BALLOCANAG, Jessica, BSN1i, STS JournalReadingFinals

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The Nano World: Nanotechnology a Powerful and Fundamental of Technologies

Jessica S. Ballocanag

Union Christian College


The Nano World: Nanotechnology a Powerful and Fundamental of Technologies


The ability to solve problems is a fundamental skill in technology. Technological

problems are often complex and require creative solutions. The ability to communicate

effectively is important in all fields, but it is especially important in technology. You need to be

able to communicate your ideas to others, both verbally and in writing. At this scale, the nano is

a powerful and fundamental technology because it deals with the manipulation and with this, the

physical, chemical, and biological properties of matter change dramatically, which opens up new

possibilities for the development of new materials, devices, and systems.

According to Bayda S. et al. (2019), they define the word ‘nano’ as something very small

or reffered to a Greek prefix meaning ‘drawf’ and it depicts one thousand millionth of a meter.

The tiny realm of atoms and molecules known as the nano world has great potential to transform

numerous industries. The manipulation of matter at the nanoscale has unlocked remarkable

possibilities in fields like medicine, electronics, and materials science thanks to nanotechnology.

Nanosensors can detect diseases in their earliest stages and self-healing materials can repair

themselves, offering researchers insights into creating stronger materials and more efficient

energy systems.

By manipulating matter at the atomic and molecular levels, the nano world is able to

establish a connection with technology. By utilizing the unique attributes and actions of

substances at such a tiny level, scientists and engineers are able to formulate and construct brand

new materials that have improved features. This creates endless opportunities for technological

progress. Thanks to nanotechnology advancements in computing, we now have smaller and

faster processors that empower devices to handle intricate tasks with greater effectiveness.

Telecommunications has seen a major breakthrough with the introduction of nanoscale

components, which have enabled the swift transfer of massive quantities of data.

Several developments have made it possible to apply nanotechnology in healthcare, while

research is still being done to enhance and perfect the technology for this purpose. One of the

most recent examples of this is the use of gold nanoparticles as probes. A study was conducted

by Chen J. et al., discussing the effect of mimicking nanoparticles for atherosclerosis. These

days, nucleic sequence detection is done using gold nanoparticles. Additionally, it has been

demonstrated that the technique may aid in the treatment of cancer. The technology has also been

shown to have the potential to not only diagnose, but also treat atherosclerosis. Scientist have

already managed to create a nanoparticle that is similar to HDL (high-density lipoprotein) used

to reduce the size of plaque in arteries. This can greatly help patients with high blood pressure


More research is currently being done on the application of nanotechnology to

regenerative medicine. According to Yang Y. et al. (2019), they defines regenerative medicine

involves development to repair and replace diseased or damaged cells, tissues, or organs to

restore or establish normal tissue functions. In addition, the general protocol form regenerative

therapies involves harvest of the patient’s stem cells. Growth factors can be covalently bonded to

nanofibers to imitate this milieu, which can help stem cells like human embryonic stem cells

(ESCs) proliferate by halting their deterioration. A study was conducted by Gomez C. and

Echeverri K. (2021), in this study they discussed the main goal of tissue regeneration and that is

to restore the morphological and functional features of tissue after an injury. Another study was

conducted by Yousuf S. and Singh M.(2022), they discussed that stem cell therapy is considered

to be the great application in antiaging. The use of stem cells has generated a ray of hope in

medical fields and this has the potential to regenerate and repair tissue. These studies aim to

improve nanotechnology in medicine for bone and tissue engineering. Scientists will be able to

cultivate intricate tissues for organ transplantation and utilize the technique for mending spinal

cord damages. By utilizing this technology, many patients who are currently afflicted by

different conditions can receive the necessary treatment.

Alongside their ability to prevent diseases and provide therapy, smart nanomaterials may

also be utilized for diagnosis purposes. Point-of-care applications could benefit greatly from the

use of these innovative bio-sensing materials (Mujawar et al., 2020).

In medicine, nanotechnology has revolutionized medicine by enabling targeted drug

delivery systems, minimizing side effects, and improving treatment outcomes. It has also led to

the development of tiny sensors for early illness identification, improving healthcare and smaller

sizes. Smart nanomaterials are used in controlled release technology for bioactive substances,

particularly drugs, during the COVID-19 crisis. Advancements in biodegradable nanoparticles

may contribute to the development of novel surface coatings resistant to viral adhesion (Sahoo P.

et al.,2022).

Nanomaterials have revolutionized the manufacturing industry by providing lightweight

yet strong materials with unique properties, finding applications in aerospace, automotive, and

construction sectors, leading to more efficient and sustainable products. Overall, the nano world's

impact on technology is immense and continues to drive innovation across various domains.


