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?1. An open friendly manner is ������ of this region.


?2.The children have been as good as gold. So well- �����.


?3.I thought his comment about my putting on too much weight was quite�����.

?4. Our decision to go on holiday abroad was very �������. The weather at home was

?5. My sister in really self-�������. She can join in a group without any

?6.I read the newspapers every day because I like to be well-����� about what�s
going on in the world.

?7.The �������. paragraph gives the background to their research project.

?8.These are very �����.. times, and it may be a while before everything returns to
- current

?9.There has been a dramatic ���..... in the way we see modern society.

?10.The graph shows a �����.. contrast between UK and US sales.


?11.There was only a �����.. change in the data between 2000 and 2010.

?12. The archaeologists uncovered several important ������.. at the site.


?13. We can all show our ������ in some way through our clothes and personal style.


?14.When I lost my job, I tried to maintain a sense of �������. by dressing in my

usual work clothes each day.
-private area

?15. Many people see smoking as a type of ������� behavior nowadays.

- social

?16.There was a worrying article recently about the social �������. of modern
- interaction

?17.At work, you make friends with people of different ages and outside of your ���

?18. It's a very������ community and people are generally very supportive

?19. The company was forced to close when the ������� effects of their products
were discovered.

?20.She was so sick today that it is highly �����. your teacher will be absent

?21. The ����. company spent millions of dollars marketing their new wonder drug.
?22. When the two substances are mixed, a �����.. reaction takes place.

?23.Although the drug is very effective, it does have some unpleasant ������
+side effects

?24.There is no need to worry about being near other people as the condition is
only slightly �����

?25. I thought it was ������ knowledge that she was pregnant


?26.The results were������ with the previous tests we had undertaken

- theory

?27. The idea of manual����� doesn't appeal to me at all.


?28. It's important to set clear goals and map out your �������.. path.

?29.We made one last�����.. effort to move the broken-down vehicle.


?30.My father's knowledge ���� trains was almost encyclopedic.


?31.People who worked in the �����. industry were not generally well respected in

?32. There are some really large �����. along the motorway as you come into town.
-banner ads

?33.Marketing people hope to ���.. more customers by offering free samples

- appeal

?34. The queue at the checkout was really long, which was annoying because I only
had one................

?35.The salesman managed to������.. me to buy a new printer as well as a computer.


?36. While backpacking in a quiet, traditional region, I came across the

seemingly������.. fast food
ads typical of my hometown.

?37.��������. is a real problem on the island as there are no buses or cars


?38. Ecotourism has been shown to have a negative������.. on the environment

- influencing

?39.The behavior of ����.. can cause many problems for local inhabitants.

?40. The hotel was located in a very �������. area of the country with no
neighbors for miles

?41. The building was designed by ������. renowned architect, Frank Lloyd Wright.

?42. The new resort was designed to be as �������. friendly as possible.


?43.The�����. has agreed to review the new tax system.

-political system

?44.The local ������. Imposed a new tax on vehicles travelling in the city in the
rush hour
-prime minister

?45. We live in a �����.. society where shopping is all-important.


?46. The policy was perceived to be a deliberate attempt to ������ the public

?47. People often try to blame others............ their problems


?48. Every country needs to have clear foreign ������.


?49. I think ���� to animals is terrible. They should be treated with respect.

?50.There are ants everywhere. There must be a ������. under the floor.

?51. I enjoy taking photographs of the�����.. whenever I manage to escape the city.

?52. A�����. of cattle walked slowly towards the farmhouse.


?53.Increased logging caused many species in the area to be ������..


?54. The ideal������ for bees is a hole in a tree that is not too close to the

?55. The aurora borealis is a spectacular though�������.. light display caused by

millions of explosions

?56. ������. can be a health problem for people working for long periods in space.

?57.The two galaxies underwent a crash lasting two billion years

?58.Scientists believe that dinosaurs became extinct when a meteor �����. with

?59. A balloon can ����.. easily if it hits a sharp object.


?60. We added water to����.. the mixture because it was too strong.

?61.Mobile phones make me feel............................. to the wor1d around me.


?62.Despite the advantages of wireless internet connections, technology seems

more .............................than ever.

