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(An Autonomous Institution Affiliated to Anna University, Chennai)



Question Paper Code : 200315

Seventh Semester

Electronics and Communication Engineering


(Regulation 2019)
Answer ALL questions

PART A – (10 × 2 = 20 marks)

1. What is meant by roots of cloud computing?

2. ● Internet
3. ● Hardware
4. ● System Management
5. ● Distributed
The roots of cloud computing are sub-divided into four types.
 Internet Technologies
 Hardware
 System Management
 Distributed Computing

2. What is the use of a cloud computing?

 On-demand provisioning Universal access

 Enhanced Reliability Measures Services
 Multitentency Resource Pooling
 Elasticity Scalability
 High Availability Maintenance
 Security

3. What is a cloud-hypervisor?
The hypervisor is generally a program or a combination of software and hardware that
allow the abstraction of the underlying physical hardware.
Hypervisors is a fundamental element of hardware virtualization is the hypervisor, or
virtual machine manager (VMM).

4. Define virtualization.

Virtualization is a technique, which allows to share single physical instance of an application

or resource among multiple organizations or tenants (customers). Virtualization is a technique
of how to separate a service from the underlying physical delivery of that service. It is the
process of creating a virtual version of something like computer hardware.

5. Compare various types of cloud.

Difference Public Private Hybrid

Tenancy Multi-tenancy: the Single tenancy:  Data stored in the public

data of multiple Single organizations cloud is multi-tenant.
organizations in data is stored in the  Data stored in private
stored in a shared cloud. cloud is Single
environment. Tenancy.
Exposed to Yes: anyone can No: Only the  Services on private
the Public use the public organization itself cloud can be accessed
cloud services. can use the private only by the
cloud services. organization’s users
 Services on public
cloud can be
accessedby anyone.
Data Center Anywhere on the Inside the  Private Cloud- Present
Location Internet organization’s in organization’s
network. network.
 Public Cloud -
anywhere on the
Cloud Service Cloud service Organization has  Organization manages
Management provider manages their own the private cloud.
the services. administrators  Cloud Service
managing services Provider(CSP) manages
the public cloud.
Hardware CSP provides all Organization  Private Cloud –
Components the hardware. provides hardware. organization provides
 Public Cloud – Cloud
service Provider
Expenses Less Cost Expensive when Cost required for setting
compared to public up private cloud.

6. Define IaaS.
Infrastructure or Hardware-as-a-Service (IaaS/HaaS) solutions are the most popular and
developed market segment of cloud computing. They deliver customizable infrastructure on

7. Write types of cloud computing attacks.

 Denial-of-Service Attacks. ...
 Account Hijacking. ...
 User Account Compromise. ...
 Cloud Malware Injection Attacks. ...
 Insider Threats. ...
 Side-Channel Attacks. ...
 Cookie Poisoning. ...
 Security Misconfiguration.

8. How to ensure virtual machine security in cloud computing?

 Firewalls, intrusion detection and prevention, integrity monitoring, and log inspection
can all be deployed as software on virtual machines to increase protection and
maintain compliance integrity of servers and applications as virtual resources move
from on-premises to public cloud environments.
 Integrity monitoring and log inspection software must be applied at the virtual
machine level.

9. How MapReduce works?

• Map: The input data is first split into smaller blocks. The Hadoop
framework then decides how many mappers to use, based on the size of the data to
be processed and the memory block available on each mapper server. Each block is
then assigned to a mapper for processing. Each ‘worker’ node applies the map
function to the local data, and writes the output to temporary storage. The primary
(master) node ensures that only a single copy of the redundant input data is
• Shuffle, combine and partition: worker nodes redistribute data based on the output
keys (produced by the map function), such that all data belonging to one key is
located on the same worker node. As an optional process the combiner (a reducer)
can run individually on each mapper server to reduce the data on each mapper even
further making reducing the data footprint and shuffling and sorting easier. Partition
(not optional) is the process that decides how the data has to be presented to the
reducer and also assigns it to a particular reducer.

Reduce: A reducer cannot start while a mapper is still in progress. Worker nodes process each
group of <key,value> pairs output data, in parallel to produce <key,value> pairs as output. All
the map output values that have the same key are assigned to a single reducer, which then
aggregates the values for that key. Unlike the map function which is mandatory to filter and
sort the initial data, the reduce function is optional.

