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About Pamaja Enterprises East Africa Limited

Pamaja Enterprises is a legally registered in Tanzania and has presence in terms of

Trading, investments and consultancies services undertaken for farmers, cooperative,
SMEs, Small and Growing Businesses in Tanzania in the following countries;
1. The Company’s investment arm, Pamaja Enterprises Ventures, invest in Small and
Growing Businesses (SGBs), SMEs and early-stage businesses in a variety of industries
through unsecured, short-term debt used for working capital. Pamaja Enterprises
Ventures’ customized repayment structures, based on cash flows, support SMEs with
sustainable growth.
We do this by providing technical and investment support to validate a product or solution
and seed funding to go fast to market. We also provide a set of acceleration support
including a plug-and-play commercial space to work from, customized business training
led by successful CEO-turned-mentors, and a suite of professional support such as legal,
accounting, and corporate governance. Our intergraded approach ranging from
Incubation, Venture Bootcamp, Accelerator training, Support beyond money and
2. The Company’s consultancy arm, Pamaja Business Solutions includes: corporate
event planning and management services, corporate training and capacity building
services, project management services, investment advisor services, Strategic
Communication Development, Marketing and Design hub, Evidence Building, Monitoring,
Learning and Impact Assessment or Evaluation Accountability and Portfolio
3. The Company’s Trading arm, Pamaja Enterprises trade and supply, agricultural
inputs and mechanization tools to farmers, Supplying of ICT include, computer equipment
and accessories products come in different brands as best fits to our clients. Supply of
Stationery and office consumables. Catering, Foods and beverage supply. Pamaja also
provide cleaning and fumigation services.

Pamaja Enterprises is a Business and Consulting Firm, that offer Private Sector Development
(PSD) services, Strategic Communication Development and Investment Services. Pamaja
providing affordable consulting and agri-business services to individuals, MSMEs
agribusinesses, Cooperative, BMOs, NGOS, Agri-food industry organizations seeking to grow
their businesses as they start and run businesses that create a positive social, economic, decent
jobs and improve lives.
Pamaja Enterprises runs
1. Foods processing facility, that purchase, processes and distribute processed products
from maize, rice, sorghum, and Honey Products to our customers. The company engages
smallholder farmers through contract farming on production (financing) which the
company eventually purchases for further processing and packaging. We supply healthy
and nutritious foods under the brand name PAMAJA FOODS.
2. Pamaja Media Tv a digital media studio and multimedia that offers a complete range of
photography, videography, Online TV, design and media marketing services that enable
the growth of your business. We work from the concept through production to delivery
News, Interviews, Live streaming, Workshop and event planning and promotion, short
videos and stories.
3. Pamaja Institute is an innovative training and capacity building development unit that
provides tailored training modules to companies in a variety of sectors.
Our innovative programs are designed to empower employees with the skills and
competencies they need to add business value to their employers’ careers, SMEs and
Starup be successful. We offer a wide range of training services, leadership development,
soft skills, financial services, business awareness and Managements, and technical skills.
Leadership With our expertise, we can help companies reach their goals and maximize
their potential in the fields they operate.