?63.The school banned social networking sites

when .............................became a problem.
-illegal downloads
-internet fraud
+cyber bullying
-security threats
-legal downloads

?64.Natural materials such as .............................are much more in demand

- nylon

?65.You can slow the train down by ..........................on this lever.

- braking

?66.Everything in the house could be operated with just the press of

a ..............................
- dial
- nall

?67.I have to dress up a lot for work, so at the weekend I prefer to wear something
more ............................. .

?68.That skirt Is a real fashion ............................. . I don't think I've

ever seen one like it before.
- conscious
- follower

?69.Growing consumerism causes environmental problems because of how much we need

to ............................ of as a result.
- hoard

?70.Putting varnish onwoodis one way of


?71.It's not your salary but your.............................that retailers are

really interested in.
-domestic product
- private property
- consumerism

?72.Most of the residents of this community have a large

disposable ............................. .
- profit

?73.While I enjoyed the restfulness, I felt too cut off. The place was just
too .............................for me.

?74.The biggest problem we have is the traffic .............................on our

- pollution

?75.We hope our good .............................and a strong workforce will

encourage morecompanies to base themselves here.

?76.The huge influx of people and a lack of cheap housing led to an increase the area.

?77.The council are encouraging high-rise apartments to try to stop the

urban ............................ .
?78.We are carrying out a comparative study of health problems in urban
- countryside

?79.The visiting politician's criticism of the government caused a lot

of .............................

?80.The failure to control the dumping of waste into the river system has been
a............................disaster for the ecosystem.

?81.To .............................sunburn, you need to reapply sunscreen every

three hours.
+ avoid

?82.We finished the job. but only with great ............................

+ difficulty

?83.Gale force winds.............................the progress of the rescue teams.


?84.The arrival of the enormous telephone bill ............................a

further problem.
?85.The............................strike caused a great deal of damage to the

?86.It remains to be seen if the president can weather the

political............................caused by his remarks.

?87.At the moment we are far too dependent on ............................fuels to

meet our energy needs. @@fossil

?88.The ............................was built to shorten the trip for ships

travelling to the United States.

?89.He was carried along by the ............................until he found himself

well out oi'his depth.

?90.The farmers in the area dug .............................ditches for their


?91.����..power generally requires the building of dam

- Nuclear

?92.One problem with wind ���.. is that they can spoil the natural environment

?93.If everyone ���.. less energy, then fossil fuels would last longer.

?94. Our coal �.produce harmful chemicals


?95.The government is seeking to ����.. carbon emissions from power stations


?96.Although the country is rich in natural .............................. they

don't have the facilities to exploit them.

?97.Many banks don't have a reputation for

good ................. ...........service.

?98.Our small company .............................with a much larger one last year

and tripled in size.

?99.Our business is so strong in Brazil that we've decided to

set .............................our own office there.

?100.I was put in charge .............................100 staff and had an annual

turnover of $10 million.

?101. I didn't want to .............................the deadline so Iaskedallof the

staff to work overtime.

?102. We tend to graduates and train them


?103.These men are .............................criminals with previous convictions

for violent crime.

?104. If you .............................a crime, you should be punished for ii.


?105. There are marked differences in .............................crime and the

types of crime carried out by adults.
- petty
+ juvenile

?106. Children should be taught to accept the

consequences .........................their actions.

?107. Because of the extent of the damage caused, everyone was shocked that the
vandals received such a............................punishment.

?108. We really shouldn't .............................acts of violence like this.

+approve of

? fame following an Oscar nomination for his

roleIn Hamlet.

?110. When it comes to advertising, our preferred .............................Is


?111.There has been a lot the media as to who will

be chosento light the Olympic Flame.
?112. It's important for the judges to remain they
are not told the names of the artists until the judging is complete.

?113.I much prefer watching a play on the stage to watching it

on ..............................

?114.The serious newspapers decided not to run the story, but

the .............................featured it on their front pages.

?115.There was an outcry when the gallery decided to............................the

work of a convicted criminal.

?116.You can see examples of his.............................on our website.


?117.I enjoy most seafood but I have never managed

to .............................a taste for oysters.

?118.Replace the underlined phrase with the correct synonym

I would like to be noticeable in the crowd. I would rather look the same as
everyone else.
-drop out (of)
-blend in (with)
-join in
-opt out (of
+fit in (with)

?119.Complete the sentence below

Many rich people ______ their wealth through their expensive cars and grand houses.