10. Why do organizations need to manage their workload?

Organizations need to manage their workload for several reasons:

1. Efficiency: Effective workload management helps organizations optimize their

resources and ensure that tasks are assigned and completed in a timely
manner. By managing workload, organizations can prevent bottlenecks, avoid
overloading employees, and ensure that work is distributed evenly across
teams or departments. This leads to increased productivity and efficiency
within the organization.
2. Prioritization: Managing workload allows organizations to prioritize tasks
based on their importance and urgency. By setting clear priorities,
organizations can focus on critical tasks and ensure that they are completed
on time. This helps prevent important work from being neglected or delayed
due to an overwhelming workload.
3. Resource allocation: Effective workload management enables organizations to
allocate their resources, such as human capital, budget, and equipment,
appropriately. By understanding the workload distribution, organizations can
identify areas where additional resources may be needed or where resources
are being underutilized. This allows for better resource planning and
utilization, which can lead to cost savings and improved performance.
4. Employee well-being: Managing workload is essential for maintaining a
healthy work-life balance for employees. When employees are consistently
overwhelmed with excessive workloads, it can lead to stress, burnout, and
decreased job satisfaction. By managing workload, organizations can ensure
that employees have manageable workloads, which promotes their well-
being, productivity, and engagement.
5. Risk management: Effective workload management helps organizations
mitigate risks associated with missed deadlines, errors, and poor quality of
work. By properly managing workloads, organizations can identify potential
risks and take appropriate measures to address them. This may involve
reallocating resources, delegating tasks, or adjusting timelines to ensure that
work is completed efficiently and effectively.
Overall, workload management is crucial for organizations to maintain productivity,
prioritize tasks, allocate resources effectively, support employee well-being, and
mitigate risks. It helps create a structured and balanced work environment, leading to
improved performance and organizational success.

PART B – (5 × 16 = 80 marks)

11. (a) Explain cloud computing advantages and disadvantages.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Cloud Computing.

Lower computer costs:
–No need of a high-powered and high-priced computer to run cloud
computing's web-based applications.
–Since applications run in the cloud, not on the desktop PC, your desktop
PC does not need the processing power or hard disk space demanded by
traditional desktop software.
Improved performance:
–With few large programs hogging your computer's memory, you will see
better performance from your PC.
–Computers in a cloud computing system boot and run faster because they
have fewer programs and processes loaded into memory.
•Reduced software costs:
–Instead of purchasing expensive software applications, you can get most
of what you need for free.
•most cloud computing applications today, such as the Google Docs suite.
–better than paying for similar commercial software
•which alone may be justification for switching to cloud applications.
Instant software updates
–Another advantage to cloud computing is that you are no longer faced
with choosing between obsolete software and high upgrade costs.
–When the application is web-based, updates happen automatically
available the next time you log into the cloud.
•Improved document format compatibility.
–You do not have to worry about the documents you create on your
machine being compatible with other users' applications or OS.
–There are less format incompatibilities when everyone is sharing
documents and applications in the cloud.
Unlimited storage capacity
–Cloud computing offers virtually limitless storage.
–Your computer's current 1 Tera Bytes hard drive is small compared to the
hundreds of Peta Bytes available in the cloud.
•Increased data reliability
–Unlike desktop computing, in which if a hard disk crashes and destroy all
your valuable data, a computer crashing in the cloud should not affect the
storage of your data.
•if your personal computer crashes, all your data is still out there in the
cloud, still accessible
Universal information access
–That is not a problem with cloud computing, because you do not take
your documents with you.
–Instead, they stay in the cloud, and you can access them whenever you
have a computer and an Internet connection
–Documents are instantly available from wherever you are.
•Latest version availability
–When you edit a document at home, that edited version is what you see
when you access the document at work.
–The cloud always hosts the latest version of your documents as long as
you are connected, you are not in danger of having an outdated version.

