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What financial arguments could you use to justify your proposed recommendations

to segregate FLTs and the workers?

1.Product damage cost:

There are frequent near misses between FLTs and workers, and collisions with
products causing damage and spillages, this will cause economic loss due to
damage to goods.
2. Medical treatment cost:
Medical expenses paid to injured employees.
3. Compensation cost:
Financial compensation claimed by injured employees through legal channels.
4. Extra days cost:
The employee's salary during the injury.
5. Employment cost:
The cost of hiring a new worker.
6. Training cost:
The cost of training new employees.
7. Turnover cost:
Frequent accidents can lead to higher employee turnover.Worker absence and
turnover is high in the warehouse. High absenteeism and turnover rates can lead to
residual damage to the business, resulting in higher hiring costs.
8. Penalty cost:
Serious accidents may subject the company to financial penalties from local law
enforcement agencies..
9. Reputation and customer losses:
Frequent accidents cause damage to the reputation of the company, which leads to
fewer customers.
10.Repair cost:
The repair cost of forklift and warehouse facilities damaged due to accident.
11. The closure of the company:
In the event of a serious accident, such as a fatality, managers may be dismissed or
even the business may close down.

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