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Dave Hernando Mathematics III

Final Output: Write a creative essay (500-700 words) utilizing the guidelines and principles in
writing an essay.

Rubric/ grading criteria in writing an essay:

Organization and Content ----- 45%

(Title, Introduction Body paragraphs, Conclusion, Thesis/Focus and utilization of the content

Mechanics -----20%

(Grammar and sentence construction, style of writing Spelling, Citations and References)

Support and Development of Ideas---- 35%

(Use of evidence and examples, integration of significant ideas, critical analysis of the ideas and

Total: 100 pts

I Hate Math!

Seriously? Who even likes Math? Probably some nerds out there, right? This was
probably my very first thought about math when I was in elementary school. But as you guess it,
I might be one of those “math enjoyers” they call nerds. But seriously, let’s talk about the
“elephant in the room”, most kids even adults hate math, and I won’t even tell why, because I’m
guessing you would already know why so. But nonetheless let’s look deeper about this issue.

According to the study of Gafoor and Kurukkan (2015), Only 3 (6% of students) find
mathematics to be their favorite subject, whereas 45 (88%) of them find it to be their least
favorite. Really, it is not even surprising at all. But why do we care so much about this? Well
according to the Classical Conversation (2022), the fact that math is used everywhere is the first
reason it is significant. It is utilized on a daily basis. Although valuable, it goes beyond mere
utility. Math is there to assist us, keep us in order, assist us in learning new things, and assist us
in being taught new things. Not only that but, as we disregard the importance of mathematics,
we may face different issues even in real-life. Stated by Fitzmaurice et al. (2021), lack of
apparent relevance may cause apathy or even a complete break from mathematics. This could
have more detrimental effects on the economy of a nation that depends on a steady stream of
highly educated graduates in the fields of science, technology, and mathematics to promote
social and economic advancement. Although some of you would still say “Yes, we know this
too, but then again mathematics is just to hard for us, it’s way to difficult for some of us who
aren’t gifted with numerical talents or skills. It’s just because some of us are better at other
stuffs.” And yes, that is true, some of us are gifted with those skills or talents, maybe inherited
through our very ancestors. But that is no reason for us to hate math. When you comprehend
something that you may have initially difficulty with, you feel really accomplished. Since math is
constantly changing, gaining new knowledge can help us improve our skills, knowledge of the
world, and confidence (Whole, 2023).

Mathematics is something that most of us can hate, but let us not forget that it is
something that is very crucial to all of us. Yes, many can argue that most of us doesn’t have the
talent or skill that it takes to be the best in mathematics, but that doesn’t mean it should limit us
for what we can be. Mathematics shares a ton of things that we do in our daily lives, let us not
waste it by ignoring its importance even though it may seem too little to think off. Let us
discourage our hate in math that keeps dragging our very minds that limits our potentials and
use it as our goal to truly love Math!


Conversations, C. (2022). Why Math Is Important: A Student’s View (Updated for 2022).
Classical Conversations.

Fitzmaurice, O., O’Meara, N., & Johnson, P. (2021). Highlighting the Relevance of Mathematics
to Secondary School Students – Why and How.

Gafoor, K. A., & Kurukkan, A. (2015). Why High School Students Feel Mathematics Difficult? An
Exploration of Affective Beliefs.

Whole, D. (2023, March 12). Why do people love math? The Donut Whole.

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