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Philos-Phobos (Haiku)

To love so truly,

when hurting is for certain,

help me, I’m falling.

The Past (Tanka)

How I miss the past,

the innocence of my thoughts,

the genuine smiles,

and the friends I made along.

Despair, it will not be back.

My Beloved (ABC)

Days passed. and I still think of you,

Even in the nights, you stayed too.

Freeing you was a mistake I can't erase from my mind,

Got me weak, and dying from the inside.

Heal me once more my love,

I miss you, please come back.

To Love (Sonnet)

The first one showed me how it feels,

to be loved and adored, how merry it is.

Yet a mere puppy love can be shaken with ease,

Thus, left me shattered, and eyes flooded with tears.

The next taught me how to see,

see the future of what love can achieve and be.

She cherished and loved me undoubtedly,

but I got lost, and left her blindly.

The last, helped me realize the reality,

that I was fed up, in search for a fantasy.

That there will be someone, a partner, perfect for me,

But only led me breaking hearts oh so coldly.

Now baffled of what love should be,

surprised, a contrary of my fantasy is now mending me.

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