Easier group collaboration

–Sharing documents leads directly to better collaboration.
–Many users do this as it is an important advantages of cloud computing
multiple users can collaborate easily on documents and projects
•Device independence
–You are no longer tethered to a single computer or network.
–Changes to computers, applications and documents follow you through
the cloud.
–Move to a portable device, and your applications and documents are still

Disadvantages of Cloud Computing

Requires a constant internet connection
–Cloud computing is impossible if you cannot connect to the Internet.
–Since you use the Internet to connect to both your applications and
documents, if you do not have an Internet connection you cannot access
anything, even your own documents.
–A dead Internet connection means no work and in areas where Internet
connections are few or inherently unreliable, this could be a deal-breaker.

•Does not work well with low-speed connections

–Similarly, a low-speed Internet connection, such as that found with dial-
up services, makes cloud computing painful at best and often impossible.
–Web-based applications require a lot of bandwidth to download, as do
large documents.
Features might be limited
–This situation is bound to change, but today many web-based
applications simply are not as full-featured as their desktop-based
•For example, you can do a lot more with Microsoft PowerPoint than with
Google Presentation's web-based offering
•Can be slow
–Even with a fast connection, web-based applications can sometimes be
slower than accessing a similar software program on your desktop PC.
–Everything about the program, from the interface to the current
document, has to be sent back and forth from your computer to the
computers in the cloud.

Stored data might not be secured

–With cloud computing, all your data is stored on the cloud.
•The questions is How secure is the cloud?
–Can unauthorized users gain access to your confidential data ?
•Stored data can be lost!
–Theoretically, data stored in the cloud is safe, replicated across multiple
–But on the off chance that your data goes missing, you have no physical
or local backup.
HPC Systems
–Not clear that you can run compute-intensive HPC applications that use
–Scheduling is important with this type of application
•General Concerns
–Each cloud systems uses different protocols and different APIs
•may not be possible to run applications between cloud based systems
–Amazon has created its own DB system (not SQL 92), and workflow
system (many popular workflow systems out there)
•so your normal applications will have to be adapted to execute on these


b. Sketch and give details about convergence of various advances leading to the advent
of cloud computing.
The convergence of various technological advances has played a crucial role in the
development and widespread adoption of cloud computing. Here's a sketch of the key
factors and details contributing to this convergence:

Advancements in Networking:

Evolution of Internet Protocols: The development of reliable and scalable internet protocols,
especially Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and Internet Protocol (IP), laid the
foundation for seamless communication over the internet.
High-Speed Connectivity: The expansion of high-speed broadband and the deployment of
fiber-optic networks globally improved data transfer speeds and reduced latency, making
it feasible to access and transmit large volumes of data.
Virtualization Technology:

Server Virtualization: Technologies like VMware and Xen allowed multiple virtual machines
to run on a single physical server, optimizing hardware utilization and paving the way for
scalable and flexible cloud infrastructure.
Storage Virtualization: Virtualizing storage resources enabled dynamic allocation and
efficient management of data storage across diverse physical devices.
Distributed Computing Concepts:

Grid Computing: Concepts from grid computing provided insights into distributed resource
management, enabling the seamless integration of computing resources across multiple
Parallel Processing: Advances in parallel processing techniques allowed for the efficient
utilization of computing power, essential for handling large-scale workloads.
Utility Computing Models:

Pay-as-You-Go Models: Concepts from utility computing, where users pay for computing
resources on a metered basis, became fundamental to cloud computing business models.
This shifted the focus from ownership to operational expenses.
Advancements in Data Storage and Retrieval:

Databases and Data Warehousing: Innovations in database management systems and data
warehousing solutions provided scalable and reliable methods for storing and retrieving
vast amounts of data, critical for cloud services.
Security Measures:

Encryption and Authentication: Improved encryption algorithms and authentication methods

bolstered the security of data transmitted and stored in the cloud, addressing concerns
about data privacy and integrity.
Standardization and Open Standards:
API Standardization: The development and adoption of standardized Application
Programming Interfaces (APIs) facilitated interoperability between different cloud
services and platforms.
Open Standards: Embracing open standards encouraged collaboration and prevented vendor
lock-in, fostering a more diverse and competitive cloud computing landscape.
Economic Factors:

Economies of Scale: Cloud providers, with massive data centers and resources, achieved
economies of scale, allowing them to offer cost-effective solutions for businesses of all
Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing:

Mobile Devices: The proliferation of mobile devices and the need for ubiquitous access to
data pushed the demand for cloud services, enabling users to access their data from
anywhere with an internet connection.
The convergence of these technological advances, combined with market demands for
flexibility, scalability, and cost efficiency, led to the rapid development and mainstream
adoption of cloud computing as a fundamental paradigm in modern IT infrastructure.