Nanotechnology has seen a rapid growth with wide-ranging implementations in areas like

industry where it finds usage across various functions. It also plays a vital role in medical

imaging technology where it aids in disease detection. Moreover, this advanced branch of

science has been applied to medication delivery systems too which are helping administer drugs

effectively to patients. Furthermore, it has made significant contributions towards advancements

in gene therapy and innovative approaches for cancer treatments. The forefront of the fast-paced

development of healthcare products is dominated by nanotechnology, as it holds great promise

for human health but also carries possible risks.

There seems to be limited research examining the potential toxicological impacts on

human health and the environment that may arise from their present and future utilization, even

though there is increasing interest in smart nanomaterials in sectors other than biological uses.

The last 15 years have seen significant governmental and commercial financing, which has aided

in the advancement of knowledge on potential dangers associated with passive nanomaterials.

Nanoparticle toxicity depends on their surface properties, coating, structure, size, and

ability to aggregate. The enhanced chemical and biological reactivity of poorly soluble

substances can result in the development of cancer. The entry routes for nanoparticles into the

body are diverse and include the skin barrier, ingestion of food or beverages, inhalation of

particles in the air, injections and implants. Erythema, damage to fibroblasts, and an elevated risk

of cardiopulmonary morbidity and mortality have been linked to cosmetic products with a high

nanoparticle content based on reports. The central nervous system and cardiovascular autonomic

function may be impacted by nanoparticle stimulation of lung neurons.


Upon entry into the bloodstream, nanoparticles can elicit an abrupt inflammatory reaction

since they are perceived as intruding particles by the immune system. The immune system

releases cytokines, which can cause lung reactions similar to pollutant or inflammatory

substances, sometimes affecting reactive oxygen species (ROS). Cardiac events can be initiated

by these particles in extreme situations.


The nano world, a tiny realm of atoms and molecules, has great potential in various

industries, including medicine, electronics, and materials science. Nanosensors can detect

diseases in their earliest stages, and self-healing materials can repair themselves, offering

researchers insights into creating stronger materials and more efficient energy systems.

Nanotechnology advancements in computing have enabled smaller and faster processors,

enabling devices to handle intricate tasks with greater effectiveness. Telecommunications has

seen a major breakthrough with the introduction of nanoscale components, enabling the swift

transfer of massive amounts of data.

Regenerative medicine involves developing to repair and replace diseased or damaged

cells, tissues, or organs to restore normal tissue functions. Nanofibers can be covalently bonded

to growth factors, helping stem cells proliferate and regenerate tissue. Stem cell therapy is

considered a great application in antiaging, and nanotechnology can regenerate and repair tissue.

Smart nanomaterials can also be used for diagnosis purposes, benefiting point-of-care

applications. Nanotechnology has revolutionized medicine by enabling targeted drug delivery

systems, minimizing side effects, and improving treatment outcomes. It has led to the

development of tiny sensors for early illness identification, improving healthcare and smaller

sizes. Advancements in biodegradable nanoparticles may contribute to the development of novel

surface coatings resistant to viral adhesion.

Nanomaterials have revolutionized the manufacturing industry by providing lightweight

yet strong materials with unique properties, finding applications in aerospace, automotive, and

construction sectors, leading to more efficient and sustainable products. Overall, the nano world's

impact on technology is immense and continues to drive innovation across various domains.


Nursing Student

As a nursing student, nanotechnology holds immense potential in revolutionizing

healthcare practices and enhancing patient outcomes. By employing nanoscale materials and

devices, it enables precise diagnosis, specific drug delivery, and advanced imaging methods.

Biosensors created using nanotechnology have the ability to detect diseases at an early stage,

which can lead to timely interventions and better forecasts. In addition, nanomaterials have the

capability to be employed in order to produce antimicrobial coatings on medical equipment,

which can help decrease the likelihood of infections in healthcare environments. In addition,

nanoparticles have the capability to be modified in a way that amplifies the efficiency of

medication treatments by precisely aiming them at affected cells while lessening negative

impacts on unaffected tissues.

Additionally, nanotechnology is instrumental in advancing tissue engineering and

regenerative medicine by facilitating the production of scaffolds that promote cell growth and

regeneration. With nanotechnology being integrated into nursing education, students are

empowered with the understanding and proficiencies required to navigate this dynamic field,

ensuring they remain at the cutting edge of healthcare advancements. As a nursing student, in

essence, understanding and embracing nanotechnology brings about new prospects for elevating

patient care and achieving better results. It permits the use of more precise and successful

therapies, with less detriment to unaffected tissues. By blending nanotechnology into nursing

education, students receive the training they need to actively participate in the developing

healthcare sector and be at the forefront of groundbreaking discoveries. Utilizing nanotechnology

in healthcare practices has the potential to boost efficiency and effectiveness, empowering

nursing students to provide enhanced care for their patients. Moreover, being familiar with

nanotechnology can assist nursing students in staying informed about the latest breakthroughs in

healthcare and making meaningful contributions to the progress of novel solutions within their


Nursing Profession

Thanks to nanotechnology, the field of nursing is experiencing a transformation with

many applications that can greatly improve patient care. Advanced drug delivery systems are

benefiting from nanotechnology. Utilizing nanoparticles allows for precise delivery of

medications to targeted cells or tissues, ultimately maximizing their effectiveness while

minimizing unwanted side effects. This precise drug delivery system allows nursing

professionals to administer treatments with greater accuracy and efficiency, ultimately improving

patient outcomes.