?120.Find out the correct variant

A group of people who all help and support each other
-vibrant community
+close-knit community
-ethnic community
-farming community
-the rural community

?121. Find out the word with the sound /s/


?122. Find out the appropriate word the given definition below. a form of transport
that travels regularly between two places.

?123. Complete the sentence with the correct word

People often give in to peer group_______ to conform, simply to make life easier

?124.Fill in the phrasal verb in the sentence below with correct preposition
New migrants may feel that by changing to assimilate �. their new community, they
are losing some part of their individuality.
?125. Odd one word out

?126. Complete the sentence with the correct word

I do not believe he said that; it would be really out of

?127. Replace the underlined word with the similar meaning

We'd been a little apprehensive about their visit.

?128.Choose the correct noun to complete the sentence.The story is told that there
are two �����among psychologists, optimists and pessimists, who see the glass as
half full or half empty, respectively.

?129.Select the appropriate noun to complete the sentence..The qualitative

�����..of men and women's friendships was often distinctive, although mediated by
social class and area differences.

?130.Choose the correct noun to complete the sentence. The need for further
research is to quantify the differences in opinions of patients of different
�����..and clarify the reasons for such differences.

?131.Find out the correct adjective to complete the sentence. Some experts say that
home-schooled children may not receive a���.. education.

?132.Find out the correct adjective to complete the sentence. ����...women showed
higher levels of use than women with little or no education.

?133.Choose the correct adjective to complete the sentence. One of the objects of
promoting thrift is to make the individual more ����� and give him a higher sense
of personal responsibility.

?134.Select the appropriate adjective to complete the sentence. He was somewhat

�����. when he categorized some of the work that he deals with in his surgeries as
low-level administrative work.

?135.Find out the correct adjective to complete the sentence. Some reported a
change in their own behavior toward their spouses, such as being more �����. and
less argumentative.

?136.Identify the correct adjective to make the sentence coherent. They were fairly
����� devices and only offered security from one side: anyone could unlock them
from the other side.

?137.Select the appropriate adjective to complete the sentence. The first three
articles in this ���� issue offer different perspectives on the role of medicine,
science, medical borders, and immigration.
-status quo

?138.Replace the underlined phrase in the sentence with suitable phrasal verb.
I feel uncomfortable if I�m forced to participate in group activities.
-Fit in
+Join in
-Blend in
-Opt out
-Drop out

?139.Complete the sentence with the correct ending.

In the past, tattoos were judged to be harmful to _________________.

?140.Complete the gap.

The ________________ paragraph gives the background to their research project.

?141.Choose the correct answer.

Although the drug is very effective, it does have some unpleasant
+Side effects

?142.Complete the sentence.

There are no cars allowed on the island so the area is completely ________________.

?143. Fill in the gap.

Marketing people hope to ___________ more customers by offering free samples.

?144.The new resort was designed to be as _____________ friendly as possible.


?145.Choose the synonym for the word transient.


?146.Find the antonym of the word mundane.


?147.Complete the gap.

Despite the advantages of wireless internet connections, technology seems more
________ than ever.

?148.Find the prefix to the adjective �understood�.


?149.Find the synonym of the word �plausible�.


?150.It was the circulation of Pickwick Papers in 1836 that young Dickens began to
enjoy a truly _________________ ascent into the favour of the British reading

?151.________________ is absorbed during childhood.


?152.What does it mean contemporary painting?


?153.Find the opposite meaning of the adjective �relevant�.


?154.Whose is this quote - People without the knowledge of their past history,
origin and culture is like a tree without roots.
-Mark Twain
-Ray Bradbury
+Marcus Garvey
-Ellen Dissanayake
-J.K. Rowling

?155.Find two synonyms of the word �conventional�.

-Extraordinary and rare
+Traditional and typical
-Strange and unique
-Foreign and new
-Exotic and rare

?156.Find the opposite meaning of the adjective �cultivated�.


?157.Choose the adjectives which describe character use the prefixes self
-anxious, clumsy, confident
-dressed, educated, tactful
-sensitive, deprecating, informed
-adjusted, behaved, bred
+centred, confident, assured

?158.Choose the adjectives which describe character use the prefixes well
-absorbed, reliant, assured
-centred, confident, assured
+dressed, educated, brought-up
-informed, mannered, important
-conscious, tactful, liked

?159.Complete the sentence: Dedication, commitment and knowledge are all �������.
of a good teacher.