12. (a) Explain about cloud load balancing with necessary diagrams.
Load balancing is a technique to spread work between two or more computers, network
links, CPUs, hard drives, or other resources, in order to get optimal(best) resource utilization,
maximize throughput(is the amount of work that a computer can do in a given period of time),
and minimize response time.

Load balancing can help with almost any kind of service, including
 HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol)
 Request through Web browser
 DNS(Domain Name System)
 Converts human meaningful names (domain name) to IP address in Internet
 FTP (File Transfer Protocol)
 Used for the transfer of computer files between a client and server
 POP(Post Office Protocol) / IMAP(Internet Message Access Protocol)
 Used for retrieving email from mail server
 SMTP(Simple Mail Transfer Protocol)
 Protocol for sending e-mail messages between servers.
 Load balancing is done by
 Dedicated program
 Hardware device (such as a multilayer switch).


b. How many types of virtualization in cloud computing? Explain all types.

Virtualization is mainly used to emulate execution environments, storage and networks.
Execution virtualization techniques into two major categories by considering the type of
host they require.

Types of Virtualization
 Full Virtualization
 Host Based virtualization
 ParaVirtualization
 Operating System
 Virtualization
 Application Virtualization
 Desktop Virtualization

13. (a) Draw and elucidate NIST cloud computing reference architecture.\

NIST Cloud Computing Reference Architecture

(National Institute of Standards and Technology - NIST aims to promote U.S.
innovation and industrial competitiveness by advancing measurement science, standards,
and technology).
Cloud computing reference architecture, identifies the major actors, their activities and
functions in cloud

 NIST cloud computing reference architecture defines five major actors:

o Cloud consumer
o Cloud provider
o Cloud carrier
o Cloud auditor
o Cloud broker
 Each actor is an entity (a person or an organization) that performs tasks in cloud

Actor Definition
Cloud Consumer Acquires and uses services
Cloud Provider A person or organization, or entity responsible for making a
service available to interested parties.
Cloud Auditor A party that can conduct independent assessment of cloud
services, performance and security monitoring of cloud services
Cloud Broker Intermediate between consumer and provider, they create new
Cloud Carrier An intermediary that provides connectivity and transport of
cloud services from Cloud Providers to Cloud Consumers.


b. Explain about virtualization technology architecture with neat diagram.

Work of Virtualization in Cloud Computing

Virtualization has a prominent impact on Cloud Computing. In the case of cloud computing,
users store data in the cloud, but with the help of Virtualization, users have the extra benefit
of sharing the infrastructure. Cloud Vendors take care of the required physical resources,
but these cloud providers charge a huge amount for these services which impacts every user
or organization. Virtualization helps Users or Organisations in maintaining those services
which are required by a company through external (third-party) people, which helps in
reducing costs to the company. This is the way through which Virtualization works in
Cloud Computing

14. (a) Clarify various technologies available for data security in cloud
Data Security
 Physical security defines how you control physical access to the servers that support
your infrastructure. The cloud still has physical security constraints. After all, there are
actual servers running somewhere.
 When selecting a cloud provider, you should understand their physical security
protocols and the things you need to do on your end to secure your systems against
physical vulnerabilities.

b. Explain about inter-cloud resource management and its services.