Who We Are
Pamaja Enterprises is agribusiness company registered in Tanzania for the purpose of farming,
food processing and agri-business investments advisory Firm. We offer Private Sector
Development (PSD) services, Communication Development and investment advisory services as
well as opportunities to investors and international private equity and venture capital companies.
Pamaja providing affordable consulting and agri-business services to individuals, MSMEs
agribusinesses, Cooperative, BMOs, NGOS, Agri-food industry organizations seeking to grow
their businesses as they start and run businesses that create a positive social, economic, decent
jobs and improve lives.
Pamaja Enterprises runs a foods processing facility, that purchase raw materials, processes and
distribute processed products from maize, rice, sorghum, and Honey Products to our customers.
The company also engages smallholder farmers through contract farming on production which
the company eventually purchases for further processing and packaging. We supply healthy and
nutritious foods under the brand name PAMAJA FOODS across the Tanzania and soon entering
the EAC Market. Pamaja’s Products includes: Flour: Maize & Sorghum (White Sorghum Flour,
Red Sorghum Flour, Maize flour Super Sembe, Pamaja Dona, Sifted Maize Flour), Grains:
Maize, Rice, Sorghum (Whole Maize Flour, Fortified Maize Meal and Maize Bran), Organic
Honey and honey products.
Finally, Pamaja enterprises offer Cleaning and Waste Management Solutions. Our business
activities include: Cleaning Services to both commercial and residential Areas, Carpet and
Upholstery Cleaning, Commercial Laundry Services, Waste Management Solutions includes
Garbage Collection, Residential and Commercial Waste Collection. We offer also Fumigation &
Pest Control, Landscaping & Gardening and Renovations & Repairs.
Pamaja headquartered in Mwanza with field office in Kasulu district, Iringa Municipality and
local presence in Tabora, Shinyanga, Geita, Mpanda and Singida Municipality.
Pamaja has been established with the major aim of making difference in the sector of service
provision and has fulfilled all legal requirements for operational in accordance with the rules and
regulations of the country. The principal Office is situated at Sengerema District Mwanza.


To facilitate the linkage between social progress and both economic and commercial growth by helping
our clients to formulate strategies and interventions, building partnerships and implementing projects
that have lasting social, economic and financial positive results.


To be a leading company in service provision solutions with high quality of world class professional that
offers maximum satisfaction to our clients and our customers.


Our company is proud to stand by a set of values that are the corner stones of our services, these are
Passion, Quality, Integrity, Discipline, Accountability and Cooperation.



Sundy Merchants uses two main approaches to deliver its services to clients which are as follows;

Market Systems Development Approaches (Making Markets Work for the Poor-M4P & Value Chain
Analysis and Development-VCAD );

Making Markets Work for the Poor (M4P): Market System Development is an approach that seeks to
address the underlying causes of market dysfunction through business focused (indirect) facilitation
so that they operate more effectively, sustainably and beneficially for the poor, reducing poverty and
generating widespread, sustainable change through expanded livelihood opportunities The Market
Systems Development Approaches are mainly used in research, consultancy and program/projects
implementation & management and,

Value Chain Analysis and Development(VCAD): In this Market system Sundy Merchants helps farmers
and producers to focus on economic development that seeks to improve their access to product-to
market systems or value chains and increase their profitability. It often involves helping vulnerable
producers and farmers to analyze markets, gain information, build relationships and act collectively to
overcome market barriers and increase profits. E.g collective inputs purchase, collective marketing,
collective bargaining and investments.

Action Learning (AL) Approach;

A method of problem-solving and learning in groups to bring about change for individuals and

Other Models:

Sundy Merchants also uses incubation to groom and support the growth of farmers, Agro MSMEs &
Farmers Organizations.

Sundy Merchants business case is built from the existence of agricultural produce markets paradox in
the country and challenges and constraints facing both small holder farmers (SHFs) and other value
chain actors at higher level (Agro MSMEs & AFIOs)


Coaching and mentoring initiatives/programs are provided as a package/embedded service for BDS
and have been instrumental in helping farmers and MSMEs to conveniently adopt new practices,
skills and innovations

