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Task 4: Accident investigation procedure and communicating health and


(a) Why should the scene of the accident have been secured immediately after
the accident?
Note: You should support your answer, where applicable, using
relevant information from the scenario.

Ans : (a)
1. preserving evidence: A untouched evidence could help to find out exact
root cause of accident. as scenario mentioned there is broken rungs are still on
the floor below. Correct and exact evidence can figure out the cause of accident
and get help to correct implementation.
2.Documentation and reporting: Proper documentation and correct reporting
are the key for Accident investigation. Scenario seems there is absence of
documentation like inspection for wooden ladder and also workers are not used
to for reporting. Broken ladder might be rectified or isolated for not use if proper
documenting and reporting sequence are followed in BB.
3.Reducing Further Risks: Risk level can be decreased by the secured
accident area. In scenario accident involved evidence still are kept on floor and
area still open. Unsecured scene can pose further risk for children and stuff both.
4.Learning from the accident: Proper securing the accident can produce more
information and lesson for reduce next Risk level. IN BB can hold individual
investigation to finding mistakes and it can provide opportunity to learn from
accident . Without lesson learn from any accident it highly chances to repeat
again .
5.Build proactive approach and safety culture : Safe working environment
culture and proactive approach always make Safe Work sequence. In scenario
seems that lack of safety training , emergency procedure among stuffs ,
knowledge of accident investigation procedure which are produces disorganized
of safety culture and proactive approach.

How could improvements in communication have helped to prevent the


ANS: (b)
1. Making Communication bridge between staff and management : A good
communication always produce Safe environment for organization. IN BB Dm
comment about ‘’more important tasks” suggest they might not fully understood
or value the importance among stuffs regarding safety. Lack of open
communication can hider the flow of Safety information.
2.Regular review of health and safety documentation: Dailey basis
reviewing safety documentation like update risk assessments and policies
would help identified the hazard and also documents are update with
correct name and signature . In scenario mentioned there is general risk
assessment and document signed by previous owner. By regularly
reviewing the health and safety documentation build transparency for BB
and also can reduce Risk level.

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