?160.Complete the sentence: Children may display �����.. of either of their


?161.Find words with a similar meaning to the phrase young people

-old people
-experienced one
-sophisticated people

?162.Find the correct meaning of look down on

+having an attitude of superiority
-see popularity as a desirable trait
-perceived to
-to think of or treat (someone or something) as unimportant or not worthy of
-to search everywhere

?163.Complete the sentence: Visual learners could create their own ���� .

?164.A kinaesthetic is a type of learners who ��..

+will not learn well from a lecture, they would learn better from taking part in a
-would prefer to use a diagram
-can create their own game
-would much rather listen to a lecture than read written notes, and they often use
their own voices to reinforce new concepts and ideas.
-are drawn to expression through writing, reading articles or books, writing in
diaries, looking up words in the dictionary and searching the internet for just
about everything.

?165.Complete the sentence: Being well-liked tells us more about someone�s �������
than being popular.
+true character

?166.What is the word for �feeling undue awareness of oneself, one's appearance, or
one's actions�?

?167.Choose the correct word to complete the sentence.

The exhibition contains faded photographs reminding us of a______ era.

?168.Find the synonym for change:


?169.Complete the sentence with a suitable adverb.

We are pleased with the _______ progress on technical issues.

?170. Read the sentence and choose the synonym of the underlined word
They cost a tremendous amount of money.
?171.Choose the correct answer.
The amounts of radioactivity present were ________.

?172.Choose the correct word to complete the sentence.

We are slowly witnessing a __________ movement in favour of surveillance.

?173. Find the antonym for immense:


?174.Complete the sentence with a suitable adjective.

The transformation was quick and ________, not at all violent.

?175. Read the sentence and choose the synonym of the underlined word
The author builds up a useful composite picture of contemporary consumer culture.

?176. Choose the correct answer.

The consumer price index showed a slow and ________ increase from 1979 to 2009.

?177.Complete the sentence: On New Year�s Day, people often stop and reflect on all
that happened in the ��������. .

?178. What does the word �contemporary� means?

+belonging to or occurring in the present
-in or according to styles or types no longer current; not modern
-coming before something in order, position, or time
- Immediate relevance, interest, or importance owing to its relation to current
-belonging to an earlier time

?179.Find the correct meaning of bygone

-immediate relevance, interest, or importance owing to its relation to current
+belonging to an earlier time
-belonging to or occurring in the present
-conditions or practices conducive to maintaining health and preventing disease,
especially through cleanliness
-coming before something in order, position, or time

?180.Complete the sentence: In previous years, the library was always very busy,
but our ������� students seem to prefer to study in the privacy of their own room.

?181.Find words with a similar meaning to the word present

-bygone, status quo
-preceding, current
+contemporary, immediate
-retrospect, preceding
-bygone, topical

?182. Find words with a similar meaning to the word past

+retrospect, bygone
-preceding, current
-bygone, topical
-nowadays, contemporary
-immediate, status quo

?183.Complete the sentence: This has been a �����. period involving a great deal of
struggle and hardship. But it is a necessary part of our evolution.

?184.Find a word with a similar meaning to the verb kept safe


?185.Find the synonym for large

+enormous, huge
-moderate, gradual
-immense, minor
-profound, moderate
-extraordinary, minor

?186. Synonym of change


?187.Find the correct definition of phrasal verb blend in with

+to look or seem the same as surrounding people or things and therefore not be
easily noticeable
-to be much better than other similar things or people
-be socially compatible with other members of a group
-find room or have sufficient space for someone or something
-escape from someone's hold

?188.Replace the underlined phrase: I feel uncomfortable if I�m forced to

participate in group activities.
-stand out
-fit in
+join in
-drop out
-opt out

?189. Complete the sentence: Many rich people ������.. their wealth through their
expensive cars and grand houses.

?190.Synonym for usual


?191.Find out the word with the sound /?/


?192.Find the adjective which can be collocate with the adverb highly

?193.Find the adjective which can be collocate with the adverb absolutely

?194.Find a word or phrase with a similar meaning to the polluted location

-possible interaction
-side effects
+contaminated site

?195.What is a definition of infection?