Our Private Sector Development (PSD) services are tailored to strengthen entrepreneurial
management skills, increase innovation capabilities, integrate sustainability, develop skills and
human resources, and enhance productivity among small, medium, and large enterprises across
the globe.
PAMAJA provides high-quality capacity building, value-added services, and access to key
resources for sustainable enterprise development. We focus on developing sustainable
enterprises across various sectors to compete effectively in the regional and global markets.
i. Business Development Services (Bds)
Under these services we provide business planning & development, perform business incubation
for MSMEs, conduct training and capacity building sessions as well as facilitate financial &
market linkages to overcome barriers to increased profitability, by improving their productivity
and access to high value markets. In this way, they can create and sustain productive,
remunerative and good quality jobs, as well as reduce poverty, and contribute to the development
of the national economy.
Pamaja use Action Learning Approach to deliver its services to the clients including:
 Business Incubation
To address market systemic constraints existing in most of agriculture market systems Pamaja
adopted the generic Pamaja Incubation Program which seeks to improve both inputs and market
supply market systems so that small holders’ farmers, processors, services providers can get
access to key services like improved agricultural production inputs, affordable improved
technologies, affordable finances for investment and reliable markets for their produces. And
encourage to consider investment in various area of their capacities as part of an overall effort
towards agricultural commercialization and growth of sustainable and innovative agribusiness
MSMEs and FOs.
 Capacity Building & Trainings
Pamaja training program offer an extremely wide range of skills while helping to smoothly
facilitate the knowledge transfer on business to the community. The training guides are prepared
considering the skills gaps to help the agri business owners to make their business performing
according to the market standards and requirements and preparing the youth to become a good
entrepreneurs in competitive business industry. The model of developing the training manuals
are designed around the central idea of creating a big and highly competent middle class that
uses updated management skills as an enabler, an accelerator and a tool for increasing
productivity in public and private sectors.
 Financial & Market Linkages
Smallholder farmers and MSMEs often face many challenges including access to financial
services for working and investment capital, as well as reliable markets for their produce. Sundy
Merchants through facilitation helps to improve financial & market linkages among market
actors within value chain that can improve outcomes in the following ways: Helps the
Smallholder Farmers and MSMEs to access large markets through collective actions like
collective inputs purchase, increase bargaining power in the market, collective marketing of their
produces and access to appropriate and reliable financial services for capital to support growth of
their agribusinesses. Facilitate the establishment of contractual arrangements in the markets
between smallholder farmers and input suppliers (Agro dealers) and off-takers for their produces
(buyers, traders and processors).
 Youth Employment program
Young people have been bearing the brunt of decreasing employment opportunities. Pamaja
understands that this trend requires a change of paradigm and in that breadth has been supporting
businesses that provide opportunities to meaningful work for the youth to achieve growth
incorporating sustainable business models.

 Skill Development
Pamaja believes that the only way to develop sustainable independent enterprises is by ensuring
every engagement ends in successful skills transfer to the client. Our model involves
participatory engagement and handholding until the client fully gains confidence in their abilities
to deploy new innovations, approach investor and scale their businesses.

 Sustainability Advisory
We work with entrepreneurs to enhance their technical capacities which in turn positively
influences the growth and feasibility of their businesses. We understand an enabling environment
is the precursor to thriving enterprises, we therefore strive and leverage our direct experience of
private sector innovators to inform relevant government regulations, policies and strategies to
encourage the adoption of profitable innovation.

 Skill Development
Pamaja believes that the only way to develop sustainable independent enterprises is by ensuring
every engagement ends in successful skills transfer to the client. Our model involves
participatory engagement and handholding until the client fully gains confidence in their abilities
to deploy new innovations, approach investor and scale their businesses.
 Business Plan & Strategy
We fill in numbers, budgets, and spreadsheets once we have the basic plan in place, we use our
vast experience and business planning tools and resources to help you map out how you will start
and successfully run your business.
 Creation and Development of Value Chains
Our goal is to contribute to the achievement of Vision 2030 and its Sustainable Development
Goals (SDGs) by promoting well selected agricultural value chains in Tanzania and Africa at

i. Corporate Capacity Building Services
These services are typically tailored to the specific needs and challenges of your organization.
The ultimate goal of this service is to build a skilled, adaptable, and high performing workforce
that can drive your company’s success in a competitive business landscape. Training and
Development, Leadership Development, Organizational Development, Team Building Strategic
Planning, Innovation and Creativity, Diversity and Inclusion Training, Knowledge Management
Employee Engagement, Risk Management Training, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).
i. Corporate Event Planning & Management Services
Our corporate event planning and management services involve the coordination and
organization of various types of events for businesses and organizations. These events range
from conferences, seminars, workshops, product launches, trade shows, corporate parties, team-
building activities, and more. Services includes:
Event Conceptualization and Design, Speaker and Entertainments Management, Venue Selection
and Management, Budget Planning and Management, Event Marketing and Promotion, Logistics
and on-site Management, Audio-Visual and Technology Support, Post – Event Evaluation and
Reporting, Catering and Food Services, Sustainability and Green Events, Event Branding and
Collaterals, Event Registration and Attendee Management.


