Enterprise Assignment Task 4

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Enterprise Assignment

Task 4

Chua Jun Kang 11 Yellow

Task: Selling Kuih

Group members: Wai Yeong

Jia Jong

Page 1
Evaluating the Project

Reported to: Mr George

Reported by: Jun Kang


● The purpose of the report is to evaluate the success and failures of my

enterprise project, Kang Kuih.

Page 2
Finding & Analysis

a) Planning & Implementation

Identifying a project
● I have chosen the project “ Kang Kuih” because I want to give the
Malaysian traditional dish a chance in the modern era. Its popularity is
mainly with elderly but rarely younglings. The stall sells kuih and other
products made from home. Hopefully the youngsters can enjoy what
we had enjoyed in our childhood.

Carrying out action plan

● The tasks that involved solely me had been performed well with no
issues at all. It’s just that the tasks involving me and another member or
more never ends normally as expected. There were conflicts and
arguments between us as we’re never friends but behaving like
strangers to each other. I had to do the majority of the task myself and
the others made a small contribution to the work. All to complete the
tasks I was given.

Outcome of monitoring progress of tasks

● Everything went well as expected without any issues. Communicating in
group chats is easier than expected. All of us had completed the tasks
and noted them down in the chat. In my opinion it’s better this way
especially after school hours, as all of us were busy with school related
work. Thus giving us more time than during school breaks.

Page 3

Suitability of sources of finance

● Lending from family & relatives was a good choice. Others were
granted a loan of RM 100 average from their parents whilst I had
received triple the amount they had from my mother. Honestly I had
regretted at that time as I was not in my right mind and said that
blatantly, but there was no turning back so I had to ask head on.

● Fortunately, my mother had agreed to lend me RM 300 but gave me an

hour of naggy lessons in turn. Though we had discussed what to do
about the money, we decided to split evenly.

● The stall turned out very well as we had earned more than RM 300 on
the first day. Till the last day, we earned enough profit to split the
paycheck evenly amongst us.

Management and monitoring of income & expenditure ● When

I first started managing income with the other members, it was intense.
A lot of arguments and we sometimes completely ignore someone
without noticing his activity.

● It’s difficult to keep up the records properly since the members keep
miscalculating the amount, a lot of trial and error has occurred. At one
time, the products that were shipped to us were messed up horribly,
with the chocolate sauce sticking on the walls. This resulted in a waste
of money as there were less people looking to buy the product. We had
to choose a member to physically send the products over which means
he had to wake up early in the morning.
Page 4
● Despite all of the propaganda going on, we still did relatively well in
managing the finances. I can’t say the same for our method of attracting
customers, one of the members was an aggressive kind. He forces
people to buy but somehow manages to get them to. I had given them
honest service which encouraged them to come again the next day.

● Other than that, it all went well as planned with no further


● No issues with planning and monitoring tasks as we had discussed in
the group chat. Can’t say the same for the amount getting messed up

● What we lack is proper teamwork in my opinion. When we first started

selling, I couldn’t keep up their speed and they kept urging me to speed
up despite making sure the calculations were correct. We should have
performed a test so that we can keep up with each other in terms of
communication and performance.
Page 5

Planning & implementation
● We should have started earlier on, we were lazy and minding our own
business until the due date of submission is near. We were panicking
and discussing aggressively as we’re trying to submit it before the due

● We should slowly calculate and note them down in the notebook. We
were calculating so fast that we often miscalculated the actual cost.
Plus we should have noticed the obvious errors within the income &
expenditure too, that way we wouldn’t have our teacher reminding us
in gmail about errors.
Page 6

Appendix 1

Income statement

Sales-Day 1 255
Sales-Day 2 520
Sales-Day 3 834
Total Sales 1609

Liza Kuih
Day 1 (110)
Day 2 (195)
Day 3 (324)

Nyonya Kuih

Day 1 (31)
Day 2 (31)
Day 3 (31)

Cakes (100)

Profit 788

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