+the state produced by the establishment of one or more pathogenic agents (such as
a bacteria, protozoans, or viruses) in or on the body of a suitable host.
-a level of exposure to or absorption of ionizing radiation
-containing or being poisonous material especially when capable of causing serious
injury or death
-a mixture of carbon and hydrogen
-a chemical that combines two or more elements

?196.Choose the correct word to complete the sentence.

Celebrities are extremely __________ in setting fashion trends.
- skewed

?197.Find the synonym for flaunt:

-fit in with
+show off

?198.Choose the correct definition of the phrasal verb �break away�

-eventually reach some conclusion or destination
-happen as a consequence of another event
+to escape from a person, place, or situation
-to verify a person or thing
-change an opinion or see a new point of view

?199.Read the sentence and choose a similar meaning to the underlined words.
Some people try to be different from the group.
-the norm

?200. Choose the correct answer.

The amounts of radioactivity present were ________.

?201.Choose the correct word to complete the sentence.

It was a ______ decision made at the end of the meeting.

?202.Find the antonym for influential:


?203. Complete the sentence with a suitable adjective.

In developed countries, smoking is now seen as anti-social ����__________.

?204. Read the sentence and choose the synonym of the underlined word
When people feel isolated and rejected, they sometimes abandon society altogether.
-join in
-fit in with
+drop out of
-blend in with
-break down

?205.Find out the word with the sound /?/:


?206.Find the right definition, which means strongly criticized or disapproved.


?207.Find the right definition, which means careful attention and great care.

?208.What is the word for �stylish and fashionable�?


?209.What is the another meaning of �vehicle�?


?210.Find the correct definition that means �closed".


?211.Select the right word to the sentence. Everybody is concerned right now with
the financial � of the whole country.

?212.Find the correct meaning of the word �skewed�

+not accurate or exact
-to divide something into different parts
-not even or smooth
-not loud, bright and noticeable
-a hard outer covering

?213. What is a synonym for the word �opt out (of)�?

-participate, join in, take part
-to be suitable, to be correct
-to look the same
-to be noticeable
+leave, withdraw, abandon

?214.What is the closest meaning of �break away (from)�?

-to be much better than others
-to belong to a group
+to get away from; escape from someone�s hold
-to be involved in something
-to display proudly or show off

?215.Fill in the space with the appropriate word. Each of these products is aimed
at a specific market ....

?216.Find the correct word according to the given definition

A chemical found in diamonds and coal

?217.Find out the appropriate definition of the following word

-something that can act like a metal
+the amount of medicine you should take
-a chemical that combines two or more elements
-a mixture of carbon and hydrogen
-a commonly told story not based on fact

?218.Replace the words in italics with the similar meaning

Many of us are expose to a range of toxic substances in our daily lives and an idea
known as �urban myth�, that being exposed to chemicals once can put us in danger.
-harmless, concept
-poisonous, reality
-safe, reality
+poisonous, notion
-venomous, concrete

?219.Which words can be collocate with the adverb absolutely

-crucial, unusual, skilled
-vital, awful, difficult
-terrible, awful, angry
-educated, important, magnificent
+crucial,, superb, necessary

?220.Choose the appropriate word

A household chemical product used to disinfect

?221.Modify the sentence with a suitable adverb

We found the acidity of the soil was _____ lower than the week before

?222.What is the meaning of the following word?

- arelease of gas
-a chemical found in diamonds and coal
-the chemical derived from petrol or natural gas
+a natural or chemical material used by farmers to help grow crops
-the different types of synthetic material which can be moulded and shaped to make
many products

?223.Give the correct definition to the given word

-a very harmful or unpleasant in a pervasive or insidious way.
-a distinct compound or substance, especially one which has been artificially
prepared or purified.
-a situation involving exposure to danger.
-a chemical that combines to or more elements
+a polluting or poisonous substance that makes something impure.

?224.Odd one word out


?225.Choose the correct word for this definition.