In this line of services, we conduct action researches, baseline, midline & end line evaluations, we assist
in providing organizational development as well as projects implementation.


Management Consultancy

Sundy Merchants Co. Ltd delivers multi-disciplinary researches and expert capabilities in more than a
dozen areas, consults in an array of industries and has positioned itself as one of the key and
dependable research organization in the areas of social progress, commercial and economic growth
using a new vibrant collaborative ecosystem of public and private sectors partnership. Apart from
research, Sundy Merchants is a leader in project related consultancies. We have a solid expertise in
projects/programs design, implementation, monitoring and evaluations. Sundy Merchants is positioned
as among of topflight organizations in the country when it comes to projects/program based

Through its key staffs Sundy Merchants has been helping various clients to see the world as
interconnected by formulating strategies and interventions, building partnerships and implementing
projects that have lasting social, economic and financial impact. Sundy Merchant team of professionals
and experts has extensive knowledge, project leadership expertise and experience in areas related to
market development, agriculture & food security, inclusive markets, action learning analysis for
development, governance & public sector, governance integration & service delivery, gender equality &
social inclusion, financial inclusion, markets building & linkages, capacity building & trainings, business
development services & entrepreneurship, performance management systems monitoring, impact &
performance evaluations, water resources, sanitation & hygiene, climate change, adaptation &
resilience, natural resources governance, organizations development and human resources
management & workforce development.

Project Development and Management Services

Our development project management services involve the planning, coordination, and execution
of development projects with focus areas, such as Women & Youth Empowerment, Agriculture
Value Chain, Climate & Clean Energy, Digital Economy, Finance and other initiatives aimed at
creating or improving social-economic capital in developing economies. Services that cover
includes Project Planning and Scope Definition, Procurement and Vendor Management,
Budgeting and Cost Management, Risk Assessment and Management, Stakeholder Management,
Project Scheduling, Quality Control and Assurance, Health and Safety Compliance,
Environmental Compliance, Project Reporting & Documentation, Conflict Resolution and Post

Supply of agricultural inputs and mechanization

In ensuring the provision of critical services to our farmer we are engaged in the distribution of
agricultural inputs & mechanization tools for all size farmers as well as the provision of mechanization



To assist the Small Scale Farmers realise economic and social growth that arises from increased
Agricultural Yields. Sundy Merchants engages in providing modern and improved farmers' critical


Sundy Merchants has developed a Local Traders/Paraprofessional (PP) agricultural inputs supply model
to address systemic constraints of inputs – seeds, fertilizers, pesticides, simple planting
tools/technologies, extension service, mutual relationship between farmers and processors. The model
was introduced in 2018 and has been implemented in two regions of Iringa and Njombe. The model was
built based on commission incentives to all actors engaged in the inputs value chains. Local Traders/PP
inputs supply model is leveraged by a digital platform called kilimoServices to ensure effective operation
of the model but also efficient and reliable supply of agricultural inputs and technologies to farmers at
their localities.


Sundy Merchants through its Tractor Services Centre provides affordable end to end mechanisation
solutions and services to farmers organised in block farms. The tractor services centre model provides
bundled services which include improved inputs, farm preparation & cultivation services, planting,
harvesting, BDS, financial and market services by working with various key services providers like off-
takers, financial services providers, inputs suppliers, farmers groups, paraprofessionals/extension
officers and other tractor operators. The model is also leveraged by a digital platform for easy
coordination and linkage of various critical services to farmers


As a service provider in ICT Solutions Sundy Merchants has been positioned around making
organisations achieve the most out of their ICT investments by way of providing our high quality
services which include.

Supplying of computer equipment and accessories products come in different brands as best fits to our
clients:üDesktops, Workstations, Laptops, Printers-Inkjet ,LaserJet, Dot Matrix, Line Printers,
PlottersüPower products - Stabilizers, UPS.üNetworking products - Switches, Cards, Cables, Racks,
Trunkings.üTelecommunication products – EPABX, CablesüWireless products Access Point, Wireless
CardsOthers- Copiers, Scanners, Digital Cameras.

