A Level Chemistry Paper 2 Exam 20

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Exam 20


For Marking guide contact and consultations: Dr. Bbosa Science 0776 802709.

Attempt five questions, including three questions from section A and any two from section B.
Begin each question on a fresh page.
Illustrate your answers with equations where applicable.

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Answer three questions from this section)

1.a) Explain what is meant by the term ideal solution. (3 marks)

b) At standard atmospheric pressure, hydrochloric acid and water form a constant boiling point
mixture having a boiling point of 1100C at composition 20% by mass of hydrochloric acid.
i) Define the term constant boiling point mixture. (02 marks)
ii) Sketch a labeled diagram of the boiling point composition for hydrochloric acid and water
(The boiling points of water and hydrochloric acid are 100 0C and 850C respectively). (3 marks)
iii) Describe what would happen if a mixture of 10% hydrochloric acid is fractionaly distilled.
(3 marks)

c) The vapour pressure of ethanol at 200C is 43.6mmHg while that of benzene at the same
temperature is 75.2mmHg. The mole fraction of benzene is 0.09 for a mixture of benzene and
ethanol at 200C
i) The vapour pressure of the mixture. (04 marks)
ii) The mole fraction of benzene in the vapour phase. (2 marks)

d) A mixture of naphthalene C10H8 and water distills at 98.3OC and 753mmHg. Calculate the
composition of the distillate as a percentage by mass. The vapour pressure of water at 98.3OC
is 715mmHg. (3 marks)
2. Complete the following equations and in each case outline the mechanism for the reaction
a) CH3CH=CHCH3 Br2/H2O (04 marks)

b) CH3CHBrCH2Br CH3CH2O-Na+ (03 marks)


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c) CH3CHCH3 Conc H2SO4 (3 marks)

d) (CH3)3CBr C2H5O-K+/C2H50H (03 marks)

e) CH3CH=CHCH3 Cl2/H2O (03 MARKS)

f) (CH3)2C=CH2 + I2 CCl4 (03 marks)

3. Carbon, silicon, tin and lead are elements in group (iv) of the periodic table.
a) State;
i) The common oxidation states shown by elements in group (iv) of the periodic table. (01
ii) How the stability of the oxidation states of group IV elements vary down the group.
(Illustrate your answer with the chlorides of carbon and lead)
b) Give a reason for your answer in a) ii) (01 mark)
c) Discuss the reactions of the chlorides of each element with water. (06 marks)
d) Write equations for the reaction between;
i) The oxide of each element and sodium hydroxide. (06 marks)
ii) Lead (iv) oxide and concentrated hydrochloric acid. ( 1 ½ marks)
iii) Lead (iv) oxide and warm concentrated hydrochloric acid . ( 1 ½ marks)

4.a) Define the following terms

i) Hydration energy
ii) Lattice energy
iii)Enthalpy of solution. ( 4 ½ marks)
b) State two factors which can affect the magnitude of lattice energy and explain how they
affect the lattice energy. (04 marks)

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c) Some thermo chemical data are given below
The standard enthalpy of formation of CaCl2 is -795KJmol-1
The standard energy of atomization of calcium is +590KJmol-1
The first ionization energy of calcium is +590KJMol-1
The second ionization energy of calcium is +1100KJmol -1
The standard enthalpy of atomization of chlorine is +121KJmol -1
The first electron affinity of chlorine is -364KJmol -1
Calculate the lattice energy of calcium chloride. ( 3 ½ marks)

d) The lattice and hydration energies of salts AX and BX are given in the table below.
Lattice energy/ KJmol-1 Hydration energy/KJmol-1
AX +880 -860
BX +790 -800

i) Calculate the enthalpy of solution of each salt. (3 marks)

ii) Which of the two salts is more soluble in water at a given temperature? Give a
reason. (2 marks)
e) Explain why hydrated copper (iii) sulphate crystals dissolve endothermically whereas
anhydrous copper (ii) sulphate dissolve exothermically. (3 marks)

Answer two questions from this section

5. Explain each of the following observations.

a) The first ionization energy of aluminium is less than that of magnesium. (4 marks)
b) Silicon tetrachloride fumes in moist air. (04 marks)
c) A mixture of water (boiling point 1000C) and benzene (boiling point 800C) boils at 700C at 1
atmosphere. (4 marks)
d) The elements of group (ii) of the periodic table are harder and have higher melting and
boiling points than group (i) (4 marks)

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e) Boron trichloride BCl3 is a non polar molecule where as nitrogen trichloride. NCl 3 is polar. (04

6.a) Differentiate between order and molecularity of a reaction. ( 5 marks)

b) The table below shows some data for the reaction;

A + 2B C DH = + QKJMol-1

Experiment Concentration of A Concentration of B Rate

(moldm-3) (moldm-3) (moldm-3s-1)
1 1.00x 10-2 2. 80 x 10-3 2.1
Ii 5.00 x 10-3 2.80 x 10-3 1.1
iii 1.00 x 10-2 5.60 x 10-3 4.3

i) Determine the order of the reaction with respect to A and B. (2 marks)

ii) Write the rate equation for the reaction. (1 mark)
iii) Calculate the rate of the reaction when the concentrations of A and B are
8.50 x 10-3 moldm-3 and 3.83x 10-3 moldm-3 respectively. (3 marks)
c) State what would happen to the order of the reaction in b) if B was in large excess?
Explain your answer. (3 marks)
d) Draw a fully labeled energy diagram for the reaction in b). (4 marks)

7. Write equations to show how each of the following compounds can be synthesized. In
each case indicate the reagents and the conditions for the reactions.
a) Ethyne from ethanol. (4 marks)
b) CH3CONH2 from ethene (04 marks)
c) CH3CH2CH2 COOH from Propan -1-Ol (04 marks)

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d) CH3CH2CH3 from 1- bromobutane (04 marks)
e) Propanane from ethanol (04 marks)

8. a) A solution containing 20g of a polymer x in 1 litre of a solvent exerts an osmotic

pressure of 1.4mmHg at 250C.

i) Explain what is meant by the term osmosis. (2 marks)

ii) Calculate the molecular mass of X. ( 4 marks)
iv) The molecular formula of the monomer of X is (CH2 = CHCN)
Determine the number of monomer units in X. (2 marks)

v) Draw the general structural formula of X. ( 1 mark)

vi) Explain why the freezing point depression method is not suitable for determining the
molecular mass of a polymer. (2 marks)
b) Describe how the molecular mass of a substance can be determined by the freezing point
depression method. (6 marks)
iii) Calculate the freezing point depression of the solvent in a). (The freezing point constant
of the solvent is 50C per litre). (3 marks)


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