta sbagliata.
La risposta esatta è:


G As
Risposta esatta.

10. Summative exercise 2.14/3

Choose the correct alternative to complete the text.

People will do anything to gain popularity. Many celebrities I spoke to A said

told they were addicted to social networking and media B sharing

binging sites. They said C told me that their private lives were constantly

invaded by new media but this is what they want. But therefore D since

photographs of them are taken at any time and everywhere, not just at official

events, some of them do not feel safe. Therefore E Because , they are often

accompanied by a security guard, if they're rich enough to have one. Popularity

brings risk, but they themselves often create their own F breaking news

gossip to capture the public's attention. They want to be spoken about on radio

and G TV magazines .

A said
Risposta esatta.
B sharing
Risposta esatta.

C told
Risposta esatta.

D since
Risposta esatta.

E Because
Risposta sbagliata.
La risposta esatta è:


F breaking news
Risposta sbagliata.
La risposta esatta è:


Risposta esatta.

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