Networking solutions-repairing and installation of Networking (cabling & wireless networks, LAN,
WAN, VPN, VLAN, Proxy servers, and mail- servers) – in both Linux and windows platform.

IT Security (Firewalls, Intrusion detection, Anti-virus, Anti-spam, Anti-spyware).

Systems Integration (Application/ Software Compatibility Design & Testing, Webmail solutions (for Linux
and windows platform), Network Services (DHCP, DNS, FTP, File & print servers and so on) – for Linux &
windows platform. Software upgrades, updates and patching for all software to the latest versions and
with best brands, Operating System Upgrades to latest models, speeds and capacities

Pamaja Agri Business &Climate Resilience Fund (Pamaja ABC Fund)

The Pamaja ABC Fund offers direct funding to smallholder farers, SME, cooperatives or
farmers’ organizations in underfinanced yet profitable segments of agricultural and
agribusiness value chains.
• Farmers
• producers of primary agricultural products;
• input suppliers such as manufacturers or distributors of seeds;
• companies that produce, maintain or operate storage facilities;
• service companies, traders, veterinarians, mechanization;
• aggregators and/or processors of primary agricultural products;
• logistics companies that transport and handle primarily agricultural goods;
• processors of secondary agricultural goods/ food products.
Mlango Agri-Business Credit Fund (Mlango ABC Fund) invests in smallholder farmers and small-to-
medium sized rural agribusinesses (SMEs) in Tanzania to support sustainable and inclusive agricultural
value chains. The ultimate aim is to help reduce rural poverty, feed the planet and build food systems
resilient to climate change.


In many developing countries, smallholder farmers and rural SMEs are the backbone of the economy
and the main producers of food. They have high potential for growth and can drive social development
for their communities and countries. But they often lack the capital to grow and reach that potential.

Investing in smallholder farmers and agri-SMEs enables them to increase their productivity, improve
their livelihoods, strengthen their resilience to climate change, and better benefit from participation in
value chains. Notably, targeted investment helps generate employment and economic opportunities for
millions of rural women and young people.


National, regional and global food markets are growing to feed a swelling world population and meet
increasing demand for more diverse and sophisticated food products. This holds out immense
opportunities for smallholder farmers and agri-SMEs.

To help them tap into those opportunities, the Mlango ABC Fund concentrates its investments in
promising and profitable value chains and the four priority domains that have the strongest potential to
transform smallholders’ livelihoods:

Enhancing market participation and integration of agri-SMEs and smallholder farmers;

Addressing value-chain bottlenecks;

Enhancing certification, traceability, local transformation and value addition for exports;

Promoting climate-smart agricultural technologies and innovation.


The Mlango ABC Fund offers a set of financial products, including loans and equity, specifically tailored
to the needs of smallholder farmers and agri-SMEs. To reach them most effectively, these products are
made available either directly to farmers’ organizations and SMEs, or indirectly via financial institutions.

Financial constraints are only some of the problems faced by smallholders and SMEs. To ensure the
success of its investments, the Mlango ABC Fund also helps investees resolve issues such as lack of
capacity through its Technical Assistance Facility (TAF).

In addition, the Mlango ABC Fund pays special attention to financing projects and solutions that help
smallholder farmers adapt to climate change and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.


The Mlango ABC Fund focuses on investments that can drive economic and social development and
generate economic opportunities for smallholder farmers, in particular women and young people. The
Mlango ABC Fund aims to improve the livelihoods of more than 4 million individuals over the life of the

Pamaja Cleaning Services.

