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Chia dạng đúng của động từ

Question 1 : Liz___________(get up) at 6 o’clock every morning.

Question 2 : In the summer, John often_________(play) tennis once or twice a week.
Question 3 : It_____(rain) heavily now
Question 4 : Look! It_____(get) dark. Hurry up! It_____(rain) in a few minutes.
Question 5 : She_____(learn) English for three years.
Question 6 : I’m hungry. I_____(not eat) anything since breakfast.
Question 7 : Sam and I_____(play) tennis yesterday. He was much better than I was, so
he_____(win) easily.
Question 8 : - You_____(go) to the movies last night?
Question 9 : Yesterday at 8.00 pm, while my mother_____(cook) in the kitchen, my
father_____(watch) the news on TV.
Question 10 : Why didn’t you listen to me while I (talk)_____with you?
Question 11 : Before Sarah arrived, Eric_____(go) home.
Question 12 : When Jane arrived at the theater, the film_____(start).
Question 13 : After Angelia_____(eat) the cake, she (begin)_____ to feel sick.
Question 14 : When he went out to play, he_____(do already) his homework.
Question 15 : Linda_____(not study) before the exam, so she was very anxious.

Chọn từ đúng và điền vào chỗ trống

1. You behaved very …. ….(selfish/selfishly)
2. Linda is …. upset about losing money. (terrible/terribly)
3. There was a …. change in the plan. (sudden/suddenly)
4. Everybody at the party was …. dressed. (colourful/colourfully)
5. Linda likes wearing …. clothes. (colourful/colourfully)
6. Rose fell and hurt herself quite …. . (bad/badly)

Lựa chọn dạng của từ trong câu sao cho phù hợp
1, Hoang is a carefully/careful driver. He drives my car very careful/carefully.
2, Turtles in the coast walk slowly/slow because they are slowly/slow animals.
3, A cautious/cautiously person often speaks cautious/cautiously.
4, We are quietly/quiet; we are speaking quiet/quietly.
5, Minh Anh plays very good/well. He is a good/well player.
6, Trang Anh did a brilliant/brilliantly test. She passed the test brilliant/brilliantly.
Bảng các cặp tính từ trái nghĩa

Strong >< weak mạnh – yếu

Young >< old già – trẻ

Thick >< thin dày – mỏng
Sad><Happy Buồn - vui
Warm >< cool ấm- lạnh
Wet >< dry ẩm ướt – khô ráo
Light >< dark sáng – tối
Long >< short dài – ngắn
Wide >< narrow rộng – hẹp
High >< low cao – thấp
Tall >< short cao – thấp
Cheap><expensive Rẻ - đắt
Rich >< poor giàu – nghèo
Safe >< dangerous an toàn – nguy hiểm
Single >< Married độc thân – đã kết hôn
Full >< empty đầy – trống rỗng
Good >< bad tốt – xấu

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