Additionally, diagnostic tools greatly benefit from the incorporation of nanotechnology.

Nanosensors and nanodevices enable healthcare providers to detect diseases at an early stage,

even before symptoms manifest. These advanced tools offer nurses the capability to detect

possible health problems earlier, resulting in timely actions and improved outlook for patients.

Furthermore, nanotechnology has paved the way for innovative wound healing materials.

Dressings that encourage speedy healing, prevent infections, and minimize scarring are being

developed using nanofibers and nanocomposites. Nursing students equipped with knowledge

about these. In conclusion, nanotechnology is highly applicable to the nursing profession as it

offers numerous benefits in terms of advanced drug delivery systems, diagnostic tools, and

wound healing materials. Better care for patients can be achieved by nursing students who grasp

and utilize nanotechnology, as it enhances the efficiency and effectiveness of healthcare

practices. Furthermore, remaining updated on the latest advances in nanotechnology equips

nursing students with the ability to make significant contributions towards revolutionizing

solutions within their profession and the healthcare sector.

Nursing Education

Incorporating nanotechnology in nursing education prepares students to utilize advanced

technologies in their practice. By comprehending the utilization of nanomaterials in drug

delivery systems, nursing students can develop proficient techniques for administering

medications that result in improved effectiveness and decreased adverse reactions. Moreover,

nanotechnology enables the creation of sophisticated diagnostic instruments that are capable of

identifying illnesses at a premature stage, allowing nurses to offer timely interventions and

enhance patient results. Furthermore, wound healing benefits greatly from nanotechnology as it

allows for the creation of groundbreaking dressings and bandages that accelerate recovery time

and lower the potential for infection. Through the integration of nanotechnology into their

education, nursing students obtain the required instruments to offer exceptional care and make

significant contributions to healthcare advancements.

One way nanotechnology is applied in nursing education is by utilizing smart bandages.

Nanosensors are incorporated into these bandages to identify alterations in wound temperature,

the existence of bacteria, and pH levels. By utilizing this tool, nursing students can effectively

supervise and address wounds, resulting in expedited healing times and decreased likelihood of

infection. Moreover, there is potential for utilizing nanotechnology in the development of drug

delivery methods that directly aim at certain cells or tissues. Consequently, nursing students

could then deliver medical treatments more accurately and experience fewer unwanted reactions.

Nursing Research

Nanotechnology plays a crucial role in advancing nursing research by offering innovative

solutions and possibilities. One significant application is the development of nanosensors that

can revolutionize wound care. These tiny devices, capable of detecting temperature fluctuations,

bacterial presence, and pH levels in wounds, provide nursing students with real-time data to

monitor and treat wounds more effectively. By enabling precise interventions, nanosensors

contribute to faster healing times and minimize the risk of infections. Furthermore,

nanotechnology extends its impact to drug delivery systems in nursing practice. Through

nanoscale drug carriers, nursing students can target specific cells or tissues with medications,

ensuring precise administration while minimizing side effects. This breakthrough allows for

enhanced therapeutic outcomes and improved patient care overall. With its potential to transform

various aspects of nursing research, nanotechnology is paving the way for a more advanced and

efficient healthcare system. Nanotechnology in nursing research can be applied to the


development of smart bandages that can detect changes in temperature, bacterial presence, and

pH levels in wounds. This allows nursing students to monitor and treat wounds more effectively,

leading to faster healing times and reduced risk of infection.

Conclusion and Recommendation

This chapter presents the conclusions and recommendations made by the researcher in

this study.


The impact of nanomaterials on technology is undeniable, as they have already led to the

creation of more efficient and sustainable products. With their unique characteristics and

continuous innovation, nanomaterials continue to drive advancements across various domains,

making a profound and lasting impact on the manufacturing industry and beyond.

Our current studies reveal that nanoparticles may prove very helpful in the delivery of

drugs, just like Covid-19 treatment. Many cases showed that patients, where drugs are delivered

with the help of nanoparticles, produced very few side effects.


In light of the aforementioned conclusions, improving solar cell efficiency and

developing advanced energy storage solutions are two key areas where nanotechnology is crucial

within the realm of renewable energy. Through exploiting the potential of the nano sphere,

technology can attain new levels and reshape different industries to create a future that is

sustainable and highly interconnected.



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