Delivering Effective Cleaning & Landscaping Solutions without compromising Quality, Affordable and
Tailor-made cleaning solutions to our clientele. This varies from small once-a-week offices with just a
few staff members to large clients with hundreds of staff providing an array of quality services.
Our business activities include: Cleaning Services to both commercial and residential Areas, Carpet and
Upholstery Cleaning, Commercial Laundry Services, Waste Management Solutions includes Garbage
Collection, Residential Waste Collection and Commercial Waste Collection. We offer also Fumigation &
Pest Control, Landscaping & Gardening and Renovations & Repairs

Our VALUE PROPOSITION: Discover the Pamaja Cleaning Services Difference

At Pamaja Cleaning Services, we always put our customers first. We go above and beyond the call of
duty and every member of our team is hardworking, trustworthy and friendly, ensuring that we
continually deliver top-quality services to all of our clients.

Pamaja Cleaning Services work Whether it’s a once-a-week cleaning job or seven-days-a-week, you will
always receive the same care and attention that has become a trademark of Pamaja.


Our service includes a comprehensive consult to help identify gaps and opportunities, a comprehensive
report that includes a project plan with timelines and milestones, a cost analysis, and a schedule. We
also offer a suite of quality products that will help you get there quickly and smoothly. We mainly uses
two approaches to delivers our services to our clients, Market Systems Development Approaches
(Making Markets Work for the Poor - M4P and Value Chain Analysis & Development - VCAD), and (2)
Action Learning (AL) Approach. That’s how we ensure your success.


We employ a collaborative ecosystem of public and private sectors partnership model that has enabled
Sundy Merchants to maintain more than 10 highly skilled professionals and experts at particular time
and this enables the company to run in parallel more than five big assignments or projects without any
problem and performing perfectly in all. Sundy Merchants professionalism, dynamism and collaborative
nature of its business models are key to success of its business, long term growth and sustainability of
the company.

Soil Testing Services

Crops are living organisms and are fed through the soil.

Testing your soil helps you to know

The type, quality, and amount of nutrients available for your crops.

If your soil environment (pH, Organic Carbon, CEC, Moisture) is suitable for your


Which fertilizer type to apply to your soil to get the best yields?
Book Soil Testing Services

Pamaja Media is a digital and multimedia company that offers a complete range of
photography, videography, Online TV, design and media marketing services that enable the
growth of your business. Pamaja Media was established as a media and multimedia company in
2021. From the concept through production to delivery, we offer the optimum balance of value
and experience with a mission to change lives through knowledge, information, and inspiration
in the finance, investment, tech, and entrepreneurship world.

Our team of talented photographers, videographers, cinematographers, designers and writers

serve all areas in Tanzania. Our main strength is based on providing our customers with effective
visual solutions with a valuable artistic depth. Our approach is one of collaboration. We like to
hear your views and reactions to our work. You deal directly with the team, forming a close
working relationship to deliver clear, strategic solutions.

We also do strategic communications consultant agency focused on national and Global

Developmental Projects in Africa such as Agriculture, Nutrition, Food Security, education,
health, Women Development, Community Development e.t.c
We help client connect to their target market through the most effective media channels.
Our goal is to Impact Knowledge, Create Unprecedented Awareness, Behavioural Change and
Eradicate Poverty by using immersive visuals, radio and sharing impactful/success stories; to
inspire action, campaigns, communicate relevant and life-enhancing information around pressing
global developmental issues. We are for Africa by Africa with experience in Africa,
Knowledgeable about Africa and Team in Africa, it takes a village to know a village.

The company is 100% digital with the vision to be available across the continent, interviewing
industry leaders, while keeping pace with global changes and updates. This is not a blog or
tabloid platform, we don’t work or spread rumours, we don’t follow personal lives, and we are
100% politics-free.
Our focus is to offer three types of content
 Business and Finance news.
 Interviews with industry leaders and change-makers.
 Knowledge sharing through short videos, documentaries, and live Masterclasses


PAMAJA MEDIA TV is a digital media studio with a mission to change lives through
knowledge, information, and inspiration in the finance, investment, tech, and entrepreneurship
world includes:
 News
 Interviews
 Live streaming,
 Workshop and event planning and promotion
 Short videos and stories

Pamaja Media specializes in corporate, instructional, advertisement, product, event, and
promotional video production. We also specialize in directing, editing, composing, and writing
for all types of video content. Video Production, Green screen Filming, location Filming,
Commercials / Infomercials, tourism, Conference Filming, Live Video Streaming, Web Based
Video Applications, interviews, documentaries (local & international), GM Meetings, online
product demos, E - Learning videos.