A chemical element that is contained in all animals and plants, and that is an
important part of other substances such as coal and oil.
-Carbon dioxide

?226.Choose the correct definition of the word" metalloid"

-a natural or chemical substance that is spread on the land or given to plants, to
make plants grow well
-a chemical element that is contained in all animals and plants, and that is an
important part of other substances such as coal and oil
-the gas formed when carbon is burned, or when people or animals breathe out
-a chemical combination of hydrogen and carbon, such as in oil or petrol
+a chemical element with some of the properties of a metal and some of a non-metal

?227.Find the right word that matches this sentence.

No reduction in chemical ����� use for potatoes and silage corn was observed and
increased crop yields were unlikely

?228. Find the correct noun that matches this sentence.

Farmers were not only losing their share, but the water quality was also
deteriorating every year due to the increasing use of �����.
-carbone dioxide

?230.Which of the following adjectives can be collocated with the adverb

-Probable, anxious
+Terrible, necessary
-Addictive, disappointing
-Unusual, difficult
-Controversial, recommended

?231.Fill in the space with the correct �medicine� word.

In spite of lower �����. with the spray, the effect seems to be favorable, probably
due to better absorption in the nasal mucosa
-natural remedies

?232.Decide which of these definitions corresponds to the word "protein".

-a small container with medicine inside that you swallow
+one of the many substances found in food such as meat, cheese, fish, or eggs, that
is necessary for the body to grow and be strong
-an unpleasant effect of a drug, medical treatment, or vaccine that happens in
addition to the main intended effect
-a chemical that combines two or more elements
-a condition in which bacteria or viruses that cause disease have entered the body

?233.Define which of the following adjectives can be collocated with the adverb
-Essential, necessary, vital, crucial
-Awful, terrible, scary
+Addictive, probable, unusual, valued
-Probable, controversial, essential
-Disappointing , overweighting, useless

?234.What kind of products can contain toxic chemicals?

+Detergent, antifreeze
-Capsule, dosage

?235.Complete the sentence with the appropriate words that are used in combination
with contamination.
All procedures were performed in highly sterile conditions to
avoid ..................
-asbestos contamination
-biological contamination
+bacterial contamination
-medical contamination
-poisonous contamination

?236.The process of experimenting with various methods of doing something until one
finds the most successful.
-physical exertion
+trial and error
-concerted effort
-strenuous exercise
-human endeavor

?237.What is meant by on-the-job training?

-the supply of jobs available
+learning while you work
-enough pay to live on
-having the right skills to get a job
-skills and education that prepare you for a job

?238.Complete the sentence with the correct word from below.

There is little ����.. for the costs and effectiveness of these new treatments.

?240.The activity of exerting your muscles in various ways to keep fit.

-concerted effort
-strenuous exercise
-human endeavor
+physical exertion
-trial and error

?241.What is another word for �job vacancy�?

-a living wage
-areas of interest
-learning while you work
-career path
+position available

?242.Complete the sentence with the correct word.

The central and regional political leadership have put no �����.. into mobilizing
-strenuous exercise
-trial and error
-human endeavor
+concerted effort
-physical exertion

?243.The activity or action that involves a lot of energy or effort

-trial and error
-concerted effort
+strenuous exercise
-physical exertion
-human endeavor

?244.Find the definition of the word �job market�.

-capable of being employed
+the number of jobs that are available in a particular place or for a particular
type of work
-a job which has not been filled
-providing knowledge and skills that prepare you for a particular job
-training that is given to an employee at their workplace while they are doing the

?245.Fill in the sentence with the correct form of the verbs below.
The government is �����that unemployment will continue to fall.

?246.The way that you progress in your work

-on-the-job training
-vocational education
-human endeavor
+career path
-concerted effort
?247.Complete the sentence: Thanks to afew classes at university, I have �������..
of Russian.
+limited knowledge
-local knowledge
-common knowledge
-broaden knowledge
-detailed knowledge

?248.Use a preposition: His knowledge ��. classical knowledge is amazing.