Inter Cloud Resource Management:
a. Extended Cloud Computing Services

Figure 4.1
 The above figure shows six layers of cloud services, ranging from hardware,
network, and collocation to infrastructure, platform, and software applications. Top
three service layers as SaaS, PaaS, and IaaS, respectively.
 The cloud platform provides PaaS, which sits on top of the IaaS infrastructure. The
top layer offers SaaS.
 The implication is that one cannot launch SaaS applications with a cloud platform.
The cloud platform cannot be built if compute and storage infrastructures are not
there. The bottom three layers are more related to physical requirements.
 The bottommost layer provides Hardware as a Service (HaaS). The next layer is for
interconnecting all the hardware components, and is simply called Network as a
Service (NaaS).
 Virtual LANs fall within the scope of NaaS. The next layer up offers Location as a
Service (LaaS), which provides a collocation service to house, power, and secure all
the physical hardware and network resources. Some authors say this layer provides
Security as a Service (“SaaS”).
 The cloud infrastructure layer can be further subdivided as Data as a Service (DaaS)
and Communication as a Service (CaaS) in addition to compute and storage in IaaS.
 Cloud players are divided into three classes: (1) cloud service providers and IT
administrators, (2) software developers or vendors, and (3) end users or business
 These cloud players vary in their roles under the IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS models. The
table entries distinguish the three cloud models as viewed by different players.
 From the software vendors’ perspective, application performance on given cloud
platform is most important.
 From the providers’ perspective, cloud infrastructure performance is the primary
concern. From the end users’ perspective, the quality of services, including security,
is the most important.

15. (a) The available disk space per node is 8 TB (10 disks with 1 TB, 2 disk for operating
system etc. were excluded.). Assuming initial data size is 600 TB, how will you
estimate the number of data nodes (n)?

Estimating the hardware requirement is always challenging in Hadoop environment because

we never know when data storage demand can increase for a business. We must understand
following factors in detail to come to a conclusion for the current scenario of adding right
numbers to the cluster:

The actual size of data to store – 600 TB

At what pace the data will increase in the future (per day/week/month/quarter/year) – Data
trending analysis or business requirement justification (prediction)
We are in Hadoop world, so replication factor plays an important role – default 3x replicas
Hardware machine overhead (OS, logs etc.) – 2 disks were considered
Intermediate mapper and reducer data output on hard disk - 1x
Space utilization between 60 % to 70 % - Finally, as a perfect designer we never want our hard
drive to be full with their storage capacity.
Compression ratio
Let’s do some calculation to find the number of data nodes required to store 600 TB of data:

Rough calculation:

Data Size – 600 TB

Replication factor – 3
Intermediate data – 1
Total Storage requirement – (3+1) * 600 = 2400 TB
Available disk size for storage – 8 TB
Total number of required data nodes (approx.): 2400/8 = 300 machines
Actual Calculation: Rough Calculation + Disk space utilization + Compression ratio

Disk space utilization – 65 % (differ business to business)

Compression ratio – 2.3
Total Storage requirement – 2400/2.3 = 1043.5 TB
Available disk size for storage – 8*0.65 = 5.2 TB
Total number of required data nodes (approx.): 1043.5/5.2 = 201 machines
Actual usable cluster size (100 %): (201*8*2.3)/4 = 925 TB
Case: Business has predicted 20 % data increase in a quarter and we need to predict the new
machines to be added in a year

Data increase – 20 % over a quarter

Additional data:
1st quarter: 1043.5 * 0.2 = 208.7 TB
2nd quarter: 1043.5 * 1.2 * 0.2 = 250.44 TB
3rd quarter: 1043.5 * (1.2)^2 * 0.2 = 300.5 TB
4th quarter: 1043.5 * (1.2)^3 * 0.2 = 360.6 TB
Additional data nodes requirement (approx.):
1st quarter: 208.7/5.2 = 41 machines
2nd quarter: 250.44/5.2 = 49 machines
3rd quarter: 300.5/5.2 = 58 machines
4th quarter: 360.6/5.2 = 70 machines
With these numbers you can predict next year additional machines requirement for the cluster
(last quarter + 24), (last quarter + 28) and so on


b. Explain all the steps in OpenStack work process.

 OpenStack is a free and open-source software platform for cloud computing.
 OpenStack is a virtualization tool to manage your virtual infrastructure.
 OpenStack consists of multiple components. They are

The OpenStack project is an open source cloud computing platform for all types of clouds, which aims to be
simple to implement, massively scalable and feature rich.
● Developers and cloud computing technologists from around the world create the OpenStack project.
● OpenStack provides an Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) solution through a set of interrelated services.
● Each service offers an application programming interface (API) that facilitates this integration.
● Depending on their needs, administrator can install some or all services.
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