Pamaja Media specialises in documentary photography, commercial photography, Commercial
architectural photography, headshots, environmental portraits, product photography, fashion
photography, PR photography, company publications, annual report shoots, advertisements,
catalogue shoots, press releases, fine art photography, brochures, public address, digital
platforms (social media and websites).

 Branding
 Product Design
 Interface Design
 Visual Design
The collateral we design is crafted to competently represent your company or business.
We have quite an experience in creating business cards, brochures, catalogues, magazines,
booklets, flyers, posters, retail displays and adverts that work. We off er creative design work for
print, packaging, identity and digital media. All the way through logo branding, print design to
packaging design and packaging display.


Pamaja Media offer a full-service professional event planning company that specializes in
corporate events, dinner galas, fundraisers, long service awards, grand opening, conferences and
private events. We handle all details involved with the event process so you can focus on what’s
important to you.
We specialize in:
 Corporate events & meeting planning
 Conferences, symposiums & destination meetings
 Fundraisers & formal dinner gala’s
 Long Service Awards & staff recognition events
 Silent & live auctions
 Christmas parties & themed events
 Ground breakings & building openings
 Media & PR events
 Private events & celebrations

Our services include:

Pre-Event Planning
 Budget creation & management
 Detailed critical path and timelines created specifically for your event
 Branding creation and custom marketing strategy
 Social media planning
 Creation of sponsorship packages specific to your event
 Venue booking and contract negotiation
Event Management, Design & Marketing
 Online registration set up and management
 Speaker and sponsor management
 Floor plan layout and décor planning
 Menu creation specific to your event
 Execution of every detail of your event!
 Extensive list of local professionals to help make your event extra special: Entertainers,
photographers, musicians, graphic designers & marketing experts, caterers, audio visual
specialists, florists, rental companies and more.
Onsite Management & Post Event
 Volunteer management
 Onsite set up and day-of management
 Detailed timelines, show flows & MC scripts
 Friendly and trusting staff
 Stage management
 Tear down and clean-up of your event
 Post event summary and follow up

We help manage internal and external media communications and produce content published via
print and online media. We create demand through community engagement within local farming
communities to gather data for qualitative and quantitative research, to disseminate information
and record impact.
Our wide network enables us to gather data, disseminate information and create awareness for
positive change and impact.

We write, speak for partnering SME’s, networking, referring and getting speaking opportunities
with stakeholders in the sector around the world that will enhance growth to small businesses

 Social Media Marketing
 Livestream
 Content Creation
The digital world and the customers in it are changing, Pamaja believes that the work we do must
have a real impact in the online world as well as in the conventional market place. Pamaja helps
organizations reach their full potential through our digital communication services like web
design, social media marketing, content marketing, Search Engine Optimization (SEO).
Service Offerings:
Digital Graphic Design, Web Design and Development, Illustration, Infographic Development,
Layout and Conceptualization.
These skills are used to produce the following:
Annual Reports, Conference Manuals, Financial Reports, Flyers and Leaflets, Brochures,
Training Manuals, Company Profiles, Corporate Profiles, Book Layout, Product Labels, Custom
Packaging, School Diaries, School Yearbooks, Study Guides.

Writing services
Looking for a writing company that addresses all your content needs? We are the one stop
writing agency for you. Try us and see us become your partner in success. Writing services
offered include: business, technical, academic, blog, article, travel writing services plus social
media management and web content writing among others.

Pushing of business, Finance, Entrepreneurship, Investment, and Economy News Feeds through
subscriptions. This is done through direct emails or on Our online platform.

Using our social media channels to share our content to the public


The company is 100% digital with the vision to be available across the continent, interviewing
industry leaders, while keeping pace with global changes and updates.
Corporate, business owners, government, Students News, interviews, short videos


Updates on the economy, legal and regulatory issues, etc.