?249. Find the adjective form of formula


?250.Similar meaning to profoundly influence

-carried out
+strongly affect

?251.Find out a definition: employable

-the supply jobs available
-positions available
+having the right skills to get a job
-learning while you work
-a term used to describe lazy person

?252.Complete the sentence: Building the pyramids was an amazing feat of �����. .
-trial and error
+physical activity
-concerted effort
-mental concentration
-strenuous exercise

?253.Complete the sentence: When I lost my job, I tried to maintain a sense of

����� by dressing in my usual work clothes each day.
?254.Find the appropriate word: I thought it was ���.. knowledge that she was

?255.Put the correct preposition: My father�s knowledge ��� trains was almost

?256.Replace the highlighted phrasal verb: The study was carried out by Kirk

?257.The person, who trusts someone quickly is


?258.Find the synonym of the word �infinitesimal�


?259.�To look down on� means

+Regard someone with the feeling of superiority
-Investigate something
-Await something eagerly
-To search for something or someone
-Try to notice someone or something

?260.On New Year�s Day, people often stop and reflect on all that happened in the
________ year.
?261.Find the line with synonyms of the word �tremendous�
-Incredible, deep, accurate
-Significant, irresolute, important
-Imperceptible, dismal, apprehensive
-Self-conscious, self-confident, gullible
+Great, gigantic, vast

?262.A part or quantity that is left after the greater part has been used, removed
or destroyed is �

?263.�To stand out from� means

-Persist in opposition or support of something
-Project from a surface
+Be more impressive or important than others
-To be an abbreviation or symbol of something
-Refuse to tolerate something

?264.�To opt out� means

+Choose not to participate in something
-To decide to be involved in something
-To take part in something
-To be forced to be in something
-To be forced not to participate in something

?265.Find the synonym of the word �profound�


?267.�Sweeping� as adjective is

?268.Find out the correct meaning of the given definition. Easily persuaded to
believe something;, credulous.
?269.The way you behave,feel and think, especially socially.

?270.A combination of qualities

which make someone different from other people.

?271.Thing that are typical or noticeable about a person or thing (it can be a noun
or an adjective)

?272.Find the odd word out


?273. Choose the adjective with the prefix well-.


?274.Complete the sentence with the correct preposition. We have made some changes
�.. the design

?275. Complete the sentence with the appropriate word in the below. The exhibition
contains faded photographs reminding us of a��.era.
-Status quo
?276. Identify the word concerning the change that refers to the past.
-Status quo

?277. Find the odd adjective out


?278.Choose the correct word to complete the sentence.

The oil spill caused a great deal of _______ to seabirds.

?279. Find the antonym for ruin:


?280. Complete the sentence with a suitable adverb.

Patients with diseases that are _________ contagious are isolated in a special

?281. Read the sentence and choose the synonym of the underlined word
The human species evolved some two million years ago.
-became known
+developed gradually

?282.Choose the correct answer.

The salesman managed to _______ me to buy a new printer.@@control

?283.Choose the correct word to complete the sentence.

Space programmes require ________ sums of money.

?284. Find the synonym for absorb:


?285.Complete the sentence with a suitable verb form.

Turbines are used to _______ the energy from the wind.

?286. Read the sentence and choose the synonym of the underlined word
Some companies are prejudiced against taking on employees over 40.

?287. Choose the correct answer.

The government is seeking to _______ carbon emissions from power stations.

?288. I like rap, rock and classical music, so my tastes are pretty�����������.

?289. The book was so .............................that I fell asleep before I'd

finished the first page.
-badly explained

?290.Using only very dark, black and white images, the film maker painted a
very .............................picture of the countryside.

?291. I like to work through a l st of .............................words rather

than just study random vocabulary.
- idiom

?292.A ................... .......dictionary is more suitable for elementary level

students than advanced students.

?293.In a reading text, you may be able to work out the meaning of a word from
its .............................

?294.IELTS reading and listening questions often

feature ........ ....................of the words in the text

?295.A good dictionary will tell you if a word is ............................ and

so may cause offence.
?296.The workers were given an...................... return to work by the
end of the day or they would be sacked.
- ultimate

?297.It�s important to 'speed read' a text before answering any questions to get
the ...................... ...... of the topic.

?298.When reading a text, remember that some words

may ............................backwards to something mentioned earlier in the

?299.New technology has opened up a new............................of research.


?300. ............................,no one in the audience noticed when the heel of

my shoe fell off.

?301.Although he was only a...... ....................., he realized the change was

a significant one and notified his supervisor.

?302.It's important to ............................ new words if you want to widen

your vocabulary.
- realize
+ practice

?303.Almost.............................of the people involved in the study had

completed tertiary education.

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