03. Discover. Explore work.

Source of specialized contents.

 Integrity
 Diligence
 Creativity
 Servanthood
 Teamwork


A modern studio for news broadcast and interviews
Mobile news anchors visiting areas of events and field interviews
Operating YouTube channel for Our online content consumption.

Our Services
ECO SPREW addresses the needs discovered through research undertaken by the
company over a
period of 5 years. Some of these needs include solutions to systemic challenges
facing micro,
small and medium enterprises such as access to affordable finance, insufficient
quality consulting
services, and access to markets. We provide among others the following services:
Business Advisory Services
We help in leading agriculture and food companies navigate
opportunities and the uncertainties driven by changing global
consumer demand, shifting agricultural trends, and digital
Policy Research and Analysis
Our data, research, and analyses quantify productivity
improvements, the sources of improvement, and investigate the
role of the public and private sectors in fostering agricultural
productivity growth through research, education & infrastructure.

Data Handling & Management

We also offer a range of expert data handling and management services,
including the design and
implementation of data collection systems, the establishment of robust
data management processes, and the
analysis and interpretation of data to inform program design and
Monitoring & Evaluation
In addition to our research and data services, we also provide
comprehensive monitoring and evaluation services
to help organizations track the progress and impact of their development
initiatives, identify areas for
improvement, and make informed decisions based on evidence. Our
team has extensive experience in
developing monitoring and evaluation frameworks, collecting and
analysing data, and producing reports that
provide actionable recommendations for program improvement.

Agro-Processing Foods Industry

Pamaja also runs a food manufacturing plant through purchasing, processing and distribution
processed products from maize, rice, sorghum, and Honey Products to our customers. The
company also engages smallholder farmers through contract farming on production which the
company eventually purchases for further processing and packaging. We supply healthy and
nutritious foods under the brand name PAMAJA FOODS across the Tanzania and soon entering
the EAC Market.
Pamaja also offer Transport Solutions to supply our products all over Tanzania, Storage
Solutions our 14 Storage Facilities with a capacity of 28,000MT Kasulu, Sengerema, Dodoma
and Mpanda. And Handling Solutions Our professional Team and Equipment help us to handle
any customer requirements

All our processed are sold in local and export markets with international standards. Pamaja’s
Products are:
i. Flour: Maize & Sorghum
White Sorghum Flour & Red Sorghum Flour.
Maize flour Super Sembe, Pamaja Dona, Sifted Maize Flour
all packed in 5kg, 10kg and 25kg bags.

ii. Grains: Maize, Rice, Sorghum

Whole Maize Flour, Fortified Maize Meal and Maize Bran.
Super Rice (1&2) &, Super Rice (3&4) and Rice Bran
White Sorghum & Red Sorghum all packed in 2kg, 5kg, 10kg and 25kg bags.


Our location is connected to other Lake Zone’s regions such as
Simiyu, Mwanza, Kagera, Mara and Shinyanga Districts.

Our inhouse experts are available for consultation in
Environmental, Nutrition and Marketing needs.

We offer product analysis and transport support from our over
20 fleet trucks to ship purchased products.

Our specialists run regular assessment tests ensure MFC
delivers products of value to our customers.


MFC owns 12 distribution trucks which are being used to supply products all over
the country
and nearby countries. In the early stage of expanding, MUSOMA FOOD
concentrated on the
processing products for the Lake Zone customers.
Due to the company’s increasingly customer focus mechanisms, the products are
delivered to customers as punctually as scheduled. The company now owns 3 retail
in Shinyanga, Musoma and Mwanza.
We Offer Transport Solutions For The Following Products
Across Tanzania & Eastern African Countries:

Pamaja providing Access to affordable consulting, Investments services and quality foods
to Reliable quality farm inputs, Finance & Investments platform and insurance to
smallholder farmers in Tanzania.
agri-business services to individuals, MSMEs agribusinesses, Cooperative, BMOs,
NGOS, Agri-food industry organizations seeking to grow their businesses as they start
and run businesses that create a positive social, economic, decent jobs and improve lives.

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